District 9 and The day the earth stood still

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District 9 and The day the earth stood still

Post by Lighthawk »

Had myself a sci-fi movie day yesterday.

TDTESS: I'm not going to spend much time on this, as it already wasted enough of my time as it is. So, to the lowlights of this crap.
Plot: Weak weak weak.
Alien guy comes to earth to judge us on whether or not we should be allowed to live basically. There are apparently so few planets capable of supporting life in the cosmos that they find it unacceptable to let us live if it means we're going to kill of the planet (let the eco-freaks rejoice now). However this guy's mission is turned on its head as another of his kind has been on the planet for the last 70 years judging us, and the two meet up in secret to discuss our fate, but only after the new arrival makes a blatant Everyone Look At Me entrance, gets shot, patched up, and then has to escape. Oh and he said something about meeting with our world leaders at some point but that never actually happens. Anyway, the old scout alien tell him that we'll never learn, always gunna be destructive, yadda yadaa, new alien starts end of the world super weapon, but then changes his mind thanks to spending too much time with the movie heroin who in a couple of hours somehow manages to convince this guy that the scout's last 70 years of intelligence gathering must have missed something. World doesn't end, oh joy.
The government: Does EVERYTHING wrong! Partial list includes
1) Unknown object heading to earth at doomsday speed, gunna hit new york and nuke it. Gathers together team of scientists for...some reason. Hey, space thingy is coming, we need scientists dammit! No time to stop the impact, just to clean up afterwards, so they fly all the scientists...right...over...new york...just as the object is coming in. WTF? Thank god it was only an alien glowy space pod and not some bit of space debris on a collision course.

2) Shoot the alien who is just standing there. Yup, good job people, way to kick start that inter-galactic relations.

3) Hold said alien prisoner after patching up the gun wound you gave him, even though after shooting him his uber battle bot came out and shut down all your gathered forces in a few seconds and only didn't destroy you because he told it to stop.

4) While alien is on the run, antagonize said uber bot by launching missiles at it while it stands around doing nothing. I swear, the US was TRYING to pick a fight, there is no other explanation for what they were doing in this movie.

Beyond that, we also had a kid who served NO PURPOSE other than to be a true piece of shit. Seriously, I wanted this kid dead. Not hurt, not scared, not to learn the error of his ways, DEAD.

Okay, onto something better, District 9.

I think this was a good movie, I just didn't enjoy it that much. The story is good, and it rings frighteningly true on the subject of minority groups, which is what the Prawns were. The start however was just too slow for me, and things took too much of a turn into the absurd
with the alien fuel source acting like TMNT mutagen and turning the guy into a hybrid human/Prawn thing.

The action bits were pretty good, it was great fun to watch the Prawn battlesuit rampage around and turn people into chunky salsa, the lightning gun was just one of those alien weapons that makes you laugh to watch used because no other reaction feels appropriate enough to cover it.

The end of the movie is rather much of a downer, and looks pretty bad for the humans. I'd say in 3 years we're about to be royally screwed.

Overall I found this an odd movie to watch, because it really is the best movie I've ever seen that I didn't like.
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Re: District 9 and The day the earth stood still

Post by Mikey »

Are you talking about the "real" The Day The Earth Stood Still, or the Keanu Reeves abomination? The former was a keystone of socially-conscious sci-fi; the latter was a waste of two hours and a lot of celluloid.
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Re: District 9 and The day the earth stood still

Post by Lighthawk »

The latter. Dear god it was painful. The only thing that got me through the movie was the car wreak syndrome.
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Re: District 9 and The day the earth stood still

Post by SolkaTruesilver »

I kinda like the depiction of the technology which scares me the most: nanotechnology.

Seeing billions of nanites devouring anything that comes in their path. I am sorry, but that is serious nightmare fuel for me.
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Re: District 9 and The day the earth stood still

Post by stitch626 »

Those bugs could have been a movie by themselves.
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Re: District 9 and The day the earth stood still

Post by Lighthawk »

SolkaTruesilver wrote:I kinda like the depiction of the technology which scares me the most: nanotechnology.

Seeing billions of nanites devouring anything that comes in their path. I am sorry, but that is serious nightmare fuel for me.
I hate the all purpose nature that fiction tends to give to nanites, they've become magical science. And the idea of the ravaging nanite swarm just ignores so much real science.
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Re: District 9 and The day the earth stood still

Post by Tyyr »

Yeah, I'm not real wild about the idea anymore. I'd rather seem some realistically depicted ones.
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Re: District 9 and The day the earth stood still

Post by SolkaTruesilver »

Lighthawk wrote:
SolkaTruesilver wrote:I kinda like the depiction of the technology which scares me the most: nanotechnology.

Seeing billions of nanites devouring anything that comes in their path. I am sorry, but that is serious nightmare fuel for me.
I hate the all purpose nature that fiction tends to give to nanites, they've become magical science. And the idea of the ravaging nanite swarm just ignores so much real science.
Please tell how it would be realistically depicted
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Re: District 9 and The day the earth stood still

Post by Tyyr »

Well you wouldn't seem them just dissolving something the size of a truck in seconds.
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Re: District 9 and The day the earth stood still

Post by Lighthawk »

SolkaTruesilver wrote:Please tell how it would be realistically depicted
Very slowly. This things are basically mechanical germs. Their artificial nature might, might make them more efficient and more focused, but they are still working on a very very very tiny scale. You are very unlikely to see the all devouring, self replicating swarm effect, simply because there is no way they could be building more of themselves in any realistic way. Unless they can pick apart matter on a sub-atomic scale to make the exact elements they are made of, the odds of finding the right material in the right quantities to build more or themselves are pretty low. And I don't even want to get into all the problems involved with them if they can rearrange sub-atomic particles.

Then there is a power source, what exactly are these things running on?
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Re: District 9 and The day the earth stood still

Post by Nickswitz »

Plus, they have no possible way of "flying" through the air like they did in this movie, and all the other movies they seem to be in. Not only are they so small they wouldn't be properly powered, but also they are so small they couldn't have any real propulsion.
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Re: District 9 and The day the earth stood still

Post by Lighthawk »

Nickswitz wrote:Plus, they have no possible way of "flying" through the air like they did in this movie, and all the other movies they seem to be in. Not only are they so small they wouldn't be properly powered, but also they are so small they couldn't have any real propulsion.
Never mind that these nanites were winged. Even assuming they managed to make that work, they would have been completely at the mercy of the wind.
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Re: District 9 and The day the earth stood still

Post by Tyyr »

Wait... wings? Are these nanites or just small robots? At nanoscale I'm fairly certain that "flight" isn't actually possible with wings because of the scale of the actual air molecules in relation to the "wing".
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Re: District 9 and The day the earth stood still

Post by Lighthawk »

Tyyr wrote:Wait... wings? Are these nanites or just small robots? At nanoscale I'm fairly certain that "flight" isn't actually possible with wings because of the scale of the actual air molecules in relation to the "wing".
It was hard to say really. The first look we got at them really suggested micro at least, though by the end of the movie we saw some that were the size of gnats. So either they came in different sizes, or they were pulling a Defiant scaling. Either way though, the swarm was moving way too fast with too much control for something that small.
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Re: District 9 and The day the earth stood still

Post by SolkaTruesilver »

I still find the whole idea of microrobots tearing everything to shred and building more of themselves to be scary as hell.

Some people have nightmares about spider. Me, it's nanites.
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