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A Brief History of Star Trek's United Federation of Planets

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2020 2:37 pm
by Nutso
From the author:
A Brief Note on Star Trek Canon:

I know many of you don't like Discovery and Picard, and personally I agree that the shows are disappointing and poorly written. But at the same time I can't simply say they don't count as canon. As far Alpha Canon is concerned, it applies to all shows and movies. Including the JJ Abrams movies, Discovery and Picard.

In order to avoid stumbling over the inaccuracies and changes made by newer Trek, this channel will avoid talking about them in detail, and only mention them when absolutely necessary. I will also be exclusively basing my drawing on classic Star Trek (TNG-ENT).

So just to be clear, the following IS considered Alpha Canon on this Channel

The Original Series
The Animated Series
The Next Generation
Deep Space Nine

The Motion Picture
The Wrath of Khan
The Search for Spock
The Voyage Home
The Final Frontier
The Undiscovered Country

First Contact

KELVIN TIMELINE - Alternate Universe
Star Trek
Into Darkness
