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Is JMS a LOTR fan?

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 10:20 pm
by LaughingCheese
I was just thinking there's some similarities between B5 and LOTR.



Ages of Manking ("Third Age of Manking")

Ancient evil come back to wreak more havoc

Not accusing JMS of anything, just making some observations.

Thoughts? :mrgreen:

Re: Is JMS a LOTR fan?

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 10:23 pm
by Tyyr
That's really next to nothing. Rangers are a fairly common fantasy staple. Ages of mankind, again nothing specific to LoTR. Ancient evil, plot as old as dirt.

He might like LoTR, he might even have that stuff in there as an homage, but by itself it's not much.

Re: Is JMS a LOTR fan?

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 10:24 pm
by LaughingCheese
Tyyr wrote:That's really next to nothing. Rangers are a fairly common fantasy staple. Ages of mankind, again nothing specific to LoTR. Ancient evil, plot as old as dirt.

He might like LoTR, he might even have that stuff in there as an homage, but by itself it's not much.
True I guess, hadn't thought of that. Ridiculously comment elements. :lol:

Again, just food for thought.

Re: Is JMS a LOTR fan?

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 9:28 am
by Varthikes
Yes. JMS is a LotR fan. He says so himself on the B5 DVDs. I forget which one exactly, but I've heard him say it.

Re: Is JMS a LOTR fan?

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 2:33 pm
by Deepcrush
A lot of the ideas as such of a Great Evil or Rangers being a force of good predates the Tolken's work. In the US, the term Ranger is tacked to a huge number of services. Texas Rangers, Park Rangers, Wildlife Rangers, Army Rangers, Farm Rangers, Milita Rangers (Both in service of the Britsh Army then later the Colonial Americans).

Tolken and JMS simply took what was already there and expanded those ideas in newer or more updated directions.