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Fable III

Posted: Fri Oct 29, 2010 9:24 pm
by Mark
Picked it up on Tuesday, and I've got to say I'm iffy here. The interface and menus are a You have to spend several seconds holding the A button down to trigger an "action".

The graphics are nice. Not QUITE up to Arkam Asylum, but nice nevertheless. The storyline......I'm the younger son of the two children of the Hero of Fable II. My older brother is a tyrant and I've escaped the palace to raise support for a revolution.

Kinda weak IMO.

Any other players of Fable?

Re: Fable III

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2010 2:14 pm
by colmquinn
I rented a copy out for a few days - i've finished the main quest (as far as I know)
I've become king, spent a year preparing for an inevitable attack and defeated said attack - suffering terrible casualties it seems along the way. Now I'm running around able to do lots of little side quests and earning money - not that it doesn't really matter with the big war over!
The game is not bad overall - not exactly what I would call a hard core RPG. If you think of it as a continuation/ update of the previous titles in the series and don't go in expecting too much then you're ok. The "menu" system you mentioned does take a bit of getting used to but now I've gotten the hang of it I find it useable but not a style I want to see repeated in other games.