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Request regarding klingon collaborators

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 4:34 pm
by Granitehewer
Apart from the klingon governor(forgotten his name-embarrassing!) in 'Minds Eye', and the various miscreants of House 'Duras', does anyone else know of any klingons collaborating with the romulans, i heard something about a klingon scientist hiding codes in dna or something along those lines in a tng episode.....

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 4:54 pm
by Captain Seafort
You're probably thinking of "The Drumhead". Off the top of my head I can also think of Chang and the rest of the Klingon side of the ST6 conspiracy collaborating with Ambassador Nanculus (who was probably operating on behalf of the RSE). Oh yes, and the entire empire at some point during TOS (the alliance that gave the Romulans D7s), and again (or still) at the time of the Khitomer attack (per "The Neutral Zone").

Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 5:31 pm
by Granitehewer
Thanks seafort!
J'Dan-The Drumhead
Kell-Minds' Eye

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 1:05 am
by Teaos
Someone would of had to collaberate to swap the cloaking tech for the ships they swapped.

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 5:04 am
by Bryan Moore
Do we have any sequels to Star Trek VI in book form, that offer any idea as to the collaboration of the Romulans in the plot to kill Gorkon? I'd be interested to read any sources that could answer whether Nanclus was acting on orders from the Romulan government (or Tal Shiar).

In fact, that's a topic for a different day: Reprocussions for the conspirators.

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 10:51 am
by Teaos

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 9:31 pm
by Mikey
Yeah, death is good. But I think it would have to be meted by the Klingons - it was their chancellor, after all.

Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 10:05 pm
by Captain Seafort
Bryan Moore wrote:Do we have any sequels to Star Trek VI in book form, that offer any idea as to the collaboration of the Romulans in the plot to kill Gorkon? I'd be interested to read any sources that could answer whether Nanclus was acting on orders from the Romulan government (or Tal Shiar).
I wouldn't be surprised if Nanculus, under orders from his gvernment, was the actual instigator of the entire plot. The Romulans were certainly friendly with the Federation at the time, given that Nanculus was allowed to stay while OP RETRIEVE was being discussed, and they were allied with the Klingons probably during the 2260s (the technology exchange) and certainly by 2346 (at the time of the Khitomer attack). While there's no direct statement of the state of Romulan-Klingon relations during the period covered by ST6, it's at least possible that they had an ambassadorial exchange, giving the Romulans the ability to contact known dissenters from the Gorkon initiative within the Klingon command.

In addition to these confirmed and possible links between the Romulans and the two antagonists, allowing them to act as a intermediary between the Klingon and Federation conspirators, there's the nature and outcome of the plot itself. The apparent methods used - the assasination of the Klingon chancellor by Starfleet, and the later attempted assasination of the Federation president by a Klingon, are the sort of subtle misdirection and manipulation that the Romulans have demonstrated an affinity for in TNG. Moreover, continued Federation-Klingon hostility would serve the Romulans' interests by keeping the focus of their attention away from the Star Empire, and averting any chance of them ganging up on the Romulans. The best case scenario of a Federation-Klingon war, while it would undoubtedly have led to a Federation victory, could have weakened the Federation sufficiently for the Romulans to be able to invade and conquer them.

Posted: Tue Oct 09, 2007 1:01 pm
by Granitehewer
or my really simple version............
Why was a Romulan involved, when it was a federation and Klingon despute?
Because the romulan was either the instigator, or a perpetuator, as clearly the romulans had alot to gain from a klingon-federation war.
See seaforts' for the details ,lol