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Re: SF mission planning - pilot thread

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 6:27 pm
by Captain Seafort
Tyyr wrote:That's true, but how hard would it really be to get a hold of them if you can mail order them in one country?
In the US, any idiot can walk into a shop and get an M16. In the UK you haven't got a fucking chance.
They're not certain to be used, only to be used if they absolutely have to be. If they do get used then you make sure that you use ones that are widely available to the public somewhere, say the U.S., and that they don't track back to anyone. Firearms traffic is registered, ammunition isn't.
The idea is to replicate this bloke's criminal associates killing him, either premeditatedly, in a meeting going pear-shaped, or a burglary. US crooks might wander round with mil-spec weapons, but in the UK anything more than handguns and sawn-offs will attract attention. I'd also recommend using handguns (preferably common ones), not SMGs - ballistics will probably be able to identify the type of weapon, and UK crooks do not have ready access to MP5s.
To me its worth it to avoid a slow down to take some breaching rounds.
Tough. The OP disagrees:
OP wrote:This is a priority, no evidence can be left to suggest that we or any government agency had a hand in this.

Re: SF mission planning - pilot thread

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 7:27 pm
by Tyyr
Then knock yourself out and come up with your own plan.

Re: SF mission planning - pilot thread

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 7:30 pm
by Sonic Glitch
Captain Seafort wrote:
They're not certain to be used, only to be used if they absolutely have to be. If they do get used then you make sure that you use ones that are widely available to the public somewhere, say the U.S., and that they don't track back to anyone. Firearms traffic is registered, ammunition isn't.
The idea is to replicate this bloke's criminal associates killing him, either premeditatedly, in a meeting going pear-shaped, or a burglary. US crooks might wander round with mil-spec weapons, but in the UK anything more than handguns and sawn-offs will attract attention. I'd also recommend using handguns (preferably common ones), not SMGs - ballistics will probably be able to identify the type of weapon, and UK crooks do not have ready access to MP5s.
To me its worth it to avoid a slow down to take some breaching rounds.
Tough. The OP disagrees:
OP wrote:This is a priority, no evidence can be left to suggest that we or any government agency had a hand in this.
Isn't it possible that a UK Criminal Group would do business with a U.S. Arms Dealer -- due to the restriction on availability and types of weapons in the UK?

Re: SF mission planning - pilot thread

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 7:35 pm
by Captain Seafort
I just did - I'm not objecting to your basic plan, but to the equipment you're using, which is too specialised to be passed off as a bunch of crooks. Replace the weapons with hanguns and saw-offs and no specialised ammo, put plenty of rounds into the targets in your initial assault, and you're good to go.

Re: SF mission planning - pilot thread

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 7:37 pm
by Deepcrush
Tyyr wrote:Then knock yourself out and come up with your own plan.
Tyyr, you were first up and since no one else has put in a mission profile. Its your call, run with what you've got or change it. Go no go?

Re: SF mission planning - pilot thread

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 7:39 pm
by Tyyr
I'm sticking with what I've got.

Re: SF mission planning - pilot thread

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 7:45 pm
by Deepcrush
Then the mission is on with the current profile. Remember guys, these aren't stand alone missions. They will all be part of a greater overall story arc. Just as in real life, there will be errors, there will be mix ups.

Re: SF mission planning - pilot thread

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2010 9:59 pm
by Deepcrush
Tyyr wrote:Time: 0300
Personnel: 4 4 man fire teams.
Equipment: H&K MP5SD3's for everyone. One man in each fire team carries a Benelli M3 semi-auto shotgun with breaching rounds and regular ammo. 9mm and 12 gauge shotgun rounds are too common to peg to anyone. Operators can choose to wear light body armor or not. No uniforms will be worn, civilian clothes only.

Assault plan: The primary word is stealth. Team 1's job is to secure the exterior of the house, disable any vehicles they find (preferably quietly like slicing tires), and prevent anyone from fleeing. Team 2's job is to infiltrate the house. They head directly for the basement access and secure the servers. Terminate anyone they find along the way, again quietly. Team 3 and 4 clear the house. Team 3 clears the bottom floor and Team 4 clears the upstairs. Once the house is clear and the target is confirmed eliminated team Team 3 and 4 "gang it up," returning to each body to put several more randomly aimed shots into each and to the surrounding area. The rooms should all be tossed, valuables like wallets, jewelry, small electronics should be taken. While this is going on Team 1 will have the ground transport arrive, two medium sized vans. Team 2 will remove the servers and any data storage devices found. Everyone falls back to the vans and leaves. The stolen valuables will be destroyed upon the return of the teams.
Your mission is largely a success. Mr Estona and his wife were both in bed and failed to react in time for escape. The brother was not home at the time, though his termination is of no concern. Six of the known workers were found inside at the time. They were also successfully terminated. The house was cleared and the servers and harddrives were taken without damage. Your teams suffered no casualties.

Over Sight does however have concerns that the mission profile may have been "to well prepared". Which could lead some to believe it was more then just a criminal hit.

Re: SF mission planning - pilot thread

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 11:04 pm
by Deepcrush
Mission after effects.

-Police suspect organized crime hit due to evidence at the scene.
-British Government now looking into the action.
-Interpol is running all possible connections to our target to see who may have committed the action.
-Over Sight has ordered us to step up our mission rate to remove all possible connections to Mr Estona.
-All missions will be on a 24hr response clock. (means when I post, you have 24hrs to set a profile or it counts as failed)

Re: SF mission planning - pilot thread

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 12:11 pm
by Tyyr
Can deal with that.

Re: SF mission planning - pilot thread

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 11:03 pm
by Deepcrush
Tyyr wrote:Can deal with that.
I thought as much. New mission(s) will be up tonight.

Re: SF mission planning - pilot thread

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 6:30 pm
by Captain Seafort
So, Deep, when's Insurre.., err, the next mission going to be up?

Re: SF mission planning - pilot thread

Posted: Wed May 05, 2010 2:07 pm
by Deepcrush
I'm working on the new mission now. I'll post it as soon as I finish. Sorry for the delay.

Re: SF mission planning - pilot thread

Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 5:21 pm
by Sionnach Glic
Oh God, Deep's turning into me! :o

Re: SF mission planning - pilot thread

Posted: Fri May 07, 2010 2:12 pm
by Deepcrush
New mission.

We have uncovered a large financing network which now demands our attention. With the removal of David Estona and the information gained from his hard drives. Supported by what we've gained from I-6. Several new targets have come forward.

Target One - Alex Hofferson - Located in Virginia, United States, Mr Hofferson is an arms dealer with a heavy connection in the former Soviet Union.

Target Two - Mika Onecka - Located in Moscow, Russia, Ms Onecka is Mr Hofferson's primary suppier.
More to come shortly