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Fantasy Universe Rules v1.1

Posted: Wed Jul 29, 2009 7:40 pm
by Monroe
To jump to a chapter type cntrl+F and #(Chapter Number) i.e. cntrl+F #1

1 Character Selection
2 Attributes
3 Combat
4 Equipping your character
5 Classes and Special Abilities
6 Leveling Your Character
7 Experience Points

Human: Neutral Benefits

Corrupt Human: +2 to Intelligence or +2 to Strength. -3 to Willpower *Resists Shadow*

High Elf: +2 to Intelligence and +2 to Charisma. -1 to Strength and -1 to Endurance *Can Detect Magc*

Wood Elf: +4 to Agility. -1 to Endurance and -2 to Willpower *Increased Hearing and Trap detection*

Drow: +2 to Intelligence and +1 to Strength. -3 to Charisma.*Can see in Dark*

Dwarf: +1 to Intelligence and +2 to Strength. -3 to Charisma. *Resists Frost*

Gnome: +5 to Intelligence. -4 to Endurance and -2 to Willpower *Resists Social Life- Kidding. *Has Life Line for puzzles*

Minotaur: +7 to Strength. -4 to Intelligence and -5 to Charisma *Can see in Dark*

Gargoyle: +3 to Strength. -4 to Charisma and -1 to Intelligence. *Can Fly at Night, +6 Natural AC*

Goblin: +1 to Strength and +1 to Agility and +1 to Endurance. -3 to Intelligence and -4 to Charisma. *Can see in Dark*

Orc: +4 to Strength. -3 in Intelligence and -2 in Charisma. *Can see in Dark*

Half Orc: +2 to Strength. -1 in Intelligence and -1 in Charisma. *Can see in Dark

Macabre Reanimation: +10 in Endurance and +4 in Strength and +2 in Willpower. -6 in Intelligence and -6 in Charisma. *Does not Breathe. Moves slowly.*

Demon Borne: +3 in Strength and +2 in Willpower. -4 in Charisma and -2 in Endurance. *Resists Fire*

Strength: Determines attack power of melee weapons besides daggers
Intelligence: Determines attack power of spells
Willpower: Determines spell AC (Above neutral +6 decreases damage, below increases).
Agility: Determines attack power of projectile weapons and daggers and chance to hit. As of v1.1 agility above neutral 6 add onto your AC total (or subtract)
Endurance: Determines hit points
Charisma: Determines how NPCs respond to you.

To keep it simple we'll keep using the d10. You get 7 rolls use the top 6 in any order. ( ) A 6 is considered average.

Now I love to roll warriors or high charisma people so I'm going to make a warrior.

My seven rolls are:
5, 5, 10, 6, 9, 9, 1

I am throwing out the 1 of course.

Strength: 10
Intelligence: 5
Willpower: 6
Agility: 9
Endurance: 9
Charisma: 5

Now I rolled pretty good but those are my base stats.

I am simplifying this a little. In classic D&D you go by 2's. In this we're going by plus or minus number above 6.
For example I'd have a -1 to my attack power of my spells. So they would do one less damage. But since I'm a warrior and we're not going to be magic heavy that is okay since i get a +4 damage to my attack.

So let's look at this a little more in detail:

My warrior has an axe that has +2 damage. All weapons will have + something. Adding my strength makes it so I do +6 damage per hit. If I do -X damage no damage is inflicted. Any spells he does have a -1 damage (intelligence modifier). So a fire ball spell that does 2 damage now only does 1.

Any spell coming at my warrior has a +0 chance of being absorbed by his willpower since its at a neutral 6.

His agility is a +3. So when I roll those 3 d10s they are now a 3 d10+3. Meaning if I rolled a 30 then I have a plus 3 for a 33. If I used my crossbow then my arrow would have a +3 damage on it and a +3 chance to hit. Same with a dagger.

Endurance is +3 over the neutral 6. So if I have 10 hit points normally I now have 13.

My charisma is -1 so I'll be less likely to get the women.

Each player has 3 d10s.
Only d10s are used.

Roll your three d10s to do a combat move. Number + any modifiers due to level or gear + agility minus any penalties due to spells or enemy armor (AC) determine your chance to hit against the creature's difficulty. i.e. creature has a difficulty of being hit as a 12. Out of 30 you roll 23. You hit creature. If you rolled an 11 but your bonus is a 3 you'd hit the creature.

Then you take your strength or agility depending on type of weapon and add your weapon damage (Plus or minus depending on above or below neutral 6 number) that determines how hard you hit the creature for. i.e. you rolled 23 you hit. Your strength is a 7. Your weapon damage is +2. You hit for 3 damage. (Damage +1 above 6 Strength).

For spell damage all spells are considered a hit. Creature's Willpower will state how much of the power is absorbed compared to your intelligence. If you have an intelligence of 8 and you shoot a flare at an enemy that does 4 damage you add your additional 2 damage above neutral 6 for a total of 6 potential damage. If the creature's willpower is 4 then he is now -2 below the neutral 6. You take your potential damage of +6 then add +2 damage for creature's lack of Willpower for now +8 total damage.

To simulate a combat move:

Strength: 10
Intelligence: 5
Willpower: 6
Agility: 9
Endurance: 9
Charisma: 5
Axe: +6 Damage
Bow: +3 Damage
Armor: 10 AC

I decide to hit Goblin Lord. I roll my 3 d10s. I roll a 6, 3, 7. For 16 total. Plus my agility of 3 = 19. His AC is a 20. My attack fails just barely.

Monroe swings towards the Goblin with his axe. The green skinned creature raises his shield just in time.

Goblin Lord attacks he rolls 10, 10, 4. For a total of 24. He does not have any agility bonus. He strikes me for the amount his normal weapon attacks. Let's say he has a +3 damage weapon. If I have 20 health normally with my added endurance it is now a 23 at level 1. After the +3 weapon damage my health drops to 20/13.

The Goblin Lord lowers his shield and slashes sideways with his short sword cutting Monroe's leg.

Monroe counter attacks 6, 7, 9 for a total of 22 plus agility bonus of +3 = 25. His AC is only a 20 so my attack connects. I take my +6 weapon damage adding my strength (above neutral 6) for +4 for a total damage of +10 damage inflected. The Goblin only has +10 life and is killed.

Monroe reels from the pain in his leg and hacks downwards with his axe. The Goblin Lord doesn't see it coming and takes the weapon squarely in the neck turning him into a pez dispenser

Equipping your character

A) Roll 10 d10s. That is your total Gold starting out.
B) Look through This thread and buy the equipment you feel you should have.
C) Post said equipment in your character sheet.

Note: While there are weights in poundage near there I am not going to pay much attention to weight. Its mostly there for those who prefer more realistic RP. If you're swinging around a 20 pound battle axe as a gnome I'm not going to care.

Our classes won't setup a huge issue with character creation. But we are going to have a few.

Fighting Class:
This is the default of everyone. They're proficient in weapons and as you level you will have access to better moves.

Level 1 Special Abilities:
-Heroic Strike - +3 Damage with melee weapon.
-Vigilance- +3 Chance to hit with weapon
-Intervene - Intercept enemy blow against other party member

Level 2
-Shield and Board- Protective Stance that Eliminates all damage until you post again.
-Taunt - Calls an enemy to attack you.
-Weapon Throw - Throws your primary weapon causing it to do normal damage as if it was swung. Must be picked up after.

Level 3
-Damage Shield - Causes +3 Damage to attacker who fails to hit pass AC. Damage shield is a passive spell.
-Increase Parry - +5 AC. Passive Spell

Mage Class:
This is the classic spell caster.
Level 1 Special Abilities:
-Lightning Strike - Zaps enemy for +5 damage. x10 if enemy is in water.
-Flare - Strikes Enemy for +1 Fire damage Damage or Illuminates Room
-Ice Shield - Adds 10 Temporary HP for one minute.

Level 2
-Fire Ball- Strikes Enemy for +10 Damage.
-Chain Lightning- Strikes Two enemies for +5 Damage. x10 if enemy is in water.
-Blink - Move within thirty yards on a level ground.

Level 3
-Levitate - Able to float upwards 30 feet.
-Bolt of Pain - +15 Physical Damage to single target.

Spellsword Class:
This a hybrid between Mage and Fighter Classes
Level 1 Special Abilities:
-Fire Touch- Ignites weapon to do an additional +5 damage.
-Frost Touch- Slows an enemy's attack and movement speed.
-Poison Touch: Each turn (Someone's post) enemy loses -5 HP if struck. Does not stack

Level 2:
-Doomed Parry- If enemy attacks your AC and fails then damage enemy would have caused goes to enemy instead.
-Cyclone Attack - Strike three nearby enemies with one attack. (i.e. if you hit one for 6 damage all are hit for 6 damage).
-Water Runner - Able to walk on Water / Lava.

Level 3:
-Flame aura - wraps the caster in a wreath of flames. +2 AC, +3 damage to attackers. 2 turn "cool down"/recharge time.
-Immolate - causes a target creature to burst into flame. The flames last for 3 turns (or until extinguished)... +10 damage first turn, +5 damage second turn, +3 damage third turn.

Healer Class:
This is your typical healing class.
Level 1 Special Abilities
-Unholy Strength- Boosts Another Team member's HP or Attack Damage or Willpower by +5. Can only be used on one team member at a time.
-Touch of the Stolen Light: Heals team member for +3 HP.
-Dark Rising- Resurrects fallen comrade over night.

Level 2
-Touch of Brighter Light: Heals Team member for +6 HP.
-Words of Dox- Uttering the words of the Empire of Dox causes one creature up to level 5 to panic and not move until healer's turn (post) again.
-Unholy Glare- -6 Chance to hit on target creature.

Level 3
-Death and Decay- Up to five nearby creatures suffer +4 Damage.
-Smite - +12 Unholy Damage to single Target

Scout Class:
This is your ranged and tracking class.
Level 1 Special Abilities
-Aimed Shot- Adds +3 Damage to your ranged attack.
-Quick Shot- Adds +3 Chance to hit.
-Hamstring shot- Halts enemy in its place for 5 posts from anyone.

Level 2:
-Multishot- Strike three targets with one shot.
-Arcane Shot- Uses your intel modifier instead of strength - Causes enemy to be immobile until your next round (post)
-Bleeder Shot- Causes light damage +1 but allows Scout class to follow enemy if they retreat.

Level 3:
-Detect Motive - Able to detect a person's motive
-Ranger- +3 Damage. +3 Chance to hit. Passive (Always on).

#6 Leveling Your Character
Ding you have leveled. Congrats, but how does that affect your character?

Hitpoints will increase as you level. They will increase by an additional 50%. So as a level 1 you start out with 20 hp. You gain 10 addition hitpoints for a total of 30 at level 2. Then you look at your endurance. If your endurance is 8 (+2 over neutral 6) then you will now have 32 hp.

Always round up. If you had 15 hp and you dinged you would not have 22.5 hp. You would have 23 hp. If you dinged again you would have 35 hp.

Stats will increase as such:
Each level you are given 4 new skill modifiers to be spent however you see fit. If you decide to use them say in Endurance. That 32 hp you had now looks something like 36 hp. In other words use them in the modification of your hp if you decide to go Endurance.

Your level stat mods can be broken up anyway you want. You can put 3 in Intelligence and 1 in Endurance or you can put 1 in Strength, Willpower, Agility, and Endurance. Or any other combination you can think of.

Don't forget! Make sure you change your damage if you change the corresponding strength or agility.
For example:
Your strength before was a 10 (+4), your weapon damage was a +7. You were doing +11 damage a hit. Now you put in all four stat mods into strength. Your strength is now a 14 (+8), your weapon damage is a +7. Therefore you now do +15 damage a hit.

Experience Points!

Level 2: 2000xp
Level 3: 3600xp
Level 4: 6480xp
Level 5: 11664xp

And so on. To determine what a level's XP requirement is, take the current xp requirement say 2000 to reach level 2. Then times that by 1.8 and that is the new xp requirement. Remember Leveling uses up your stored XP resetting it to zero.

XP will be rewarded based on encounters. Typically a level X creature will give X0 XP. That is to say a level 1 creature will give 10 xp. A level 5 creature 50xp. However XP will also be rewarded for solving puzzles, completing objectives, and acting IC.

Re: Fantasy Universe Rules v1.1

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2009 9:58 am
by Monroe
Patch Notes:

Agility over 6 will count towards AC too. Agility below 6 will subtract from willpower.
Willpower of 6 will now mean nothing is resisted. Willpower below 6 will mean bonus damage. Willpower above neutral 6 will mean points are resisted.
Gargoyles now have Stoneskin increasing their AC by +6