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Re: NX-07 Buran Alpha Mission thread

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 8:07 am
by Mark
Diipaxa Minor Facility-Cargo Storage Facility

Nelson faded in and out of consciousness, nearly oblivious to his surroundings. He had no memory from when he passed out, covered in his own blood, lying naked on his side still bound to the chair until recently, when it occurred to him that he was on some kind of cot. He vaguely remembered some loud arguments with things being said like "He'll die, and then what have you got?" but nothing that he could hold on too. It was like being trapped in a dream that he just couldn't wake up from.

Finally, his eyes did open and his mind was clear of the drugs. He realized that he was laying face down on a cot, dressed in some sort of one piece utility jumpsuit, with some kind of light blanket covering him. Just then the PAIN hit him all at once. He gritted his teeth as the waves of pain rolled over him and threatened to consume him. He's never hurt like this before in his life. But when he was just a trainee Private, his Drill Sergeant taught his platoon a valuable lesson about pain.

"Pain means your still alive, Privates!" he could hear the crusty old bastards voice in his head as if it were yesterday "If your still alive then you can still fight. And MACOs never stop fighting. It's when you can't feel that pain anymore that you should start to worry. That means your body is giving up and shutting down. And ALL YOU BONEHEADS KNOW BETTER THAN TO DIE WITHOUT PERMISSION, RIGHT?"

Chuckling slightly at the memory, Nelson managed to move through the pain. From the painful stretching from his back and face, it seemed that somebody must have closed his cuts; otherwise, he'd have bled out. He could barely breathe through his nose, so that must still be broken, and he guessed about four of his ribs were broken. He had to silently admit that he was in bad shape.

He lifted his head and looked around, taking note of his surroundings. He was in a tiny office that looked hastily converted into a cell. Metal seemed to have been welded over the only window from the outside, with small eye slits from which to watch the prisoner. The only furniture in the room was his cot, and a small plastic pitcher of water that sat next to his bed. Reaching for it took all of his energy, but he knew he needed to start replacing the blood he lost, and for that he needed fluids. He emptied the container in small sips, and fell back to the bed, worn out. He was just about to let the darkness overtake him again, when he heard a familiar voice ringing out loudly, obviously berating somebody, but to muffled to make out.

Suddenly, the door whisked open, admitting the single most beautiful woman Nelson had ever seen. The fact that she had the green skin of an Orion took nothing away from her. She was tall by a human woman's standards, and her copper hair flowed like waves from her head down to her shoulders, and had startling blue eyes. She also had a perfect hourglass figure. Her breasts were so large that they strained the material of her top, which was already so small it left ample cleavage open both above and below, and well as her entire midriff., and was threatening to tear the fabric apart. She wore a tiny pair of shorts that were so tight that it seemed like they could have been painted on, and under those tiny shorts, she swished her hips in such a way that when she walked, even in his condition, Nelson stopped breathing for a moment. She came in carrying a tray with a large bowl on it, as well as an old fashioned hypodermic syringe. She easily balanced the tray on one hand, and carried a small folding chair in the other. With a flick of her arm, she opened the chair and set the tray down on it. She snapped her fingers twice and the door closed behind her.

Everett thought about attacking the woman and using her as a hostage, but didn't even have the strength to sit up, so instead he quipped, "If your how my guards look, maybe I'll like being a P.O.W. Tell me, is this a FULL service prison? I certainly like the room service, but I'm a little tired just now, so you'll excuse me if I don't rise to the occasion?"

"You'll excuse me if I don't rip my clothes off and take you now," she replied "but they want you alive, thus I can't risk it."

Nelson chuckled in spite of himself. "Well then, who the hell are you?" he asked.

"My name is Xiva." She said. "I'm here to keep you alive until they can transport you off world. That seems to be a slight problem for them with your ship in orbit, which is why, I suspect, that they called for reinforcements."

Nelson's heart started to beat faster. More Romulans on the way, it had to be. At the moment, the Orions didn't have many ships that could stand up to Buran, and if they did, they certainly wouldn't risk them to help out a small gang of Orion mercs working for the Romulans. No, it had to be Romulan warships that were on the way. And after the Buran's defeat of the last one, they'd be coming in a group. Things were going from bad to worse.

The woman moved the tray to the floor and sat in the chair, then picked up the bowl and took a spoonful of some porridge like substance and placed it at the MACO's mouth.

"Eat" she insisted.

Whatever it was smelled like the paste one would scrape out of the inside of a boot after a hundred klick hike, and tasted like it too, but it went down easy and Everett felt a bit better after the first mouthful. He allowed her to keep feeding him between questions.

"I don't get it." Nelson said between mouthfuls "Why do they want ME? I'm just a grunt, and a ground pounder. Even if I told them everything I'd ever learned about Earth and Starfleet, it wouldn't change much. I'm not a scientist, a warp engineer, or a Starship Captain. What use do they think I can be?"

"Would you rather they kill you?" she asked

"Almost." He replied flatly.

"Well, lucky for you they don't KNOW that you're a "nobody", and that buys you some time." She said.

"Time for what?" Everett asked

Pretending she didn't hear him, she reached down and picked up the needle and held it up. "This is a cocktail of antibiotics and painkillers. May I?"

Nelson figured if he said no, she'd call a couple of thugs to hold him down and stick him anyway so he nodded and she quickly injected the drug into his veins. His pain immediately began to recede further, but he grew drowsy as well.

"Get some rest" Xiva instructed him "You'll need it." She looked at him for a long moment, and before saying "I don't know what it is about you, but you look to strong and rugged. I can't miss the chance."

With that she sat on the side of the bed, and kissed him with an odd mixture of hot passion and tender caring. When she broke away she sat up and breathlessly said, "Oh my. My heart is racing! Here, feel."

With that she took Nelson's hand and slid it under her top and along the side of her right breast until his hand reached the valley between the mounds of womanly flesh. She looked him dead in the eye and held his hand there a moment longer, before she suddenly stood up, and grabbed the empty bowl, spoon, tray, and chair before she marched out without another word.

Nelson lay there for a moment reflecting on the treasure he had found under her shirt. Oh yes, she certainly had nice breasts, but the tiny pistol that she had wedged between them that she had slipped him is what made HIS heart beat faster at the moment.

Re: NX-07 Buran Alpha Mission thread

Posted: Tue Aug 25, 2009 4:43 pm
by stitch626
The ship shook as more disruptor fire hit the hull. The Buran was still closing on the smaller Romulan ship, and so far the shuttlepods had escaped major damage.
On the bridge, officers were shouting out reports.
"We have a breach on C-deck, the effected section has been evacuated."
"The Romulans still will not respond to our hails."
"Captain, their aft shields are fluctuating."
Captain Chinatsu looked at the readout. Their plasma cannons were slowly weakening the Romulan's shields, but weren't providing enough of a punch.
"Target their engines. Maximum yield torpedoes."
Four torpedoes fired. The first two were stopped by the shields; the others pounded into the Romulan's engines unimpeded.
"Captain, their engines have been disabled. They are attempting to pull away from the planet and are ignoring our shuttles."
The captain breathed a sigh or relief. "Target the warship. All weapons."
The bridge shook violently. One of the unmanned consoles exploded, showering the bridge crew with sparks.

Sweat was running down Darwin's forehead. So far, nothing he had done was working out. Not a single disruptor bolt had been stopped.
"Engineering must be hell right now. Harvey's gonna kill me." Darwin chuckled. "But not before I kill Westman."
After the next hit, one of the panels lit up. Darwin's eyes lit up as he modified the deflector's settings again.

The exchange of fire lit up the sky above Diipaxa Minor. Both ships were hammering each other. While the Romulan's shields gave them an advantage, desperation allowed the crew of the Buran to keep pace.
The bridge was filled with smoke, making it difficult to breath.
Chinatsu shouted over the alarms. "Damage report!"
The comm officer attempted to sort out the flood of traffic.
"Several small hull breaches. Minor power surges in the deflector control room, but if they get worse we'll lose power to the navigational deflector. We've lost one torpedo launcher and due to that last shot we are venting plasma from our port nacelle."
The tactical officer interrupted. "Captain, they are targeting the bridge!"
Everyone cringed as three bolts flew towards the viewscreen.
"Tactical, continue firing. T'Varaan, what happened?"
The Vulcan frowned. "I am not sure. The disruptors did hit us. However, there is no discernible damage."
"Well, find out why. Helm, pull our dorsal side out of their field of fire."
The Buran pulled up and three torpedoes along with several plasma bolts flew at the Romulan warship. The Romulan's forward shields flickered as a few plasma shots leaked through.

Darwin could smell the ozone. His only guess was that the consoles were burning internally. A warning light came on. After only six hits, the deflector was overloading. While hesitant to remove their newfound advantage, he realized that keeping the field active would only lead to the deflector burning out. Darwin waited for one more shot to be absorbed and then shut down the EM field.

The bridge shook again.
"That shot was not impeded." T'Varaan said.
The captain sighed. "Well, it was nice while it lasted."
"It should also be mentioned that the smaller Romulan vessal has regained power and is again in persuit of the shuttlepods."
"After them!" the captain shouted as the bridge shook around them.

Re: NX-07 Buran Alpha Mission thread

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2009 4:25 pm
by Mikey
Harvey Fulton was unhappy. Visibility in the engine room was just north of "zero" thanks to steam and other vapors spouting from countless pressure valves and minute ruptures; information was spotty at best due to intermittent sensor availability and the confused shouting from each individual post; and he couldn't help thinking that "chief engineer" as a position was false advertising, and that someone should have told him he should have expected something more along the lines of "wrench-turner" or "maintenance monkey."

More than that, Harvey Fulton was full-blown angry. He had finally maneuvered himself into position to work on a Warp 5 starship, and he would see every last Romulan in the galaxy in hell before he was going to let them break his ship. His reverie was broken by a shout from the catwalk leading to the feeder conduits for the port nacelle. "Sir! Port nacelle compromised... we're venting plasma!"

"Where, exactly, along the coil array?" Harvey snapped back.

"Ummm..." said the crewman helpfully as he checked a readout. "Just behind the beginning of the secondary coil."

Harvey stood, arms akimbo, seemingly insensate to the chaos in engineering for a moment, then hollered above the tumult, "Ramp up the burn ratio in the primary coil to, say, 182%. Shut the vents, and route any excess plasma into the feeder system for the starboard maneuvering thrusters."

"182%? Sir, that's beyond-"

"What's the matter?!" Harvey interrupted sarcastically. "Are you afraid we'll damage the nacelle? Just do it. When you're not burning gas in the second barrel of your carb, boy, you'd better burn it in the first, right?"

"'Carb,' sir?"

"Forget it. Just do it." Punching a nearby intercom panel, Harvey yelled, "Helm? This is engineering. You're about to get a hell of a kick from the port-side reactors. We're adjusting the starboard attitude jets to compensate."

"What-" came the reply through the speaker.

"Engineering out." Harvey closed the channel just as another voice was yelling for his attention.

"Sir? We're showing band fluctuations in the deflector discharge. I'm not showing a hit, but maybe some secondary damage..." Shravak began.

"Hell of an impact to shut down whole band ranges..." Harvey said absently while bringing up the appropriate information on his console. "Wait a minute! Do those antennae interfere with your mentality, you blue-skinned engine jockey? That's not battle damage - the deflector puts out graviton radiation, and any secondary emissions are full-range EM leakage." Harvey studied the console for another moment, and said, "Shravak! You just watch the recharge cylinders and heat from the plasma guns." Fulton sat down heavily and muttered, "I'm too old for this shit." He punched the intercom panel again, and hollered, "DARWIN!"

"Darwin here, sir," came the hesitant reply from the bridge engineering station.

"You devious little puppy!" Fulton answered. "You've been messing with my deflector behind my back, haven't you?"

"Sir, I-"

"Shut up," Harvey suggested. "Screwing with the EM leak-through of the nav deflector could have misaligned the graviton output, could've gotten it stuck in a bad setting. We'd have been scrap if that happened and we ran into a micrometeoroid, boy. You don't mess with ship's systems without coming to me, you got it?"

"I'm sorry, sir."

"Let me finish. You come to me... because I could've helped. That was one hell of an idea, boy - and without it, we all might have been taking a nice warm bath in fresh warp plasma. I just can't help but think that there had to be some heuristic for analysis and adaptation..."

"Well, sir, I helped..." Darwin began.

"Dammit, boy, stop interrupting me!" Harvey snapped. "I don't want you to drive the bus over Westman. I know full well he was involved. You just shut your mouth about this and leave it to me. Something's gonna have to be done, but the two of you are a lot better off if I do it, rather than the Captain or the dandelion-eater getting their mitts on you. You just keep this boat from leaking on your end. Engineering out." As Harvey closed the intercom channel, the ship lurched suddenly to starboard, almost knocking the engineer off his feet. Angrily, he stabbed at the intercom button again and said, "Helm! Dammit, didn't I tell you to compensate?"

Re: NX-07 Buran Alpha Mission thread

Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2009 2:18 pm
by Reliant121
"Captain, the shuttle has entered the atmosphere. The Smaller romulan ship is drifting," Federov cried over the billowing smoke leaking from a panel behind him. A quiet siren was going off somewhere in the background, hinting that a system somewhere was severely compromised. However, looking over the shattered bridge, that was obvious as it is.

"They broke off from the shuttle...Why? Surely they are able to enter atmospheres?" Chinatsu said, thinking as fast as she could.

"It is possible they require the shields to enter an atmosphere safely. Mazerite and Tellarite ships do a similar procedure of using their shields as an extra anti-thermal layer to protect against the heat of re-entry," T'Varaan interjected from across the bridge. She had a large cut down the side of her face, attained when a section of the computer panel behind her was blown into her face.

"We might just have bought our ticket to safety!" Chinatsu opened a channel to engineering. "Engineering, bridge. Mr. Fulton, give me the possibility of breaching the atmosphere in our current state."

For a few moments all that could be heard were panel clatters, beeps and the occasional muffled cursing. Finally Fulton replied.

"M'am, respectfully, you're off your goddamn rocker. The Nav-deflectors are unstable enough as it is since they've been messed with, the graviton balance is out god know show much. I might be able to rig the polarised armour plates to give us a bit of heat protection, but it's 50/50 at best," Fulton replied, clearly annoyed with her enquiry.

"Better than nothing, do it!" After a few minutes, he signalled it was clear to give it a go.

"Helm...take us down, maximum safe descent vector. Tactical, fire everything you have at that Romulan ship and then configure the torps for long range fire. All hands, Captain speaking. This ride is going to be one hell of a rodeo, buckle down or grab something!"

Re: NX-07 Buran Alpha Mission thread

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2009 3:07 am
by Sonic Glitch
Lieutenant Federov and two of his security officers along with Cpl Mackenzie and 3 other MACO's crammed themselves into shuttlepod two. It was a tight squeeze with the spacesuits and weapons but they managed to make it work. The plan was simple, jump out of a shuttle at high altitude, slip under an enemy air defense net, land on target and fight to wherever the Lieutenant was and pray for a transporter extraction. Simple; in theory. A second shuttle was programmed for remote flight to distract the AA gunners. Naturally things began to go wrong from the beginning.
The shuttles were just clearing the pod bay doors to enter the atmosphere when two Romulan ships decloaked. One of them immediately went after the maneuvering shuttles. Both shuttles accelerated to get clear, the drone-ship was unable to get a clear shot. As the pilot-less shuttlepod drew enemy fire; the pilot depressurized Pod 2 and signaled to prepare for the jump. Federov put himself last in line because he wanted to see everyone safely to the ground. Mackenzie thought to himself it was more likely an officers attempt to protect himself. Federov started the count off, tapping the shoulder of the fellow in front of him, "Seven Ok"

"Six Ok"

"Five Ok"

"Four Ok"

"Three Ok"

"Two Ok"

Mackenzie finished off with "One Ok" The pilot shouted back he was releasing the hatch. Mackenzie placed his hands outside the hatch, taking a quick breath, and glance. Even through the suit he felt the pressure change. Well he thought to himself, this oughta be different. And then he jumped.

Federov watched each of his men jump before reaching the hatch and taking the plunge himself. As he entered freefall, he saw one of the Romulan's disruptor bolts strike the shuttle, it shuddered a minute in midair but miraculously kept flying. As the shuttle peeled up and away, the disruptor bolts began to fly closer to the troops. Fortunately they were falling at such a rate that as soon as the Romulan weapons officer had a lock and fired, they had fallen below the weapons trajectory. Unfortunately they felt a tingle as the energy pulse went by. One pulse whizzed over Federov's head and he heard, rather than felt, his suit shut down; the hiss of the ventilators stopped and one by one his internal display winked out. He forced himself to keep his breath even so as not to deplete his oxygen supply too quickly as the ground rushed up to meet them. He tried to raise his fellow jumpers on the radio,

"Federov to Mackenzie respond. Federov to DiLeo? Federov to Jones?" Damn he thought to himself - the ground was much closer now. He began a cold restart of his suit, praying everything including the gravity-shute re-engaged; gradually the suit began to restart including, he saw with relief, the grav-shute. As soon as he regained communications Mackenzie's voice thundered into his ears.

"Mackenzie to Federov!"

"I'm here Cpl."

"We've lost contact with Dileo and Hutchinson. I don't think their suit engaged." It did seem an accurate assumption. Federov felt the gravity plating pressing against his chest as it engaged to slow him down; the dots that represented Dileo and Hutchinson on the HUD were still accelerating downward. At an altitude of 500ft, with the compounds AA system still firing over them, the shuts successfully opened and 5 of the 7 jumpers made it to the ground. The shuts on two of the suits opened automatically in response to an air pressure sensor, but were ripped out of their housings by the great speed and just before his landing, Mackenzie saw the suits he knew to be Dileo and Hutchinson smash into the ground.

Re: NX-07 Buran Alpha Mission thread

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 11:27 pm
by Mark
Diipaxa Minor Facility-Cargo Storage Facility

Nelson lay on his cot, his mind working furiously. The Orion, Xiva had given him another shot for the pain, but Nelson was experienced enough to assess his own physical condition. He was at MAYBE 50% as it stood, being weak and slowed from pain and blood loss. He knew that it wouldn't take much to tear the stitches in his back and if he did he could bleed out in minutes, and another hit to his broken ribs could puncture his lungs and kill him even quicker. Even with the small plasma pistol, he would still be overmatched. He needed something more. No, he had to wait and bide his time.

He heard a commotion from outside and painfully sat up on his cot. The door to his cell opened showing four Orions. Two big and heavily muscled thugs stood holding heavy rifles looking in on him menacingly. The third was the sadistic Orion bitch that had been intent on flying him alive, and the fourth was Xiva.

Xiva looked at him and said, "Get up. You're being moved."

Wordlessly the battered MACO officer slowly rose to his feet, impaired by his wounds. The sadistic Orion woman stepped forward as the two thugs trained their rifles on him. She looked him up and down as if he was a piece of meat, before suddenly leaning forward and kissing him roughly. Caught completely by surprise, Nelson felt her force her tongue into his mouth before painfully biting his lip, drawing blood. He pulled back in pain breaking the kiss and with a pouty expression she backhanded him across the wounded side of his face, ripping a stitch on his cheek. He felt blood start to flow again.

Xiva sharply barked "Xara! Enough! We need to deliver him in one piece. We don't have time for this."

Xara turned with a maniacal look in her eye and retorted "You're not in charge here, bitch. Try and tell me what to do again, and I'll cut out your tongue."

Xiva looked at her with cool detachment. "You've tried before as I recall, and I still seem to have it."

With a look of pure hatred, Xara stormed out, leading the way down the hall. The guards' gave him an ungentle shove into position before them, as Xiva trailed behind. They went down a long hallway, turning twice, and approaching what looked like an elevator. Nelson couldn't help but wonder why they hadn't thought to restrain him. If this was Xiva's doing, this might me his chance.

The little party boarded the elevator, which was surprisingly small. Nelson found himself pinned between the two guards with Xiva in the corner and Xara by the control panel. He saw they seemed to be on the bottom floor of the facility, and seemed to me making there way up.

Suddenly without warning one of the guards gasped in pain and toppled forward, the hilt of a knife protruding from the back of his neck. Xiva was quickly drawing another blade as Xara went for her sidearm. The second guard tried to bring his rifle to bear, but couldn't swing it around in the enclosed space. Nelson quickly grabbed the tiny pistol that he'd concealed under his armpit, and shot the guard twice in the head. As his lifeless body fell, he heard a weapon discharge and suddenly felt a searing pain in his left shoulder. As Nelson struggled to regain his feet, Xiva sliced Xara across the back of her hand forcing her to drop the weapon. Nelson kicked out and with a sickening crunch broke Xara's knee. She fell to the ground with a shriek of combined pain and rage. Xiva was on top of her in an instant with a knife at her throat. Xara looked up at Xiva with a look of maddened terror and hatred. Xiva's eyes were as cold as death as she SLOWLY forced the blade down and across, finally ending her screams with a bloody gurgle.

Xiva stood and helped Nelson to his feet and said, "Let's get the hell out of here.