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SAS in Iraq given 'kill list' of 200 British jihadis

Posted: Sun Nov 06, 2016 5:24 pm
by Nutso
"The hunt is on." ... 00756.html
British special forces in Iraq have reportedly been handed a list of 200 British jihadis to kill before they attempt to return to Britain.

SAS soldiers have been told to “use whatever means possible” to kill or capture the militants, according to the Sunday Times.

The newspaper quoted a senior defence source as saying: “A kill list has been drawn up containing the names of hundreds of very bad people. A lot of them are from the UK. The hunt is now on for British Islamists who have effectively gone off-grid."

“This is a multinational special forces operation. The SAS have their own part of the plan and they will be going after British nationals. This is a kill or capture mission and it has already begun."

“We do not have exact numbers of UK nationals in Iraq. The figures which have been in the press are just estimates. We know there are British people in Iraq, but we have no idea of their identities."

“That’s the challenge we face. There is a lot of international co-operation because it’s regarded as a global problem.”

Estimates suggest there could be up to 700 British jihadis still fighting for Isis in Iraq and Syria. The SAS hit list focuses on the 200 most senior members that pose a direct threat to the UK. Reported to be included are at least 12 bomb-makers who studied electronics at British universities before fleeing to the Middle East to join Isis and other terrorist groups.

The list of British men and women has been compiled from intelligence supplied by MI5, MI6 and GCHQ and is said to include Sally Jones, a mother-of-two from Kent who is now in Syria working as a recruiter for Isis.

Any jihadis captured are likely to be handed over to Iraqi authorities to be tried. They could face execution if found guilty.

Re: SAS in Iraq given 'kill list' of 200 British jihadis

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2016 3:08 am
by Mikey
Hang on. If "we have no idea of their identities," then what exactly does this list comprise?

Re: SAS in Iraq given 'kill list' of 200 British jihadis

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2016 1:25 pm
by IanKennedy
Mikey wrote:Hang on. If "we have no idea of their identities," then what exactly does this list comprise?
very bad person 1
very bad person 2
very bad person 3... :roll:

Re: SAS in Iraq given 'kill list' of 200 British jihadis

Posted: Mon Nov 07, 2016 6:38 pm
by Captain Seafort
Mikey wrote:Hang on. If "we have no idea of their identities," then what exactly does this list comprise?
Going by the article, it sounds like there are about 700 Brits in Syria, causing trouble. Of these, 200 have been positively identified, and will shortly have their troublemaking brought to an abrupt end, while the other 500-ish are a work in progress.

Re: SAS in Iraq given 'kill list' of 200 British jihadis

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2016 12:01 am
by Mikey
According to the article, both identities and numbers are unknown factors.

Re: SAS in Iraq given 'kill list' of 200 British jihadis

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2016 4:18 pm
by Captain Seafort
Mikey wrote:According to the article, both identities and numbers are unknown factors.
That's not how I read it at all, more like "we don't know the identity of every Brit in Syria, and we don't know how many there are in total, but we do know that there are at least 200 and these are their names".

Re: SAS in Iraq given 'kill list' of 200 British jihadis

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2016 7:57 pm
by Nutso
Mikey wrote:According to the article, both identities and numbers are unknown factors.
"We do not have exact numbers of UK nationals in Iraq."

"We know there are British people in Iraq, but we have no idea of their identities."

This isn't directly related to the kill list. The kill list are 200 U.K. Nationals who have been positively identified as servants of Islamic State in Iraq, and the kill or capture order has been issued specifically for them. The quoted statements are general statements pertaining to a belief that there are more Britons who serve Islamic State in Iraq but, as of yet British intelligence has not positively identified them. Notice that further down the article, it was stated that there are estimates of 700 U.K. Nationals who serve in Islamic State. This is just saying, "We suspect there are 700 British I.S. jihadists in Iraq but, so far we have positively identified 200 who pose a threat to the U.K."

Re: SAS in Iraq given 'kill list' of 200 British jihadis

Posted: Tue Nov 08, 2016 11:50 pm
by Mikey
That doesn't seem explicit enough when lives are involved, but I've been drinking hard for a straight hour, so what do I know?