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Chem Dogs: Escape From Dust

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 6:16 pm
by Aaron
The planet has no official name, just a series of numbers and letters given to it by the Adeptus Mechanicus Explorator fleet that discovered it. Once rich in precious metals, harvest-able animals and xeno ruins, the planet is now little more then a dead rock in space. An angry red, dust covered ball that has outlived it's usefulness to the Imperium and the Priests of Mars. For the last year the Imperial Navy, Guard and Mechanicus forces have been engaged in evacuating the Imperium's servants and useful local labourers from the surface in preparation for removing the planet itself from the Imperium.

The last shuttles have lifted off amidst riots and chaos, the locals know of the Imperium's prediction that most of them will be dead in a hundred or so years, unable to maintain their food and water production, a great number of them will perish. All that will be left are scattered hunter-gatherers, scrounging from the ruins. Their mad at the Imperium and are willing to take out their frustration on anything they perceive to have aided their now enemy.

Unfortunately, in their haste to leave, several members of different penal regiments have been left behind. No one will miss a Chem Dog here and there but it's a safe bet that those Dogs don't want to be on the planet, it may be better then Savlar but no Chem Dog would want to live on Dust.


1305 Day One:

Stranga sits in the side car of the Iron Horse, the insignia of the Savlar 231st Chem Dogs Rough Rider platoon painted on the side, watching as the last shuttle rockets off on a cone of fire in the distance. Her sister Zenthia finishes emptying a salvaged can of fuel into the bikes tank and drops it to the ground with a thud.

"Looks like that's it then, the Lt. fragged us good and proper."

Stranga turns her head to her sister and pulls down her re-breather mask, "you don't know that little one."

"Who else would do it? He never liked us after I refused him. You know that!"

Stranga nods, "I know. We'll have to find a way off though."

Her sister kicks the empty can across the loading yard in frustration, "WHY!!??"

"This planet is dead, look around little one. There isn't anything here. Theres sure to be more of us left, someone will know a way out. Get in and fire her up, lets go!"

Zenthia lets out a frustrated sigh and climbs onto the bike, firing up the engine. "Where?"

"The landing field, anyone else will head there too."

The younger sister puts the Horse in gear and tears off, a rooster tail of rust red dust following them.

Re: Chem Dogs: Escape From Dust

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 7:13 pm
by Lighthawk
1200-1305, day 1

The comm room was quiet, save for the slight hiss of static coming over the vox. Regulator Hilda sat in a chair by the unit, her feet propped up on the desk with her hands tucked behind her head, fingers laced through the rough black strands in an image of unconcerned relaxation. The tightness about her face, and the steady tension of her muscles gave away the false impression though.

Across the room, Hak stood by the door, the chem dog playing with the bayonet blade on his lasgun, running a sauage thick thumb along the blade over and over, as if to constantly remind himself of the sharp edge. He stared half out the door, half out into empty space.

The vox crackled, and both of them jumped a bit, though they each pretended not to have noticed a thing. Hax stuck his now bleeding thumb in his mouth.

"Regulator, I'm sorry but we have no shuttles or lighters to spare at this point. Please contact another ship and request pick up from them," came a thoroughly un-sympathetic reply to Hilda's earlier request, which she and Hak had been waiting on for the better half of an hour.

"Dammit, what do you think I've been doing for the last four hours?" Hilda growled into the vox. "It's the same groxshit answer out of every vessel, no one, not one ship as a freaking craft to spare! I don't care what you have, if it can fly, send it!"

"Apologizes Regulator," the voice replied again, with even less sympathy. "But we can not assisst. Shield of Glory out."

"Hey! Don't you dare cut off on me! Hello? Dammit it all!" Hilda swore and slammed the hand speaker down on the desk so hard the casing cracked. Tossing the useless thing aside, she got to her feet, pacing.

"Guess that's it then, eh?" Hak said dully, pulling his thumb free and glancing at the cut. "Nothing left to do now..."

"Shut up," Hilda cut in, and turning in her pacing, put a foot through the main body of the vox.

Silence fell for a while, before Hak spoke again. "I hear an engine..."

Looking outside, they both saw the dust trail being kicked up by an approaching vehical, small and fast moving.

"Come on," Hilda ordered, grabbing up her flamer and marching out the door, Hak hot on her heels. She stalked across the open ground, until she had placed herself directly into the path of the incoming bike, and held up a hand as it drew close enough for her to make out the markings of the 231st rough rider platoon.

Re: Chem Dogs: Escape From Dust

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 7:23 pm
by Mikey
1305, Day One

Crank crawled out of the rubble of the hab-block he'd been using as a blind and made his way down the staircase, now exposed to the wind. He couldn't believe these people would resort to blowing charges in their own building, especially since none of the rioters had a chance to get themselves clear. Reaching the bottom of the stairs, he noticed the twisted knot of metal that had been the barrel of his long-las and chucked it away in disgust. Then he noticed the throng of half-buried bodies among the detritus on the ground floor - mostly locals, but mixed in were enough fragments of uniforms to identify the rest of his squad. Laugh at me for picking a second-floor shooting blind, huh? he thought, then cursed out loud when he realized that every single one of the deceased Chem Dogs was into him for some amount of money. He scooped a miraculously-unharmed lasgun that lay near one of the exposed dead hands, grunting as he noticed the lack of heft and length of the weapon, and walked across out of the building. Landing field, he thought. Back to beautiful Savlar. Nothing left for the 'Dogs here.


Lirk looked around. The hill which his squad had been charging up was now a slightly concave depression in the ground, levelled by the shell of an Earthshaker cannon. Amidst the bodies and body parts that were all that was left of the group of local humans that had held the hill were several colossal limbs and trunks - dead ogryns, most of Lirk's squad. Fortunately for anyone in an Imperial uniform, Lirk had other things to think about than to try and put together the fact that it IG fire that destroyed his men. "Hey!" he yelled, his voice echoing like an autocannon. "Who left?"

"Here," growled two deep voices in unison. The Org brothers, Buck and Boar, crested the lip of the depression, looking around in confusion.

"Squad gone," Lirk said, recalling the fact that he had to rally his men, "fight gone. We go now. Find com'sar, com'sar bring us to new fight for Emperor." Shading his eyes with a hand like a hamhock, Lirk scanned the horizon. "There," he said, pointing to the roostertail of dust kicked up by a fast-moving vehicle. "Men go there, we find orders there."

Re: Chem Dogs: Escape From Dust

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 7:30 pm
by Aaron
As the Iron Horse speeds through the dust covered ruins of the landing field facilities, Stranga notices a rapidly growing figure in their path. Reaching into the car she hauls out her shotgun and then taps her sister on the shoulder, pointing out the figure ahead of them. Zenthia piles on the brakes and puts the bike into a half-spin, stopping with her sister facing the figure.

The younger sister groans as she takes in the uniform, "Frak! A judge!"

Stranga reaches up and undoes the toggles on her re-breather so she can be heard clearly, though leaves her goggles on. "So, you got a way of this rock, or you just gonna tell us how you're the law?"

Re: Chem Dogs: Escape From Dust

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 7:35 pm
by Lighthawk
1305, day 1

"Don't start with me, I've been having a bad day," Hilda says, glaring with her good eye. "And no, I don't have a way off this rock. And I'm guessing that if you're asking, you don't either."

Re: Chem Dogs: Escape From Dust

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 7:46 pm
by Tyyr
1250 Day One

Things had gone from bad to worse quickly on Dust. Then again from bad to worse described Intias' career since she'd graduated from the Schola. Being assigned to the 347th had only been the beginning. She'd met them on planet nearly nine months ago after the previous commissar had died. Through a combination of feigned incompetence, which had never enamored her to the commander of the regiment but kept the troops from putting a bullet in her or worse, and careful positioning near the regiment's detachment of ogryn she'd stayed alive. At first she'd thought the Chem-Dogs she was assigned to were the worst thing on the planet but over the months she'd found out differently.

The assignment was simple, round up everyone and everything on the list, load them on the transports and leave. Being the commissar she'd seen the reports, she knew what was going to happen to the planet. It wasn't her concern, not initially. If the people who lived here hadn't planned ahead for this day it wasn't her fault or problem. The residents of "Dust" as they called it didn't feel the same. At first there was just unease but no one seemed to really oppose them. The evacuation had gone perfectly to plan. Starting six months ago things started to go south. Someone leaked the report to the residents, or some idiotic administratum drone had forgotten to encrypt it, or chaos just decided to screw with them. Regardless, six months ago the residents had started to fight back. Quietly at first but with rising intensity.

Intias had known today would be bad, it was the last day of the evacuation. Guard forces had been withdrawing and had already departed most of the planet. It had been up to the 347th to clear out the last few stragglers to the north of the city. They'd loaded all of their gear into the transports and left to go out into the city with just the packs on their backs. They'd been met with a mob.

Intias had rallied her platoon, taking up position at the back of the convoy and pushing the mob back so that the transports could be loaded. Things had gone surprisingly well right up until the last few civvies had been loaded onto the trucks. The mob, which had been hurling nothing but insults and seething in its own impotent rage, seemed to realize the end was at hand. They were the last. It had started with a rock hitting one of the Dog's in the head. He'd responded by amputating the offender's, or someone near him at least, leg at the shin with his lasgun. In an instant the mob crystallized. They'd charged the platoon in a wave. With only a few dozen meters between them and the Dog's Intias' troopers only got off a few volleys before the mob was on them. Untrained, unarmed, and unarmored the crowd had no advantage save numbers and they pressed it. Intias desperately tried to rally her troops, to establish some sort of order so they could withdraw but nothing worked. It seemed hopeless and apparently the rest of the convoy agreed because even though she turned around as soon as heard the engines fire the convoy was pulling out, fast, leaving them. 'Fucking Chem-Dog's' flitted through Intias' mind.

The crowed realized their vulnerability and surged forward. With no one covering their flanks the crowd started to surround the beleaguered troops. They'd only been fighting for a few moments and Intias figured she'd already lost a full squad. Calling her troops to her she tried to withdraw towards and elevated road and the tunnel that ran under it. If they could limit the approach of the mob they might be able to bring enough fire to bear to push them back. She'd hurried into the tunnel with her chainsword raised high imploring her men and women to follow her. She hadn't seen the insurgents waiting atop the overpass. As her platoon, really two ragged squads now, approached the overpass the insurgents opened up with their rifles. The opening volley killed half the Chem-Dog's that had survived. When a few of the survivors turned to fire on the insurgents the crowd surged forward and swallowed the few survivors.

Intias could only stare in horror as the civilians killed her troops. Bare hands, paving stones, clubs of convenience, it didn't matter. Their focus on beating the corpses under their feet was so total that they ignored her, save for two men. Spotting her the charged. Her a split second her commissarial training warred with Intias' survival instincts. Her instincts won. Bolting down the tunnel she ran as fast as her legs would carry her. To open fire on the men in the tunnel would surely draw attention, she had to put some distance between herself and the mob.

Leaving the tunnel she made a sharp turn down an alley trying to draw the men after her, and they bit. The first man had a maniacal smile on his face when he rounded the corner. He had one of the Imperial scum on the run and he was going to enjoy watching her die. His countenance had barely had time to fall before Intias' chain sword began to chew through his rib cage under his right arm. The draw cut proceeded upwards shredding flesh and organs. By the time his body demanded he scream her whirring blade had already reduced his lungs to dog food and a wet rattle was all he could manage. Intias continued the cut and let her blade finish bisecting the man by clawing through his left collar bone even as she leveled her pistol. The second man had his club raised high as the chainsword spat his compatriot's blood all over his chest and face. The man's startled expression never left his face as Intias triggered a full auto burst from her pistol and his head above his eyebrows ceased to exist in any recognizable form.

Intias stood over the two corpses breathing heavy. She tried to process the events that were happening but failed, all she could think about was that these two civvies were the first people she'd ever killed. She'd managed to even avoid ordering anyone's death so far, no small feat in a penal regiment. There's was nothing heroic about what she'd just done. These men weren't xenos abominations, screaming wytches, chaos twisted cultists, or even just plain old traitors. They were Imperial citizens. People she was supposed to protect. She took two more deep breaths as her chainsword stopped spinning.

They were people who'd just killed her platoon, tried to kill her. She didn't do anything to them, this was just orders. She didn't even like what was happening but what was she supposed to do? They were going to kill her over something she couldn't do anything about and had nothing to do with? The more she pondered the madder she got.

"Well if that's how you want to play it, frak you," Intias said. She wiped her chainsword off on the shirt of her second victim and sheathed it. Keeping her pistol out she considered her location. If there was any way off this rock it'd be at the starport. Getting her bearings she took off, keeping to the alleys. She'd never pass herself off as a local, stealth was her best bet.

1300 Day One

Jastilus hummed softly to himself as he fastened his rebreather back on. As he picked up his lasgun a meek feminine voice behind him asked, "Please give us a moment to get our things, we won't take much." Jastilus turned slightly to look at the woman. Snorting he headed for the door. "Wait, we have to get our things, get the rest of the children." Jastilus kept walking, ignoring her completely. She and her daughter were nice enough to look at and had been fun, and desperate to leave, REALLY desperate. Desperate enough to keep him entertained for a while together. He'd particularly loved the disgust he saw in their eyes but that they'd done everything he asked anyways. You didn't find entertainment that good in the regiment. Recognition dawned on the woman as he laid his hand on the door knob. "You said you'd take us with you!"

Jastilus looked back at her with a grin big enough to be seen behind his rebreather. He looked at her for a few seconds then broke out in a deep belly laugh. Realization dawned on her slowly but when it did the despair on her face made him smile. He slammed the door behind me and got back to humming as he heard the woman start to sob.

Hustling back through the streets he headed for his platoon's rally point. They'd been keeping the main convoy route though the city open and they'd be falling back towards the space port as the convoy's past. If he had it timed right he'd get back just before the bugged out. The closer he got the more worried he became. He couldn't hear anything, not the rumbling of engines, not the rough conversation of the other Dogs, nothing. When he reached the intersection his platoon was supposed to be holding it was completely empty. "You motherfrakers," he muttered. The streets were deserted and in the distance he could hear the sound of an angry mob. The planet was coming apart and he had no intention of being stuck here. Turning towards the spaceport he took off at a trot.

Re: Chem Dogs: Escape From Dust

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 8:07 pm
by Mikey
1307, Day One

Crank walked through the burnt-out complex until he came to the small field by the vox-shed, where he saw a couple of Rough Riders - women, of all things - talking to what looked like an Arbites with another 'Dog in tow. "Frak!" he said loudly, announcing his presence. "I never thought I'd be glad to see one of you! Alright, another mission over, and another failed chance to see us KIA. Shackle me up and take me back." Crank was put off by the concerned and annoyed expressions on everyone's faces.

Suddenly a huge figure strode around the corner of a building. "Hello?" it said simply, with a voice like a Thunderhawk taking off. Crank jumped and levelled his lasgun until he saw it was a grey-skinned ogryn, clad in IG auxilia gear.

"Frak!" he cursed again. "I thought you were a greenskin nob. Throne, you're even bigger. Glad you're on our side."

"Lirk serves Throne," growled the ogryn. "Fight here for Emperor, fight all gone now. Come to find com'sar... com'sar speak words of Emperor." Seeeing the superior armor of the unmounted woman, he proudly deduced that she was the one in charge. "Who you?" Lirk asked her, narrowing his eyes. "Not com'sar... not even Imper'l Guard."

Re: Chem Dogs: Escape From Dust

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 8:36 pm
by Deepcrush
Buck and Boar had followed Lirk without question. Though, there had been some complant. Buck was mad about losing a Lascannon he had found, not that he was any good at using it. Boar spent the whole walk upset about his belly. This could have been from hunger since it had been several hours since he had eaten anything, or the piece of plasteal stuck just under his ribcage. Maybe a combo of the both?

Coming around the corner shortly after Lirk, the brothers saw the crowd. Looking around like lost children, who just happen to be over three meters tall. Finding that there was not Commissar in the mix, both were upset. Boar grumbled "Food?" Buck backhanded Boar, a kiddish hit for them, fatal for a human. "NO! No food, not to we fines da Com'sar! Maybe he say we eat." Buck looked over to Lirk, "uhh, no Com'sar fo us! You say da Com'sar come here!" Buck pouted.

Re: Chem Dogs: Escape From Dust

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 8:55 pm
by Lighthawk

Crank's outburst caused Hilda to spin, bringing her flamer up, just barely stopping herself from toasting the man for sneaking up on her. Before she could even lower the weapon though, the monsterous form of an Ogryn came lumbering into view, and then two more trailing after it, bickering like children. Soon the first was standing over her, demanding to know who she was while the other two continued to argue.

"Regulator Hilda, of the Adeptus Arbites," she answered the Orgyn, showing him her ID just to be on the safe side, all the while trying to ignore the other two. She considered the brutes for a moment, they would be useful to have around. "Who are you, and where's your commanding officer?"

Re: Chem Dogs: Escape From Dust

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 9:03 pm
by Aaron
1305 Day One:

"No, my behind is a rocket pack but I'm out of gas." Stranga gives the Arbites a lop sided grin but is prevented from continuing by the appearance of three Ogryns and a very annoying Chem Dog.

She leans over to her sister and mutters, "you know this guy? I can't make out his regimental flashes."

Zenthia shakes her head and mutters back, "no, maybe we should kill him anyways. Just to be sure."

Re: Chem Dogs: Escape From Dust

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 9:06 pm
by Tyyr

Almost twenty minutes of fast movement had gotten Intias away from the mob. As far as she could tell they were moving off in another direction. The closer she got to the spaceport along the convoy's route the worse thing got. Apparently her platoon wasn't the only one that had found the locals protesting their departure. As she came to a bombed out intersection she spotted a knot of soldiers talking. Apparently she wasn't the only person who'd been left. To her tremendous relief several of the soldiers were gigantic ogryn and at least one woman looked to be an arbite. As she approached she straightened up to her full height of a little shy of two meters. Dusting herself off she tried to set her face in the determination everyone would expect of a commissar. "Explain yourselves!" she barked as she walked up to them.


Jastilus caught sight of the group of soldiers and ogryn and started to jog to join up with them. This planet did not appreciate what was going down and he'd be damned if he'd be without someone else to throw into the line of fire if things got ugly. He was already almost to the group when they moved and he caught sight of the arbite and the commissar. "Frak!"

Re: Chem Dogs: Escape From Dust

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 9:13 pm
by Lighthawk
1309, day 1

Hilda glared for a second at Intias, before she really took in the uniform, and her face softened a bit.

"Thank the Emperor," she said, walking on over to the woman. "Tell me you have a way off this dust ball, yes?"

Re: Chem Dogs: Escape From Dust

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 9:20 pm
by Mikey
1308 - 1309, Day One

Lirk looked around at the Org brothers. "Many rats, dogs, cats maybe left in buildings by weak-stomached men. Eat much as you want." He then turned his attention to a demanding female voice.

"Explain yourselves!" it shouted, and Lirk turned to see a tall (for a human - her head almost reached his solar plexus) woman in the coat and cap of an Imperial Commissar. Lirk grinned broadly, proud of his success at his stated goal.

He turned back to the Orgs, and cuffed the nearest with a blow that would have pulverized a cinder block. Buck merely looked up. "See?" said Lirk. "I find com'sar!" Lirk turned back to the commissar and saluted - the act of which caused a large shadow. "Lirk Vostrod, ogryn sarge," he announced. "Com'sar take us to 'nother fight for Emperor?"

Re: Chem Dogs: Escape From Dust

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 9:22 pm
by Tyyr
1309 Day One

Intias nodded. 'If all else fails bullshit and stall for time,' she thought, recalling to words of one of her more practical instructors. "Of course. We'll form up and make for the spaceport. We will be able to locate an orbital shuttle there. We will commandeer it and make our way up to the fleet. It will take them some time to finish preparations for departure. We should be back with our regiments before the end of the day," she said with far more confidence than she felt. There were holes all through that plan, ones even an ogryn could spot.

"Com'sar take us to 'nother fight for Emperor?"
Intias looked up at the ogryn, something she rarely did for anyone and nodded. "Of course, but this one is finished so we'll have to leave to go find another."

Re: Chem Dogs: Escape From Dust

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 9:32 pm
by Lighthawk
1309, day 1

Hilda nodded. Surely the fleet wouldn't leave one of the Commissars behind, at least not if they knew she was alive. Of course, the fact that she was all alone suggested something bad had happened, bad enough that she might be perssumed dead?

"We should hurry, I doubt anything that can make orbit will be sitting around for long."