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Imperial Intelligence-Imperial Security Bureau Briefing

Posted: Mon Jun 30, 2008 1:34 am
by Monroe

336th Army Division of Sector 17 is to be detached immediately to quell resisting rebels in the Vlanx System on the Inner Rim. Use of BDZ is forbidded unless the population is deemed unsalvagable. The Star Destroyer Aetos Tagma and assorted support craft will land the 336/17 Army Division on the planet Vlanx VI to assemble forces. The holonet trasmitters are to be disabled. No one is permitted to leave the system while Imperial operations are ongoing.

Vlanx I, II, and III are all habitable with Vlanx II having the highest population of roughly three billion. Mining operations are currently ongoing around the ringed gas giant of Vlanx IV. The mining operation is to be siezed but not destroyed so minerals can be funded towards the war effort. The total system population is four billion strong. 77% Human. 12% Vlanxian. 5% Assorted. 3% Rodian 2% Wookiee Slaves. 1% Twi'lek.

Rebel forces estimated at one million strong. Leathal force is authorized against an additional three hundred million suspected sympathizers with the rest of the population at the descrision of the realities on the ground. If Wookiee slaves are found to be in uprising elminate with extreme prejudice.

Exceptable Troop loss 80%. Key mission.


Jedi Assasin Jerald Yuv and Master Jedi Assasin Lok Ran are suspected in the area. Master Ran is to be eliminated. His student, Yuv is to be taken into custody to be sured by ISB or Ubiquitorate Personel only for transferance to the Inquisition. *Priority Mission*