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Vader didn't kill people with the choke?

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 10:04 pm
by sunnyside
I know it's kinda silly and they're all dead in the novels and stuff.

But I think if you just choke someone until they fall to the floor unconscious like that they should just start breathing on their own once you release them unless you choked them for a sufficient period of time after that to induce wider organ failure. however it allways appeared Vader released them once they hit the deck. (It is also possible they were playing possum, it's what I'd do).

Anyway random thought, figured I'd share.

For something useful, the urge to breath is brought on by rising carbon dioxide not shortage of oxygen. So if you're about to go down due to something like carbon monoxide, or an innert gas tank rupture displacing all the oxygen you won't feel like you're suffocating when in fact you're about to die. So be careful and get a carbon monoxide detector!

Re: Vader didn't kill people with the choke?

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 10:13 pm
by Captain Seafort
sunnyside wrote:But I think if you just choke someone until they fall to the floor unconscious like that they should just start breathing on their own once you release them unless you choked them for a sufficient period of time after that to induce wider organ failure. however it allways appeared Vader released them once they hit the deck. (It is also possible they were playing possum, it's what I'd do).
It depends on what else he was doing at the same time. While a casual glance suggests that he was simply choking people, the fact that they went down so quickly suggests that there was other stuff involved - perhaps crushing internal organs as well as the windpipe. There's also the fact that Padme, who was attacked by Vader at full strength rather than his weakened post-Mustafar state, survived being choked and instead died of some unknown affliction.

Re: Vader didn't kill people with the choke?

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 10:20 pm
by Tsukiyumi
Well, I remember him breaking the rebel's neck at the beginning of ANH, but that was with his hand. It's actually not so hard to choke someone to death; about a minute of cutting off both carotid arteries, and kaput.

Robot Chicken's Star Wars spoof handled this subject, actually.

Re: Vader didn't kill people with the choke?

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 10:35 pm
by Captain Seafort
True, but would causing death by cutting off the blood supply to the brain technically count as "choking", which generally refers to restricting the airflow into the lungs? *ponders*

Re: Vader didn't kill people with the choke?

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 10:39 pm
by Monroe
I've always wonderered this myself. Mara Jade I remember alwawys said she would ruptor blood vessels in the brain instead of choking if she ever felt the indication to do it. But the way she said it made it sound like Vader only choked. So I don't know. I'd be interested in hearing the EU's explaination for th is.

Re: Vader didn't kill people with the choke?

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 10:45 pm
by sunnyside
Constricting bloodflow via the arteries is quite possible to have happened during a choak. Didn't one of the guys pull on the side of his collar after all? That would drop someone faster. Still though once you let go they'd still be knocked out but bloodflow would resume.

And I figured with Padme that the emperor was behind it.

Re: Vader didn't kill people with the choke?

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 10:51 pm
by Sonic Glitch
@ Sunnyside,

I agree. I always thought maybe the emperor was taking the life-force from Padme to keep Anakin alive. I think we can all assume that the student of Darth Plagues the Wise was Palpatine?

Re: Vader didn't kill people with the choke?

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2008 11:07 pm
by Monroe
Yeah its EU fact Plagues was Palpatine's teacher. They got the name of Plagues' teacher but then it jumps back like 1000 years before the last named Sith is mentioned.

That's really interesting about Padme. I really like that idea. But would that mean Palpatine knew about the twins? There was a theory in one of the Zahn books, a conspiracy theory :D that said that Luke was Palpatine's apprientince in reserve since there really wasn't anything done to hide him. Same last name, same planet of origin and everything.

Re: Vader didn't kill people with the choke?

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2008 3:23 am
by Mikey
I would have thought that Padme's survival of Anakin's pre-Vader-suit choke was because the telekinetic choke was specifically a Dark Side power, and Anakin wasn't perhaps fully converted yet. Perhaps the power of the unborn twins had some effect...

Anyway, I had always assumed that the "choke" also involved some actual damage to the trachea leading to permanent closure.

Re: Vader didn't kill people with the choke?

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2008 4:08 am
by SuperSaiyaMan12
Mikey wrote:I would have thought that Padme's survival of Anakin's pre-Vader-suit choke was because the telekinetic choke was specifically a Dark Side power, and Anakin wasn't perhaps fully converted yet. Perhaps the power of the unborn twins had some effect...

Anyway, I had always assumed that the "choke" also involved some actual damage to the trachea leading to permanent closure.
Vader was also subconsciously drawing on Padme's life force through the Force.

Re: Vader didn't kill people with the choke?

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2008 4:11 am
by sunnyside
Mikey wrote:I would have thought that Padme's survival of Anakin's pre-Vader-suit choke was because the telekinetic choke was specifically a Dark Side power, and Anakin wasn't perhaps fully converted yet. Perhaps the power of the unborn twins had some effect...

Anyway, I had always assumed that the "choke" also involved some actual damage to the trachea leading to permanent closure.
No. Couldn't be the permanent closure thing. The little droid was clear in that there wasn't something medically wrong with her. A closed trachia would be a rather obvious thing and also rather treatable.

So I think it's safe to say it' was some kind of ongoing force related thing. Be it what Goku over there is talking about or if it was the Emperor

Re: Vader didn't kill people with the choke?

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2008 4:14 am
by Sonic Glitch
Do we think it is also safe to assume that Plagues also caused the birth of anakin? "could influence the midichlorians to create life"--or some such quote like that.

Re: Vader didn't kill people with the choke?

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2008 4:17 am
by Mikey
sunnyside wrote:No. Couldn't be the permanent closure thing. The little droid was clear in that there wasn't something medically wrong with her. A closed trachia would be a rather obvious thing and also rather treatable.
Yes, but that was caused by Anakin, pre-Vader.

Re: Vader didn't kill people with the choke?

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2008 4:28 am
by sunnyside
Erm. I think we're talking about when they have her on the bed, and she's just dying. At that point the droids said that nothing was medically wrong with her. Her eventually death either had to be force juju or something that the medical droids couldn't detect like a funky poison.

I'm inclined to force juju.

Our dragonball friend thinks it was subconscious on Anakins part. I'm inclined to think it was deliberate effort by the Emperor. Plus emo boy was knocked out at the time.

I could believe the emperor kept luke around as a possible new apprentice. I mean he just had to replace Maul. Being Vaders kid he would have the potential. You'd think he might have kept the boy closer and started working with him. But he might have feared a father son alliance.

Plus, with the Sith, always two there are, never more, never less. Right?

Re: Vader didn't kill people with the choke?

Posted: Sat Jun 14, 2008 4:30 am
by Mikey
True, but Palpy always liked his contingency and contingent-contingency plans. Heck, it's entirely possible that he kept Vader around merely for the future purpose of baiting Luke.