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SG1: 2.02 "In the Line of Duty"

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 8:15 am
by Varthikes
Stargate: SG-1
"In the Line of Duty"

Carter is taken over by a Goa'uld, which turns out to be a Tok'ra named Jolinar. And, there's an assassin after it.

The first ten minutes or so after the opening credits is spent getting us to think that Carter had been taken over by our usual Goa'uld. Particularly, the dark music and odd looks Hammond and the team give her in the debriefing when she says her "just a Jaffa" line to Teal'c. Then, where she "looses it" in the gateroom, which is reasonable, as the symbiote doesn't know these people and fears being discovered. But, before that--the bit with Cassandra... Cassandra discovers the symbiote's presence and tells Jack that "Carter" said she would kill her if she told. I don't know... That threat doesn't sound very Tok'ra to me...

Besides that, though, a pretty good episode, overall. We get to see Cassandra again, played for the last time by Katie Stuart. I like how she's introduced in this episode with the painting. Back in "Singularity", she drew a very bleak picture of her standing in a field of dead people, then Carter drew herself into the picture. Now, we see Cassie drawing a very contrasting picture with two people (presumably, one of them is herself, and the other is either Sam or Janet) and a rainbow, a generally happy feeling. Nicely shows the progression of her character.

We have the introduction of the Tok'ra, which we'll learn more about later on in the season. This is the first time for the Ashrak--a Goa'uld assassin, which we will also see several more times through the course of the show. This is also the episode in which we learn that those with Naquaada in their bloodstream can sense the presence of a Goa'uld.