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DFSB: The Dominion War arc

Posted: Tue May 07, 2013 8:53 pm
by Teaos
These are old reviews and I think we have talked about most of them before, but I just watched these in a group as they are all part of a single arc, and the accompaning reviews on the war as a whole a Dukat.

Really worth a watch together and gets you thinking about the way DS9 handled war in trek.

Blaze of Glory

In the Cards

A time to Stand

Rocks and Shoals - a great episode

Sons and Daughters

Behind the Lines

Favor the Bold

Sacrifice of Angels

And the overvewi of The war, and Dukat.

As usualy Chuck does a good job of making meh episodes like Sons and Daughter entertaing by making fun of Martok, and provides a nice view of DS9 as a whole.