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Game mechanics, dice rolls, and other crap

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2008 7:21 pm
by Sionnach Glic
As the title idnicates, character bios and related discussion goes here.

Re: Characters

Posted: Sat Oct 11, 2008 7:57 pm
by Reliant121
Novice Galatea Incartarus
5" 5'
White hair
age: 20

Galatea Incartarus was born on the Civilized world of Adumbria, in the capital of Skitterfall. All through her child hood she was in rapture of the God-emperor and the teachings that priests gave out. She would regularly refer to the preacher's words, and even forcibly subject children in her area to her recitations of it. As she grew older, her lack of emotion stood her in good stead as more heresy spread throughout her world. Her first inclinations that she was a "blank" came when a Imperial guard regiment, with an attached psycker, traversed the city streets. she arrived to show her support for the parade, and the psycker immediately suffered the effects of the anathematized Blank.

Within days she was spotted by the Sisters of silence. She was too young at the time to be part, but she received favorable mention by Excrutiatis Adilya Kennick. once Galatea had reached the age, she was immediately contacted by the Sisterhood. She was offered a novice status, and gladly accepted.

She is gifted with a lack of emotional care. She can do her task with perfection, and yet she carries no emotion over it. Or that is what has been observed. It was rumoured that she made an outburst when a citizen voiced treasonous and blasphemous talk of the emperor that she deemed unforgivable. It is perceived that she attacked the man with a fire quite unbeknown to those that know her. It has yet to be confirmed.

She carries standard carapace armour and uses a Meltagun. Few novices of her stage are trusted with such a weapon, but her devotion is quite clear in its maturity, and she has been granted one. She carries nothing upon her head, nothing to disturb her maine of great white hair that ripples about her head. She has cold and grey heartless eyes, a reflection of her seemingly emotionless heart.

Re: Characters

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2008 8:57 am
by Deepcrush
Name - Enrick Von Hydden - Captain
Age - 32 - Standard Years per Holy Terra
Height - 6'3
Weight - 230 lbs (105 kg)

Homeworld - Nyleaha
Population - 14 Billion
Tithe Grade - Aptus Non - Industrial

Carapace Armor (full body suit) for combat missions, flak vest for more ''public'' movements.
Medium autogun (similar to a BAR) and Plasma pistol.
Combat knife

Mostly dark natural colors. Shirt and pants are mixed camo green and brown (meant to fit under his armor) with an over sized black trench coat (meant to fit over his armor). Dark brown boots and gloves.

Enlisted at 16, as all born on Nyleaha do. Spent first two years in training and reserve. Followed by a 3 year combat tour in the Okassis Campaign. 2nd Army Command redeployed for 8 month R&R before joining the Moracre Campaign. It was at Maracre that Enrick first showed great promise for urban combat. It was his promotions from his urban fighting that caught the eye of his Division's Storm Trooper Liaison.

Career - 16 years
Raised as a Shock Trooper under his father and two older brothers. Spending 8 years in the 672nd Armored Regiment, 135th Division, 2nd Army Command before following one of his brothers into the Inquisition's Protective Services Bureau. Within 6 months, he was titled for the 35th Storm Trooper Corp, 4th Army Command. Less then a year into the STC, Enrick was back in combat. Traitor Gaurd units spread across several systems near Nyleaha. Nyleaha committed 8 full Army Commands to the effort. By the end of this campaign however, Nyleaha's theater command reported over one third of it's deployed forces as casualties. Such losses would require nearly a year to replace. Storm Trooper units were then stationed in nearby systems in support of the Inquisition's search for surviving traitors while front line troop units were shipped back to Nyleaha to be reinforced.

Nyleaha serves as a production center of the Inquisition. Troops of this world are trained primarily in fighting traitor units. Although, it is not uncommon for Nyleaha to send its forces to support nearby worlds against threats. The planet's only reason of being is to supply troops, ships and equipment for the Inquisition while staying off record as much as possible. All troops of this world are trained as heavy infantry. This helps maintain a fresh supply of personnel that the Inquisition may call on to fill its Storm Trooper ranks as they use similar combat equipment. This world is also useful due to location. Nyleaha also operates safe houses and hidden supply bunkers across thousands of worlds in hundreds of systems.

Nyleaha's Military
All citizens are required to serve a 10 year tour of duty though many (20% on avg) will stay as career soldiers (40 years). They must report for service between the ages of 16 and 20. Most of this persons will spend their entire tour in local defense units. Most of these will never see combat and split their time between the military and civil lives. This produces a well organized and well disciplined population. This also provides a ready reserve in times of great need. Nyleaha's industrial might is used only for its own Army and Navy. As effect, Nyleaha's forces are better armed and trained then most Imperial Guard units. This factor was the reason for the Inquisition's involvement with this system. Another effect of the high level training and self sufficiency is a constant problem in dealing with Commissars. Nyleahan commanders are most often unwilling to use mass suicide charges and attrition style tactics due to the high cost in training and equipping their troops. This is a common conflict with many Commissars and their "glory or death or both" combat ideals. Though when first brought into the Imperium in M36, every regiment had at least one Commissar. In the first one hundred years alone, 80% of all Commissars were wounded or killed in action. As many as half of these being due to friendly fire. The official response was and inability of Nyleahans and Commissar to work together. In the end, the Inquisition supported a compact placing a Commissar in every Nyleahan Division HQ. This allowed the Commissars to maintain presence and allow Nyleahan troops the freedom to act according to their tactical ideals.

Nyleahan Tactical Ideals.
The Nyleahan ideal of battle is that "The Emperor gives". Waste of resource is there for Unholy in Nyleahan culture and traitorus in the military. A poor trooper by training or equipment often ends up dead. A dead trooper is a waste. Not only of the trooper but of the timing spent training them and the gear used to equip them. It is also seen as supporting your enemies as you have made any victory easier for them or harder for you too gain. For this reason, the Nyleahan forces spend a great deal of effort in training and equipping their troops. Any trooper of any rank from Private to General is required to spend one out of every three days of their career not listed as combat duty in training. Be this on a training field or in a study of some sort.

The Nyleahan military makes full use of mobile heavy infantry (infantry from airborne transports) and armored heavy infantry (infantry along side MBTs and APCs). Light infantry is uncommon at the most and more often then not looked down upon. Though this factor has given them trouble over the past. It is thought of as a minor concern. Force organization is listed below though unit size changes due to field actions. Nyleahan's do not believe in solid battle lines if there is a better option. Instead fighting in flowing actions too test their enemies abilities until followed by a powerful spearhead attack. This style of battle is called "Storm Surge" and it acts like a violent storm. Often times the enemy and even Nyleahan troops will not know the primary point of the break through. When solid lines are needed and cannot be avoided the Nyleahan's use a tactic known as "Great Mountain". This tactic brings the Nyleahan's too form a solid and unbending defense line. "Great Mountain" is used when an enemy is attacking and no retreat can be allowed. The final primary battle tactic is called "Twisting Winds" being named after tornadoes. The Nyleahan's break up into small fighting groups and spread out over an area. Fierce hit&run, sabotage and local offensives are used to whittled down an enemy or to keep a larger enemy force off balance.

In open featured areas the Nyleahan's prefer to use the "Storm Surge" system.
In rough featured areas the Nyleahan's prefer to use the "Great Mountain" system.
In urban featured areas the Nyleahan's prefer to use the "Twisting Winds" system.

Nyleahan Force Organization
5 men per Fireteam. NCO - Corporal
2 Fireteams per Squad. (10 men in total) NCO - Sergeant
5 squads per Platoon. (50 men in total) CO - Lieutenant
2 Platoons per Company. (100 men in total) CO - Captain
5 Companies per Battalion. (500 men in total) CO - Major
2 Battalions per Regiment. (1,000 men in total) CO - Colonel
5 Regiments per Brigade. (5,000 men in total) CO - Brigadier General
2 Bridades per Division. (10,000 men in total) CO - Major General
5 Divisions per Corp. (50,000 men in total) CO - Lieutenant General
2 Corps per Army. (100,000 men in total) CO - General / First Star
5 Armies per Army Group. (500,000 men in total) CO - General / Second Star
2 Army Groups per Army Command. (1,000,000 men in total) CO - Commander General / Third Star

Armored Units contain 4 standard squads with APCs. The fifth squad places 1 driver per APC, 4 man crew for a MBT and 2 techs for repairs and service.

APCs are based off the Land Raider design due too its massive size and free internal space. Modified for carrying supplies and bunking space for troops on the move. Equiped with 1 month of supply, a forward pintle Las cannon and a top side turrent dual heavy bolter.

MBTs are based off of the Land Raider design due to its massive size and free internal space. Modified for carrying supplies and bunking space for its crew and techs on the move. Equipped with 1 month of supply, a forward dual heavy bolter, top side turrent dual lascannon and side mounted (both sides) quad heavy bolters.

Platoon = 4 APCs + 1 MBT
Company = 8 APCs + 2 MBTs
Battalion = 40 APCs + 10 MBTs
Regiment = 80 APCs + 20 MBTs
Brigade = 400 APCs + 100 MBTs
Division = 800 APCs + 200 MBTs
Corp = 4,000 APCs + 1,000 MBTs
Army = 8,000 APCs + 2,000 MBTs

Ranks of Services
Private / Trooper
Lance Corporal, Corporal
Sergeant, First Sergeant
Lieutenant, First Lieutenant
Lieutenant Captain, Captain, First Captain
Lieutenant Major, Major
Lieutenant Colonel, Colonel
Brigadier General
Major General
Lieutenant General
General / General of the Army / First Star
General / Group General / Second Star
General / Commander General / Third Star
General / Theater General / Forth Star - Rank temporary
General / Region General / Fifth Star - Rank Temporary
Marshall General - Supreme Commander of all Nyleahan Ground & Atmo (Planet based flight units) forces.

Re: Characters

Posted: Mon Oct 13, 2008 4:05 am
by Mikey
Interrogator Milo Trask, Ordo Hereticus

Trask is a former preacher of the Adeptus Ministorum. After a stint as the priest of an Imperial Guard regiment, he was assigned to the Ecclesiarchical mission to the Trail of St. Evisser; when the Grey Knights purged the Trail of the daemon prince Ghargatuloth, the current Ecclesiarchy presences were either found to have been corrupted and likewise purged, or removed for having been tricked into serving the Enemy.

As a preacher on the hive world of Volcanis Ultor, Trask uncovered and destroyed a new but growing Chaos cult. His determination and ruthlessness in doing so garnered the attention of the Inquisition, and he became a heirophant (a priest in an Inquisitor's retinue) under Hereticus Inquisitor Klaes. With Klaes' passing, a new Inquisitor and explicator were installed on the Trail and Trask was recruited by the Ordo Hereticus.

Philosophically, Trask has a slight Thorian streak inspired by his theological background; by nature, he is practically and professionally an Amalathian. This has been reinforced by the Ecclesiarchy's stance of subverting St. Evisser's Chaos-influenced origins and using the saint's legend as a focal point of faith and restoration of the Trail. Inquisitor Klaes was methodical and prone to research and study, and his tutelage was intended help Trask curb his forthright and zealous tendencies and be more circumspect when appropriate.

Physically, Trask is of medium height and slim but athletic build with a sharp, intense face. His copper hair and beard are worn closely cropped. His right eye is blue, but his left eye is a dark-colored augmetic replacement for the natural eye lost to a stub gun while pursuing the cult on Volcanis Ultor. Other modifications may be present.

Trask has come to be known for his use of a hand flamer, which he adopted against the heretics on Volcanis Ultor for its fear factor, multiple-target capability, and cleansing-by-flame religious implications; he had come to be called "the Flame Bringer" in some hives on the planet in an ironic joke about the Holy Flame, a cruiser of the Imperial forces which had been manipulated by Chaos. He also bears the arms of the late Commissar Thanatal - a chainsword and bolt pistol furnished in the deep blue of the Balurian Heavy Infantry - which were entrusted to him on becoming a heirophant as an object lesson of sorts; Thanatal was a deeply faithful and valiant man who ended up being made to bear those arms against other servants of the Emperor by the deceit of Chaos. Trask will commonly be found wearing a short cassock or long tunic of dark or neutral color along with a flak-weave cloak. When necessary, however, he may still wear the more typical flak armor of his old IG regiment, the Tahnelian 254th Airborne.

Re: Characters

Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2008 6:11 am
by Deepcrush
I updated my char bio a bit.

Re: Characters

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 6:29 pm
by Mikey
Gone fore a week, and still waiting for three bios...

Re: Characters

Posted: Mon Nov 10, 2008 9:01 pm
by Sionnach Glic
Shit! Forgot all about this, sorry Mikey. :oops:

Re: Characters

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 2:16 am
by Tsukiyumi
Read the "my computer" thread to see my situation.

That said, I'm on it.

Re: Characters

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2008 4:00 pm
by Mikey
Tsukiyumi wrote:Read the "my computer" thread to see my situation.

That said, I'm on it.
I know you had issues, Tsu. Glad to see you up and running again. :)

Re: Characters

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 8:39 am
by Tsukiyumi
Mikey wrote:
Tsukiyumi wrote:Read the "my computer" thread to see my situation.

That said, I'm on it.
I know you had issues, Tsu. Glad to see you up and running again. :)
I'm ready to be able to flex my writing muscle now that my system is running (fingers crossed :worried: ). I can't wait to write a character with no soul who uses something called an "Animus Speculum" for a weapon against psykers. :D

Re: Characters

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 3:01 pm
by Mikey
Hmmm. Wouldn't it just happen that Tsu is the one to create a character that uses something called a "speculum?"

Re: Characters

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 5:21 pm
by Sionnach Glic
Well, there's a surprise. :P

Re: Characters

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 8:32 pm
by Tsukiyumi
Total coincidence, I assure you. :lol:

Re: Characters

Posted: Fri Nov 14, 2008 11:50 pm
by Monroe
Octavian 'Ork Malleus' Naja

Pure Human
Age: 55
Eyes: Vivid Blue
Hair: Graying-black
Skin: light tanned.

Planet of Origin: Naja Uezion
Population: 5 billion
Terrain: Mixed of jungle, artic, ocean, city, ruins
Ruin origin: Intelligent race which was deemed unfit to live in the Imperium.

Related though albiet distant past to the original settlement leader who destroyed the native Naja Uezion Octavian has always lived in the upper class of his world. While he has just as much claim to the crown as the current govenor of the world he is only a sixth cousin to the leader because of the large amounts of time and generations between them. Because of this he is around 76th in line to the governorship. The subject has remained a sore topic on his immediate side of the family.

His early life was spent at a local academy learning the finer arts and the arts of war. An officer was his father's wish for young Octavian. However immediately before graduation at the age of twenty-one an assassination attempt was made by a competting household within the larger govenorship family. Octavian's father, mother, and two sisters were killed when an asteroid struck their summer home. Foul play was suspected instantly but no drivers were found in the wreckage and no ship was spotted tugging the asteroid into position. It had been planned out years in advance and no proof was available.

Heart broken Octavian dropped out of school even though he only had one semester to finish. The surge of family inheritance allowed him to dive deeper into vices. Becoming an addict to a popular drug on the planet, a cross polinated hybrid of opium and weed, Octavian became a recluse from his remaining friends.

During this time of drug addiction Octavian picked up gambling and some extreme sports such as Thermospheric Jumping and the upper class sport of Beggar's Demise. During this time his public appearences were few and far between making data on him sparse. However his credit funds show he frequeted many brothels.

He joined the military relatively late at 29 having been drafted as the Armaggedon campaign began. The sundered war zone allowed him to prove himself a league above his comrades he quickly gained in promotions. Helped by the attricion rate during the conflict he was soon promoted well above those who had been in the military ten years or more.

On one mission during the height of an Ork seige, Chaos cultists were discovered at an archeologist dig. Octavian's batallion was sent in. The fire fight proved far more than the Imperium was expecting and the causualties for the Guard stood at around 98% when the last of the spoke cleared.

This achievement sent him on a career path to command an army of his very own. Winning multiple victories against the orks he was often seen charging out with his fellow men granting them the bennifit of a front line commander. Defeating the Orks with relatively minimum losses on the planet Rijorn and the subsequential defeat of an Eldar supply base earned him galactic fame.

When asked what he would like to do now, as the war was drawing to a close, he spoke to the news reporter that he'd like to help the Emperor's inquisitorial missions to route out heresy. The Inquisition was then alerted to him and he was transfered over to Inquisitorial command.

((I know very little about WH40k so feel free to point out any errors))

Re: Characters

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2008 12:06 am
by Mikey
Looks good to me. A former high-born officer candidate, who then lost everything and subsequently earned his stripes back, isn't a typical Inquisitorial stormtrooper; but probably better as a more independent-minded PC in an RP.