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War of the Stars (Post Star Trek XI)

Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 12:48 am
by SuperSaiyaMan12
To make up for their massive loss against the Romulan Mining Ship, Narada, the Klingon Empire decides to declare war against the Federation and the Romulan Star Empire to regain the prestige that they had a year before, and to gain much more territory in the process. The first interstellar war since the Earth-Romulan War of nearly 100 years ago is about to spring up...

Chapter 1: Rising Tensions
2259, Kronos, Klingon Empire
It had been nearly a year since the attack on the Klingon Prison Colony, yet several Houses, including Kor, Duras, Kozak, and Mokai were arguing for a series of military campaigns, while Martok, Mogh, and D'Ghor, and Antaak were being more tempered in their attitudes. But the facts were this, fourty-seven Klingon battlecruisers, including 10 of the brand new, 678 meter long D-7-class ships had fallen to the Romulan Marauder.

"We have to take action!" P'Tor, the leader of the House of Duras argued. "The Federation were hit as hard as we were during the attack of those honorless p'taks! One of their founding member worlds is dead and their fleet lost seven new ships, it is the perfect time to strike!"

"We should deal with the honorless dogs, the Romulans, for this! Despite their attempts to claim no responsibility for the attack, we all know what their words are worth by now!" Mar'kor of the house of Kor added. "The Federation should be a secondary target though! They beat the honorless dogs, beating them will give much honor to the Klingon Empire!"

"We shouldn't act rashly here," Worf, the fifth head of the House of Mogh told them. "If we act rashly, many young warriors will die for a war we aren't..."

"You're just a coward, Worf! Like everyone in your House!" P'Tor roared at him and Worf snarled, bearing his teeth at the Duras leader.

"Silence!" the Chanclellor bellowed, his staff hitting the floor with a crack. "I will not have honor duels in my court! We will settle the matter of War with a vote..."

The Klingon Houses grumbled and went back to their places for the vote to begin. Whatever the vote would be, it would decide the fate of the Klingon Empire...
Federation Space, Neutral Zone, six months later
The magestic, 725 meter long Constitution-class Heavy Cruiser, the USS Enterprise cruised at Warp 5.5 on the edge of the Romulan Neutral Zone for a routine check on the outposts that were left as an early warning for invasion. They also had time to check out the various anomalies on the Zone. A Star had gone nova and the crew had a front row seat for the beautiful fireworks before it turned into a black hole. Spock had carefully noted the information into the log as Kirk leaned back on his chair. It had been a full year and a half since he had became captain of the Enterprise and it had been eventful.

One of the things he had to do was, six months in, preside of the wedding between Spock and Nyota Uhura, something he nearly screwed up because of his nervousness and inexperience doing these ceremonies. Not only that, they had fought several small border battles with the Klingons, who had been getting more bold after their defeat at the hands of Nero. They also had made first contact with dozens of other species, and found the remains of the fifth NX-class, the Yorktown, which had been lost nearly 80 years ago on a routine exploration mission. A memorable re-first contact was with the Xindi, whose internal conflict had finally been settled and all five species of the Xindi race petitioned for Federation membership, which was granted.

The patrol on the Neutral Zone was becoming fairly mundane until weapons fire was detected from behind the Zone in Romulan Territory. "Captain, we are detecting heavy disruptor fire from beyond the Zone," Sulu said as he looked at the readings.

Kirk blinked and leaned forward. "Maybe the Romulans are dealing with some internal troubles, perhaps pirates? What do the weapon signatures tell us?"

"Several match Romulan signatures..." Sulu replied as he kept looking at the readings. "...I can't decipher the returning fire. It can be anything from fellow Romulans to Klingon weaponry according to the spectrum."

Kirk nodded. "Does it look like the battle will carry over the Zone?"

"Aye, Kapitan," Chekov said from his stations. "My readings are picking up 50 wessels engaged in combat. We'we may hawe to deal with incursions because of the battle..."

"...all stations, red alert," Kirk said as the normally white bridge was bathed in a red light. "Uhura, contact Starbase 215 to send reinforcements. If the battle does spill over into our territory, I want us to be ready."

"Got it, Captain," Uhura said as she turned back to her station. "USS Enterprise to Starbase 215, scramble all starships and meet us at these coordinates..."

Kirk pressed a button on his chair. "Scotty I'm going to need full deflector shields up, as well as all phaser cannons including heavy cannons and point defense."

"Aye Captain, I'll give you all the juice you need for the shields and weapons!" Scotty said from engineering and he turned to his crew which were in the industrial-like engineering room. "Alright boys, ye heard the Captain! We'll give it everything we got!"

On the bridge, Kirk looked through the enhanced window viewscreen as visual proof of the battle came into view. Green flashes of light from disruptor blasts and photon torpedoes were clearly seen, as well as red flashes from plasma weaponry. He magnified the image, and his jaw lowered.

Klingon and Romulan vessels engaging in battle...I thought they were allies... Kirk thought as the image was magnified and he saw several green colored D-5 Klingon Battlecruisers start a strafing run on a Praetor-class Romulan Battleship. The green 700 meter long vessel, which was shaped like a large arrow with two green colored nacelles. Disruptor fire lashed out and slammed into one of the D-5's, shredding through the obsolete ships shields and causing a warp core breach.

Klingon D-7-class ships were firing photon torpedoes into the super structure of the Praetor-class battleship as several smaller, 150 meter Romulan Stealth Cruisers decloaked and fired plasma torpedoes into one of the D-7-class battle cruisers. The red colored torpedoes slammed into the neck like superstructure of the 678 meter ship, completely plowing through the shields like they weren't even there. The engineering section of the D-7 spiraled out of control and exploded into a warp core breach as several escape pods shot out of the ship.

Despite this, it was becoming clear that the Romulans were fighting a losing battle. More and more Klingon Battlecruisers were warping in, hitting the Praetor-class battleship with disruptor fire and photon torpedoes, and the hull had buckled in many places from multiple hits. The surviving Romulan ships were trying to make a bee-line pass the neutral zone to escape the killzone.

Kirk pressed the line to sickbay. "Bones, get ready to recieve Romulan casualties."

"Romulan? Did I hear you right Jim?" McCoy said on the other end as everyone got ready in sickbay.

"Yes, you did. It appears that the Klingons are the aggressors this time," Kirk replied as he looked at Uhura. "Hail the Romulan ships, tell them we'll provide sanctuary for them."

"Aye, aye, Captain," Uhura said and she placed her finger onto the subspace tranciever. "Romulan Vessels, this is Lieutenant Nyota Uhura of the USS Enterprise, we are ready to recieve your wounded and aid in the repairs of your ships. You have clearance to enter through the Neutral Zone. Respond."

A reply, which was full of static came through and was translated by the Universal Translator. "...accepting help...(zzt)...from humans...(zzt)...never thought I'd have to...(zzt)...accept...thank you....(zzt)...Federation Vessel..."

The Outpost's weapons were powered down to allow the Romulan Vessels to cross the border. The Klingons were about to pursue when they were suddenly called off. All 24 surviving Klingon ships rotated on their axis's and jumped to Warp 5, getting out of the battle area. Of the Romulan Vessels, there were 10 left, including the Praetor-class battleship which was barely moving on impulse power, as well as five Stealth Cruisers and five Warbirds.

It was at that moment 26 Federation Starships, which were a mix of four nacelle, 570 meter long Constellation-class destroyers, 600 meter long Miranda-class light cruisers, 470 meter Kelvin-class light cruisers, Saladin-class Destroyer, and two 725 meter long Constitution-class Heavy Cruisers dropped out of warp from Starbase 215. Kirk hailed them, telling them that as of this moment, the Romulans weren't their enemy.

Meanwhile, the surviving Klingon Vessels dropped out of warp at their invasion point. Several Captains were raging at not being able to continue the fight when their leader, General Chang contacted them.

"We will not engage in a war of two fronts just yet. Fighting both the Romulans and the Federation will not gain us any honor," the one eyed Klingon told them from his flagship, the D-7-class battle cruiser, Kahless' Wrath. "We will form up with the battle fleets 8, 10, and 12 and push further into Romulan Territory. This will gain us much honor!"

The Klingons gave a cheer and Chang gave an evil grin after he cut the channel. The War will take on a new face...two fronts will be inevitable now...but at least the Klingon Empire won't fire the first shot into Federation territory...

To Be Continued...