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DITL Battle #2: Tsukiyumi Vs Lt Staplic

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 9:58 pm
by Sionnach Glic
Please remember to keep all comentary in the Comment Thread until the match has ended.

"Captain!" The tactical officer of the USS Valour called out urgently. "We've found him. Norexian class cruiser RES Tomalak approaching from starboard....they're arming weapons!"

"Raise shields. Helm; bring us to starboard, attack pattern Delta." Captain Staplic ordered calmly, watching on the bridge's viewscreen as the Romulan cruiser, one of the newest ships in the quadrant, bore down on the small Defiant-class gunship. So this was the raider who'd been wreacking havoc among the sector's civillian shipping. It had taken two weeks or hunting the Romulans across half a dozen systems, but now Staplic finally had the marauder in his sights.

"Sir, enemy vessel is closing to weapons range. Distance; 300 thousand KM. Your orders?"

Re: DITL Battle #2: Tsukiyumi Vs Lt Staplic

Posted: Wed Jan 07, 2009 10:31 pm
by Sionnach Glic
Ship Information:

USS Valour - Defiant Class - NCC 041992

The ship is broken down into the following sections (important components in brackets):
Forward Section (2 pulse-fire Qtorp launchers [each firing 4 torps per turn, forward], main computer, photorp launcher [firing 2 torps per turn, forward])
Port Section (2 Class I Rapid Fire Pulse Phaser Cannon [forward firing], port nacelle, port impulse engine)
Starboard Section (2 Class I Rapid Fire Pulse Phaser Cannon [forward firing], starboard nacelle, starboard impulse engine)
Central Section (Bridge, 1 type X phaser bank [dorsal firing])
Aft Section (main engineering, warp core, 1 pulse-fire Qtorp launcher [firing 4 torps per turn, aft])

Each section can take 363, 000 TJ damage before being destroyed

The shields have a total capacity of 2,376,000 TJ strength, giving a total of 396,000 TJ strength per section (dorsal, ventral, port, starboard, forward, aft)

Speed: 95,500 KMPT (kilometres per turn)

4 Rapid fire pulse phaser cannons, must all fire at same target, total damage of 80,000*{1} TJ combined
1 type X phaser bank, giving out 70,000 TJ
3 pulse fire Qtorp launchers (each launcher firing 4 torps per turn, 2 fore, 1 aft)
1 photon torpedo launcher (firing 2 torps per turn, forward firing)

Other: Due to the ship's small size and maneouverability, it gains a +1 to all Conn orders and the enemy ship suffers a -1 To Hit penalty.
Due to the ship's small size, and the fact that many systems are crammed close together in tight confines, the ship suffers a -1 penalty to repair rolls, and the enemy ship gains a +1 modifier when rolling for Critical Hits.*{2}

RES Tomalak - Norexian class

Ship is broken down into the following sections:
Head (bridge, main computer, 2 disruptor banks [forward firing], 2 torpedo launchers [each firing 2 torps per turn, forward firing])
Central Engineering (warp core, main engineering, 2 torpedo launchers [each firing 2 torps per turn, aft firing])
Port Engineering (1 disruptor bank [aft firing], port impulse engine)
Starboard Engineering (1 disruptor bank [aft firing], starboard impulse engine)
Port Wing (4 disruptor banks [forward firing/port firing], 1 torpedo launcher [forward firing, 2 torps per turn])
Starboard Wing (4 disruptor banks [forward firing/starboard firing], 1 torpedo launcher [forward firing, 2 torps per turn])
Port Nacelle (the nacelle, duh)
Starboard Nacelle (see above, this ain't quantum physics)

Each section can take 780,000*{3} TJ before being destroyed

The shields have a max capacity of 3,240,000 TJ, giving each facing 540,000 TJ protection

Speed: 80,000 KMPT*{4}

12 disruptor banks, dealing 55,000 TJ damage
6 torpedo launchers, four forward, two aft, each firing 2 torps per turn

*{see comment thread for explaination of certain figures}


Re: DITL Battle #2: Tsukiyumi Vs Lt Staplic

Posted: Thu Jan 08, 2009 9:15 am
by Sionnach Glic
Turn 1 - Conn Phase

The two warships streak towards each other, weapons armed and shields raised, closing to 124,500 KM. The Valour flies down low, aiming up at the Tomalak's forward-ventral hull.

Re: DITL Battle #2: Tsukiyumi Vs Lt Staplic

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 12:19 pm
by Sionnach Glic
Turn 1 - Tac Phase

The Tomalak opens up on the Defiant class with every weapon system it has. The disruptors slam into the Valour's forward shields, knocking them down to 341,000 TJ. A salvo of eight torps, all on medium spread, also lash out at the Federation vessel. Four of the torps go wide, but the other half hit. The forward shields just barely manage to hold, being knocked down to a barely functional 21,000 TJ. Unfortunately, damage from one torp bleeds through the shields and shakes up the torpedo-loading bay. Photon torpedoes clatter across the loading-bay floor, with the crew rushing to gather them back up and load the photorp launcher (photorp launcher will not fire the next 1 turn due to this disruption).

In return, the Valour launches everything it has at the Tomalak. The four pulse phasers spray bolts of energy at the Romulan ship, knocking the forward shields down to 460,000 TJ. The Type X phaser bank also hits the shields, knocking it down further to 390,000 TJ.
Next up are the salvo of Qtorps, all eight of them fired on a medium spread towards the ship. Only three hit, but the advanced torpedoes deal a whopping 360,000 TJ damage, knocking the shields down to 30,000. If the two photorps, also on medium spread, hit then they could cause serious damage. Unfortunately, it's not to be, and the pair of torps go sailing right past the approaching Romulan vessel.

Damage Report:
RES Tomalak:
Shields: Shields down to 2,730,000 TJ strength (455,000 TJ strength per facing).

USS Valour:
Shields: Shields down to 2,001,000 TJ strength (333,500 TJ per section).
Crits: Photon Torpedo Launcher out of action for 1 turn.

Re: DITL Battle #2: Tsukiyumi Vs Lt Staplic

Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 10:30 pm
by Sionnach Glic
Turn 2 - Conn Phase

The Tomalak slows to a stop, keeping its weapons aimed at the approaching Federation ship. The Valour guns its engines and flies in at full speed, managing to close to a distance of 28,000 KM - approaching point blank range. Captain Staplic tries to maneouver his ship under the Warbird, but the Romulan helmsman is too good, and keeps the forward guns trained on the Valour.

Re: DITL Battle #2: Tsukiyumi Vs Lt Staplic

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 10:54 am
by Sionnach Glic
Turn 2 - Tac Phase

The Tomalak fires its disruptors at the Valour, hitting them and knocking the forward shields down to 278,500TJ.
8 torpedoes on medium spread also fly out towards the Valou. The Federation ship attempts to use its phaser array to shoot one down, but fails spectacularly. Five of the eight torpedoes hit, dealing a total of 400,000 TJ damage.
Three of the torps are expended knocking down the forward shields. The fourth is half-stopped by the shields, but the rest of the damage bleeds through to the Port Section, knocking the integrity of the section down to 321,500.
The fifth torp is unimpeded by the shields, and slams directly into the Port Section, knocking the section once again down to 241,500 TJ and damaging some power transfer system for the Pulse Phaser Cannons there, knocking them out of action until they are repaired (total Pulse Phaser power down to 40,000).

In return, the Valour hits the Tomalak's forward shields with its pulse phasers, knocking them down to 375,000 TJ. The Defiant class then blasts out a salvo of eight Qtorps. Four hit. The first is stopped easily by the shields, but the second hit causes damage to bleed through the weakened defences, causing some panels to explode on the bridge and causing confusion as the command crew rushes to extinguish some fires (-1 to all rolls next turn). The third is also stopped by the shields, but causes a loading malfunction in one of the Port Wing torpedo launchers, knocking it out of action for the next turn. The forth blasts straight through the forward shields and causes 105,000 TJ of damage to the Port Nacelle.

Damage Control:
USS Valour: Loading has recomenced in the Photon Torpedo Launcher, which may now fire again.

Damage Report:
USS Valour:
Damage: Port Section down to 241,500 TJ integrity.
Crits: Port Pulse Phasers out of action (total PP strength now 40,000 TJ).
Shields: Forward shields downed. Total shield capacity reduced to 1,667,500 TJ (333,500 TJ strenght per remaining sections).

RES Tomalak:
Damage: Port Nacelle down to 675,000 TJ strength.
Crits: One Port Wing Photon Torpedo Launcher out of action for the next 1 turn. Confusion among command crew (-1 to all rolls for the next 1 turn).
Shields: Forward shields downed. Total shield strength reduced to 2,275,000 (455,000 for each of the remaining 5 sections).

Re: DITL Battle #2: Tsukiyumi Vs Lt Staplic

Posted: Sun Jan 11, 2009 8:47 pm
by Sionnach Glic
Turn 3 - Conn Phase

Tsu slams the ship into full reverse, spinning the Romulan cruiser around and heading full speed away from the Valour. The Valour attempts to close the range, and closes to 12,500 KM. The result is that Staplic's unshielded forward hull is now aimed at Tsu's shielded aft.

Re: DITL Battle #2: Tsukiyumi Vs Lt Staplic

Posted: Mon Jan 12, 2009 8:45 pm
by Sionnach Glic
Turn 3 - Tac Phase

The Tomalak fires every available weapon at the unshielded Valour. The small ship proves too elusive a target for the disruptor gunners, however, and the nimble ship manages to avoid the barrage of disruptor fire. Two of the torps also go wide, but the other two slam into the ship. One torp hits the Port Section of the vessel, knocking the integrity of that section down to 161,500 TJ and doing no further damage. The second slams into the Starboard Section, knocking it down to 283,000 TJ and cutting power to the Starboard Impulse Engines (-1 to conn rolls, speed reduced by 50%).

In return, the Valour fires its armament at the rapidly retreating Tomalak's aft. The pulse phasers slam into the shields, knocking them down to 415,000 TJ. The Type X phaser also fires, but misses. The poor luck also continues with the Qtorps, as only 3 hit out of the eight fired. They knock the shields down to 55,000 TJ. Both photorps manage to hit the now crippled shields, with damage from one bleeding through to damage the Central Engineering section (down to 755,000 TJ, no further damage) and the second hitting the Starboard Nacelle (700,000, no further damage) unimpeded.

Damage Control:
USS Valour:
Portside Pulse Phaser Cannons still under repair.

RES Tomalak:
Port Torpedo Launcher back in service. Order restored among the command crew.

Damage Report:
USS Valour:
Damage: Port Section at 161,500 TJ, Starboard Section at 283,000 TJ.
Crits: Port Pulse Phasers damaged. Starboard Impulse Engine down (-1 to conn rolls, speed reduced by 50%).

RES Tomalak:
Damage: Port Wing at 608,500 TJ, Central Engineering at 700,000 TJ, Starboard Nacelle at 700,000 TJ.
Shields: Aft shields downed. Total shield capacity at 1,820,000 (455,000 per remaining 4 sections).

Re: DITL Battle #2: Tsukiyumi Vs Lt Staplic

Posted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 5:34 pm
by Sionnach Glic
Turn 4 - Conn Phase

The Tomalak swings around to aim its prow at the approaching Valour. The Federation ship attempts to slip underneath the larger vessel, but Tsu manages to keep the bow aimed at the smaller ship.

The result is that both ships are now at Point Blank Range, giving both a +1 to hit.

Distance: <1KM

Re: DITL Battle #2: Tsukiyumi Vs Lt Staplic

Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 12:01 pm
by Sionnach Glic
Turn 4- Tac Phase

The Valour blasts everything it has at the approaching Romulan cruiser. The pulse phasers and the Type X array slam into the Tomalak's head section, knocking it down to 670 K TJ integrity. Next it launches every torp it has at the approaching ship. And, through some bizzare miracle, every single torpedo hits the ship!
This deals a whopping 1,120,000 Tj damage in total! Not only is the head section utterly obliterated by this attack, detonating violently and sending shrapnel flying across the void, but the port wing is reduced to blazing wreckage as several torps impact it, knocking it down to 158,500 TJ integrity and destroying every weapon emplacement on the wing.

However, the exchange of fire isn't totaly in the Valour's favour. The Tomalak's disruptors hit the Port Section, knocking it down to 106,500 TJ integrity and destroying the portside pulse phasers. Next comes a barrage of torpedoes, all aimed at the Forward Section. 6 of the 8 fired hit the ship. 5 go on target and hit the Forward Section, destroying it utterly with a massive 400,000 TJ of damage. The sixth hits the already crippled Port Section, knocking it down to 26,500 TJ and destroying the Portside Warp Nacelle.

Damage Control:
USS Valour:
Portside phasers repaired (and destroyed).

Damage Report:
RES Tomalak
Damage: Head Section destroyed. Port Wing reduced to 158,500 TJ integrity.
Crits: Bridge Destroyed (captain beamed to backup bridge, command crew killed, -2 to all orders), Main Computer destroyed (-1 to all orders), 6 disruptor banks + 3 torpedo launchers destroyed.

USS Valour
Damage: Forward Section destroyed, Port Section reduced to 26,500 TJ.
Crits: Main Computer destroyed (-1 to all orders), Port Nacelle destroyed, 2 Qtorp launchers destroyed, 1 photorp launcher destroyed, 2 pulse phaser cannons destroyed.

Re: DITL Battle #2: Tsukiyumi Vs Lt Staplic

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2009 1:38 pm
by Sionnach Glic
Turn 5 - Conn Phase

The Tomalak banks hard to port, hoping to keep its damaged sections out of the Valour's line of fire, but the Federation ship manages to stay ahead of him in addition to turning about to present its undamaged aft sections.

Distance: <1KM

Re: DITL Battle #2: Tsukiyumi Vs Lt Staplic

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 10:25 am
by Sionnach Glic
Turn 5 - Tac Phase

The Valour sprays torps from its aft launcher, but the loss of its Main Computer causes three to go off target, with just one slamming into the Starboard Wing, knocking it down to 660,000 TJ integrity.
The Type X phaser lances out at the Romulan ship, but misses.

In return, the Tomalak targets the Valour's Aft Section, but the disruptor fire goes wide. One of the two torps hits, however, but the shields stay up.

Damage Report
USS Valour
Shields: Total Shield Capacity down to 1,587,500 TJ.

RES Tomalak
Damage: Starboard Wing down to 660,000 Tj intergrity.

Re: DITL Battle #2: Tsukiyumi Vs Lt Staplic

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 7:11 pm
by Sionnach Glic
Turn 6 - Conn Phase

The Tomalak rotates ponderously in space, presenting its shielded Starboard sections to Staplic's aft guns. The Valour attempts to maneouver around to stay in front of the Romulan ship, but fails.

Distance: < 1KM

Re: DITL Battle #2: Tsukiyumi Vs Lt Staplic

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 5:35 pm
by Sionnach Glic
Turn 6 - Tac Phase

The Tomalak unleashes a stream of disruptor fire towards the Valour's aft, hitting the vessel and knocking the aft shields down to 262,500 TJ, but the sturdy gunship is able to take the damage with no problems.

In response, the Valour fires all its remaining guns at the Tomalak.....and everything misses.

Damage Report
USS Valour
Shields: Total shield capacity down to 1,532,500 TJ (306,500 per section).

Re: DITL Battle #2: Tsukiyumi Vs Lt Staplic

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 1:43 pm
by Sionnach Glic
Turn 7 - Conn Phase

In an unexpected move, the Tomalak dives straight down, aiming its aft guns at the Valour. In response, the Federation vessel pulls up, aiming its aft section at the Romulans' rear guns.