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Zombie killer roll call

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 9:20 pm
by Mikey
Post your character sheets.

Re: Zombie killer roll call

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 11:07 pm
by Lighthawk
Name: Brooke Lynn
Age: 23
Height/Weight: 5'8"/134lbs
Build: Athletic
Appearance: Jaw length black hair, slender figure, tomboy style of dress.
Attitude: Overly self confident, hates to be wrong or require help.
Occupation: Sous chef
Skills: Parkour, first aid (lots of practice resulting from former skill), cooking.

Brooke loves the out of doors, but less so nature. She is a city girl well at home in the urban environment, most especially the city streets. Whether on foot or motorcycle, she gets her thrills weaving through, around, and sometimes over whatever gets in her way. She's also a bit of a health nut, preferring an all natural, organic diet, and believes that fast food is as bad as drugs and smoking as far as poisoning people.

Base abilities
(30) Weapon Skill (melee)
(30) Ballistic Skill (firearms)
(40) Strength
(40) Toughness
(60) Agility
(30) Intelligence (+10 medical checks)
(40) Perception
(30) Willpower
(30) Fellowship

Re: Zombie killer roll call

Posted: Wed Nov 10, 2010 11:45 pm
by Nickswitz
Name: Ryan Bronklin
Age: 22

Works in the computer field, although not by choice, likes working with people but family was too poor to afford college education and he quickly learned the computer trade. He knows computers well, but like helping people more, and will usually do so at the expense of his own well being. He grew up in a decently rural area, knows how to use most basic firearms (shotgun, hunting rifle, handgun) decently, although not the best shot with them. He's gotten good at wiring things, hot-wiring cars, making explosives, and the such as needed.

Base abilities

(30) Weapon Skill (melee)
(30) Ballistic Skill (firearms)
(30) Strength
(30) Toughness
(30) Agility
(40) Intelligence
(40) Perception
(30) Willpower
(50) Fellowship

Re: Zombie killer roll call

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 3:37 am
by Mikey
Name: Zach DeFalco
Age: 26
Height: 5' 11"
Weight: 183 lbs.

Zach grew up in a typical Italian-American family, close to a large extended family which gathered often for holidays and other excuses to cook and eat large amounts of food. In high school, in an effort to "fit in" with his family's expectations, he played football and even earned a varsity letter as a starting safety. However, his small size (for a football player) and relative lack of dedication kept him out of college-level athletics, and he soon left college in order to make some easy money in local rackets with a group of hometown small-time hoods. When one of his buddies got 7 - 10 for weapon possession and assault, though, Zach rethought his decision and went back to one of his first loves - cars. Soon, Zach had found the dedication which he didn't have in school or sports, and went on to become an A-class tech working at various dealerships and shops.

While he enjoys cooking and eating, as well as the occasional booze or beer, Zach also tends to work out according to his old high school football regimen - although now, it's as much in order to work the beach body for the ladies as it is to perform on the field.

Base abilities

(30) Weapon Skill (melee)
(30) Ballistic Skill (firearms)
(50) Strength
(40) Toughness
(50) Agility
(30) Intelligence
(40) Perception
(30) Willpower
(30) Fellowship

Re: Zombie killer roll call

Posted: Thu Nov 11, 2010 10:49 pm
by stitch626
Name: Brian Ortega
Appearance: Latino, dark hair and eyes
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 170lbs
Age: 30ish
Job: auto mechanic

Brian likes working with his hands, especially fixing cars. Can fix any gasoline car, as long as its fixable. Can easily hotwire a vehicle. Doesn't mind getting dirty to get a job done.

Base abilities

(30) Weapon Skill
(30) Ballistic Skill
(40) Strength
(30) Toughness
(30) Agility
(40) Intelligence
(40) Perception
(30) Willpower
(30) Fellowship

Re: Zombie killer roll call

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 3:25 am
by Mark
Name: Talwin Hawkins
Age: 34
Height/Weight: 5'11"/185lbs
Build: Slightly muscular
Appearance: Caucasian, black hair, brown eyes, clean shaven.

Attitude: Self assured, witty quick with a joke, and oozes sexual appeal (women who hate him find themselves sleeping with him), charming and likable, but can be quite cocky and arrogant as well.

Occupation: Movie Star
Skills: Acting, quick memorization, firearms, melee weapons (mainly the sword and throwing blades), hand to hand combat, basic demolitions, make up, voice impersonations.

Tal won't say where he's originally from, or much about his past. It is clear that his martial arts and weapons skills are authentic, but unknown how or where he developed them. At first,he found work at a Hollywood studio as a stuntman. He was "discovered" about three years ago, and has since become one of the most popular faces in movies today, mainly in action roles, but with credits including romance, comedy, drama, and horror.

Tal is friendly, charming, devastatingly handsome, witty, funny, and all together an awesome guy to be around. Men want to be his friends, and women want to be his lovers.

Base abilities

(40) Weapon Skill (melee) = 30+10
(40) Ballistic Skill (firearms) = 30+10
(40) Strength (strong like bull) = 30+10
(40) Toughness (heal and take injury) =30+10
(30) Agility (how fast you are) = 30
(30) Intelligence (homer simpson!) = 30
(40) Perception (senses and use) = 30+10 bonus
(30) Willpower (Mental status) = 30
(50) Fellowship (charisma) = 30+20 bonus

Hummer (vehicle)
Carried on person
1 light double edged sword
1 9mm H&K MP5 (1 mag-21/30 rounds)
1 9mm H&K MP5K (1/30 round mag)
2 9mm Beretta (1/16 round mag)
1 can Mace
1 High Powered Stinger Flashlight
1 set SWAT tactical body armour (chest protecter)
Sawed off Remington .12 gauge shotgun (8/8 round capacity) with 48 shells
M1903 with 19 clips five round clips (5/5 rounds loaded)

In Car
3 9mm H&K MP5Ks (empty)
1 .45 Colt M1911 (empty)
1 light double edged sword
1 6 D cell Mag flashlight
1 can Mace
2 Remington .12 gauge shotguns (8 round capacity) with 48 shells
Empty mags for weapons

Re: Zombie killer roll call

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 9:20 pm
by Tsukiyumi
Name: James MacKinnon
Age: 31
Height/Weight: 6'2"/188lbs
Build: Wiry
Appearance: Scruffy mid-length brown hair, disheveled, generally unkempt work clothes.
Occupation: odd jobs.

Skills: decent marksman with small arms, skill with bludgeoning weapons and blades, wilderness survival skills, extensive mechanical knowledge. Good understanding of chemistry.

Bio: Growing up in Flagstaff, Arizona, James (or Jim to his friends) was a generally solitary person; after his tour of duty in the army was over, he put his skills from the motor pool to use, working as a mechanic at various low-end garages before getting fired for drinking several times. He then gained employment through his uncle, doing random maintenance on "company" trucks, and occasionally acting as muscle for the less legal side of the business. He's a no-nonsense, quiet man of action who knows his limitations and plays to his strengths. He always keeps a cool head in a crisis, and has a long fuse and a knack for defusing heated situations.

Base abilities

(30) Weapon Skill (melee)
(50) Ballistic Skill (firearms)
(40) Strength
(40) Toughness
(40) Agility
(40) Intelligence (+20 to vehicle rolls)
(40) Perception
(30) Willpower
(30) Fellowship