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Stargate Andromeda

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 9:41 pm
by Mark

Daniel Marks stepped clear of the event horizon of the wormhole still feeling the chill of the transport. For one horrifying moment he thought something had gone wrong and he'd be lost somewhere in transit. It was with a great deal of relief he stepped into the spartan and will lighted chamber of SGHQ. There were two officers waiting to greet him, a man and a woman. The woman was striking, in her mid forties with collar length red hair untouched by grey bright blue eyes with a twinkle in them, was wearing an Air Force uniform with Colonel's eagles. She stepped forward with her hand outstretched.

"Mr. Marks" she began "Welcome to Andromeda. I'm Colonel Baxter, the Base Commander. You're the first member of your team to arrive."

With a nod and a smile Daniel clasped her hand and said "Daniel Marks, ma'am."

Indicating the other officer with her hand she said "This is my second in command, Lieutenant Colonel Samson."

Samson was a tall well muscled black man who was pointedly dressed in his USMC battle dress uniform. He pointedly did not offer his hand but simply said, "Lieutenant."

"Actually sir," Marks began "I'm retired. I've been working with the Agency for the past several years." Silently he mentally added "as you well know."

Col. Baxter discreetly coughed into her hand to smooth past the awkward moment, then waived over an older marine also in BDUs.

"This is Sergeant Major Drummond, Mr. Marks" she said. "He'll show you to your quarters and assign somebody to get you a tour and your field gear. Once you get settled in, maybe you'd join us for dinner in the Officer's Mess at 1830?"

Again Daniel nodded, "That'd be nice, Colonel."

As he walked off he could feel Samson's eyes boring into the back of his skull. He'd been trained to sense hostility and antagonism, and he sensed both from the XO in spades.

As he let he senior enlisted man show him to his quarters all he could think about we're the bottles in his luggage coming through later would take WAY too long, and wondered if there was anyplace here he could find a drink.

Re: Stargate Andromeda

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 12:08 am
by Aaron
George had found the mess hall, the most important spot for him after demo stores and his bunk. Snagging himself some cold cuts and chipotle, he'd constructed himself a rather epic sandwich, which he was currently trying to cram in his gob around the stem of a rather old and battered meerschaum pipe. Sighing, he removed it and plopped it next to his plate.

"Still not good at two things at once I guess."

He found himself gazing at the empty hall, the facility was much the same as any other he'd been in during his time as a Marine, including his short stint in the SG organization. He wasn't sure what they wanted with a lifer who'd never make it past Lance Corporal, but at least he'd get to see something other then water, mines and dead folks.

Re: Stargate Andromeda

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 2:35 am
by Sonic Glitch
Dr. Anderson exited the wormhole with a slight shiver, he doubted he'd ever really get used to traveling that way, despite how much he loved it. Looking down the ramp he saw the base commander and XO waiting for him.
"Colonel Baxter"
"Dr. Anderson, welcome to Andromeda." she replied extending her hand, "This is my executive officer Lt. Colonel Samson." She indicated a imposing Marine Lt. Colonel.
"Colonel," Dr. Anderson extended his hand, Samson merely glanced at him. Col Baxter coughed slightly, then to cover the moment turned to the Doctor asking, "Would you walk with me a moment?" The began walking down one of the corridors. "I must confess I'm curious Doctor. Why you for this project? Weren't you originally slated for Atlantis?" Anderson offered a brief reminiscent smile before reply,
"I was. I was going to go out to look into just how closely Ancient history corresponds to our own -- what were their mythologies, what were the trends of their culture and what can we learn from them. But then I heard about this opportunity. I heard there was a program to explore a new Stargate Network in the Andromeda Galaxy and that they needed a Greek mythology expert and I was the closest they had. I wanted to go somewhere new. Atlantis has been at our disposal for five years, I like the idea of an uncharted territory."
"I see doctor" Baxter replied with a slight smirk, "Well I hope we can oblige you. Here are your quarters, there is a map and schedule on your computer and the MPs are available to answer questions. Is there anything else?'
"Um.. Oh yes, one thing: I'd like to request permission to excel the personal effects space by out a cubic meter."
"What for?"
"My hard drives. I uploaded most of my research onto the computers that were sent through for the lab, but there is no 'internet' here and no email from home I'd like to have a separate physical back-up just in case."
"Ah, I see Doctor. I will see what I can arrange."

Re: Stargate Andromeda

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 5:36 am
by Lt. Staplic
Kyle slid out of the event horizon of the wormhole and stepped onto the platform in the new HQ. He looked around at the surrounding room and was impressed. He'd seen the schematics and been briefed on the new security measures, he'd even been on planet once before when the base was being constructed, but the line of Marines and mounted guns along the railing twenty feet above was an imposing sight. As he took another step, he reached toward his waist line for the P-90 that wasn't there: It was quite a shame how habitual that action was.

"Major, welcome back to Andromeda, how was your trip?" Colonel Baxter asked.

"Just your average intergalactic molecular transporter." Kyle replied stepping down toward the Colonel.

"My second in command, Lt. Colonel Samson." Baxter said indicating the man in a Marine Dress Uniform at her side.

"Nice to meet you." Kyle said nodding at the silent Marine.

"So Major, I assume you have been briefed on the personnel selected for your team? Have you selected your own second?" The Colonel asked.

"Actually Colonel, I had meant to talk to you about that. I was hoping to get more information on Lt. Marks. I was also hoping we'd have more information on our two allies representatives." Kyle answered.

"I don't know what to tell you about the Tok'ra and Jaffa representatives, we gave what we got, but I thought Marks's history might catch your eye. Unfortunately we have no access to those records, their classified above the existence of the Stargate. I wish I could give you more, I wish I could find out more, but once again we've got what we're given." Baxter replied.

"Alright, I'll be sure to inform you of my decision before the Andromeda gate officially goes online for our missions." Kyle said with a frown.

"The Sergeant will escort you to your quarters." Baxter said letting him pass. "Your gear and personal effects will be delevered as soon as it makes it through.

Re: Stargate Andromeda

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 8:22 pm
by Reliant121
Stepping clear of the whirlpool of the iris, Ae'tesh felt cold metal beneath its feet. It was used to the sound of the clattering footplates, identical to those in stargate command. It had memorized the layout, especially taking note of the computer rooms. While it was here, it intended to make full usage of it. One thing it was not particularly happy about was being unable to wear armour, or take a weapon while going through the gate. It had become a necessity to be ready for battle upon leaving the iris on numerous occasions, Especially when it least expected confrontation.

"Mr. Ae'tesh, welcome to Andromeda. I trust your trip had no issues," Baxter said, efficiently casting an artificial smile of pleasantry. They are wary came a voice somewhere deep inside Ae'tesh. The Jaffa body spoke out inside the symbiotic beings mind. Of course. Traitor Goa'uld aren't exactly what I would call the best of friends the symbiont replied.

"Not at all, a gentle trip, even if you could consider mere seconds a journey," it flashed a slight smile. Baxter's face twisted into a very slight genuine smile, warped due to the efforts she made to control it.

"This," She said, gesturing to the tall and broad man at her side. "Is Lieutenant Colonel Samson, my 2iC."

The man flicked his eyes toward the Tok'ra, bowed softly in a sign of gentle respect, before springing back to rigid attention. Ae'tesh complied with a bow of the head in return. As had plagued the previous greetings, an air of awkwardness permeated the air of the gate room. Customarily, Baxter responded with a slight cough to break the awkward silence.

"The sergeant here will show you to the diplomatic quarters, and your personal effects will be delivered shortly. Also, I gather from other team members that Lt. Marks is keen to meet you." This piqued it's interest, causing a slight arch in the brow.

"Indeed? A visit is in order then. Also, my armour and weaponry shall be transferred to my room directly I hope?" Baxter nodded. "Thankyou Colonel."

Re: Stargate Andromeda

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 7:55 pm
by Mark

Kyle was irritated. He'd been trying to meet with Daniel for the entire afternoon and was hitting one stumbling block after another. First, he'd gone to his quarters to find Marks' luggage just being delivered but Daniel not there. He'd tried to raise him on the radio only to find that a problem with the quartermasters department had resulted in new personnel not receiving their gear yet. He then tried to raise him on the base intercom, only to find that is was offline due to a mechanical glitch. So, he'd been forced to go and look for the man. He'd been told that he'd missed him in the infirmary, where Marks had just had his physical, that they hadn't seen him in the mess or the gym, or anyplace else for that matter. Kyle had one last place he wanted to try. The base had several recreation facilities, one of which was a lounge. He'd heard from an unofficial source that Marks liked to drink, and if he wasn't here, he'd have to wait till the intercom was back up.

As he walked into the club, he saw a spectacle off in one corner. There was a man standing in front of a table with four empty martini glasses on it surrounded by half a dozen off duty personnel, mostly women, and he was juggling. He had four empty beer bottles going at once, and as Kyle watched a smiling Airman tossed a fifth into the mix. After a moment, the juggler looked at Kyle and gave a half nod, before deftly tossing each bottle into a nearby garbage can as each came down. His spectators burst into applause as he gave a half mocking bow, and walked over to Kyle and offered his hand.

"Major Moore, I'm Daniel Marks." The man said

Shaking his hand, Moore replied "I've been looking all over for you, Lieutenant."

"Please Major, if it's all the same I prefer Daniel, or Dan, or even Danny." He said "I've been retired from active military duty for a while, but for some reason or other the Agency kept my rank active."

"As you wish, Daniel." Moore gestured to the table Marks had vacated "Why don't we have a seat? I've got a few questions I'd like to ask you if you don't mind."

"Not at all" Daniel said, taking his old seat with his back to the wall and facing the door, Moore was quick to note "I can't promise to answer everything, but I'll do what I can."

"Fair enough" Kyle said "I understand that you were a SEAL in the Navy. How many missions did you go on?"

"Over eighty and less than a hundred." Marks replied with a grin. "I can't give you an exact figure, because the government won't recognize some of them as actual missions, and the exact number is classified. You understand."

With a smile and a laugh Kyle replied "Not really, but I'll take your word for it. Did you command any of them?"

"I commanded the last couple dozen or so after I made JG" Marks replied "We lost the LT on a mission, and they didn't replace him right away. Guess it was too hard finding somebody with the proper security clearance."

"What about after the Navy?" Kyle asked casually "What kind of stuff did the CIA have you doing?"

Marks replied just as casually "A bit of this and a bit of that."

"Damn" Kyle thought "At this rate, this could take a while."

Re: Stargate Andromeda

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 10:04 pm
by Reliant121
Moirin stepped through the iris, clattering at brisk pace down the ramp. Each step echoed in the gate room like a pendulum, perfectly timed and in order. Her fiery red hair bounced backward with every step, fraying outwards in a style that would have put Medusa herself. Moirin's amber eyes flickered to the two figures before her. Baxter gulped softly. Moirin smiled.


"Yes ma'am, Welcome to Andromeda," The Colonel responded. Evidently, Baxter hadn't had that many dealings with the IOA before now. Or at least, had been schooled to cope with the more politically minded officers the IOA usually used. Moirin was little more than a hard-nosed inquisitor. And, to add danger to the verbal injury, she was virtually untouchable.

"Pfft, Andromeda. Another vortex of giant burning gas balls, each in turn encircled by great balls of dust. Once you see one, you have seen all," Moirin turned to Samson. "And what of you? A great gargoyle of muscle. The evident lack of speech serves to reinforce the jar-head reputation you military lot have gained." Pointedly, Samson looked down. His pupils had dilated, and his face had tensed to school his features. Moirin once again smiled. "A reaction, eh? Good, at least you have emotions. Likely to get you fired, but emotions all the same. I like you. Tall, boneheaded and angry. Perfect body guard."

Baxter was dumbfounded, and very sure that it was only Moirin's position as IOA adviser that had kept Samson from breaking her in two.

"Ms. De La Calagne, I will get a sergeant to show you to..."

"No need, I know the way. I expect my items delivered on time, as well as full mission reports and status documents in two hours, maximum." Moirin turned, and headed down a corridor.

Baxter shook her head in disbelief while Samson, fueled with rage, clenched his fist deep enough to cut himself with his nails.

Re: Stargate Andromeda

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 5:47 pm
by Monroe
Connor Davis stumbled out of the stargate carrying his ruck sack. The Native American from Oklahoma turned around quickly to watch the vortex disappear before his eyes. He extended his hand over where it used to be waving it around.

"I wouldn't do that Lieutenant. If that were activated you had just lost your hand." The Colonel said annoyed with the green nature of the trooper. "You our Army Ranger?"

Second LT Davis turned around and snapped to attention, "Yes ma'am. Second Lieutenant Connor Davis at your service."

"Get off my boarding ramp. You don't want the next wormhole to vaporize you." She smirked a bit as the young lieutenant moved to the side. "At easy soldier, Army eh? Army has never been a part of the SGC before. Why didn't they send a marine?"

"Ma'am with all due respect to the marines, they lack the training of solo ops that is afforded to the rangers. Rangers have led the way for the last fifty years and its high time we arrived on the intergalactic scene."

"That's one reason but why are you specifically attached to my unit and not say one of the teams in the Milky Way?" The Colonel asked still not satisfied.

"Ma'am, there was a device discovered in Pegasus that can shield a person from all damage. Command feels that this would be a useful tool in orbital drops. Area 51 is working on a version we can use. In the mean time I am attached for airborne and air assault missions, I also have training to assist with the force recon of your group. I am also an excellent marksman and..." Davis was cut off.

"So in other words you're for missions behind enemy lines." Colonel finished for the Lieutenant.

"Hoah ma'am. The Pentagon wants army personnel familiar with off world missions before our orbital drop courses begin. Rangers lead the way hoah."

Baxter nodded as she cringed a little at the word 'hoah'. "This is an Air Force command station so you will use a larger vocabulary and not use 'hoah' every five minutes."

"Ho- Yes ma'am." Davis replied before Baxter dismissed him. Snapping to the position of attention again he walked away from his new superior. Connor adjusted the straps on his rucksack, "Now to find the Defac." He mumbled to himself as his stomach growled.

Re: Stargate Andromeda

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 11:49 pm
by Mark
Stargate Headquarters: Andromeda Galaxy

Marks was one of the last to enter the briefing room. Col. Baxter and Lt. Col. Sampson stood off at the head of the table speaking in low tones to two unknown officers, one wearing the insignia of the Dauntless with Colonel's birds, and an attractive Lt. Col wearing a flight suit which fit her snugly, as well as an emaciated looking, and rather unattractive woman in civilian garb. Daniel had learned to gauge the mood of a room instantly, and he could tell the bigwigs at the head of the table were rather tense, and he'd bet good money that the civilian was the source of that tension.

Looking around the table Daniel recognized Maj. Moore, who gestured to the open chair to his right. Marks slipped into the chair and poured himself a glass of water, before pulling a bottle of pills from a cargo pocket on his arm, popping one into his mouth, and washing it down with a couple of swallows of water.

"What's that your taking, Danny?" Kyle asked.

"Vicodin" Marks absently replied.

"Painkillers?" Kyle asked "What for?"

"Chronic back pain" Marks responded as he replaced the bottle in his pocket.

"From what?" Moore pressed.

"From the injury that put me out of the SEALs, Major." Marks answered in a tone that clearly indicated he didn't wish to discuss this anymore.

"Those gonna effect your performance in the field?" the Major pressed.

"Not at all. My entire CIA career I've been taking these to function, and I never once had any kind of problem." Marks explained. "What are we doing here? I didn't think our first mission was for another week."

Moore replied with a pained look "This is an official meet and greet. Introduce us to everybody involved, and meet the other members of the team. Have you met the rest yet?"

Marks opened his mouth to answer, but the brass decided it was time to begin the meeting, each taking their seats.

"Thank you all for coming." Baxter said. "I'd like everyone to get to know each other someplace other than in the field, or the lounge." She said with a smile and a twinkle in her eye to Marks.

"You already know Col. Sampson and I." she began "And most of you know Major Kyle Moore here. For those of you who don't he is the Stargate Alpha team leader."

Moore stood briefly with a smile and a nod, before resuming his seat.

"I'd like to go around the room now, and introduce everyone." The Colonel began "Next to the Major is Mr. Daniel Marks. Mr. Marks is a CIA operative on assignment to the SGC. Before anybody ELSE voices an objection," she gave a sidelong look at Lt Col. Sampson, "Mr. Marks DOES have a military background. He was a Navy Lieutenant assigned to the SEALs. His specialty is covert ops, unconventional tactics, infiltration, and security penetration."

Marks stood and nodded at his new team.

"Any questions for Mr. Marks?" Baxter asked

"Does CIA operative mean you're a secret agent, sir?" a young LT asked, with his tan Army Ranger beret resting on the table in front of him. "Like James Bond?"

With a smile Marks replied "That's only in the movies, Lieutenant. I can't discuss my actual jobs or missions, but I suppose you could say I've done some missions that you'd consider James Bond like. But the biggest difference is I'm not English. I guess I'm more like Felix Lighter."

The table chuckled easily as Marks sat back down. Baxter picked up the thread again. "Next we have our Marine detachment, Gunnery Sergeant Gordon and Lance Corporal Howell."

Looking around, she asked "Lance Corporal, where is the Gunny?"

Howell replied "He hasn't arrived yet ma'am. I'm not sure what the hold up is. He was expected earlier, but we still have that communications malfunction going on, and couldn't send a message back through the wormhole. I sent a Private with orders to look for him, but we haven't heard anything back yet."

Baxter looked at Sampson who gave her a shrug indicating he had no idea what was holding the gunny up.

The Col said "When he finally arrives have him report to me directly, Lance Corporal. Anyway, our Marine detachments job role is team security. Between the two of them, they should pose a significant boost to this team's defense. The gunny is Force Recon, and the Lance Corporal has a demolitions background as well."

Next she looked at a man with the characteristic glowing eyes of a dominate symbiote. "This is Ae'tesh of the Tok'ra. He is our resident computer expert, as well as our expert on the Goa'uld."

With a nod Ae'tesh simply said without rising "It is an honor."

"Next we have Second Lieutenant Connor Davis, of the US Army's Airborne Rangers." She went on "He's been assigned to us to spearhead the Army's introduction into the Stargate program. He's fully versed in airborne tactics as well as trained in solo ops. His specialty is operating behind enemy lines."

With a smile and a short wave, Lt. Davis replied.

"And last but not least we come to our resident scientist, Dr. Ben Anderson." She concluded. "He is our resident historian and expert on Greek mythology. He's been highly recommended by Dr. Daniel Jackson, of SG-1."

The Doctor replied with a smile and nod.

"I'd also like to introduce these two officers. This is Col. Kahekili, the commander of the USAF Dauntless, and Lt. Col Tara "Godiva" Fuller, the Air Wing Commander of this base. She also oversees both of Dauntless' F-302 squadrons. Major Stern, the Dauntless' CAG couldn't be here, but he is the flight commander of both her wings."

She pointedly ignored the outraged looking civilian.

Re: Stargate Andromeda

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 1:06 am
by Deepcrush
Christopher stood before the Stargate at SGC. Looking at the bright blue swirl he couldn't help wonder what he had been volunteered for. Air Force needed ground support and called for help. The Corps, as always, had answered the call. "Sucks to be late on the first day." Christopher stepped through the gate and everything spun...

Coming out the other end of the gate. Christopher felt his senses return to normal passing only second. In a quick glance about the room. He noticed the upper level coated in defensive emplacements. Dispite knowing he was a friendly, the Marines at their posts had already picked him as a target. Should his new CO decide such, he wouldn't make it off the ramp. His fellow Marines would see to that nicely. "Damn fine boys, damn fine" he muttered. He was glad to see Marines on guard rather then Air Force MPs. That would make him feel a lot safer at night when he wasn't on duty.

Reaching the edge of the ramp, Christopher stopped when the lead Marine guard raised a halt. "Gunnery Sergeant Christopher Gordon reporting in delay as ordered!"

"Stand to Gunny! We'll call it in." Yelled the Sergeant of the guard. Christopher waited as the Marine informed his new CO he had finally arrived.

Re: Stargate Andromeda

Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 1:15 am
by Aaron
Howell had removed his pipe from his pocket and was in the midst of packing it when a knock at the briefing room door and then the face of a young Private interfered. He passed George a slip of paper and quickly retreated out of the room.

Tapping his pipe on the table and clearing his throat he spoke up "looks like he just arrived Ma'am."

His duty done, he went back to packing his pipe and absently patting his BDU pockets for a match.

Re: Stargate Andromeda

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2010 6:53 pm
by Mark
Colonel Baxter walked into the briefing room.

"Good Morning, Alpha Team. Your first mission will take you to planet PA-13619. It's a relatively close world, being roughly a thousand light years from here. The MALP reports an Earth-like atmosphere, and what appears to be a heavily forested area around the gate. A UAV was sent to scout the area as well, and reports some settlements several miles away from the gate. The locals appear to be human, with a technological and industrial level similar to the United States just before the Revolutionary War. Expect a lot of log cabins, horses, and such. Keep in mind that we have pictures of locals practicing with weapons that look like flint lock rifles, so keep in mind these folks DO appear to have guns AND gunpowder."

With a smile she added "You have a go. Any questions?"

Re: Stargate Andromeda

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 2:12 am
by Lt. Staplic
Kale lifted his left hand, index finger out, "What exactly is the objective here? Are we to try and contact the people, get trade rights, or scout the surrounding area for an Alpha Site?"

Re: Stargate Andromeda

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 9:36 am
by Monroe
Davis raises a hand once the previous question is answered, but to save time I'll post prior so that Mark can write for both questions in one post, "What are the ROE ma'am?" He asks wanting to know if he can return fire if fired upon, fire any posture-threatening individuals, or avoid at all costs.

Re: Stargate Andromeda

Posted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 8:39 pm
by Mark
"Major, your mission is simple. Recon and intel are you primary. These people don't seem to be occupied by the Goa'uld and have progressed to an unusual technological level given that most Goa'uld planets are held back, so as to be dependant upon them. Secondary mission goals are to establish alliences as we go. Trade is an option, not a priority."

"Lieutenant, the ROEs are simple. You are authorized to defend yourselves using whatever means are nessessary. Minimal force is always suggested. However, the call will be the Major's."

"Anyone else?"