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Ship of the Weekend - Executor

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 9:24 pm
by Deepcrush ... index.html ... index.html

This ship is badass maxim. Massive firepower, massive numbers of troops and fighters and can even haul full size capital ships around. No one could ever think this ship wasn't a floating hulk of hurt. But, is it worth the cost? Is the Executor Class Star Destroyer really worth the price paid. How many standard ISDs could be built for the cost, how many systems protected for the price of a single SSD?

This is a POV thing. There isn't really a right or wrong. The ships were built and were used to great effect. The question for us is do you think is was well spent.

I put a few links up to help with the thinking.

Re: Ship of the Weekend - Executor

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 9:35 pm
by Mark
Well, tactically speaking, how many Imperial or Victory class SDs combined would it take to equel the firepower of the Executor? There is something to be said for spreading out your forces, to attack from different angles and such, BUT you also never want to split your forces unless doing so gives you a clear tactical advantage.

Re: Ship of the Weekend - Executor

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 9:38 pm
by Monroe
Well cannoically there's only like what? Twelve super star destroyers 2 Eclipse Super Star Destroyers (For another thread). Compare that with the 25,000 Imperial Mk II Star Destroyers (which really that number should be like 25 million... stupid Zhan minimalistic attitude).

I think the ratio shows that the Empire far perfers multiple star destroyers the few Super Star Destroyers are well spread out and compliment a fleet. Shame so many died to retarded reasons.

Re: Ship of the Weekend - Executor

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 9:47 pm
by Deepcrush
By count it would take about 50 ISDs to equal the over all power of the SSD.

Re: Ship of the Weekend - Executor

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 9:49 pm
by Captain Seafort
Canonically we've never been told how many Executors there were, although about a dozen have been mentioned, and it makes sense that each Grand Admiral would have access to one, as would various other senior figures such as Vader, Jerec, and their like.

As for it's effectiveness, it isn't just a case of combined firepower, but of how that firepower is concentrated and protected. The size of the Ex allows weapons to be mounted that would rip an ISD in half through recoil alone. It allows its shields to absorb damage that would vapourise a smaller ship (literally - the Ex once survived being accidentally rammed by three ISDs travelling at relativistic speed).

The ISD is a counterinsurgency platform, intended to be scattered through the galaxy to tamp down local unrest. The Executor is a battleship of unprecedented power, intended to go head-to-head with enemy heavy warships in a fleet action.

Re: Ship of the Weekend - Executor

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 9:50 pm
by Deepcrush
Monroe wrote:Well cannoically there's only like what? Twelve super star destroyers 2 Eclipse Super Star Destroyers (For another thread). Compare that with the 25,000 Imperial Mk II Star Destroyers (which really that number should be like 25 million... stupid Zhan minimalistic attitude).

I think the ratio shows that the Empire far perfers multiple star destroyers the few Super Star Destroyers are well spread out and compliment a fleet. Shame so many died to retarded reasons.

Also remember that the ISDs were counted as Rare in the Imp fleet. That would mean that a ship of more then 25,000 in number is a small count. Don't forget the Victory class, Dreadnough Class, Frigate escorts, cargo ships, Venators, Acclamators, transports and anything else.

Re: Ship of the Weekend - Executor

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 9:53 pm
by Deepcrush
Captain Seafort wrote:Canonically we've never been told how many Executors there were, although about a dozen have been mentioned, and it makes sense that each Grand Admiral would have access to one, as would various other senior figures such as Vader, Jerec, and their like.

As for it's effectiveness, it isn't just a case of combined firepower, but of how that firepower is concentrated and protected. The size of the Ex allows weapons to be mounted that would rip an ISD in half through recoil alone. It allows its shields to absorb damage that would vapourise a smaller ship (literally - the Ex once survived being accidentally rammed by three ISDs travelling at relativistic speed).

The ISD is a counterinsurgency platform, intended to be scattered through the galaxy to tamp down local unrest. The Executor is a battleship of unprecedented power, intended to go head-to-head with enemy heavy warships in a fleet action.
Agreed, purpose also plays a huge roll in things. 25,000 ISDs means you can target 25,000 worlds at a time for control. 25,000 systems get checked up on at any time.

Re: Ship of the Weekend - Executor

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 9:59 pm
by Captain Seafort
As I've said before, the figure of 25,000 probably refers to the strategic reserve. It can't refer to the total destroyers available to the sector groups - their combined strength is at least 96,000 ships, and probably closer to 25 million.

I do, however, agree with the fundamental principle of spreading out the destroyers to maintain order - it wasn't the heavy forces like Death Squadron that bore the brunt of the war against the rebellion, but small local forces, with lone ISDs chasing down blockade runners. Nonetheless, you still need the heavy ships when a solid blow, not mere patrolling, is needed.

Re: Ship of the Weekend - Executor

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 10:00 pm
by Mark
Isn't there an expression about not putting all of your eggs in one basket and such?

Re: Ship of the Weekend - Executor

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 10:06 pm
by Graham Kennedy
What does it do that SDs don't? For instance does it have guns very much larger than those of an SD?

Re: Ship of the Weekend - Executor

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 10:06 pm
by Captain Seafort
Mark wrote:Isn't there an expression about not putting all of your eggs in one basket and such?
Indeed. There should also be a saying about not trying to carry all your eggs individually.

Re: Ship of the Weekend - Executor

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 11:23 pm
by RK_Striker_JK_5
"It's ten miles long!"

"It's twenty-point-five kilometers long!"

"It's a friggin' model that looks cool!"


Sorry. Had to get that out of my system. :P

I'd say it's kind of a waste, myself. Yeah, too many eggs in one basket. Although it looked purty when it rammed into DS II. :lol:

Re: Ship of the Weekend - Executor

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 11:31 pm
by Mark
It was a hell of an intimitdating looking ship, but with so few of them in such a VAST fleet, they really didn't mean to much overall.

Re: Ship of the Weekend - Executor

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 11:50 pm
by Graham Kennedy
Personally, I think the idea that a military force would design a ship larger that it should be so that it frightens people is just plain stupid. The size of a ship should be based on sound principles of engineering, balancing firepower, defensive systems, mobility, logistical requirements, and other such factors. The thought of a designer sitting there thinking "Well 10 km is the most sensible length but people would be more scared of it if it was 14 km... and god, what if we made it 19 km long? I bet they'd wet their pants at that!" is just daft.

I mean, what kind of people are frightened by the size of a vehicle? When was the last time you looked at a tank and thought "That looks mean, but it would have to be 5 feet longer to really scare me."

Re: Ship of the Weekend - Executor

Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2009 12:01 am
by Teaos
A tank not so much.

But since we're talking about ship naval vessels would be a better example. And yes, people did crap their pants at the size of the big gun battleships.