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Fantasy Universe Lore

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 11:01 pm
by Monroe
I'll add onto this in the future but these are the maps. Go easy on me, I did this with a mouse.



Dark Royal Blue: Empire of Dox
--Starting Location.

Bright Red: Desert Kingdom of the Sun
--Neutral in most matters but often sides with the Empire of Dox. People here are moved by the whip by their overlords. They are usually poorly armed and poorly trained.

Dark Green northern coast: Orcish Kingdom of Org!
--Kingdom of Org is the largest grouping of orcs in the world. Not even the Empire of Dox can compare. Org is actually quite fractious and at any given day a different King is proclaimed due to their violent nature. Goblins also live here and other goblionoids.

White: Vunir
--The Giant realm of Vunir. Vunir is a powerful northern kingdom. Made up of giants they are both feared and respected. Their equipment is some of the best and their warriors are feared.

Purple: Thalus Empire
--The High Elf Thalus Empire has been hit by troubled times in recent years. The Magnus, the leader of the Empire hordes most of its wealth and as such its armies are poorly equipped and trained as of late. They do a reasonable job holding off the Org! But their neighbors to the south east-- Asreil have been pressing harder.

Cyan: Land of Iron
--The Land of Iron is a Dwarf kingdom pressed up against the mountains. The actual extent leads far into the mountains. They are hardy folk and at war with the other subterranean creatures of the mountains such as minotaurs and goblins.

Yellow: The Forgotten Kingdoms of Presha
--Presha was once a united kingdom however thirty-three years ago their King died without a heir. Civil War enveloped the country and its neighbors expanded into its boarders. Now the country is riddled with strife and war. Here all manners of creatures can be found at random as so many have invaded this land seeking fortune.

Brown: Asreil
--Asreil is a human / elf Kingdom. It is also the nation most on the rise. Military reforms brought about by its current king has turned Asreil into a mighty kingdom.

Pink: Yunola
--Yunola is a lowland region home of gnomes and humans. They have some resemblance of a republic but have been losing to Asreil in a war. They are desperate for allies but cannot seem to find any.

Orange: Elanga Empire
--The Elangians have the strongest Empire in the world. They have a strict policy of fighting evil from the Empire of Dox and its allies. To that end the Elangians have equipped their army with powerful armor, weapons, paladins, priests, and mages.

Re: Fantasy Universe Lore

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2009 1:15 am
by Monroe

The Dox's alliance with the Desert Kingdom of the Sun was of great concern to the nations of the mainland. War broke out and for nearly fifty years the Elanga Emire and the Empire of Dox have been fighting each other. Recently however the last of the Dox navy was sunk. Elanga threatens to invade Dox and end the evil Empire.

Your master Lord Xythic. Eternal Daemon of the Dox Isle has formed a plan to end Elanga domination of the world. If the Elanga Stone of Holy Power could be destroyed it would render their paladins and priests useless.

Only a great staff- The Staff of Dark Power could render the stone inert and destroy it. The Staff was forged by the Dark Master Xythic himself in eons past. He was tricked by Nevarious, a trickster demon who broke the staff into 9 pieces. The Trickster Nevarious was paid by his employers the early Elanga people by locking the demon away in an underground tomb with one of the pieces. The rest having been hidden in various vaults and castles throughout the land.

As centuries past only the location of Nevarious' vault remains known to the Dark Master Xythic. Once a mighty nation, Thalus volunteered to guard Nevarious' vault. Now dark times have set upon the Thalus Empire. The corrupt Magnus has forgotten his sacred duties with concern about mortal wealth and the orcish hordes weighing heavily on his mind.

Your Dark Master commands you to meet at his Spine Tower on the south-eastern coast of the Dox Isle. From there he commands you to form a covenant of his followers to find the Staff of Dark Power in the southern Thalus Empire. Penalty of failure is death. The rewards of succeeding are unimaginable. Will you obey your Dark Master?