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Battle Royal 2.0

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 9:51 am
by Teaos
Okay the first Battle Royal has gone fairly well (I think), so I thought I'd do it again, I've gotten into the swing of moding ect and everyone has learned a bit about multiship battles.

Everyone is welcome to join, I'm not sure on the final number of ships, the current battle started with 5 ships then got another 2 to make 7, which was managable. So everyone is welcome to enter, people in the current battle can put their names in for this one as well. Sunnyside has already reserved a spot in a GCS (unless he wants to change)

If anyone has anything they'd like to suggest about the battle or the ships let me know. Bellow are most of the ships ever used in the DITL battles and several new ones as well. I've tweaked the stats of most of them to make it a bit fairer, the biggest thing you'll notice is beam weapons have been powered up on just about all ships, they were just far to under powered, almost ever ship had beam weapon power of less than a single QT. So now the power has been increase and they can target multiple things (of the same thing multiple times) each hitting with the given power, thus a 80,000TJ (x3) means that it has total power of 240,00TJ and can target up to 3 different things. This should balance the power a little.

Also everyship has some form of special ability. It was kind of hard to come up with a ability for all of them but I think it is balanced okay...

Now you'll notice that some ships are far more powerful than others, but that doesnt really mean a lot as the current Battle Royal showed us, Mark had the most powerful ship and he was the first to go, Rochey in the second most powerful only has half a ship left and only survived by running away, and Nic in the third most powerful was the third to go down... seeing a trend?

Think about what ship you want carefully, maybe plan alliances with people before hand and choose ships that compliment each other.

So here is the current ships list:


The ship is broken down into the following sections (important components in brackets):
Forward Section (2 pulse-fire Qtorp launchers [each firing 4 torps per turn, forward], main computer, photorp launcher [firing 2 torps per turn, forward])
Port Section (2 Class I Rapid Fire Pulse Phaser Cannon [forward firing], port nacelle, port impulse engine)
Starboard Section (2 Class I Rapid Fire Pulse Phaser Cannon [forward firing], starboard nacelle, starboard impulse engine)
Central Section (Bridge, 1 type X phaser bank [dorsal firing])
Aft Section (main engineering, warp core, 1 pulse-fire Qtorp launcher [firing 4 torps per turn, aft])

Each section can take 363, 000 TJ damage before being destroyed

The shields have a total capacity of 2,376,000 TJ strength, giving a total of 396,000 TJ strength per section (dorsal, ventral, port, starboard, forward, aft)

Speed: 95,000 KMPT (kilometres per turn)

4 Rapid fire pulse phaser cannons, must all fire at same target, total damage of 250,000 TJ combined
1 type X phaser bank, giving out 120,000 TJ
3 pulse fire Qtorp launchers (each launcher firing 4 torps per turn, 2 fore, 1 aft)
1 photon torpedo launcher (firing 2 torps per turn, forward firing)

Other: Due to the ship's small size and maneouverability, it gains a +1 to all Conn orders and the enemy ship suffers a -1 To Hit penalty.
Due to the ship's small size, and the fact that many systems are crammed close together in tight confines, the ship suffers a -1 penalty to repair rolls, and the enemy ship gains a +1 modifier when rolling for Critical Hits.

Norexian class

Ship is broken down into the following sections:
Head (bridge, main computer, 2 disruptor banks [forward firing], 2 torpedo launchers [each firing 2 torps per turn, forward firing])
Central Engineering (warp core, main engineering, 2 torpedo launchers [each firing 2 torps per turn, aft firing])
Port Engineering (1 disruptor bank [aft firing], port impulse engine)
Starboard Engineering (1 disruptor bank [aft firing], starboard impulse engine)
Port Wing (4 disruptor banks [forward firing/port firing], 1 torpedo launcher [forward firing, 2 torps per turn])
Starboard Wing (4 disruptor banks [forward firing/starboard firing], 1 torpedo launcher [forward firing, 2 torps per turn])
Port Nacelle (the nacelle, duh)
Starboard Nacelle (see above, this ain't quantum physics)

Each section can take 780,000 TJ before being destroyed

The shields have a max capacity of 3,240,000 TJ, giving each facing 540,000 TJ protection

Speed: 80,000 KMPT

12 disruptor banks, dealing 60,000 TJ damage (x2)
6 torpedo launchers, four forward, two aft, each firing 2 torps per turn



Forward saucer (Phaser array, 3 x Type 4 burst fire tubes)
Starboard saucer (2 type 4 Burst fire tubes)
Central saucer (Bridge, shuttlebay)
Port Saucer (2 type 4 Burst fire tubes)
Roll Bar (Phaser array, 7 type 4 burst fire tubes)
Central engineering (WC)
Aft Engineering hull (phaser array)
Port nacelle
Starboard nacelle

Hull: 213,000TJ each
Defensive systems: Standard shield system, total capacity 1,876,500 TeraJoules overall
312,750 TJ per section

3 x Type X phaser arrays, total output 20,000 TeraWatts
15 x Pulse fire photon torpedo tube
3 x strike group

Speed: 95,000 KMPT
Special Feature:
Strike groups

The Akira can field 3 strike groups of 5 craft, these craft must stay in their 5 unit strike team, they have an endurance of 5 turns before they must return to the mothership. Once at the mothership they must be docked for one whole turn not including the turn they return to ship before they can be launched again, this effectively resets their endurance and reloads them. It is the commanders duty to make sure the craft do not get so far away from the ship as to be unable to return in due time.

The craft in a strike group must all be of the same type although the different strike groups can be of different makes.

Craft may go into "evasive" mode which increases the odds of dodging enemy fire but it drops speed by 1/3.

The craft options are.

Micro torpedoes: Fires 3 a turn, damage: 10,000 TJ each
Type 4 phaser: Damage 12,000
Speed: 120,000 KMPT
Shields: 30,000, Hull, 3,000
(Has the ability to run interference, places -3 firing penalty on targeted ship for duration, ship must be with in 10,000km to perform act, firing range is 80,000km)

Quantum torpedo: One QT slung under the main body of the craft, one shot. Damage 120,000TJ
Micro pulse phasers x 2, damage 12,000TJ
Speed: With QT loaded, 60,000, unloaded 90,000 KMPT
Shields: 30,000, Hull, 3,000
(The firing range of these craft is 120,000km)


Broken up into:
Forward Saucer (Phaser Arrays Forward Facing)
Starboard Saucer (Phaser Arrays)
Port Saucer (Phaser Arrays)
Central Saucer (Bridge, Main Computer)
Aft Saucer (Phaser Arrays Aft Facing)
Forward Engineering (1x Quantum Torpedo Turret; 2x Burst Fire Photon Torpedo Tubes Forward Facing)
Central Engineering (Warp Core, Phaser Arrays)
Aft Engineering (2x Burst Fire Photon Torpedo Tubes, Phaser Arrays Aft Facing)
Port Nacelle (Port Nacelle)
Starboard Nacelle (Starboard Nacelle)

Each Section can take : 710,483 TJ Strength

Total Shield Strength: 4,590,000 TJ
Each Section: 765,000TJ

Speed: 90,000 KMPT

Phaser Arrays, Total Output: 100,000 TW (x3)
1 Rapid Fire Quantum Torpedo: 4/ turn (120,000 TJ)
Type 4 Burst Fire Photon Torpedoes: 4/ turn (80,000 TJ)

Special: Adjustable shields. Can set shields to a certain type of weapon (Romulan, Klingon, Federation ect), that type of beam weapon will have its power cut in half.

Dominion Cruiser

Forward saucer (2x Polaron Canons, 2 x Mark 2 tubes)
Starboard saucer (2x Polaron Canons)
Central saucer (Bridge)
Port Saucer (2x Polaron Canons)
Central engineering (WC)
Aft Engineering hull (1 x Mark 2 tube)
Port nacelle
Starboard nacelle

Standard shield system, total capacity 2,565,000 TeraJoules, 427,500 per section
Hull: 700,000TJ

6 x Heavy duty Phase polaron cannon, total output 75,000 TeraWatts (x3) (polaron beams deal double damage to Federation and Romulan ships)
3 x Mark 2 photon torpedo tube with 400 rounds

Speed: 75,000 KMPT

Special: Founders loyalty, for every section of the ship over 20% destroyed the ship gets a +1 to all rolls as the crew becomes more fanatical.


Head (bridge, main computer, 1 Mark 12 Disruptor)
Central Engineering (warp core, main engineering, 2 x Mark 10's)
Port Engineering (3 x Mark 10's)
Starboard Engineering (3 x Mark 10's)
Port Wing (1 Mark 12 Disruptor, 2 triple fire tubes)
Starboard Wing (1 Mark 12 Disruptor, 2 triple fire tubes)
Port Nacelle
Starboard Nacelle

3 x Mark 12 pulse disrupter cannon 80,000TW
8 x Mark 10 disrupter cannon, total output 60,000 TeraWatts (x2)
4 x Triple Fire photon torpedo tube with 580 rounds

Standard shield system, total capacity 2,079,000 TeraJoules, 346,500 per section
Hull: 654,000TJ


Speed: 80,000 KMPT


Forward Section (Bridge, 1 x High Power Phaser Bank)
Port Section (2 x Medium Phaser)
Starboard Section (2 x Medium Phaser)
Central Section
Aft Section (WC, 2 x Medium Phasers)

1 x High Power phaser bank 50,000TW
6 x Medium power spiral wave disrupters, total output 24,500 TeraWatts
4 x Model 2 photon torpedo tube with 225 rounds

Standard shield system, total capacity 1,188,000 TeraJoules, 198,000 per section.
Hull 430,000 per section

60,000 KMPT

Special: Superior training, all rolls are +2 due to Cardassian training.
Fire immunity, due to the utilitarian nature of Cardasian ships fires are not able to take hold in these craft.


Forward Saucer (Phasers, 2 x Torpedo tubes)
Starboard Saucer (1 x Torpedo tube)
Port Saucer (1 x Torpedo tube)
Central Saucer (Bridge, Phasers)
Aft Saucer (Phasers, 1 x Torpedo tube)
Forward Engineering (Phaser)
Central Engineering (WC)
Aft Engineering (Phaser)
Port Nacelle
Starboard Nacelle

7 x Type VIII phaser arrays, total output 70,000 (x2)
5 x Standard photon torpedo tube

Standard shield system, total capacity 729,000 TeraJoules, 121,500 Per section
Hull 230,000TJ

110,000 KMPT

Special: Microjumping, due to the moving nacelles the Intrepid is able to warp under normal conn turns and also manage a tac phase in the same turn (normal ships cannot attack in the same round as a warp jump)

Son'a Battleship

Forward Section (Phaser Arrays, 2 Torpedo Tubes Forward Facing)
Forward Tower (Bridge, Main Computer)
Aft Tower section (Phaser Arrays)
Central Disk (Warp Core, Phaser Arrays)
Middle Starboard Disk (Phaser Arrays, 2 PT Tubes [1 fore 1 aft], 2 Subspace Torpedoes [1 fore 1 aft])
Middle Port Disk (Phaser Arrays, 2 PT Tubes [1 fore 1 aft], 2 Subspace Torpedoes [1 fore 1 aft])
Far Starboard Disk (Starboard Nacelle)
Far Port Disk (Port Nacelle)

Each section can take: 609,615 TJ

Total Shield Strength: 4,050,000 TJ
Each Section: 675,000 TJ

Speed: 80,000 kmpt

Phaser Arrays total output: 75,000 TW
6 Photon Torpedo tubes [4 fore 2 aft] 4/turn (80,000 TJ)
4 Subspace weapon launchers (2 fore 2 aft) 1/turn (120,000 TJ)

Special: When firing subspace torpedoes they have the ability to turn on "rift" which gives a 20% chance to open a rift which targets any warpcore/nacelles with in 200,000km. The rift deals 150,000 damage to which ever location it hits. Rift has an equal chance of hitting any ship in its range.

Breen Frigate

Forward saucer (Bridge, 1 x EDW, 1 x Torpdo tube)
Starboard saucer (1x Disruptor)
Central saucer ()
Port Saucer (1 x Disruptor)
Central engineering (WC)
Aft Engineering hull
Port nacelle
Starboard nacelle

Standard shield system, total capacity 900,000 TeraJoules, 150,000 per section
Hull: 250,000TJ

2 x Medium Disruptors Total out put 25,000
1 x torpedo Proton tube fires 3 a turn
1 x EDW **

Speed: 85,000 KMPT


** = Has a chance to knock out all weapons/shields/engines on a ship for 2 turns, the effected ship can still repair damage in this time but nothing else.

Success ratio=

Klingon ships, 1/3
Romulan, ½
Federation, ½
Dominion, ¼
Cardassian, ¼
Other, 1/3

Galaxy Class refit

Forward Saucer (Phaser Arrays)
Starboard Saucer (Phaser Arrays)
Port Saucer (Phaser Arrays)
Central Saucer (Bridge, Main Computer)
Aft Saucer (Phaser Arrays)
Forward Engineering (2x Burst Fire Photon Torpedo Tubes Forward Facing)
Central Engineering (Warp Core, Phaser Arrays)
Aft Engineering (Phaser Arrays)
Port Nacelle (Port Nacelle, Phaser array)
Starboard Nacelle (Starboard Nacelle, Phaser array)

Each Section can take : 710,000 TJ Strength

Total Shield Strength: 5,400,000 TJ
Each Section: 900,000TJ

Speed: 70,000 KMPT

Phaser Arrays, Total Output: 100,000 TW (x4)
2x Type 3 Burst Fire Photon Torpedoes: 3/ turn (80,000 TJ)

Special: Advanced sensors, able to detect cloaked ships with in 200,000km. Also has the abilty to "intercept" incoming enemy torpedoes. Each group of arrays (4 possible) has the ability to be turned onto intercept incoming enemy torpedoes, the arrays will target whole salvos of torpedoes (torpedoes fired in groups from the same tube) with a chance to knock out none/some/all of the incoming torpedoes.


Forward Saucer (Phaser Arrays, pulse fire torpedo tube x 2)
Starboard Saucer (Phaser Arrays)
Port Saucer (Phaser Arrays)
Central Saucer (Bridge, Main Computer)
Aft Saucer (Phaser Arrays)
Forward Engineering (pulse fire torpedo tube)
Central Engineering (Warp Core, Phaser Arrays)
Aft Engineering (Phaser Arrays, pulse fire torpedo tube)
Port Nacelle (Port Nacelle, Phaser array)
Starboard Nacelle (Starboard Nacelle, Phaser array)

Each Section can take : 450,000 TJ Strength

Total Shield Strength: 2,400,000 TJ
Each Section: 400,000TJ

Phaser banks: 60,000 (x5)
Pulse fire quantum torpedo tubes (fire 3 a turn) x 4


Special: Elite crew: +2 to all rolls due to superior training. Has 2 damage control teams (can deal with multiple crits)


Ship is broken down into the following sections:
Forward Section (3 standard torpedo tubes, 2 heavy duty disruptors, forward firing, bridge)
Port Section (2 standard torpedo tubes, 2 disruptors, port firing)
Starboard Section (2 standard torpedo tubes, 2, disruptors, starboard firing)
Central Section (4 disruptors, 2 dorsal firing, 2 ventral firing, main computer)
Aft Engineering section (3 standard torpedo tubes, 2 disruptors, aft firing, warp core)
Port engineering section (2 disruptors, aft/port firing, nacelle)
Starboard engineering section (2 disruptors, aft/starboard firing, nacelle)
Port wing (4 disruptors, 2 forward/port firing, 2 aft/port firing)
Starboard wing (4 disruptors, 2 forward/port firing, 2 aft/port firing)

Each section has a strength of 747,250TJ.

Total Shield Strenght: 2,160,000 TJ (360,000TJ per section)

Speed: 95,500

2 Heavy duty disruptors, 300,000 (fires only in straight line, can only fire once every 2 turns, deal 1/3 of its damage to shields and 2/3 to hull underneath)
24 disruptor banks, 80,000 TJ output (x3)
10 torpedoe tubes (each firing 2 per turn)

Special: Perfect Cloak, can fire and warp while cloaked. Enemy ships can target the place the ship last fired at and have a chance to hit with -2 penalties to targeting. Range of GCS sensors reduced to 100,000km.

Dominion Battleship:

Divided into the following sections:
Prow (2 heavy duty phase polaron cannons, 1 standard photorp tube, forward firing)
Fore-port(2 standard photorp tubes, 2 phased polaron emmitters, forward/port firing)
Fore-starboard (2 standard photorp tubes, 2 PPEs, forward/starboard firing)
Central Section (Bridge, main computer)
Aft Section ( warp core, 2 standard photorp tubes, 2 PPEs, aft firing)
Aft-port (2 PPEs, aft/port firing)
Aft-starboard (2 PPEs, aft/starboard firing)
Port wing (nacelle)
Starboard wing (nacelle)

Each section has a strenght of 1,265,000 TJ

Total Shield Strengh is 4,644,000 TJ (774,000 per section)

Speed: 80,000

Heavy-duty Phased Polaron cannons - 300,000 TJ strength
Phased Polaron cannons - 90,000 TJ strength (x4)
(Polaron beams deal double damage to Federation and Romulan ships)
Standard photon torpedo tubes - 2 rounds per turn

Special: Founders loyalty, for every section of the ship over 20% destroyed the ship gets a +1 to all rolls as the crew becomes more fanatical.

Divided into the following sections:
Head (2 MK 18 disruptors, bridge, 2 standard photorps, forward firing)
Neck (main computer)
Central Engineering (WC, 2 standard photorps, 2 MK12 disruptors, aft firing)
Port engineering (2 standard photorps, aft firing, 2 MK 12 disruptors, port/aft firing)
Starboard engineering (2 standard photorps, aft firing, 2 MK 12 disruptors, starboard/aft firing)
Port wing (1 standard photorp, forward firing, 2 MK 12 disruptors forward firing)
Starboard wing (1 standard photorp, forward firing, 2 MK 12 disruptors forward firing)
Port nacelle (nacelle)
Starboard nacelle (nacelle)

Each section has a strength of 1,600,000 TJ.

Total Shield Strength: 2,160,000 TJ (360,000 TJ per section)

Speed: 85,000 KM

Standard photorp tubes - 2 per turn
MK 18 disruptors - 300,000 TJ
MK 12 disruptors - 100,000 TJ (x3)

Special: Military build, due to the single purpose build of this ship it is totally immune to fires, power surges and has an extra damage control team. Its power source also holds a damage defence bonus making it harder to go critical.

Divided into the following sections:
Forward saucer (phaser lance, 2 pulse fire Qtorp launchers, phaser array.)
Port saucer (phaser arrays, pulse fire canon turret)
Starboard saucer (phaser arrays, pulse fire canon turret)
Central saucer (bridge, main computer)
Aft Saucer (phaser arrays)
Forward Engineering hull ( 1 Type 3 burst photorp launcher, phaser arrays, forward firing)
Central engineering (WC)
Aft Engineering hull (2 pulse fire Qtorp launchers, 1 Type 3 burst photorp launcher, phaser arrays, pulse fire canon turret)
Port nacelle strut (upper and lower portside nacelles)
Starboard nacelle strut (upper and lower starboard side nacelles)

Each section has 1,225,605 TJ strength

Total Shield Strenght is 7,000,000 (1,166,000 per section)

Speed: 60,000 KM

Phaser Lance - 240,000TJ per hit (shield piercing ability, delivers 1/3 of power to shields and 2/3 to hull underneath)
Phaser arrays - 100,000 TJ strength (x3)
Pulse fire turrets - 80,000 (x3)
Pulse fire Qtorps - 3 rounds per turn, or 5 rounds every second turn
Type 3 burst fire Photorps - 4 rounds per turn

Special: Redirective shielding. Can set shields to a certain type of weapon (Romulan, Klingon, Federation ect), that type of beam weapon will have its power cut in half.


Forward saucer (Phaser array)
Starboard saucer (phaser array, Burst fire torpedo tube)
Central saucer (Bridge)
Port Saucer (phaser array, Burst fire torpedo tube)
Pod (depends on variety)
Central engineering (WC)
Aft Engineering hull (phaser array, Burst fire torpedo tube)
Port nacelle
Starboard nacelle

Hull: 450,000TJ each
Defensive systems: Standard shield system, total capacity 2,400,000 TeraJoules overall
400,000 TJ per section

8 x Type X phaser arrays, total output 60,000TJ (x3)
3 x Type 3 burst fire photon torpedo tube

Speed: 95,000 KMPT

Special Feature:
Swappable Pods, options:

Sensors: Same benefits as the GCS bonus, armour 150,000TJ

Weapons: 1 extra array (giving a total of (x4) and 3 pulse fire quantum torpedo tubes, armour 700,000TJ

Fireship: The Pod is filled to the brim with antimatter, you can detach the pod and move it on thrusters (has range of 300,000km and can move 50,000km a turn), deals 2.5 million TJ of damage. Pod has 430,000TJ health and no shields.

Re: Battle Royal 2.0

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 9:55 am
by Teaos
Oh yeah I also wont be bringing in Pirates this time since they arent really a suprise anymore...

Re: Battle Royal 2.0

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 9:59 am
by Sionnach Glic
I'm in. I think I'll take an Akira again, too. Those things are vicious.

Re: Battle Royal 2.0

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 10:03 am
by Teaos
You see I tweaked the stats of the strike wings? The range of the Curbstompers has gone down and the Falcons have gained the "interference" ability to make them more of a viable choice. Both craft also have increased endurance.

Re: Battle Royal 2.0

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 10:10 am
by Sionnach Glic
Very nice. :)

Re: Battle Royal 2.0

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 1:00 pm
by Tsukiyumi
Question: why does the Dominion cruiser have a cloak? :?

Re: Battle Royal 2.0

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 1:11 pm
by Teaos

Must have screwed up the ships, it now has the same ability as the Dominion Battleship.

Re: Battle Royal 2.0

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 1:17 pm
by Tsukiyumi

About the refit GCS: is this the "All Good Things" refit, or the war-GCS? The shields look rather strong for the latter.

Re: Battle Royal 2.0

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 1:29 pm
by Teaos
The shields are off the main site pretty much. But I dont find it that odd, the GCS has the most powerful core of any starship seen, so obviosuly it has energy to burn. Infact for its special ability I was tossing up between the advanced sensors I went with and a "turbo charge" where the player could essentially double the power of either their shields or phasers for a turn but at a chance of burning them out.

Re: Battle Royal 2.0

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 1:30 pm
by Nickswitz
I'm gonna go with a Intrepid, I love the ship...

Re: Battle Royal 2.0

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 1:31 pm
by Tsukiyumi
Teaos wrote:The shields are off the main site pretty much. But I dont find it that odd, the GCS has the most powerful core of any starship seen, so obviosuly it has energy to burn. Infact for its special ability I was tossing up between the advanced sensors I went with and a "turbo charge" where the player could essentially double the power of either their shields or phasers for a turn but at a chance of burning them out.
Okay. I just found it odd that it has stronger shields than the Sovereign. *shrug*

Re: Battle Royal 2.0

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 1:43 pm
by Teaos
So we have:

Rochey: Akira (Strike wings undetermined)

Nic: intrepid

Sunny: GCS

Re: Battle Royal 2.0

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 2:11 pm
by bob
Hi, I've been looking at these Wargames and decided to play.
As to the ships, I'll take the Scimitar

Re: Battle Royal 2.0

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 3:23 pm
by Teaos
No problem.

Added the Nebual as a option too, its at the bottom of the list.

Re: Battle Royal 2.0

Posted: Wed Jul 01, 2009 3:27 pm
by bob
I changed my mind. I want the Nebula!