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Captain Mikey Mission #1

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2015 9:06 pm
by Teaos
Captain Mikey Westland

USS Gustav Schröder (Intrepid class)

Captain "Mikey" Westland (formerly Operations)
Command: 40
Ops: 50
Tactical: 40
Science: 35
Engineering: 45

Moral 40/100

Personal and ship: Captain Mikey Westland, newly promoted Captain and former Opps officer has taken command of the recently repaired and rechristened USS Gustav Schroder, an Intrepid class vessel, the ship fought in Dominion war and was on peace keeping duty in Romulan territory after the destruction of Romulus. It suffered heavy damage why patroling Romulan boarders in a raid by rouge Romulans, who resent Federation interference in their territory.

Over half the former crew was killed in the attack, including the Captain and XO and most of the science department. The ship has been in drydock being repaired and refitted and letting the remaining crew get some RnR on Earth.

Mission: You are to take the Gustav to Cardassion space, Although the peace treaty and humanitarian efforts after the war have held for the major powers, numerous smaller powers and rouge groups have taken advantage of the Cardassians ruined military power to raid Cardassian worlds and industry.

You along with two other Federation vessels and what ever Cardassian support they can offer, are to show the flag and offer support to the Cardassian worlds in the sector.

The USS Minsk (Nebula class) is already 2 months into its 4 month mission there, the USS Arol (Miranda refit) is only 2 weeks into its 4 month stint. You are to leave Earth Space dock in 2 days and proceed to Cardassian territory.

(Your orders Captain, remember, this is very open ended, anything goes but you will be reviewed by Starfleet at the end so try to follow Starfleets standard rules and regulations)

Re: Captain Mikey Mission #1

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2015 9:41 pm
by Mikey
Set course at cruise speed for Cardassian space. Send ahead a subspace comm to the Minsk detailing our assignment and suggesting a rendezvous in order to discuss the current situation and disposition needs. CC the skipper of the Arol, but I'm presuming that the captain of the Minsk is the senior captain around, as well as the longest in theater. Also, forward by subspace comm a letter of introduction to the local Cardassian government in the area to which we're headed.

As soon as we are in range of Cardassian space, see if we can get long-range scans of non-aligned shipping, as well as intel on the raiders from the Minsk, the Arol, and the Cardassian authorities.

Re: Captain Mikey Mission #1

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2015 10:05 pm
by Teaos
After 3 weeks at warp you have arrived at the Cardassian sector assigned to you. The Minsk is Currently offering humanitarian aid to a colony suffering from an health outbreak tied to their water supply. They have sent you reports on raids in the area.

There have been rumors or cloaked ships raiding transports in the area, capturing their crews and cargo before destorying the vessels. Several colonies ave also been raided and supplies, most notably replicators have been transported away. There have been no visual contacts on them as yet.

The Arol is only a day away patroling one of the heavy trade routes.

The Cardassians have not provived any information or contact apart from acknowledging your presence crossing the boarder. Your long range sensors show 2 Cardassian warships on long range sensors, along with over 3 dozen individual warp signatures.

The there are 8 colonies in the sector, ranging from 5 thousand to over 30 million.

Re: Captain Mikey Mission #1

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2015 12:19 pm
by Mikey
Teaos wrote:Several colonies ave also been raided and supplies, most notably replicators have been transported away.
OK, let's use the official acknowledgment from the local Cardie government and contact the colonies that have been hit with an eye toward getting their sensor data and any first-hand accounts about the raids.
Teaos wrote:The Arol is only a day away patroling one of the heavy trade routes.
Let's let her know that we will be on standby to help pursue and/or box in any bogeys they might encounter, and request that she do the same for us.
Teaos wrote:Your long range sensors show 2 Cardassian warships on long range sensors, along with over 3 dozen individual warp signatures.
Can we determine if any of those signatures are not Cardassian or typical civilian freighters or the like? If there are any anomalous signatures in that group, let's do a more detailed analysis.

Also, let's do a regular sensor sweep of the most popular trade routes and the paths into the largest colonial systems out here... let's say hourly?

Re: Captain Mikey Mission #1

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2015 4:14 pm
by Teaos
You contact every Caradassian colony and outpost, most achknowledge you transmition and agree to communications, of all the locations that have been raided, all of them refuse any direct aid or communication and insist they are fine. Only one of the larger colonies with several cities responds with full data and sensor readings of the attack, it is sent from of the cities, while the larger and chief of the cities on the planet had sent you a responce insisiting they needed no aid and had no records.

The Arol achknowledges you request and informs you that it will be patroling the heavy trade routs in the sector where many of the raids have been happening.

Your annaysis of the warp signals in the area suggest that all of them or of at least Cardassian design, or common commercial designs with variations with in normal margins of error.

Re: Captain Mikey Mission #1

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2015 10:27 pm
by Mikey
Hmmm. As Lewis Carroll said, curiouser and curiouser. OK, no need to ruffle any further feathers; let's respond to all those raided colonies and tell them thanks for responding, if they don't want our help we won't force it on them. I'd like to send a coded message to the city that responded though - tight beam so that the larger city doesn't see us talking to them - and see if they have any idea why the other colonies would try to protect their attackers. Of course, we'll analyze the data sent and see what we can learn about the attackers.

We'll keep up the hourly long-range sensor sweeps of the routes into the largest colonies, and see if we can determine a pattern to the attacks. If any such pattern is detected, we'll set a course at cruising speed for the next target in the pattern.

Re: Captain Mikey Mission #1

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2015 12:35 pm
by Teaos
Your analysis of the data shows the raids have tended to either be on larger established colonies with industrial capability, or on very new ones still setting up. Only one has been attacked more than once though, after the initial attack none of them reported any further contacts, infact many seemed to have stepped down on their defense systems. The attacks on transport and cargo ships seems to be rather random, although of note is the very small number of casualties involved.

The city that responded to you requests a meeting, specifying that they dont want to risk subspace communications, but that they are unable to come directly to you with out raising suspicions.

Re: Captain Mikey Mission #1

Posted: Fri Jul 17, 2015 11:15 pm
by Mikey
OK, set course for that colony at a leisurely warp 4, and hail the local Cardassian government to tell them we'll be just doing some random checks on various transport routes and colonial centers, but we will not interfere with any day-to-day business of either the colonies or shipping. Meanwhile, let's confirm (secretly, as before, of course) that we know who to contact and how to find him at that city.

In the meantime, lets do a little research into the history of the local colonies and the background of their leaders.

Re: Captain Mikey Mission #1

Posted: Sat Jul 18, 2015 10:41 am
by Teaos
The sector has been under the Cardassian Empire for well over 400 years, with several of the Colonies having histories dating back to the founding of the empire. After the war and the devastation cause to the boarder worlds and especially the interior, this sector was one of the least effected (Although still ravaged).

You proceed to the colony at warp 4, the local goverment allows you to proceed but asks that you don't perform any form of scanning as they are currently performing some stella cartography in the area and dont want it interrupted.

Re: Captain Mikey Mission #1

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 2:18 am
by Mikey
Lets dig a little deeper into the research, see if we can establish any patterns or noticeable ommissions regarding this sector being less affected after the war. Any offensives or incursions that seemed to have stopped in the area without any obvious military cause, anything of that nature?

Inform the colonial government that we will suspend all active scanning once within range of the colony (and do so.) Once we arrive, see if there are any oddities about traffic patterns, import or export traffic being unbalanced, etc. Then, of course, let's meet the contact at the secondary city with whom we arranged to meet. Let's make sure we have a shielded location, and beam a 1:1 security contingent in a half-minute before the envoy team.

Re: Captain Mikey Mission #1

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 5:11 pm
by Teaos
The isolated nature of the sector, not being between the core of Cardassian space and many of its antagonistic enemies spared it a full brutality of war, but it was ravaged by the Klingons and latter Dominion during the final days of the war.

The more recent attacks have seemed to focus on targets with heavy industry and mineral wealth, while starting off on smaller targets the attacks have increased in size and scope that even Lardosa, the largest settlement in the area with planetary shields was raided several months back. The vast majority of the world that have been targeted have if anything dialed back their defence, but many have seen a marked increase in outbound trade traffic.

You meet your contact who turns out to be a secondary minister, he informs you that after the attack, the planets prefect informed them that they were to increase production of their alloys and ore production (Their primary trade good) by 40%, and that they no longer needed a defence force. He has no idea where the goods are going to or the specifics of who negotiated this new treaty.

Re: Captain Mikey Mission #1

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 5:32 pm
by Mikey
Let's see if we can engage in diplomatic communication with this prefect. Hail on official channels; explain that we are here for assistance only with the sanction of the Cardassian government, and ask if we can meet in the interest of fact-finding.

Re: Captain Mikey Mission #1

Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 8:46 pm
by Teaos
He declines all form of communication and demands that you vacate the area immediatly as your presence is interfering with their daily oppreations.

Re: Captain Mikey Mission #1

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2015 4:49 am
by Mikey
Teaos wrote:He declines all form of communication and demands that you vacate the area immediatly as your presence is interfering with their daily oppreations.
Hmm. Okay, let's explain to him that we are here as Federation representatives by specific sanction of the Cardassian government; we will not interfere with his operations, but cannot vacate our mission by leaving the area until an authorization request is approved by Cardassian sector administration, forwarded to Starfleet, approved by the local admiral, and then sent on to the UFP ambassadorial department for final approval to be returned to us. We will be happy to begin the process if he so chooses, we will send it along with our pending requests for information about the local increase in ore production.

Re: Captain Mikey Mission #1

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2015 7:04 pm
by Teaos
You forward your message to the planet.

Latter that day your "contact" has mysteriously vanished along with numerous other people in the leadership of the secondary city along with several in the primary.

You also detect a heavily encrypted transmission leaving the planet from the main governmental complex. It has the highest level encoding used by the Cardassian empire.

While there has been no "official" reaction to your continued presence, you have noticed the ship traffic in the area has dropped dramatically and the power output in their 3 powerplants has increased by close to 30% although as of yet is not directed anywhere.