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Paranoia characters

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2009 1:38 am
by Lighthawk
Create and post* your characters here, using the following steps

*Note: Some of the information on your character sheet may be treasonous, or just dangerous for other players to know. Your CS should be placed in spoiler tags to prevent 'accidental' viewing by others...seriously, anyone showing knowledge of another player's CS will be punished through his character. No cheating!

1) Name/gender

A) Names: Your name contains four seperate parts. First is your given name, which can be pretty much anything you wish. (ex: Ben, Amanda, Trevor, ect.). Next is your clearance intial, which will be R for everyone*. (ex: Ben-R, Amanda-R). Next is your home sector, where in Alpha Complex you grew up. This is a three letter code (just make something up, serious or funny if you wish. Ex: Ben-R-BAD, Amanda-R-TLG) Finally is your clone number, which will be 1 for everyone, though not for long. Every time you die and get replaced with a new clone, your number goes up. (ex: Ben-R-BAD-1, Amanda-R-TLG-3). For the most part people are referred to by just their given name and clearance, if someone uses your complete name it probably means your in trouble.

*Security Clearances: The Computer assigns everyone a clearance rank, which is based on the electromagnetic spectrum. Everyone starts as an Infared, and 80% of the population never rises any higher. Those few that do get promoted become Reds, then Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet, and finally Ultraviolet. Everyone of a lower rank must obey those of a higher rank, though up until Green most of this obedeince is pretty half-assed. Greens and higher get much more respect (and fear) because they have the ability to hand out much harsher penalties, including rank reductions. It is important to keep in mind, your clearance rank represents nothing more than how much The Computer trusts you. As new Troubleshooters, you have been freshly promoted from IR to Red.

B) Gender: Either or, not that it really matters. Due to hormone suppressants that are present in all food in the Complex, along with a complete lack of sex education, the vast majority of citizens have no idea what love or sex is, or that humans are capable of either or biological reproduction.

2) Skills/Specialties: These are the numbers you (or the GM) roll against to determine success or failure.

A) Skills: You have 6 skill sets
Management(Your people skills)
Stealth(sneaking and awareness)
Violence(killing things, as well as any general physical stuff)
Hardware(knowledge of machines and equipment)
Software(Programing and systems knowledge)
Wetware(biological stuff).

You have 40 points to spend among these skills as you wish, with the following requirements: You must have at least 4 in every skill, and no more than 10 in any one.

B)Specialties: These are more specific areas of the 6 general skills in which you can specialize for a bigger bonus. You have three types of specialties

a) Vital: Every Troubleshooter has a specialization in energy weapons. Add 4 to your violence skill rating, this is your Energy Weapon rating.

b) Common: You can take up to 6 common specialties, or none, or any number inbetween. Choose from the list below. When you choose a common speciality, you add 4 to the skill rating of the skill group it belongs to. (ex: You have a 5 in Management and pick the Bootlicking specialty. Your Bootlicking skill would then be 9). Every time you take a common speciality, you also have to take a weakness. This weakness has to be in the same skill group as your speciality. Choose another skill, and reduce it to 1. (ex: Having taking Bootlicking as a speciality, you must then pick one of the other Management skills as a weakness and reduce it to 1)

c) Narrow: A narrow specialty is a very specfic skill that applies to a very detailed situation (ex: Making noisy machines even louder, No matter how clean something is finding that one little thing wrong with it, Hit it hard enough to make it work one last time before it falls apart)
You have 6 narrow speciality slots, one for each of the skill groups. Don't select them now, leave them open. When a situation comes up in play that seems like it would call for a narrow speciality, ask the GM for permission to assign an open slot to it. You then gain that narrow specialty, and can add 6 to your skill rating to determine the narrow skill rating.

Skills by group
Bootlicking: Basically how well you suck up to your superiors
Chutzpah: Bluffing and BSing
Con Games: How to hoodwink through fast talk, spurious logic, and persuasion
Hygiene: Keeping clean
Interrogation: Should be self explanitory
Intimidation: Again, obvious
Moxie: Streetwise smarts, knowing the ins and outs, and how to read people and situations
Oratory: Swaying a crowd of people with a good speech

Concealment: Hiding yourself or objects, and spotting hidden things or people
Disguise: Not looking like yourself, or seeing through disguises of others
High Alert: Sensing imminent danger or covert survelliance. Basically, being paranoid with skill.
Security Systems: Jiggering locks and alarms
Shadowing: Following someone unnoticed
Sleight of Hand: Palming and/or pocketing small things unnoticed, picking pockets
Sneaking: Moving without being seen
Surveillance: How to bug or debug things

Agility: Jumping, balance, gymnastics
Demolition: How to use TNT without killing yourself. At clearances below Green knowing this skill is treasonous. (which isn't to say you can't take it now, you just can't let anyone know that you know it)
Energy Weapons: Shooting people with lasers, blasters, or sonic weapons
Field Weapons: Flamerthrowers, guass gun, plasma generator...
Fine Manipulation: Anything requiring percise, tiny movement
Hand Weapons: Clubs, swords, 2x4
Projectile Weapons: Slugthrowers and Conerifles
Thrown Weapons: Grenades, bricks, bottles
Unarmed Combat: Fists, feet, teeth
Vehicular Combat: Using a mounted weapon (assuming you can convince the vehicle's bot-brain to let you shoot)

Bot Ops and Maintenance: How to use and fix bots
Chemical Engineering: ID or make acids, explosives, ect...
Electronic Engineering: Working with circuits, microprocessors, ect
Habitat Engineering: Knowledge of Alpha Complex's air, communication, transport, power, water, and waste systems.
Mechanical Engineering: Levers, ball bearings, engines
Nuclear Engineering: Making really big explosions...or stopping them before you end up glowing
Vehicle Ops and Maintenance: Do I really need to explain?
Weapon and Armor Maintenance: Sabotaging others' weapons and armor, and keeping your own from being sabotaged

Bot Programming: Duh
C-Bay: Getting the best price, selling or buying, on Alpha Complex's online auction sites
Data Analysis: Understanding computer stuff
Data Search: Finding useful things online
Financial Systems: Transfering credits safely, legally or illegally
Hacking: Treasonous below Green clearance
Operating Systems: Treasonous below Blue clearance
Vehicle Programming: Revising vehicle instructions

Bioscience: Knowing what's likely to mutate you and how
Bioweapons: How to wipe out all life in the complex. Big time treasonous below Blue
Cloning: Repairing and operating cloning vats and MemoMax* devices
Medical: How to heal injuries and illness, or ensuring that they don't heal.
Outdoor life: Telling a tree from a weed, or a bird from an elephant**
Pharmatherapy: Knowledge of the many pills and drugs the Computer supplies it's citizens
Psychotherapy: Recognizing insanity and helping others recover or decend further into it.
Suggestion: Subliminal persuasion

*MemoMax is the circuitry wired into citizen's brains, along with the data base system, that allows transfere of memories from clone to clone. The system updates in real time, right up to the point of death, and never ever glitches or has lag...ever. Got it?

**Most citizens have never even heard of things like cats, dogs, birds, ect. Most will never see any sort of life form aside from other humans, with the exception of maybe some fungus or mold. A few rare citizens might glimpse a cockroach in the un-used sections of the Complex.

3)Service Group and Firm: The job or function you were assigned when you became an adult at 14. You still work here when not out Troubleshooting. Service groups are large bureaucracies that goven a general task or function in the Complex. Service Firms are specific branches of a given Group.

A) Service Group and Firm: Roll a D20 twice and PM me the results to recieve your Group and Firm, and a description of what kind of work you do there. You will also recieve your Service Specialty options

B) Your Service Group trained you once you started working for them. This training is expressed in a Service Speciality. This works in one of two ways. You may choose to add a new specialty from the list I'll provide you, adding 4 to the governing skill, and without taking a weakness. Or you may bump an already taken specialty, if it is on the list for your Service Group, by an additional 4.

4) Mutant Power: You have a mutant power, which you may or may not register. If you do not, you are a traitor and must keep your freakish ability hidden less your fellow Troubleshooters turn you in, or just kill you outright. If you register your power however you may freely use it. However you will be required to wear a yellow stripe to announce your unnaturalness, and you will be treated with open suspicion, or even hostility for it. You will be a perfect scapgoat for the group, and generally conisdered a 2nd class citizen, if that good.

Roll a d20 and PM me the results. I will tell you your power and give you a general idea of what it can do for you.

5) Secret Society: You belong to a Secret Society, which is a treasonous act, so make sure to never reveal it. Roll a D20 and PM me the results to get your Secret Society and a description of it, as well as your three secret skills.

A) Secret Skills: These are special skills taught you by your soceity. You have three of them.
Uncommon: Things most people in Alpha Complex would never have a chance to learn
Unlikely: Pretty much useless
Unhealthy: Never let ANYone outside your society know you know this skill.

6) Perversity Points and Tics
A) PP: Perversity points are a luck currenacy. You start off with 25 of them, for every one you spend, you can adjust a die roll up or down by one, for yourself or anyone else. You may spend as many at a time as you wish. You can earn more while playing by doing amazing or entertaining things.
Tics: You may earn a bonus 10 PP during character creation by giving your character one or two Tics. Each Tic is worth 5 PP. A Tic is any obvious and easily recognized behavior your character displays. (Ex: Needing to have an exact count of things whenever numbers come up, absentmindly gnawing on objects in hand, Mistaking bots for people and vice versa)

7) Security Clearance: You are Red. You wear red clothes, and can only enter Red and IR sections of the Complex (IR is represented by the color Black). You must obey any orders given you by anyone of Orange or higher. You may give orders to IR citizens, though how dutious they are in obeying is likely to be a direct result of how much you threaten and watch them. You may earn promotions by serving The Computer. You may earn demotions by screwing up or being blamed by your fellow Troubleshooters.

8) Attributes: You are not authorized to know these. What you are authorized to know is as follows:
A) You have a Power and an Access attribute.
B) Power measures the strength of your mutant power. Access represents your ability to navigate or circumvent the crushing bureaucracy of Alpha Complex.
C) Each of these attributes has a number, which only the GM knows. Whenever you try to use either attribute, the GM will roll against this number. These numbers may go up or down for various reasons.

9) Equipment: You have three types of equipment, Personal, Assigned, and Treasonous. You will begin play with the following:

A) Personal Equipment: Stuff you own yourself

a) Standard issue red jumpsuit and boots

b) 1,000 credits, which you will have oppertunities to spend aplenty in game (sometimes unwillingly)

c) A ME card. Your ME card is a combination of an ID and a credit card. Your current and future credits can only be accessed through your ME card. DO NOT LOSE IT! It can take weeks just to file the paper work reporting it's loss, and months to get a replacement.

B) Assigned equipment: Stuff The Computer has given you. You are responisble for this equipment, and will have to pay for it if you break or lose it.

a) One laser pistol body. Your pistol will not fire without a barrel, which you will be provided with prior to missions. Barrels are color coded, you may not use a barrel of a color higher than your clearance. Each barrel is good for 6 shots, represented by 6 glowing, colored rings along its length. With each shot, one of these rings will wink out. After all 6 are out, you should change barrels. You can keep firing after 6 shots if you choose to, but each shot after the 6th risks greater and greater chance for failure.

b) One suit of Red reflec armor overalls in (more or less) your size. Your reflec armor is good only against lasers, and only against lasers of your color or lower.

c) One Series 1300 Personal Digital Companion. Think of the PDC as an I-phone. It is a cell phone, a camera (with still or video options), a mini-computer with touch screen and stylus, and a grenade. You may reach The Computer at any time with your PDC, record treasonous activity, file forms and reports, or set to overload and use as a weapon. Any pics, vids, or sounds you record are transfered automatically to an online file storage system.

C) Treasonous Equipment: Stuff you should not have. You may or may not start the game with treasonous equipment, depending on your secret society and what they may have you do.

Once you have recieved my reply to your PM and entered in the info sent, your character will be complete and ready to live, serve, and die (repeatily) for The Computer and Alpha Complex.

Re: Paranoia characters

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2009 2:40 am
by Tyyr
Name: Tam-R-SKI-1
Gender: M, Maybe
Service Group: Research and Design
Firm: Robopsych Auditing
Mutant Power: Hypersenses
Secret Society: PURGE

PP: 35
Security Clearence: Red

Red Jumpsuit
1,000 Credits
ME Card
Laser Pistol Body (No Barrel)
Red Reflec Coveralls

Skills (General):
Management: 7
Stealth: 9
Violence: 4
Hardware: 7
Software: 9
Wetware: 4

Skills (Specific):
Management: 7
Bootlicking: 7
Chutzpah: 7
Con Games: 11
Hygiene: 7
Interrogation: 7
Intimidation: 7
Moxie: 7
Oratory: 1

Concealment: 1
Disguise: 9
High Alert: 9
Security Systems: 13
Shadowing: 9
Sleight of Hand: 9
Sneaking: 9
Surveillance: 9

Agility: 4
Demolition: 8
Energy Weapons: 8
Field Weapons: 8
Fine Manipulation: 4
Hand Weapons: 4
Projectile Weapons: 4
Thrown Weapons: 4
Unarmed Combat: 4
Vehicular Combat: 1

Bot Ops and Maintenance: 7
Chemical Engineering: 7
Electronic Engineering: 11
Habitat Engineering: 7
Mechanical Engineering: 7
Nuclear Engineering: 7
Vehicle Ops and Maintenance: 1
Weapon and Armor Maintenance: 7

Bot Programming: 13
C-Bay: 1
Data Analysis: 13
Data Search: 9
Financial Systems: 9
Hacking: 13
Operating Systems: 9
Vehicle Programming: 1

Bioscience: 4
Bioweapons: 8
Cloning: 4
Medical: 4
Outdoor life: 4
Pharmatherapy: 4
Psychotherapy: 4
Suggestion: 4

Secret Skills: Gloating: 7

Tic: Has a pen in hand or in reach at all time. When working twirls the pen and clicks it constantly.
Tic: Workspace must be arranged perfectly at all times, if it's messed with freaks out and can't work until it's restored.

Re: Paranoia characters

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2009 2:13 am
by Tsukiyumi
Name: Patrick-R-PSY-1
Gender: Male
Security Clearance: Red
PP: 35
Tic: Finds the color white extremely distasteful.
Tic: Obsessive-compulsive about his personal appearance to the point of insanity.
Power: ?
Access: ?

Service Group: Technical Services
Firm: Paint Control
Mutant Power: (unregistered)

Management: 9
Stealth: 8
Violence: 10
Hardware: 4
Software: 5
Wetware: 4

Skills by group

Bootlicking: 9
Chutzpah: 9
Con Games: 1
Hygiene: 13
Interrogation: 9
Intimidation: 9
Moxie: 9
Oratory: 9

Concealment: 8
Disguise: 8
High Alert: 8
Security Systems: 8
Shadowing: 8
Sleight of Hand: 8
Sneaking: 12
Surveillance: 1

Agility: 14
Demolition: 10
Energy Weapons: 14
Field Weapons: 1
Fine Manipulation: 10
Hand Weapons: 10
Projectile Weapons: 10
Thrown Weapons: 10
Unarmed Combat: 18
Vehicular Combat: 1

Bot Ops and Maintenance: 4
Chemical Engineering: 4
Electronic Engineering: 4
Habitat Engineering: 4
Mechanical Engineering: 4
Nuclear Engineering: 4
Vehicle Ops and Maintenance: 4
Weapon and Armor Maintenance: 4

Bot Programming: 5
C-Bay: 5
Data Analysis: 5
Data Search: 5
Financial Systems: 5
Hacking: 5
Operating Systems: 5
Vehicle Programming: 5

Bioscience: 4
Bioweapons: 1
Cloning: 4
Medical: 8
Outdoor life: 1
Pharmatherapy: 4
Psychotherapy: 8
Suggestion: 4

Standard issue red jumpsuit and boots
1,000 credits
ME card
One laser pistol body
One suit of Red reflec armor overalls
One Series 1300 Personal Digital Companion

Secret Stuff
Secret Society: FCCC-P
Rank: 2

Society Skills
Uncommon: Alpha Complex History, rating 15
Unlikely: Priestly skills, rating 20
Unhealthy: Meeting Machine Empaths, rating 4

Mutant Power
Energy Field

Service Firm
Internal security, basically Alpha Complex's police force.

Re: Paranoia characters

Posted: Thu Dec 10, 2009 12:51 am
by Mikey
Name: Mike-R-FKT-1
Gender: M

Management: 8
- con games: 12
- interrogation: 12
- intimidation: 1
- oratory: 1
Stealth: 7
Violence: 6
- energy weapons: 10
Hardware: 7
- electronic engineering: 15
- chemical engineering: 1
Software: 8
- bot programming: 12
- data analysis: 12
- data search: 12
- C-bay: 1
- operating systems: 1
Wetware: 4

Service Group: Tech Services
Service Firm: MemoMax Quality Assurance
- Service specialty: industrial spy (against Bedding Inspectors)

Mutant Power: X-ray vision, unregistered

Secret Society: Corpore Metal, rank 2
Secret skills
Uncommon: Cyborging, rating 8
Unlikely: Botspotting, rating 14
Unhealthy: Bioweapons, rating 8

Perversity Points: 30
Tic: neat freak

Security Clearance: Red

Power: IDK
Access: IDK

Personal: jumpsuit and boots (red,) ME card/1,000 credits
Assigned: laser pistol body, reflec armor (red,) Series 1300 PDC
Treasonous: -