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Crew based Head to Head battles

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 7:14 am
by Lt. Staplic
Okay, I got this idea from Federation Space, where we did something like this as an opening excersise when the crews got all jumbled up, (not like any of that's important to the point but oh well)

Here's the just of the game, we get two "crews" a CO, XO, CTSO, CHO, COO, CEO, maybe a CMO, but probably not, and "science" positions for extra people, and each crew will be assigned a ship. A moderator then sets a scenario for the ships to begin battle, and oversees the battle.

the two crews will have their own threads to communicate in during the game and the Moderator will make posts pushing things along and transferring relevent information over to the other thread, such as wepons fire, beaming over boarding parties ect.

any one interested?

Re: Crew based Head to Head battles

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 8:04 am
by Deepcrush
That would require a huge amount of time from everyone for every turn. Not sure that would work so well during the school year. Seeing how we have a lot of teachers and students here.

Re: Crew based Head to Head battles

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 9:11 am
by Lt. Staplic
true, but it's not turn based, It's more RP style.

The Crew:
The CO and XO are responsible for final approval on most decision and give out orders to the crew, choosing what ideas to follow. These two would be in command of their starship.

CTSO is responsible for firing wepons, when orders are received the CTSO must specify what they are doing (type weapon being fired, area targeted) so the Moderator can determine outcome. They are also responsible for assigning security to handle any invaders.

COO is responsible for giving ship status updates, enemy locations, ect. This position will usually be filled by the Moderator.

CHO is responsible for plotting any course instructed by the CO, or a course of their choice when generic orders (such as evasive maneuvers) is used. This will allow the Moderator to predict the outcome of the move, and keep the two ships positions plotted around each other.

CEO is responsible for making repairs/monitoring the engine status during the mission. The CEO would assign crews to repair certain damaged areas. The Moderator will then decide how long and how well each area will take to repair.

CMO would be responsible for medical work among the Crew, they would have to apply treatment to Mod instructed injuries, and await moderator decision as to the outcome of the medical act. This position may or may not be used depending on the situation of the ships and number of people involved.
Sciences main job is to assist the COO (would act as liaisons to the moderator) and come up with ideas on how to overcome the enemy, improve their sitting. Sciences seats are given out to crew members beyond those of the main bridge crew.

If we do get going, I was thinking of starting with something simple like the E-E vs the Schimitar from Nemisis set up.

Re: Crew based Head to Head battles

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 10:36 am
by Teaos
That sounds very involved.

Re: Crew based Head to Head battles

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 11:27 am
by Reliant121
I think that would be pretty complicated and time consuming to be practical on a forum.

Re: Crew based Head to Head battles

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 3:54 pm
by Mikey
Agreed. Sounds cool, but it could literally mean tens of posts of discussion before one post of action gets accomplished.

Re: Crew based Head to Head battles

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 4:15 pm
by Lt. Staplic
yes, but the game could move at what ever pace is necessairy, it will require time, but not huge blocks at any one time.

Re: Crew based Head to Head battles

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 6:36 pm
by Deepcrush
Well I think thats just beyond us at this time.