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Delta mission peanut gallery

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2010 3:24 am
by Mikey
OK, kids, here's the sign-up sheet. Post bios and postings. Take your time.

BTW, Stitch - there's openings for almost anything on the USS Daystrom.... if the same characters remain, then Mark has our CMO and Reliant has our ops officer. I don't foresee Thorin or Shran coming back to claim their XO/chief engineer or bosun characters, but I guess we'll see over the next few days. Dunno what's gonna be available on the other ships, or which other ships will be around.

Re: Delta mission peanut gallery

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2010 3:38 am
by Mikey
Captain M'karn "Mikey" W'trisk
CO, USS Daystrom
race: Andorian
age: 53 yrs.
specs: 5'9"; 172 lbs. (approx. 78 kg); skin: blue; hair: white

background: somewhat of a troubled youth - minor legal brushes - but turned around in time to attend Starfleet Academy and graduate in top third of class. One five-year deep-space exploration tour on the Niagara-class Makamaka'ole out of the Academy as an ensign assigned to conn, followed by a three-year tour as Lt. j.g. as a junior tactical officer on the New Orleans-class USS Stilwell on picket/escort/patrol duty. Loyal and respectful of the chain of command, but can be a hothead... tries to control himself with meditation and traditional Andorian version of pankration.

Following the battle with the Neutronium Brotherhood, Mikey served as the XO of the Nebula-class USS Gage for three years, and then as captain of his old ships the Stilwell (2 years) and the Makamaka'ole (5 years) before being awarded command of the Daystrom. Upon becoming a captain, Mikey received an unexpected message from his father; it simply said, "I'm proud." After this subconscious dambusting, Mikey's ruthless pragmatism mellowed somewhat in favor of a more reflective mentality. This change has since been mitigated by his father's accidental death occurring before Mikey could visit home.

Following the Daystrom's mission in the Gamma Quadrant, prospects were considered good for W'trisk's promotion... except for Commodore Grayling's report on the captain's impulsiveness and near-insubordination. While W'trisk's successful rescue of many marines made any action against him politically unfeasible, it didn't prevent him from being denied advancement.

Re: Delta mission peanut gallery

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2010 4:08 am
by Mikey
Lieutenant Grr'lek
race: Caitian
age: 41
Current assignment: strategic operations officer, USS Paladin

- tall, slim, brown-furred; prior experience as an operations supervisor on a starbase; by nature somewhat aloof and reserved, sometimes seems to be almost lax, but this is due to the extreme precision and economy he excercises in words and in actions.

After the Neutronium Brotherhood battle, Grr'lek remained with the Daystrom at Starbase T-12 to assist with her repair and refit; he remained as a liaison for the civilian UFP presence in the area for three years, then served another five in operations on various Starbases. He was finally reunited with Captain W'trisk aboard the Stilwell, who then recommended him for the Romulan liaison position for the Gamma Quadrant mission.

Following Grr'lek's ad hoc nomination to centurion aboard the RSE Lacron, Starfleet requested that he remain aboard and then become a Starfleet attache to the Romulan Star Navy once the Lacron returned home - a position which was busier than it sounded thanks to the rebuilding state of the Romulan Empire. In an interesting turn of events the brevet office which Grr'lek had achieved was considered to be reservist in nature to allow for his attache post, but was never voided in order to expedite his dealings with the RSN bureaucracy. Thusly, Grr'lek is now both a Starfleet lieutenant and a Romulan centurion, and wears the baldric and belt of the Romulan Star Navy over his Starfleet uniform on occasions of state or diplomacy.

Re: Delta mission peanut gallery

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2010 5:11 am
by Lt. Staplic
I'm not sure what kind of spot there will be for Marines, but hopefully the new twist will give him a spot some where, if not let me know and i'll take him down.

Name: James N. Corrin

Age: 28

Rank: 1st Lieutenant (O-2)

Position: Team Member (TBD)

Species: Human

Appearance: James is about 6'2" with a slightly deceiving build. He has a medium to light build but possesses almost no body fat and is in great physical shape. His has dark hair which is naturally curly, however, to avoid dealing with it, as he hates to do, he keeps it relatively short. He has deep blue eyes in contrast to his dark hair and perfectly straight white teeth which he shows off when he smiles, though he does this rarely.

Personality: James is a very seclusive individual. He can be social when he needs to be but he prefers to spend much of his time alone or with what few good friends he has. He's very disciplined and will follow orders, but he's also very smart and thinks through his orders instead of following them blindly. He's not easily angered, but once he is it is like an eruption. His trust and respect are also hard to gain but once it is he treats you like family. Similarly once that trust is broken it is never offered again.

History: James wanted to join Starfleet much like his older brother and father had done, however when he enrolled at the academy he couldn't make the same connection to it as they had. He dropped his senior year and was about to find another job when an old teacher approached him about applying to the Marine Training School. He did and found this new branch much more to his liking. After the first course he applied to the Marine Officers Institute and graduated with honors. He served briefly as a 2nd Lieutenant on a Starbase near the Romulan Neutral Zone. After this he was promoted to 1st Lieutenant and took command of a new Platoon. They were moved through the Federation staying on Starbases occasionally being posted to ships, then to planetary defense. They were chosen along with a few other platoons to form a Battalion stationed on the refitted Intrepid Class ship USS Valkyrie as the main non-ship fighting force for the mission into the Gamma Quadrant.

Following the mission James was removed from active duty to be debriefed and treated for the physical and mental damage he had endured during the massacre on the Dominion Station and subsequent capture. His mental toughness was discovered in the way he successfully endured the torture they were subject too while making a plan that eventually lead to their escape.

Following his release to return to active duty James was approached by to officers from Special Operations to recruit him. After accepting James disappeared for the next three months as he underwent a grueling training regiment designed for the missions of the Marine Special Operations. This training has hardened James even more from outside contact, and separated him from many whom he had developed some kind of friendship with.

Re: Delta mission peanut gallery

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2010 12:12 pm
by Reliant121
Name: Darel G'han, Male, 37 (expected life span 125)
Rank: Lt. Cmdr., Race: Cardassian
Position: Ops. Officer

Born: Lakarian City, Cardassia Prime
Previous occupations: Cardassian Military, Obsidian order

Appearance: Darel G'han is a typically cardassian officer, with a main of dark hair contained within the rim of the traditional neck and head ridges. He is around 5ft 8, and unusually slender for a Cardassian who would usually feature a fairly broad set body. This by no means he is weak, and he is in good physical shape. He regularly spars in combat programs and trains in holodecks when possible. His skin is unusually pale and yellow tinted for a Cardassian, far more in line with a Human. His eyes are a relatively vibrant hazel colour. His teeth are straight, with a slight yellow tint.

Personality: Usually a fairly positive and bubbly personally, G'han tends toward the unpredictable. While his qualities are usually rather positive and happy, he has the capacity to be incredibly cold and calculating. Like most Cardassians, he is quick to anger, but generally does little more than grumble. He has respect for the chain of command but is entirely unafraid to question orders when he believes they are poor. Naturally highly inquisitive, G'han often makes intrusions into others lives that can be somewhat unwanted. Ultimately, G'han never truly trusts anyone but he can give the illusion of doing so, and can consider many a friend. Caring and compassionate, G'han has one major gripe that is a somewhat sensitive area.

History: After taking aptitude tests, he was taken into the service with the Obsidian order. His first deployment was as an attache to the Kendrafa labour camp on Bajor during the occupation. He witnessed, and in some cases was required to participate, in some of the atrocities that had taken place there. He was dismissed after attempting to smuggle food to some of the Bajorans there. He soon left Cardassia, after being shamed in the face of his family, and left for the Federation. Despite racial slur, he found himself graduating second in class from starfleet and was assigned as a junior officer aboard the USS Daystrome. From there he progressed through the ranks.

Following the last mission of the Daystrome he received a position as Operations officer aboard the prestigious posting of the USS Lexington-B, One of the latest Titan class explorers. However, his commanding officer soon took a dislike to G'Hans questioning nature and had him dismissed from the ship. He returned to his post aboard the USS Daystrome.

Re: Delta mission peanut gallery

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2010 7:30 pm
by Mark
Marks characters

Name: Mark (knight)*
Rank: Commander
Current Posting: First Officer / USS Paladin
Age: 30
Race: Human
Height: 6'0 feet
Weight: 200 lbs
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Blue


At 5 years old, Mark was orphaned when an unexplained warp core breach on board the USS Plato killed both of his parents, who were serving aboard her as officers at the time. He was rescued from the exploding ship by Lt Cmdr T'llar, the Vulcan Operations Officer and ships 2nd officer, who as a result of rescuing him suffered irreparable damage to her inner ear, effectively ending her deep space career. Mark, having no surviving family at all, was "adopted" by T'llar (who had been very close with Mark's father, Cmdr Steven Knight, the Plato's first officer, whom she attended the academy with), and brought back to Vulcan to be raised with her husband and other children. T'llar and her husband Sturek (who was an instructor with the Vulcan Science Academy), not knowing what else to do felt it logical to raise the human child in traditional Vulcan ways hence distinguishing him by his first name only. Early on, while Mark excelled at his schooling, earning grades equal to and sometimes exceeding his classmates, he was continually tormented by the Vulcan children, who would find ways to provoke him and get him to throw the first punch, therefore justifying there physical abuse. At age 13, after a particular nasty episode with an older Vulcan boy forcing a mind meld on Mark, Sturek took him to a master of Pan, an obscure form of Vulcan martial arts. Mark excelled beyond Sturek and Master Turon's expectations, quickly earning the level of Sha'dar 4th level, as well as learning the correct application of the Vulcan Nerve Pinch (almost impossible for a human to do). At age 17, he applied for early entrance into Starfleet Academy and was accepted. Again Mark excelled in his classes, quickly becoming one of the Academy's rising stars, until an unfortunate event in his 3rd year at the Academy, when he was involved in a brawl with four 4th year cadets. The lead cadet admitted to starting the fight and was expelled, with the other three and Mark receiving a permanent reprimand on their record and being forced to begin the year over again. Upon graduating, Mark was given his first assignment, to the USS Intrepid, as a relief bridge officer. After 2 years he was promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade, and transferred to tactical and security as deputy chief. Unfortunately, around that time, one of the ships senior officers began making unwanted sexual advances, and upon completion of his second tour on Intrepid and promotion to Lieutenant, he requested an immediate transfer off the ship. During the Gamma mission Mark was reunited with the same Vulcan that forced a mind meld on him. A result of damage suffered at his hands a second time, Mark is now "esperblind", with a zero PSI rating, meaning Mark is completely unable to be reached, detected, or participate in any sort of telepathic contact. His assailant escaped, and him still being at large is an ongoing concern for Mark. Last year, Mark was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Commander, and made the 2nd officer of the USS Paladin. When recent hostilities broke out with the Tholian Assembly, and the recall of the former XO, Mark was then made acting XO.

Mark is a curious cross between reserved and shy, and outgoing and emotional. Growing up on Vulcan taught him to repress his emotions, but he's only partially successful. His emotions after a while tend to give way in a torrential flood resulting in sometimes unwarranted emotional outbursts. He his highly intelligent, and WOULD have graduated the academy with top honors, but for the black mark he received. His Vulcan martial arts training has made him somewhat more philosophical and introspective than most humans his age, but his exposure to humans and human emotions tends to make him uncomfortable in most social situations.

Mark is handsome Caucasian male who is utterly clueless how attractive he actually is. Due to his Vulcan upbringing, he is meticulous about his grooming and appearance, because not doing so would be illogical. Due to growing up on the planet Vulcan with it's thin air and high g environment, Mark is much stronger, faster, and has greater endurance than most other humans, but doesn't even come close to matching a Vulcan in that regard. When he joined the academy, it was noted that his PSI was low, even for a human, likely resulting from a telepathic assault suffered in his youth. As a result of a second such attack, it is now impossible to reach or detect him telepathically, however it still causes him excruciating pain to attempt to do so.

Name: Dr. Watson Holmes
Rank: Lieutenant Commander
Current Posting: Chief Medical Officer / USS Daystrom
Age: 55
Race: Human
Height: 5'11
Weight: 170lbs
Hair Color: Brown, shot with gray
Eye Color: Blue
Birthplace: Boston, Mass.


Watson Holmes was named after one of his mother's favorite characters from literature, Dr. Watson, sidekick to the legendary detective Sherlock Holmes (her last name, coincidentally). He was born in Boston, to a single mother and as an only child, and grew up never knowing nor really caring who his father was, and his mother refused to speak about the subject. Watson was always rather anti-social and rather aloof as a child, preferring to spend time either with adults, mostly his mothers colleagues, (she was a practicing doctor at Mass. General) or by himself. Early on, he demonstrated that he had a photographic memory and could instantly recall anything he had ever seen, read, heard, or even thought. He was taken for an IQ test and tested at 198 on his first try. A second test was then administered as the Doctor administering the test was sure that there was some kind of mistake. On the second test Watson scored a 201, stunning everyone involved, then just as quickly offending everybody present by calling them a bunch of morons.

Watson made the decision to practice medicine early on, to "raise the bar" as he put it, citing that most people died from their doctors being "idiots". Starfleet approached him while he studying at Stanford at 16 years of age, and invited him to apply to the academy, where he promptly told them to go get stuffed. A year later, he recanted and graciously informed Starfleet, that he would consider joining their origination for the chance at a real challenge.

Watson's academy days were filled with arguments, debauchery, practical jokes, toga parties, heavy drinking, and only a bare minimum of studying. He had the dual honor of graduating first in his class academically and as the cadet with THE MOST demerits on his record to ever be graduated from the Academy. After moving on to Starfleet Medical, it was much the same, with a notable exception during his first year residency. It seems the guest lecturer had posted a holographic display of an incurable virus for study. Holmes walked in halfway through the class, thought it was a homework assignment, and promptly found a cure to the incurable virus, flabbergasting Starfleet Medical. When asked how he came up with the idea he looked around with scorn and disbelief and informed them that "if you weren't such a big bunch of putzes, it would have been obvious." After graduating from Starfleet Medical, again first in his class and again one step away from getting dismissed, he was assigned as a junior physician aboard USS Lexington. Six weeks later he was transferred to USS Hood, followed by USS Potemkin, USS Kenya, USS Grissom, and finally finding acceptance on board the USS Galaxy. (three guesses why he kept getting transferred) He was still serving on board Galaxy when the Dominion War broke out. He was assigned to a ground force defending a captured Ketricel White depot (which they were attempting to study and determine if it could be converted to some kind of weapon against the Jem'Hadar), when the Jem'Hadar counter-attacked. Holmes was critically injured suffering a plasma shock to his left leg, yet kept fighting to pull his patients out one at a time. After pulling out, Holmes was sent back to Earth where the doctors at Starfleet Medical prepared to remove the damaged leg. Holmes refused, even once he realized that his leg had suffered muscle death, and had severe on-going pain from nerve damage. Holmes insisted on having the leg deadened against the pain, and chose instead to walk with a cane. He served for the next 20 years on various Starbases and Outposts, until a "disagreement" (which involved a poly synthetic adhesive beamed onto her office chair) with the head of Starfleet Medical, a Captain Beverly Crusher, resulting in his immediate dismissal from his post on Risa, and transfer to the USS Daystrom as CMO. Holmes maintained his record of mischief, insubordination, and general assholery, during the entire Gamma mission, as well as his record for impossible solutions for medical problems. He received both two commendations and two letters of reprimand. When asked why he kept an officer like Holmes around, Captain W'Trisk replied "I can live with a jackass, but a lot of my crew couldn't live without his skills."


Dr. Holmes is rude, crude, sarcastic, often disrespectful, occasionally insubordinate, and generally an over all pain in the a$$. He has received complaints of harassment, sexual harassment, disrespect to a superior, and failure to report for duty on his service record. The same superiors that reprimanded him however, have listed numerous commendations his record for courage under fire, medical innovation, surgical skills, diagnostic deduction, and trauma care. Patients that every other doctor around have deemed un-saveable are alive today as a testament to the skill of Dr. Watson Holmes.


Holmes is an average looking Caucasian male, with a slight Bostonian accent. We wears a trimmed mustache and beard, which, along with his hair are shot with gray. He walks around with a gleam of mischief in his eye, and a sarcastic grin on his face. His most noticeable feature however, is his strong limp due to his left leg, and his ever present cane (of which he has several) which he must use to get around.

Name: Donnie McDuff
Assignment: Chief of Engineering, USS Ravage
Rank: Lieutenant Commander
Race: Human
Age: 93
Height: 6'2
Weight: 220 lbs
Hair: White
Eyes: Blue
Birthplace: Chicago, Illinois

Donnie McDuff has had one of the LONGEST careers in Starfleet, bar none. Enlisting in Starfleet at age 17, he has been a witness to many changes and the evolution of Starfleet. In 2318 he was given his first duty assignment on board USS Enterprise NCC-1701-B under the command of Captain John Harriman just a few years after the Tomed Incident. Since then, he has served on one deep space vessel after another. He has always been considered a good luck charm by other members of the crew, because no ship he has ever served on has been destroyed, while he was assigned aboard her. Apparently that luck expires after McDuff transfers. USS Bermuda was destroyed by an unidentified space-born alien life form two weeks after McDuff transferred off, as well as USS Enterprise-C which was lost a less than a year later, where he served for 18 months before transferring off in 2343. McDuff is by his own definition a "career enlisted man" and has refused three offers to attend OCS and earn a commission. Such is his experience and wisdom, that Captains he is serving under regularly find a reason to venture down into engineering for a few minutes of his time. He has served in every conflict that has arisen since he enlisted, including the Tholian Conflict, the Tzincathy war, the Cardassian war, as well as the more recent hostilities with first the Klingons and later the Dominion. He saw his assignment to USS Pegasus as a sort of retirement, until he learned they were going back in action. His record as a good luck charm came to an end when, the USS Pegasus was destroyed during an engagement with the Jem'Hadar. He was reassigned as the Chief Engineer of the USS Ravage upon the promotion of their former Engineer. Since then he's gone on to find a new home upon that eclectic group. Upon completion of the mission, Captain Lewis promoted him a field commission of Lt. Cmdr., over McDuff's strenuous objections. Since then, he has come to accept his promotion, but will bite the head off of anyone who calls him anything other than "Chief".

McDuff is tough old boot, who has been building and rebuilding engines since most everybody else was in diapers, a fact he has pointed out to several flag officers on more than one occasion. He's not afraid to share his opinion with others and often shares it unsolicited, if he's not asked. He sees most everyone else "kids" and plays the protective uncle, especially with younger officers and crew.

McDuff doesn't look a day over 60. He's still broad shouldered and unbowed by age. He takes great pride in the fact that MOST of his organs are still the original one. He wears his hair cropped close, with a mustache and a goatee.

Name: Jordan Sinclair
Assignment: First Officer, USS Ravage
Rank: Commander
Race: Human
Height: 5'11
Weight: 180 lbs
Hair: Dark Brown
Eyes: Brown
Age: 35
Birthplace: USS Ambassador (Declared hometown San Fransisco, Earth.)

Jordan Sinclair comes from the prestigious Sinclair family, one of the longest serving and most widely spread of Starfleet families, and was literally born in space. The first Sinclair to serve in Starfleet launched with Captain Jonathan Archer aboard the NX-01 USS Enterprise, and nearly all of his descendants have served in Starfleet since. At present there are currently four generations of Sinclairs in service today. His grandfather, Admiral Robert Sinclair Jr., is the Chief of Starfleet Operations. His father, Rear Admiral Robert Sinclair III, recently took command of Starbase 313, and his oldest brother Captain Harold Sinclair, was just assigned command of his own Starship, as well as his other brother and two sisters, plus assorted cousins and nieces and nephews. All in all, his active duty family could nearly crew their own small starship.

Jordan graduated the academy with high honors, where he was targeted for command early on. His first assignment was to the USS Beleraphon as Conn Officer. After serving for two years, he was promoted and assigned as Tactical Officer and Security Chief, upon the death of his predecessor on an away mission gone bad. He served aboard Beleraphon two more years where he was promoted to full Lieutenant, before being transferred to the USS Venture in the same position. After a year of service in that position, he accepted another promotion to Lieutenant Commander and Chief Operations Officer. He served aboard the Venture with distinction for three more years, earning several commendations from her Captain. Two years ago, he was offered yet another promotion, to the smaller Nebula class USS Ravage, as her Chief Engineer and second officer. Recently, with the transfer of the Ravages XO to the space station, he was offered the post of First Officer, which he accepted with some trepidation. Sinclair finally realized that despite his lack of ambition, he had finally come into his own in Command. During the recent Gamma mission, she showed a natural gift for leadership and quickly earned the respect of the crew. Last year, his grandfather offered him a promotion and a ship of his own, but Sinclair declined, feeling that he still had much to learn from Captain Lewis.

Jordan is a friendly, earnest, and charismatic officer, who has always been quite popular with officers and crew serving in his department. Unlike the rest of his family, which are known for a degree of arrogance, Jordan is quite humble. He is a highly qualified, experienced, and competent officer, who has served in nearly every department head position on a starship, and yet is openly accepting about his lack of command experience, and quite receptive of input from his Captain, as well as the other senior officers. This is not to say that he is indecisive or unqualified, but more to say that he is completely aware of his lack of experience and feels no need to pretend otherwise to feed his ego.

Jordan is an attractive white male, with an open demeanor and a charming and easy smile. He is the kind of person most men want to be like, and most women want to be with. He can turn from charming to intimidating with just his eyes, however. He is clean shaven and keeps is hair short and combed straight back. He has a small scar on his forehead above his left eyebrow and another on his chin.

Re: Delta mission peanut gallery

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 6:58 pm
by Reliant121
Name: Aureliana D'Borgiagni
Rank: Lieutenant Commander
Current Posting: Alpha squadron flight commander/ USS Daystrome
Age: 27
Race: Human
Height: 5'4 feet
Weight: 109 Ibs.
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Eye Color: Dark Brown


Aureliana was born into a strict Italian family around the City of Florence. She was a somewhat delinquent child, getting involved with small time petty thief gangs. It did not take long for them to her to be caught, although charges were not made and she instead suffered the eternal wrath of her parents, Fulvia and Gennaro. Aureliana was entered into a number of accelerated re-education programs which managed to reveal her innately excellent piloting and hand-eye coordination ability. This gave her parents something to push Aureliana toward.

At age 53, Gennaro fell ill with an unknown viral infection that quickly consumed his body tissue and left him ravaged. Within a month, he was on his deathbed. His final wish was that Aureliana make an application to starfleet. After a long time of deliberation, and pushing from Fulvia, Aureliana made her application and was accepted almost immediately. After a year of trouble with various instructors, Aureliana graduated top of class and was posted to the 7th fleet's war fleet. She saw service at the Fall of Betazed, the Second battle of Chintoka and the final assault on Cardassia of which she served with distinction. Soon after, she was posted to the USS Daystrome.


Aureliana has been observed to have a rather quiet and composed personality, some might say introverted. Her mother and father were fond advocates of beating unwanted qualities out of children and Aureliana bore the brunt of this. She prefers to spend her time in quarters cooking or reading for herself. Occasionally, she will utilize allotted holodeck time but she will often donate it to someone else. If she does, it is to try piloting a vessel she is unlikely to ever fly. A favourite of hers is the K'Pak corvette. She has few friends, but those that know her get a different side entirely. With friends or in private she is very animated, bubbly and friendly, if somewhat cynical. Her sense of humour is incredibly sarcastic and bordering on cruel, but she curbs it when on duty or reporting to senior officers.


Being born Italian and Female is god's way of gifting you with an external advantage, and Aureliana has it. She has regularly caught the attention of superiors or subordinates, however she has never strayed toward those experiences. She is of daintily slender build, but there are hints to good musculature and she is in excellent physical condition. Her hair is uncharacteristically long, usually tied into a bun before falling down her back. Her eyes are of a very deep, almost black eyes. She wears a red uniform.

Re: Delta mission peanut gallery

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 9:40 pm
by Sonic Glitch
Name: Matthew Lewis
Rank: Captain
Current Posting: Captain, USS Ravage
Race: Human
Height: 5'7
Weight: 140lbs
Hair: Dark Brown
Eyes: Hzel
Age: 47
Birthplace: Philadelphia, Earth
Starfleet Academy Class of 2370--Double majored in Stellar Cartography and History

Served for 6months on Enterprise-D in Stellar Cartography department. After Destruction of E-D decided to transfer to tactical (he felt his strengths lead him more in that direction than the sciences). Returned to Starfleet Acaemy for Advanced Tactical Training, graduated with honors. Did some work with Starfleet Intelligence prior to and during the Dominion War. While there became aware of existence of Section 31 and the group headed by Commander Elias Vaughn which works against 31 the best they can. Returned to Enterprise-E after incident in the Briar Patch. Served on E-E for up until the "Nemesis" incident. Requested a transfer due to "personality conflicts" with Commander Madden.

Became first officer of Sabre-Class USS Katana in 2380. Took command of Katana after Captain Ruhalter was killed in battle with the Neutronium Brotherhood. It was he and his crew who developed the tactic which was successfully used to take down the Brotherhoods Orbital Defence Platforms.
Following the battle he was re-assigned to Starfleet Intelligence as Sector Chief for the Tholian Border. His task was to clean house and repair the intelligence screw-ups which had lead to the Brotherhood Debacle. He served in that post for 5 years before finally receiving (after multiple requests) starship duty in the exploration branch of Starfleet.

He was assigned to the USS Ravagevessel where he served as chief Tactical Officer/Executive Officer for four years. After a one year tour as First Officer he was permanently assigned to the Ravage has her Captain where he has served since. He has finally achieved his goal of commanding a starship on an exploratory mission. Upon becoming captain, he began to reassemble his own unique command staff. He looked toward veterans of the battle with the Neutronium Brotherhood and happened upon Lt Cmdr. Lorcan O'Carrol whos piloting saved the USS Katana during the Neutronium Brotherhood battle, and he brought him aboard as a combination helm/navigation/tactical officer. At O'Carrols insistance, he brought aboard another veteran of the Brotherhood battle, and the USS Soshone aboard as a combination Ops/Science and assistant tactical officer.

He is regarded by Starfleet command as a somewhat maverick but effective commander. His soft-spoken demeanor appeared a detriment to command, but it is in fact a strength. He tends to lead by consensus but, will also make snap judgments. He has often received warnings from superior officers for some of his more individualistic ideas, such as bringing Jem'Hadar Ambassador Taran'atar along clandestinely on the mission to investigate the Dominion Separatists. However, he has managed to avoid serious disciplinary action. After the battle with the Dominion Separatists, he saw the Ravage through a two year patrol deployment in the Gamma Quadrant. Upon returning to the Alpha Quadrant he took advantage of accrued shore leave time while the Ravage was re-fit for an exploratory mission.

He is regarded as a commander who honestly cares for his crew, and makes an effort to get to know them. Despite his quiet nature, he has a way of knowing everything that is going on on his ship and will often surprise people with that knowledge. There are rumors that a promotion in the future is being planned for him, but for the time being he is perfectly content as a starship commander.

Re: Delta mission peanut gallery

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2010 9:56 pm
by Reliant121
Name: D'Tyra
Rank: As'ryan Adoe'a(Rihannsu)/legatus diplomatica(Roman)/Diplomatic ambassador or envoy (Anglacized)
Current Posting: Legatus to the Reach Station
Age: 106 (expected lifespan of 150) (cant remember original age)
Race: Romulan
Height: 5'8 ft
Weight: 124 Ibs.
Hair Color: Black, long wringlet with ornate metallic headdress
Eye Color: Light Green


D'Tyra was born to a relatively influential political family in the Romulan capital city. Her mother was an influential alumni in the Imperial College society while her father an equally important minister in the Romulan Senate during the early years of Praetor Narviat. Both parents cultivated D'Tyra as an intelligent alumni that might one day take into a political route in the Romulan's heated political system, however she had other plans. At the relatively young age of 18, she made the conscious decision to enter into the Imperial Navy much to the behest of her parents. Proconsul Da'seim, her father, died in accidental circumstances in 2359 aboard a transport ship bound for Remus. It is suspected that he was killed for his generally anti-Reman mindset.

D'Tyra and her mother, A'haeiv have not spoken in a very long time and this continues to be a hang up for the commander. She worked her way up the ranks until she earned command of the battlecruiser Lacron, which she summarily lost during the Gamma mission. Loss of a starship within the fleet is generally deemed as a distinctly unfavourable position, especially one of the latest battlecruisers in the Romulan Armada, however the commander-tribune was promoted as a diplomatic attache in a civilian position, a move that has been widely criticised and debated. Many believe that A'Haeiv has conducted some back room deals to make this happen, showing her political ties still exist even as she would be nearing 160 at this time.


Wild has been a word used to describe D'Tyra, someone who has little or no social boundary and is willing to try anything new. She is generally a wise and intuitive character, with a strong sense of passionate emotion. Her sense of humour is keen and perhaps a little bit krass, but she has never shown much care. She is an incredibly unconventional Romulan, casting aside the rigid and decadent manner that many Romulans hold dear to their heart. D'Tyra is fond of foreign foods and drinks, and regularly finds herself a little bit drunk. Deep down she has an incredibly strong personality, and bows to no-one easily. in negotiation senses, her strength manifests itself in anger and aggression which has made her an ideal negotiator with Andorians or Klingons. The only weakness she has is a violent tendency when someone may push her buttons, of which there are two. Personal statements or jibes, and betrayal.


She is rather tall and strong set, with a curvaceous body and a strong jaw line. Her hair is about the length of her back, black and neatly styled and always kept in place by an ornate headdress. This style of dress is incredibly rare in Romulan society and in fact is seen as a somewhat looked down upon. She is fond of long and flowing dresses. Impractical but sumptious. After all, being a civilian she is afforded a degree of luxury. Her eyes are an insanely bright green that almost seems unnatural. Her teeth are perfectly straight, and white. Finally, she bares a long scar down the left hand side of her back.

Re: Delta mission peanut gallery

Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2010 10:55 pm
by Lt. Staplic
Name: Sethrithis "Seth" Cix
Position: Chief Tactical and Security Officer, USS Paladin
Rank: Lieutenant Commander
Race: Xindi-Reptillian
Age: 47
Height: 6'6
Weight: 300 lbs
Hair: None (spikey scales only)
Eyes: Red
Birthplace: Xindi Colony in formar Delphic Expanse

Seth is a VERY private individual, and doesn't discuss his past unless under direct orders. It's not hard to guess that he had to do some things he is ashamed of and hurt by. He is rather quiet and standoffish, but intensly loyal to his ship and crew. He has awsome physical strength and a very authoritarion voice. He occasionally becomes pushy and somewhat bossy as he is used to leading, and occasionally needs to be put back in his place.

Seth is one scary looking individual. His stern gaze has made brave men tremble. He has tried several times to tone down his appearence so as not to intimidate his fellow officers, but each effort has met with miserable failure.


Much of Seth's past is a mystery, and he does as much as he can to keep it that way. He was born and raised on a Xindi Colony in the former Delphic Expanse, and joined the academy when he was 18 years old. He didn't reappear on the grid until he was 38, where he was placed on an accelerated track through OCS. When he graduated he was placed on the USS Sovereign as a Security Officer, and where he was regularly rewarded with commendations from his superiors for his performance. It didn't take long for him to gain a promotion to Lieutenant Junior Grade and take a position as a Tactical and Security officer on the USS Newton, a Nova Class. When the ship was trapped in the event horizon of a Black Hole they had been observing, Seth was able to escape along with the rest of his crew before the ship was destroyed. He taught small-unit tactics at the Acadamy for a while before joining the USS Valkyrie on the mission into the Gamma Quadrant. Seth was one of the few officers selected to operate a skeleton crew on the ship to assist in the rescue of the Marine's that had been captured. The resulting battle caused critical damage to the Valkyrie and Seth barely escaped with his life, others weren't so lucky. Following the return to the Alpha Quadrant his friendship with one of the Marine's, Lt. Corrin, was cut short when he too disappeared from the map. Using some of his old connections Seth discovered that James had been recruited into the Marine Special Operations. Following this revelation Seth has made little effort to reconnect with James. Seth floated around for a few months, working security detail at Starfleet Command until he was offered the Chief Tactical Position on the USS Invincible, a Defiant Class ship assigned to the Romulan Battle Fleet. His service here was exemplary and he received a promotion from Lieutenant to Lieutenant Commander and was transferred to the Paladin as it's former Tactical Officer had elevated in it's own chain of command.

Re: Delta mission peanut gallery

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 10:46 am
by Mark
Name: Geff Halow
Age: 31
Rank: Lieutenant Commander
Position: Chief Medical Officer
Assignment: USS Ravage
Species: Betazoid
Height: 6'4

Team player mostly but occasionally a bit of a lone wolf. Good sense of humor. Average telepathic skills (could be developed later). He lost his father and older brother. Personality can just be decided as and when needed.