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Star Trek Series Design Project #2: Race

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 3:50 am
by Lt. Staplic
So first week we tackled the time frame and so far we've decided 20-30 years after TNG/DS9/VOY.

This week we decide which race we want to follow. There has been talk of seeing the story from a different side before, so here's the chance to do so.

Poll closes in 8 days

Re: Star Trek Series Design Project #2: Race

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 3:56 am
by Deepcrush
Question, can we vote on following more then one race?

I like the idea of covering the return of the KE to power, the fall of the RSE, the entry of the CU into the UFP, the conflicting interests of the more military minded SF and the peace loving UFP.

Re: Star Trek Series Design Project #2: Race

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 4:02 am
by Lt. Staplic
I've opened it up for 3 options...but I think it'd be easier to cover all of that from a single POV, jumping around too much could cause confusion.

Re: Star Trek Series Design Project #2: Race

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 4:28 am
by Deepcrush
Well, if we are covering multiple POV then we get a better scope of things. IMHO

Re: Star Trek Series Design Project #2: Race

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 4:30 am
by Deepcrush

Vote One - Federation - Just to sight out how things move after everything we've seen and talked about.

Vote Two - Klingon Empire - I'd like to cover their recovery and the rebirth of the Empire.

Vote Three - Cardassian Union - After the horrid losses of the DW, where will they go and what will become of them.

Re: Star Trek Series Design Project #2: Race

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 4:09 am
by Lt. Staplic
Okay, this kind of slipped off track, but I'll get the next one up now

Re: Star Trek Series Design Project #2: Race

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 4:30 am
by BigJKU316
Deepcrush wrote:Okay,

Vote One - Federation - Just to sight out how things move after everything we've seen and talked about.

Vote Two - Klingon Empire - I'd like to cover their recovery and the rebirth of the Empire.

Vote Three - Cardassian Union - After the horrid losses of the DW, where will they go and what will become of them.
I agree 100% with that order of priority. Those are the three main things to be resolved in the AQ/BQ. I am not 100% sure the Klingons would ever really get reborn as a really major power though. For some reason I view the Dominion War as sort of being their last big go round. Unless the Feds start sharing technology outright with them I just see them being sort of left behind over time. I also wonder if they can get a handle on the political instability that seems to dog them at every turn. Finally I was always curious if their pride would allow them to stay attached to the Federation as the Feds keep growing in size and power relative to the Klingons.

Re: Star Trek Series Design Project #2: Race

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 8:15 am
by Reliant121
I would not be so sure to slate the KE to the depths of time just yet. They've shown themselves to be stubborn bastards of a race. If they can finally keep their bloody hordes in once piece, they will soon get a whole new ballpark to play with: Romulan Territory. When the RSE collapses, theres going to be a huge swathe of space rendered unstable, and inadequately defended. The Romulan's will still defend what they have to the death, even if their defense is pitiful. The Klingon's can get their jumped up sense of honour from that. Plus, with the intense political battling that goes on once the RSE collapses, it makes the RSE systems an even more tempting target.

Re: Star Trek Series Design Project #2: Race

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 1:55 pm
by BigJKU316
Reliant121 wrote:I would not be so sure to slate the KE to the depths of time just yet. They've shown themselves to be stubborn bastards of a race. If they can finally keep their bloody hordes in once piece, they will soon get a whole new ballpark to play with: Romulan Territory. When the RSE collapses, theres going to be a huge swathe of space rendered unstable, and inadequately defended. The Romulan's will still defend what they have to the death, even if their defense is pitiful. The Klingon's can get their jumped up sense of honour from that. Plus, with the intense political battling that goes on once the RSE collapses, it makes the RSE systems an even more tempting target.
That is something I am curious about, if they go back to the old timeline they handle the Romulan situation. Sure, the movie said Romulus blew up...from a a different system. I just think that is such a sissy way to go out that I would rather they just find a way to undo that and let the new timeline stand on its own as an alternate universe.

Then again I still don't get why TI did not round up the Romulans who went back in time and stop them from destroying Vuclan. I mean they basically helped wipe out the Sphere builders and kept their lackeys from wiping out Earth. Why did they let that happen.

Re: Star Trek Series Design Project #2: Race

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 1:57 pm
by Reliant121
I'm not even talking about the nTrek timeline. The prime time one featured the collapse of the Romulan empire once Praetor Shinzon died (to be fair this is only in books and games...dont know about canon). Senator Tal'Aura attempted to take over as Praetor, while Tomalak or something else returned and tried to take over. The Remans demanded an island on Romulus and it all kicked up.

While it is "handled" the Romulans still loose a sizable amount of territory.

Re: Star Trek Series Design Project #2: Race

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 2:19 pm
by BigJKU316
Reliant121 wrote:I'm not even talking about the nTrek timeline. The prime time one featured the collapse of the Romulan empire once Praetor Shinzon died (to be fair this is only in books and games...dont know about canon). Senator Tal'Aura attempted to take over as Praetor, while Tomalak or something else returned and tried to take over. The Remans demanded an island on Romulus and it all kicked up.

While it is "handled" the Romulans still loose a sizable amount of territory.
Yeah, I suppose it could go that way. I just see the Romulans as being a lot more stable than the Klingons. Yeah, the Shinzon thing would cause problems but they have a pretty stable government for the most part with a very powerful secret police force that should keep things in line. They had this one big hiccup for sure, but otherwise for all we know they have been pretty stable. Say what you will about them but they are fairly calculating and cautious.

The Klingons on the other hand have a fake emperor created, a high council so corrupt that the leader could only trust a Federation capitain to manage the transfer of power, a civil war, a leader who was willing to risk losing a war to discredit a political threat to himself that was not even a threat and there is a constant under current of Klingons being unhappy with the more peaceful lifestyle that the alliance with the Federation kind of pushes them into. While brave they tend to show the judgement of a pissed off teenager, particularly in the whole invasion of the Cardassian Union. It seems as if no one ever really stopped to think that having a falling out with their major ally at a time when there is a huge external threat to the whole AQ is not the best idea in the world and that if they pissed off the Feds they would basically find themself in hostile relations with each of the other 3 major powers.

To me the Klingon's just seem like a trainwreck ready to happen, particularly if and when Martok dies.

Re: Star Trek Series Design Project #2: Race

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 3:10 pm
by Reliant121
Stable government? I thought the romulans were constantly assassinating each other and playing political tricks on one another?

Re: Star Trek Series Design Project #2: Race

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 3:35 pm
by BigJKU316
Reliant121 wrote:Stable government? I thought the romulans were constantly assassinating each other and playing political tricks on one another?
Violent does not mean instable, its just a different political culture that plays by different rules. It really does not matter what the rules are so long as everyone knows them. I would call it stable in that for the most part the Romulans seem to know what they want to do and they act in a planned manner to try and acheive it. The Shinzon thing was a mess, but it was also a one time thing. You have not really seen them just randomly running around firing on Federation or other ships just for the thrill of it all.

The Klingons on the other hand have had at least one civil war we know about, plus what even they describe as rampant enough corruption that memembers of their own high council are not trusted to manage the succession process. Gowron then led them into one war that left the empire isolated and in the next one he gambled with losing the whole thing over politics. Their political system is so broken that the only way this could be resolved was for an outside operating under Federation orders to kill him and install a new leader who was not insane because their honor system prevented any of them from making the challenge themselves. Numerous times we have seen groups of Klingons just parading around the galaxy taking pot shots at whatever happens to cross their path or even specifically hunting Federation ships when they are not at war.

The Klingon Empire is interesting to me because it has always seemed to operate on the edge of total chaos. I just think that if a power other than the Cardassians were to just collapse into a backwards, violent mess of in fighting the Klingons would be higher on that list than the Romulans.

Re: Star Trek Series Design Project #2: Race

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 3:51 pm
by Mikey
Nemesis was the last canon we had of the original-timeline Romulan government.
BigJKU316 wrote:I just see the Romulans as being a lot more stable than the Klingons. Yeah, the Shinzon thing would cause problems but they have a pretty stable government for the most part with a very powerful secret police force that should keep things in line. They had this one big hiccup for sure, but otherwise for all we know they have been pretty stable. Say what you will about them but they are fairly calculating and cautious.
There was nothing left to be stable. The only thing there was a sucking power vacuum. This not long after the events of TNG: "Reunification." Meanwhile, the Klingon government has continued in its current form seamlessly for centuries, perhaps millenia. Now, a particular chancellor or council may do things with which we do not agree, but that seems to be a hell of a lot more stable than the complete nothingness and resultant power-grab that the Romulans would have.

Re: Star Trek Series Design Project #2: Race

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 3:58 pm
by Tyyr
Why'd they have to vape Romulus in the prime timeline? The power vacuum left in Shinzon's wake was ripe ground for story telling.