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Season 4

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 1:19 am
by Mark
Just picked up Season 4 at Wal Mart this weekend and got started. The replicants kind of disappointed me I must say. I was looking forward to a Borg-ish level threat, but these little guys don't seem to really measure up to me.

Finished up last night that groundhog day episode. Nice to see O'Neil finally lay one on Carter :twisted:

Re: Season 4

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 1:24 am
by Monroe
Replicators are introduced lightly but by season 8 or 9 they are a big threat. Remember they are the ones who keep the Asgard busy.

Re: Season 4

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 2:25 am
by Mark
Thats why I'm confused. They have the Asguard on the ropes, but a good shotgun blasts them into dust

Re: Season 4

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 7:21 am
by Varthikes
The Asgard aren't used to thinking on such primitive levels as the Tau'ri. They try to use their more advanced technology (energy weapons, stronger armors) to engage the Replicators, and the Replicators assimilate this technology and adapt to it (like the Borg). But, now they're going up against the Tau'ri and their gunpowder-based weapons, something that they never before have encountered, and so, never adapted to.

But, the Replicators more than make up for that with their numbers. One or two you can handle, but once they start replicating, you're in trouble.

Re: Season 4

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 3:30 pm
by Sionnach Glic
The Asgard's major problem is that they're simply too advanced to deal with the Replicators. You'll see in future series that they've a few problems stemming from their use of highly advanced technology.

Re: Season 4

Posted: Fri Aug 28, 2009 6:56 pm
by Mark
Heh, I'll need to pick up seasons 5 and 6 while they're still on sale then. Just to see the bugs develop.

Re: Season 4

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 2:35 am
by Mark
Upon conclusion, I'm sorry to say that I see season 4 as being a rather weak season for Stargate. Unlike Trek which started weak and built itself up, it seemed like there was a lag in season 4. Nothing really meaningful seemed to happen. They had the obligatory "flashback" episode, the time travel episode, and the doppelganger episode. Meh....

Kronos seemed to die a pretty pointless and anti climactic death (unless they bring him back too) and even the cliffhanger episode seemed lacking compared to the others.

I DID stop off today and pick up seasons five and six, so well keep seeing what will happen next.

By the way, when will the start the set up for SG Atlantis? I thought for sure the episode with a Russian Marina Sirtis finding the water world would have been it, but apparently not. :cry:

Re: Season 4

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 2:54 am
by Tsukiyumi
Mark wrote:Upon conclusion, I'm sorry to say that I see season 4 as being a rather weak season for Stargate.
I tend to agree with this, though I think the weakest of SG-1 was better than 90% of Voyager. The season 4 finale was great, IMO.
Mark wrote:I DID stop off today and pick up seasons five and six, so well keep seeing what will happen next.
I recently finished season 5; loved it. A lot of loose ends are wrapped up, and again, the finale is pretty serious.
Mark wrote:By the way, when will the start the set up for SG Atlantis?
Season 7 finale, IIRC.

Re: Season 4

Posted: Mon Aug 31, 2009 3:40 am
by Mark
Tsuki wrote:
I tend to agree with this, though I think the weakest of SG-1 was better than 90% of Voyager.
Oh yes, that is DEFINITELY true. The O'Neil humor alone makes it better than most of Voyager .