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Buran Mission and vital data

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 1:58 pm
by Reliant121
First of all


In here will be posted the statistics of the ship, the crew list once compiled, and eventually the first mission. It will be added to or altered as necessary. Any issues are to be made in comment thread.

Re: Buran Mission and vital data

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2008 1:59 pm
by Reliant121
Crew members. may be altered.

NX-07 Buran

Captain - {NPC}

Iwasame Chinatsu (Given name last, meaning "A thousand summers")
Born 21--, Tokorozawa, Saitama Prefecture, Honshū, Japan

Chinatsu is a head strong and powerful woman, fitting for the Commander of a prestigious Starfleet commander. She joined Starfleet to escape the boring life she had in the small town she occupied. She quickly rose the ranks, making her way to the top in little time. She makes no lies that in some cases, manipulating some of the command staff was done.
She operates a relaxed environment on board, something the XO T'Varaan finds hard to grasp. And Chinatsu makes sure that there is always some sushi in the cooks larder. There will always be some of it, normally enough for the entire crew.
Her main weakness is when her temper does snap, all hell breaks loose. She is like a whirlwind, a very powerful and frightening sight.

Executive and science officer - {Played by Reliant121}

Vulcan attache and science officer
Age: 98
T'Varaan was born on in a small town on Vulcan. She worked for Vucan high command for a while, even managing to command a Vahklas class starship, one of those present during the attack on Andoria. She was posted to serve as the Vulcan attache on the 'interspecies' ship (( our RP's ship )).

T'Varaan is very short, barely 5 ft 1 inch tall. But she projects an aura of cool determination. She is an accomplished tactition and a capable weapons officer, but she also excels at some scientific persuits. Her failing is piloting, something she has never done well. In other notes, she is a keen Accordian player, a strange penchant for a vulcan. She uses it to release all the feelings she holds in. She struggled to attain Kohlinar, her emotions noted for being stronger or less controllable than most. But she has managed to keep her cool so far. She has aquired a slightly annoying obsession with dark chocolate, indulging a more material aspect of her life than most Vulcans. But in most other fields, she is very much a Vulcan.

Tactical officer - {Me,Myself and I}

Lieutenant Filip Mikhailovich Federov.

Born in St.Petersburg, Russian Federation, Earth. Born in the USSR, Filip was raised on tales of his families, and the Unions, great military history. However, he recognized the days of the Soviet Republic were long gone and decided to join the Earth Starfleet as the next best thing to a Soviet tank command. He went through the Academy and engaged in a friendly rival with Lt. Malcolm Reed of the NX-01. In 21--* he was assigned to the construction of the NX-07 Buran and upon completion joined the crew as the modern equivalent of a Plank-Owner. Though he is not the captain, he was the most senior officer to be present during both construction and operational phases.

Linguistics and alien relations officer {Teaos}

Name: Brian Maddox

Rank: Lt jg

Position: Linguistic and Alien culture officer. (I'm assuming we can take any role we like if its not already taken?)

History: Born on a Vulcan ship on rout to Vulcan from Earth Brian spent the first eight years of his life on Vulcan. Although he had plenty of contact with other humans while on Vulcan he un doubtedly picked up on many Vulcan characteristics while there.

Living with his mother (who was attached to one of the human ambassidors to Vulcan) after his father left early on Brian travel more by the age of 18 than most humans had in their whole life times. He became fluent in many langages and knew many cultures due to traveling on board many Vulcan ships with his mother.

When he heard humanity was getting ready to start making serious exploration into space he left his comfortable life with his mother and moved back to Earth and enrolled in starfleet. Being a fairly recent graduate he has spent his few years since Graduation in Starfleet HQ assisting verious officers waiting for a ship deployment. When one came up he jumped on the chance.

Helm officer {NPC}

Lieutenant junior grade : Salvador Diego
Age: 45

Diego was born in Madrid, spain and never had the intention of joining starfleet. But he reached the midlife crisis stage, and decided to sign up anyway. It wasnt as if he had anything else to do. It was soon discovered he had a knack for helm control.
Alot older than most officers, he does suffer from taunting and obvious physical ailments. But he's always managed to overcome these problems before.

Chief engineer {Mikey}

Name: Harvey Fulton
Human male, Caucasian
Lieutenant Commander, UESPA
Chief engineer, NX-06
6'1", 187 lbs., brown hair/eyes
Age: 41

Harvey became part of Earth Starfleet simply as a way to further his knowledge of warp theory and starship design, after obtaining a few degrees and working in the private sector. Lacking a true spirit of exploration, his commission came strictly from his technical ability and desire to work on an operational starship; with a somewhat provincial, "all for Earth" attitude, though, his esprit d'corps has been bolstered somewhat by recent hostilities.

In general, Harvey is pretty cranky - in the absence of something relevant to complain about he'll find something else, real or imagined.

Engineers {Stitch626}

Name: Richard Darwin
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Rank: Ensign
Age: 24ish
Physical characteristics: brown hair, brown eyes, 6'0", 150lbs, ambydexterious
Allergy information: maple (severe)
Psychological information: Mentally stable, though uncomfortable around women due to social anxiety. Not currently under treatment.
Other Info: Engineer. Great with machines, but terrible social skills so will never be able to be Chief; also is very unorganized. Good at following orders but takes everything literaly, and as such asks for clerification on occation. Skilled shuttle pilot but has difficulty with larger vessels. Very mild mannered; once asked if he was part Vulcan by an instructor. Has pet tribble (brown fur, sterile).

Name: Shravak
Race: Andorian
Gender: Male
Rank: Lieutenant
Department: Engineering
Age: 28
Other Information: Served as an engineer on an Andorian starship for two years before being assigned to the Buran. Skilled with engines and general maintenance, though not good with computer systems. Tends to be aggressive, though still attempts to be respectful. Dislikes Tellarites (duh).

I changed him to an engineer because I felt writing for two different departments would be too difficult. Also changed his rank, unless Reliant prefers him being a crewman.


MACO team {Blackstar(no longer present), Monroe and Mark respectively}

Name: Bastet
Species: Human
Gender: Female(supposedly)
Height: 6' 1"
Rank: Major
Position: MACO commander

-Deceased, with honours-

First Sergeant Monroe
Age: 37
Ethnicity: Human- German / Scottish Mutt

He was born in Germany after his ancestors from Scotland move there following the third world war. He's kept a very strong German accent that has made understanding him difficult. He served for fifteen years in the United Earth Defensive force before being assigned onto the NX-06 with a company of MACROs, which he's the chief NCO of to help protect the explorers during their space exploration missions.
His brother is a convicted member of the Terra Prime terrorist organization and is serving a 40 year prison term for their part in the Mars incident.

Name: Everett Nelson
Rank: 2nd Lieutenant
Assignment: MACO Commanding Officer, USS Buran
Race: Human
Age: 40
Height: 6'3
Weight: 235 lbs
Hair Color: Sandy Blond
Eye Color: Blue
Birthplace: Oakland, Nebraska


Everett grew up as an only child, with a strictly religious mother and a MACO father. He spent his early years on his grandparents farm, learning to fish and hunt with his grandfather, uncles, and when he was home, his dad. When he was 16, his father was killed in action, while on a classified mission that to this day, nobody knows the details of. At 18 years old, he enlisted as a Private in the MACOs, where he rose up the ranks until he made Gunnery Sergeant. Ev has never been secritive about his attitude regarding officers, most of whom he doensn't think could even give him the correct time of day, and so, it was a great joke for everyone involved when he applied to OCS, never expecting to get in. When he was actually accepted, he was flabbergasted, and tried to back out of it. However, he was unable to do so, and thus ended up graduating OCS as a Second Lieutenant. His assignment aboard the USS Buran is supposed to be his first command as an officer.


Ev is quite blunt, outspoken, and has little patience with silly or incometent people. He has been reprimanded more than once for talking down to a superior officer, if said officer is doing something wrong or stupid. He is a tough old boot, who's favorite time in the MACO's was as a drill instructer for new recruits, and still holds over many of those attitudes. He usually has a cigar in his mouth, (unually unlit as per shipboard regulations) and has been, more than once, described as being "to G.I.", and has a morbid fondness for "whipping" his men into shape. Under his gruff exterior is a spirit that believes wholeheartedly in loyalty to his men. He will never ask another to do something he wouldn't do himself, and during action, will always be the "first man on the field, and the last to leave". He is also quite fond of good food and drink.


Ev is the posterchild military appearence. During regular duties, his uniform is always pressed and immaculate, and his boots shined to a mirror like sheen. He wears his hair cut short in a buzz cut, and is always meticulously groomed and shaven. He is more bulky than muscular, and does have a small belly.


Name: John Mackenzie
Rank: Cpl.
Assignment: MACO detachment USS Buran, demolitions specialist.
Race: Human
Age: 30
Height: 6'0
Weight: 250lbs
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Blue
Birthplace: Hope, British Columbia


John was born in a small town in Southern British Columbia, Canada. His father was a lumberjack and his mother the owner of a popular local ice cream shop. He spent his youth in the woods around his hometown, generally goofing off and practising with his fathers collection of antique firearms. When he turned 19 he left home and enlisted in the Canadian Forces, where by the time the MACO's had started accepting transfers from national military's he had qualified on the Airborne Pioneer and UXO courses and was granted permission to keep his CF rank of Cpl. upon transfer to the MACO's. He subsequently qualified on the MACO UXO/Demo and improvised explosives course and was allowed to keep his Pioneer qualification, the MACO's not having an equivalent.


Mackenzie works hard but he likes to play hard. He's been reprimanded five times for Conduct Unbecoming, mostly involving drunken escapades while on leave or during Mess functions. He has a penchant for finding booze where there shouldn't be any and there is a lower deck rumour that he's been brewing hooch in the MACO demo storesroom.

When he's not busy fulfilling shipboard duties, he can usually be found in the demo stores or the machine shop smoking or indulging his hobby of building antique firearms.


Mackenzie is the stereotypical Canadian soldier of a bygone age, a large man with an equally large moustache, that would qualify as a handlebar should he care to wax it. He's been told on more then one occasion to trim or shave it but ducks it by referring to an overlooked regulation that allows his trade to have them (one he simply made up).

He often has a tiny Maple Leaf pinned to his uniform or battledress.

Chief medical officer {Rochey}

Right, I think it's about time I got my character's bio up. Since there's been no objections, I'll be taking the position of Chief Medical Officer at Kendall's suggested rank of Lieutenant.

Name: Cú-Roí mac Dáire
Position: Chief Medical Officer
Rank: Lieutenant
Sex: Male
Age: 32

Born in the south of Ireland to a local politician, Cú-Roí was fascinated at an early age by the idea of alien life. He enrolled in Cork City University and later graduated with degrees in zoology and xenobiology.
After graduating, he joined UESPA in the hope of fulfilling his dreams of traveling the galaxy and encountering new alien races. However, his first post was as a member of a small research station on the edge of his home system doing nothing important or interesting.
After numerous requests for a transfer to a different post, Cú-Roí was eventualy moved to a facility on Vulcan to work with a team of scientists studying the local fauna. Although he enjoyed his work there and got on well with the other UESPA scientists, the local climate was far from his liking. After developing a dislike of the Vulcans themselves due to what he termed a "completely infuriating superiority complex" he began to look for another post.
After hearing about the fledgling Starfleet's exploration of the galaxy, he applied for a post on one of their ships. After a while, he was eventualy apointed as Chief Medical Officer on Starfleet's newest NX class starship.

Cú-Roí is in general a laid-back and easygoing person, taking a very casual attitude towards his job and responsibilties. He gets on well with others, though he sometimes has a tendancy to unconciously treat non-humans as test subjects. He is fascinated by alien species and cultures and is eager to learn as much as he can about them. Due to personality conflicts while working with several of them he has a dislike of Vulcans, though he doesn't let that get in the way of doing his job.
Physicaly, he is not an intimidating person. He is thin, of moderate height and wears glasses.
He can speak both English and Irish fluently, and can speak passable (though not great) Vulcan, though many Vulcans find him difficult to understand due to his rather strong accent.

Cook/chef {Tsukiyumi}

Max Chilton
Age: 27
Background: Max was born in Los Angeles in the southwest of North America, to a fairly well-connected family. He spent a good deal of his childhood around foreign diplomats, particularly Vulcans, and learned a great deal about their culture. He found a passion for cooking at a young age, and learned to craft many dishes, Human and alien. He created the first Vulcan/Human fusion cuisine, a style that hasn't quite caught on in either culture (mostly due to the difficulty of cooking it). Max turned down an offer to run one of the most exclusive restaurants in known space for the chance to serve in Starfleet.

Excited by the prospect of meeting new species and learning about their cultures and foods, he signed on at the launch of the NX-07 Buran, and has served as the Chef ever since. He's generally considered to be a friendly person, but has high standards, both for food, and for individuals he considers friends. As a result, some people view him as aloof, and his temper (especially in regard to his cooking) can be off-putting.

Skills: Max is considered to be the best chef in Starfleet service, having studied under the best chefs on Earth during his adolescence. Due to his speed and expertise with cooking implements, he is also rather capable with knives of all kinds, a skill which may come in handy out on the harsh frontier near the Romulan Empire's border.

Baal Solock {Tellerite private starship}

Name: Trellek

Race: Tellarite

Position: None, he serves as a Merc and trader to whoever wants his help and can afford his rates.

Ship: The Baal Solock, a small ten person craft of unspecified origin, crewed by close associates of his.

History: Unknown, to Starfleet

Personality: Abrasive, argumentative, rude, in short he's a Tellarite.

Unknown starship {Andorian vessel}


Re: Buran Mission and vital data

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2008 5:06 pm
by Reliant121
NX-07 Buran mission

The NX-07 Buran will be sent to investigate unexplored territory near the rumoured borders of the Romulan Star Empire. The main base of operations in the sector, a Vulcan space station named the Te'Praanath Facility, will serve as our base of operations. There will be a Earth Embassy stationed there, as well as an Embassy of the other alliance races.
Simply put, The Buran is to find the Romulans. It will search the unexplored systems surrounding Te'Praanath and report any Romulan sightings. The Secondary mission is to engage in general exploration, but the Romulans take precidence over the mission.
We can expect to find many smaller interstellar races and forces as well as the Romulan Empire. There is a possibility of sightings from Klingon forces, due to the proximity of the Klingon empire's borders.
If we find a major Romulan base, colony {{ Which is the intention to provide a Beta story }}, then further actions may be taken.

Re: Buran Mission and vital data

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 4:35 pm
by Reliant121
NX-07 Buran Statistics

NX-07 Buran
Launched: 21--
Weapons: -6 Upgrade Plasma Cannons
-6 Spatial torpedoe tubes 4x Fore 2 aft 25 rounds each
Speed: Mx. Cruise: -Warp 4.6
Mx. Possible: -Warp 5.2

The NX class was designed to field the new Warp-5 Engine designed by Henry Archer. The first starship, NX-01 Enterprise was captained by his son, Jonathan Archer and was instrumental in saving earth and establishing diplomatic relations with many races.
The NX Class takes the role of heavy cruiser in starfleet, providing a high firepower and high speed alternative to the smaller Intrepid and Neptune class starships starfleet had fielded before. The first three ships, NX-01 Enterprise, NX-02 Columbia and NX-03 {{ cant remember }} all recieved upgrades to the weapons, fielding the new Phase cannons and photonic torpedoes that had recently been developed. But it was deemed that continuing on with this highly expensive upgraded version would severely limit the number of NX class ships Starfleet could field. It was decided that all subsiquent ships would be armed with the original high energy plasma cannons, although a more powerful version than that on freighters, and the original spatial torpedoes. This allowed for at least 7 more NX class ships to be fielded compared to the projected 3 of the Upgraded design.
The hull is fitted with standard Polarizeable armour plating and standard hull panelling. The armoury has been provided with 4 phase pistol type weapons as well as the MACO weaponry. Due to cost cutting measures, the remaining standard crew armaments are the plasma pistols seen used during the first Suliban incident on Rigel X.

Re: Buran Mission and vital data

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 7:58 pm
by Reliant121
| Error: Double post |

Re: Buran Mission and vital data

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2008 8:00 pm
by Reliant121
Diipaxa Minor

Diipaxa Minor is a small world orbiting a red giant on the borders of Tellerite space, although in political terms it is technically a neutral colony. The world possesses one planet wide continent that stretches almost pole to pole, although at the extreme edges of the pole, a temperate band and then a polar band does exist. These bands are marginal, and filled with dangerous mountainous ranges, therefore uncolonizable. There is a small lake near the equatorial zone, the site for the "Bo'hkama Trading station".

Roughly 50 years ago from this entry into the database, a Tellerite trader by the name of Tronnak established this small facility as a depot for his resources and acquisitions. The facility suited his needs, as it was close to Tellerite territory, but remote enough to avoid most of the pirates and rogue operators in the area. His small interstellar trade firm used it often. As business decreased, Tronnak found himself incapable of maintaining the depot, and over time it fell into disrepair as it was abandoned.

20 years ago, a small consortium of independent traders discovered the depot and decided that it was a perfect business proposition. The facility itself was in good repair, if shabby Tellerite decoration, and could easily be expanded. The orignal facility helped form levels 1 and 2, and the remaining 4 levels were buried into a rock formation beneath these two. The intention for the facility would be a completely independent trading facility, but with provisions to provide resources for a group of inhabitants, including the staff.

Over the last 20 years, the facility has grown in size to the current 6 level post that stands now. the first level, level 1, is the main shuttle landing facility, and houses the headquarters for the orbital shuttles that run between the surface installation and a series of small scale orbital mooring rings where larger vessels can dock if they do not have auxiliary craft. Level 2 comprises of the arrival facilities, and some small scale rentable accommodation as well as a small parade of shops and stores. level 3 is split into two areas, the cascades: an area of shops, and commercial business; and the storage area: several small and large scale warehouses. Level 4 Contains staff control centers, the actual facility command center, armoury and other provisions that are vital to the facilities day do day running. level 5 contains the maintenance, engineering and environmental control systems, and level 6 comprises the Geothermal reactor that provides power for the facility. There are two biodomes on the surface where crops are grown to make the colony somewhat self sufficient, with a 3rd under construction.

The decor and renovations were made some time ago, and the facility is looking a tad worn. It seems pleasant enough on the surface, but there are rumours of deep conspiracy and criminal activities because of the lax regulations.