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Find The Founders - Game Thread

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 1:25 am
by Grundig
So, a few final words. I'll narrate, just to facilitate the game's progression. As players, just worry about dialog/talking. My narration will be blue, and my moderator comments will be this greenish color. If I confuse you, PM me. I'll make sure to clarify for everyone. Haven't tried this before! I'm just going to set the stage, then pretty much get out of the way.

Re: Find The Founders - Game Thread

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 1:28 am
by Grundig
The Rio Grande's engines sigh as it drops to impulse power. A small ship, even when traveling at sub-light speed is visible to sensors from far off, so the stop will be brief. This is the third week of the mission, and the ship's commander, Grundig, is beginning to feel listless.

"Personal log. I still don't understand why the Defiant is the only ship with a cloak. If you break a rule to serve your purpose, why not break it good? We've been searching for signs of Dominion buildup for a while now... coming up on stop #11. I can't wait to get to Betazed - feels like my bunk gets shorter every day. The team's probably going more stir-crazy than I am! At least tonight's poker game will--"

The doors to the main cabin open, stopping Grundig mid-sentence. "Well, now! How thoughtful of you to come and relieve me early," teases the commander. "I'll get myself some coffee."

A bronze tendril shoots through the stale, recirculated air just as the Commander stands up, finding his neck in half a second. Grundig's eyes widen, veins protrude from his forehead. Reaching for his sidearm, he begins to grunt and squeal. His phaser chirps as he manages to touch the maximum setting, but he can't turn around. The amorphous noose expands to cover his face, and what little noise Grundig had been making becomes muffled. His body shudders, he flails his arms - his feet leave the ground, kicking the captain's chair over. A thud breaks the silence as Grundig is flung at the bulkhead above. He falls to the floor as his assailant releases him. The doors close with a hiss, and silence returns.


The next shift, consisting of Rochey, Nickswitz, and Mark, awaken to the digital chimes of the computer alarm. When they find their commanding officer dead on the bridge, they immediately waken the other crew members.

Re: Find The Founders - Game Thread

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 2:33 am
by Mark
What the hell happened? Whats going on? Someone grab a tricorder and check his vitals.

Re: Find The Founders - Game Thread

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 3:35 am
by stitch626
Why bother with a tricorder? Looks dead to me.
So, anyone want to cop to killing him? It'll make life easier.
I'm kidding. Ok, Mark's right, someone needs to check his vitals, just in case.

Re: Find The Founders - Game Thread

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 4:04 am
by Mark
Man, what killed him? I don't see a phaser burn or anything. Hey, look at these marks on his neck. He was strangled.

:::Mark goes over to computer and fiddles with controls:::

Maybe the flight log recorder can show us what happened.

Re: Find The Founders - Game Thread

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 8:42 am
by Teaos
Teaos watches the two fuss over the body for awhile...

"You seem to be awefully involved here Mark, trying to destroy some evidence and throw us off your trail are you?

"You killed him didnt you Mark?!?"

Re: Find The Founders - Game Thread

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 8:57 am
by Reliant121
"Your a tad quick Teaos. You should be more...tactical in thinking. We know he is dead. We know he was killed in this room. Looking at the evidence tapes may provide us with the killer. But someone should watch him to make sure he does not destroy anything"

-walks over to Mark-

"proceed. but i am watching you."

Re: Find The Founders - Game Thread

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 9:19 am
by Teaos
"He was the first person in the room, all over the body, trying to throw us off his trail. He killed Grundig! Lets crucify him!"

Re: Find The Founders - Game Thread

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 11:44 am
by Nickswitz
"Wait, let's not not be so judgemental
maybe he planned this elaborate plot just to throw suspicion on others
maybe he is one of them
maybe nobody need be killed"
::looks at Mark intently::
"never mind, Mark coulda done it
but it was done before the shift wasn't it
so maybe it was none of us at all
could we look at the sensors maybe?"

Re: Find The Founders - Game Thread

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 12:47 pm
by Reliant121
I agree. And Teaos, don't be so eager. Perhaps what you accuse could be applied to you.

Re: Find The Founders - Game Thread

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 12:52 pm
by stitch626
None of us at all? Yeah sure, a magical rope came up and strangled him. Very nice.
I say it was the tooth fairy. So lets crucify him/her too.

And Teaos, remember the saying "stupid is as stupid does"? Well, we could make the assumption that your killed him because of your highly accusatory attitude.

Oh, that's what you said, wasn't it Reliant?

Re: Find The Founders - Game Thread

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 12:59 pm
by Nickswitz

Re: Find The Founders - Game Thread

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 1:00 pm
by Teaos
Reliant121 wrote:I agree. And Teaos, don't be so eager. Perhaps what you accuse could be applied to you.
But if it was me wouldnt I shut up to start with and see what others do? Wouldnt only a total retard come out spewing accusations if they are the founder?

It has to be someone and the best bet is Mark.

Re: Find The Founders - Game Thread

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 1:02 pm
by Nickswitz
But he started spewing accusations. SO why would he have done it

Re: Find The Founders - Game Thread

Posted: Fri Aug 29, 2008 1:03 pm
by stitch626
Or, he could be trying to through us off track.
And maybe there's more than one.
And I don't know where the sensors are, so stop yelling!