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Delta Mission Comments and Discussion

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 3:37 am
by Mark
Ok, I'm opening this thread as we move closer to mission launch. As named, discussions pertaining to Delta Mission should go here.

I've transferred over the surviving and existing NPCs from Gamma, and for the most part left them alone. A few rules involving NPCs.

1. A PC will always trump an NPC. If you have an NPC security chief, and a PC decided he wants that job, the PC will always get it.

2. You don't kill other peoples NPCs without consent.

3. If you've got an NPC, make SOME effort to try and incorporate them into your story. Otherwise, they just become names on a roster.

4. If you've got an NPC you want added, post it in the Peanut Gallery, and either Mikey or I will move it to the appropriate thread.

Re: Delta Mission Comments and Discussion

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 5:30 am
by Sonic Glitch
Mark in another thread wrote:She and Chief McDuff consider each other archenemies. She detests the old man and his archaic and outdated methods. She considers him a fossil that has no business meddling with modern technology. She left the Ravage after returning to the Gamma Quadrant, and served for three years overseeing the design of a classified new class of Starship. However, after a charge of insubordination from the head of Utopia Planetia, she found herself arbitrarily transferred back aboard the Ravage as a SILO, who is responsible for insuring the proper function of their new sensor pod.
Oh this is going to be good. Is it just me or do we have the misfit crew? :lol:

Re: Delta Mission Comments and Discussion

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 3:28 pm
by Reliant121
I'm liking the brief. Whats the process of investigation, where we start and such like?

Re: Delta Mission Comments and Discussion

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 4:38 pm
by Mikey
Reliant121 wrote:I'm liking the brief. Whats the process of investigation, where we start and such like?
We'll get a debriefing in person from Grayling and Sinclair.

I.e., I don't know yet and I haven't discussed it with Mark. ;)

Re: Delta Mission Comments and Discussion

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 4:47 pm
by Reliant121

No worries, man.

Re: Delta Mission Comments and Discussion

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 5:03 pm
by Sonic Glitch
"Purgatory Cluster" -- Oh this bodes well... :lol:

Re: Delta Mission Comments and Discussion

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 5:13 pm
by Mark
Sonic Glitch wrote:
Mark in another thread wrote:She and Chief McDuff consider each other archenemies. She detests the old man and his archaic and outdated methods. She considers him a fossil that has no business meddling with modern technology. She left the Ravage after returning to the Gamma Quadrant, and served for three years overseeing the design of a classified new class of Starship. However, after a charge of insubordination from the head of Utopia Planetia, she found herself arbitrarily transferred back aboard the Ravage as a SILO, who is responsible for insuring the proper function of their new sensor pod.
Oh this is going to be good. Is it just me or do we have the misfit crew? :lol:

Oh, we have our same band of rogues. I took the liberty of adding to McDuffs bio that Lewis promoted him to Lt. Cmdr against his objections, like we talked about, so if you wanna to that scene, we can easily do so through a flashback.

I liked the tension we had last time between McDuff and Jordan. You've got him with his carried over TOS/TMP sensabilities, and her with her TNG approach. Should be fun. We've still got the Pah'wraith worshiper as well as the on again/off again tac and sec officer. I left her under Uzume's command as a pain in Tsuki/or Uzume's rears.

Re: Delta Mission Comments and Discussion

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 5:16 pm
by Sonic Glitch
Mark wrote:
Sonic Glitch wrote:
Mark in another thread wrote:She and Chief McDuff consider each other archenemies. She detests the old man and his archaic and outdated methods. She considers him a fossil that has no business meddling with modern technology. She left the Ravage after returning to the Gamma Quadrant, and served for three years overseeing the design of a classified new class of Starship. However, after a charge of insubordination from the head of Utopia Planetia, she found herself arbitrarily transferred back aboard the Ravage as a SILO, who is responsible for insuring the proper function of their new sensor pod.
Oh this is going to be good. Is it just me or do we have the misfit crew? :lol:

Oh, we have our same band of rogues. I took the liberty of adding to McDuffs bio that Lewis promoted him to Lt. Cmdr against his objections, like we talked about, so if you wanna to that scene, we can easily do so through a flashback.

I liked the tension we had last time between McDuff and Jordan. You've got him with his carried over TOS/TMP sensabilities, and her with her TNG approach. Should be fun. We've still got the Pah'wraith worshiper as well as the on again/off again tac and sec officer. I left her under Uzume's command as a pain in Tsuki/or Uzume's rears.
Oh, i very much like the combination it just seems like we've got the biggest gang of misfits to ever crew a starship :D

Re: Delta Mission Comments and Discussion

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 5:20 pm
by Mark
I'm intentionally leaving this open a bit. I have a vauge outline as to what is gonna happen, but I want to leave some room to improvise.

We are going to sector 1121 (codenamed Limbo) as an investigative/seach and rescue force. The mission brief has everything you need to know so far. At warp 8 along the highway, it took nearly 10 weeks to arrive, a distance that under normal speed would have taken 10 months, so we are cut off from the general fleet.

We will have the official briefing in about a week and we will embark on our search. We already have our bad guys ready, but I'm keeping them secret for now. We can spend the first phase of the mission exploring space, chasing rumors, and even making first contact.

Either Mikey or I will narrate posts phasing in the bad guys when we are ready for them to appear. Yes, you'll be surprised.

Once some questions are answered and we meet the enemy, we'll move into the next phase of the mission.

Re: Delta Mission Comments and Discussion

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 5:26 pm
by Mark
I was brainstorming (ie daydreaming) Sonic, and I think your right.

We have a maverick Captain whose former intelligence, whose traing an XO who is "one of the Kennedy family in space", who until recently wanted nothing to do with command.

A hotshot conn officer, a tac/ops officer who the XO has a crush on, yet who is in love with the security chief, who's a former assassin (and both are smokin' hot chics).

An engineer whose so old, he remembers when ships were buit the right way and comes up with crazy engineering plans to make the ship to miricles, and who refuses to let anyone (the Captain included), call him anything but "Chief", and who tends to bark at people, no matter how many pips on their collar. Then our slew of "unique" NPCs.

Yes, misfits is definetly one way of putting it :mrgreen:

Re: Delta Mission Comments and Discussion

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 5:52 pm
by Sonic Glitch
:lol: So when are we pitching this to CBS?

Also, I have a strange feeling the Captain may call our engineer "Commander" once in a while just to piss him off...

Re: Delta Mission Comments and Discussion

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 5:56 pm
by Mark
I don't see that as impossible. It'll be fun watching Commander Sinclair interact with his uncle, Vice-Admiral Sinclair.

I'm going to use the oppurtunity to establish just how different Jordan is. In his bio, he has already turned down a command his grandfather offered him, to stay on the Ravage because neither he nor Lewis thought he was ready. Thus he's in the family shithouse again, just like when all he wanted to be was an engineer.

Re: Delta Mission Comments and Discussion

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 6:04 pm
by Mikey
And I'm glad that you wrote up Grayling as personable and well-liked. That'll make it that much more fun when Mikey butts heads with him.

Re: Delta Mission Comments and Discussion

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 6:05 pm
by Sonic Glitch
Mark wrote:I don't see that as impossible. It'll be fun watching Commander Sinclair interact with his uncle, Vice-Admiral Sinclair.

I'm going to use the oppurtunity to establish just how different Jordan is. In his bio, he has already turned down a command his grandfather offered him, to stay on the Ravage because neither he nor Lewis thought he was ready. Thus he's in the family shithouse again, just like when all he wanted to be was an engineer.
Hm.. Interesting. i suppose essentially he's looking for his "niche"? It may surprise and disappoint the family that he is comfortable as an executive officer and doesn't necessarily aspire to a higher command -- yet.
I like our gang of misfits. I kind of see the captain/our ship as almost the "second chance" ship. I'd say after coming from SI Lewis probably has a unique perspective on how to accomplish things. It's more of a "You're good at what you do? You're hired." I.E. He'll higher an ex-Tal Shiar agent as a Tactical Officer because he believes she can do the job, or promote a stagnant Chief Engineer to XO because he knows he can do it. And then when the time comes, when they've made up for whatever black mark is on their record, or proven their competence to whomever is judging them, they get launched onto their new career.

You know what I mean?

Re: Delta Mission Comments and Discussion

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 6:27 pm
by Mark
Lets be fair, Sinclair wasn't a screwup. He just had no ambition to command until Lewis promoted him. His main motivation is he didn't want to end up and an ambitious and career hungry ass like the rest of his family. He was more happy as an engineer as anything, but is discovering you don't have to be a prick to command. :lol:

Wait, that still makes him a misfit, doesn't it?