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Dumpy little shuttle!

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2015 11:44 am
by Graham Kennedy
Originally I set out to make this because I was working on a big ship; I made a pair of hangar bays for it, and wanted to show a ship sitting inside. The ship was from the Coalition timeline but well before the Coalition existed, so none of the current stuff was suitable. I planned to knock together something really quick and simple, but in the event it turned out as a much more complex design. I love how it turned out... little, kinda dumpy and squat, a bit cool with those little angled wings. Those are from the Lockheel F-104 Starfighter incidentally, though they fold up to save space in the hangar. Making the glass windows was really hard, partly because the body has a lot of faces, so selecting a good sized window means selecting hundreds of them - and it's very difficult to do that symetrically! But also I used a "solidify" function to give some thickness to the hull walls, without realising that this means there's a set of faces on the outside of the model, and another set on the inside - so I not only have to select hundreds of faces, but then have to do it all over again with the faces underneath those. Fortunately having the big hole in the back meant I could rotate the model and look up its backside to select them from there!

Notice that in one shot, you can see that the pilot has no legs! Unlike the spacesuited figure, the "standard man" figure I found online isn't poseable, so the only way to get him sitting down is to chop his legs off and sit the legless torso on a chair. Usually I pick angles where you can't see that, but here I flubbed.

Any suggestions for a name for this class? It's human-built, from a time when mankind was ruled by an Imperial structure, so something from that kind of culture, but suitable for a simply ground-to-orbit shuttle is needed.





Re: Dumpy little shuttle!

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2015 11:51 pm
by Graham Kennedy
Shuttle launch from an Avenger class destroyer.


Come on, no class name suggestions? Though I admit, Dumpy is actually growing on me as a class name...

Re: Dumpy little shuttle!

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2015 2:15 am
by Mikey
For some reason I can't explain, I like types of sea birds for shuttles. Petrel-class, perhaps?

Re: Dumpy little shuttle!

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2015 8:36 pm
by Graham Kennedy
Not bad at all.

So now with the quigh quality people inside...


