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Find the Founders III

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 3:57 am
by Mark
Setting: You have all been temporarily assigned to comm relay station 1121, somewhere in deep space. The nearest system is the Bajoran system, 10 days away at high warp. You are there conducting repairs stemming from neglected maintence, and the 2nd officer assigned to the outpost was injured and medevaced in the only shuttlecraft. The seven of you and myself are effectively alone out here.................

Mark sat alone at the main comm station board going over the internal sensors one more time. Stifeling a yawn, he checked the destination of the subspace signals heading for the Bajoran system again. "I wonder why communications are up?" he thought to himself. A small beeping on his secondary console caught his attention. He noticed that the operations board was indicating that signals were being routed slightly out of alignment from Bajor, and towards the wormhole, from one of the relays itself. "This doesn't make any sense." Mark muttered to himself. Keying up the internal sensors, he did a quick sweep of the station, and what he saw made his blood run cold. The internal sensors showed six humanoid lifesigns and two Founders on board. Just as he was about to key up specific scan, he heard a noise from behind him. Looking over his shoulder, he saw a familiar face come around the corner. "Oh man, I'm glad your here. My God, we have two Founders on the station." "I know" was the whispered reply in his ear as he felt something warm yet very sharp run across his throat. In terror, Mark watched his own blood splash the console as the person he considered a friend slowly reshaped his hand from a blade, and smashed the control panal. Just as he was about to smash the screen as well, revealing the presence of the Founders, Mark, with a last desperate effort, hit the red alert klaxon. As the alarm blared, the Founder turned into gel and disappeared into one of the vents. As the world began to turn black, Mark prayed that the others would figure out, who the Founders are.

Re: Find the Founders III

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 6:53 am
by Tsukiyumi
What's going on! Are we under atta-

Mark! Oh god, what happened!?

*checks Mark's pulse*

He's dead...

*looks at readout on console, and the smashed comm panel*

Founders? Oh, man we are in trouble here... No communications, and damn shapeshifters on board...

*grabs phaser rifle from weapons locker*

Everyone arm up. What are we going to do now?

Re: Find the Founders III

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 11:46 am
by Teaos
Teaos came running into the room right behind Stitch, not prepared for the sudden stop he barreled right into Stitch who had stopped dead at the site of the bloody corpse.

"Fuck me! What happened?" Teaos asked looking around the room quickly.

"Founders" Tsu replied shoulder the phaser rifle and sweeping it around the room looking for anything odd.

"He sounded the red alert not 30 seconds ago, they cant be far away" Stitch exclaimed having snapped out of the shock of seeing the bloody scene before him.

"What do we do" Teaos asked as several more people appeared on the scene.

Re: Find the Founders III

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 6:05 pm
by Sionnach Glic
*hurries into the room, phaser in hand*

Hey, I heard shouting. What's ha-

*spots corpse*

Shit. What happened? Did either of you see anything? Who found him first?

Re: Find the Founders III

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 8:05 pm
by Tsukiyumi
I did. When I got here, the comm console was smashed, and there was no sign of the changelings. All of our damn medical tricorders were on the shuttle, so we've got no way to tell which of us are Founders...

I, for the record, am not.

Re: Find the Founders III

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 8:32 pm
by Sionnach Glic
Uh, yeah, me neither. That said, how do we know whether or not someone is lying?

Re: Find the Founders III

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 8:40 pm
by Tsukiyumi
I suppose we don't. Hmm. This is tricky.

Re: Find the Founders III

Posted: Thu Oct 02, 2008 11:17 pm
by bob
runs into room almost half asleep"Hey, what happened? I was asleep but then I heard the..." looks at everyone"Why are you all staring at me?"looks at dead body "What happened!?, who did this!?"

Re: Find the Founders III

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 1:25 am
by Teaos
"Where the hell have you been Bob? Someone gets killed by a bloody Founder and you just stroll in here?"

"I don't like this one bit" Teaos said backing up against a wall looking at those around him.

Re: Find the Founders III

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 3:02 am
by stitch626
Neither do I. Anyone is suspect. And because this was done by a Founder, we can't just look for blood on their body; they could probably just shape-shift it off.

Since the only shuttle we have is currently not available, we have no other choice but to carefully attempt to discover the Founder's identity.

Re: Find the Founders III

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 5:29 am
by Tsukiyumi
I agree. We must be cautious, and not jump to conclusions here...

Problem is, the shuttle won't be back for a good while, and we have to sleep sometime. Anyone here remember how long a founder can go without turning into liquid? I think they can outlast us...

Re: Find the Founders III

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 5:22 pm
by Sionnach Glic
Yeah, but if we go to sleep then they can get us. But at the same time, what can we do without any further evidence?

Okay, let's go through people one at a time.
Tsu, you found him first, so let's cross-examine you first. Why were you up here? What, exactly, did you find when you came up here? Did you move the body since you found it?

Re: Find the Founders III

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 7:16 pm
by Nickswitz
:: Running into the room ::
What happened?!
ewww. That looks disgusting.

Re: Find the Founders III

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 7:17 pm
by Sionnach Glic
Welcome to the military.

Re: Find the Founders III

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 8:12 pm
by Nickswitz
I'm not in the military. What happened to him?
:: looking at the mangled body in disgust::
What did this?