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Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2007 1:47 pm
by Mikey
Wow, all this time I thought Andros was that evil emperor ape from the StarFox series.
Stop, my ribs hurt too much. :roll:

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2007 2:01 pm
by Sionnach Glic
Now even if you made an android body without the flaws we've been arguing about there's the very big issue of people not knowing how to use it or operate it properly. And don't say "we can train them" because most people tend to only half-listen at best. Like how Mikey hasn't figured out we're talking about putting humans into android bodies(At least that's what it seems like).
Except, training a machine would be a simple matter of downloading the proper instructions, and then you know it. There's be no listning involved, whatever you need to know is just downloaded straight into your memory.
Instant learning.
PS Rochey - I've agreed with you throughout, but an android DOES have to be human-shaped. The word "android" come from "andros" which means "man."
You're right there. What I should have said, instead of 'android', was 'machine'. There'd be nothing stopping an android from changing itself into a spider-like machine, or whatever.

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2007 2:29 pm
by Mikey
True. And you would have almost eliminated the learning curve to adapt to the new number and usage of limbs that a human would have.

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2007 3:35 pm
by Sionnach Glic
Exactly, just download the proper instructions into your memory.

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 4:08 am
by Captain Peabody
Tsk, tsk... Captain Kirk would be ashamed of you. ? He'd have your entire android race talked to death within minutes... :lol:

But seriously, I'd agree that the kind of android you're describing would be smarter, faster, and stronger than humans (though I'm loath to use the word better)...but mainly because the kind of android you're discussing is basically defined as "a kind of android that is better than humans"... It is cool to imagine humanity as super-fast, super-smart, super-strong Datas with positronic brains, bullet-proof chests, but I don't think it's exactly an issue we'll have to deal with anytime soon.

But still; you call yourselves Star Trek fans... :P

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 12:34 pm
by Mikey
Now, I've never said that I would want to replace humankind with androids. However, your hyperbolic description of our definition being a self-fulfilling prophecy is little different from the arguments against androids which consist of the fact that they're not human.

From an objective view based on tangible abilities and survivability, androids come out on top. Are there other, spiritual or emotional concerns which see androids fare less well? Of course, but that hasn't been what I've debated.

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 4:37 pm
by Sionnach Glic
But seriously, I'd agree that the kind of android you're describing would be smarter, faster, and stronger than humans
(though I'm loath to use the word better)...
Despite the fact that they are better in every concievable way?
but mainly because the kind of android you're discussing is basically defined as "a kind of android that is better than humans"...
No, the type of android I am discussing is just that: an android. It's a simple fact that a properly designed android would be better than humans.
but I don't think it's exactly an issue we'll have to deal with anytime soon.
True, though you never know...

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 6:44 pm
by mwhittington
Ahhhhh, now downloading your conciousness into an android would be different. That would be cool, kind of like the cartoon Ghost in the Shell, if anyone has seen that, or like what Graves did to Data, which was mentioned earlier. But then there would be the big debate on whether or not it would be ethical, like the abortion debates, and we would have to restrict the availability somewhat, because I don't like the idea of an ex-con or someone on Megan's Law with that kind of power. Personally, I think it would rule, as long as I still have my senses of taste(even though I would never need to eat, I can't give up the fantastic flavor of my mama's fried chicken), touch(well, DUH!), smell(coffee, flowers, bombs, drugs, etc.), Hearing, and sight, and then ENHANCE AWAY, BABY! :wink:

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2007 7:38 pm
by RK_Striker_JK_5
mwhittington wrote:Ahhhhh, now downloading your conciousness into an android would be different. That would be cool, kind of like the cartoon Ghost in the Shell, if anyone has seen that, or like what Graves did to Data, which was mentioned earlier. But then there would be the big debate on whether or not it would be ethical, like the abortion debates, and we would have to restrict the availability somewhat, because I don't like the idea of an ex-con or someone on Megan's Law with that kind of power. Personally, I think it would rule, as long as I still have my senses of taste(even though I would never need to eat, I can't give up the fantastic flavor of my mama's fried chicken), touch(well, DUH!), smell(coffee, flowers, bombs, drugs, etc.), Hearing, and sight, and then ENHANCE AWAY, BABY! :wink:
Soong-type androids appear to keep all five senses intact. So you'd be good to go, there.