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Re: Adeptus Astartes: Deathwatch

Posted: Tue Nov 10, 2009 9:33 pm
by Mikey
Zirk shouldered up next to the Ultramarine, blink-clicked the mag on his visor sights, and bellowed, "Vinctorus aut mortis!" through his helmet speakers. He crossed his arms, bracing his wrists on top of each other, and emptied a short burst from both bolt pistols. One bolt from his left hand struck one of the ork boys in the first rank, exploding a sizeable chunk out of its right arm and forcing it to howl in fear and pain.

Both bolts from Zirk's right hand found their mark in an ork carrying a crude flamer. The first plowed into the beast's right leg, blowing a hole through it and forcing the greenskin to the ground. As it fell, the second bolt struck it in the right arm, blowing the arm off the ork's body and showering it in blood. In addition, the bolt's mass-reactive warhead detonated the pierced fuel feed of the orky flamethrower and produced a fireball three meters in radius, roasting the nearby kine.

Re: Adeptus Astartes: Deathwatch

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 3:28 am
by Tyyr
Antonias took careful aim at the large Nob leading the group, his large banner pole gave him away. She squeezed the trigger and the pistol hurled a sizzling electric blue bolt towards the Nob, and missed him cleanly, digging a furrow of glass out of the sand behind to xenos. She bit back a curse as the pistol recharged.

Watching the other marines fire starting to tear into the orks. He took one last appraisal of the situation before setting his sights on one ork in particular and pulling the trigger. The heavy bolter roared in his hands. He kept the stream of bolter shells on target and the first ork went down, his chest bursting open as a bolt shattered his sternum. He dragged his weapon down, sweeping the stream of death into an ork trying to lever himself up off the ground. The bolt amputated the creatures arm before opening its ribcage up and spilling its entrails on the ground. A third ork laying on the ground caught a bolt in its head and a split second later it ceased to exist above the neck. Picking up a last target his final two bolts ripped one last ork in half, the xenos' natural resilience failing it as it was split in two by exploding bolts.

Re: Adeptus Astartes: Deathwatch

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2009 10:38 pm
by Lighthawk
Khan took a breath, drawing in his will along with the air, holding both for the space of a dual heart beat. He could see the path to his target, a line of thought connecting him with the xeno he had marked for destruction. He squeezed the trigger, and hell leapt from his gun.

The melta beam hissed through the air, striking the unluckly ork square in it's broad chest. The beast's armor melted like butter before an open flame, giving as much protection to the xeno as if it wore paper. The ork erupted into flames, blood vapor spurting forth in steaming spray from the wound, it's nose, mouth, ears. It's eyes burst, popping free of it's skull as steam issued from it's skull as it's brain flash fried.

A second later and the ork's gun detonated, sending out a spray of fire and shrapnal, catching three other orks. One had a bloody chunk blown from it's arm, and was the luckiest of the three. The second was blown off it's feet, landing unconscious in a bloody sprawl on the ground. The third lost it's head, brains dashed to the ground...and then the flames caught it's ammo, sending another blast wave of flame and debris through the alien's midst.

Still clutching it's wounded arm, the first ork took the blast right in the face, sending it staggering, clawing at it's blind eyes. Another ork took a blow to it's arm, the limb wrenching free in a spray of gore as the beast fell over, dead from shock. Flames crawled over the unconscious ork and another, and both of them had their ammo give in to the fire's demands, twin explosions rocking the already rattled patrol. A headless ork corpse went running out of the dual fireballs, finally tripping over and falling to burn some few meters away from the others.

Inside his helmet, Khan's face twisted into a wicked grin of satisfaction.

Re: Adeptus Astartes: Deathwatch

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 1:48 am
by Deepcrush
Watching the bloodshed, Cyrus let his eyes walk the mob of Orks as his comrades cut them down. His own grenade while not killing many if any of the Orks on its own. Did manage to inflict a massive deal of harm to the Xenos. Blood and gore splashed, the Orks had not a chance of response as more and more fire poured to them. As Cyrus' eyes danced bloody mess to bloody mess he saw an Ork with a missile launcher left untouched, aim and fire upon him.

Cyrus shoved Zirk and himself apart. The warhead quickly flew between the two, right where Cyrus had just been. "Brother! I think he dislikes us!" Cyrus tore out into a laugh, uprighting himself against the tree. "HAAAAAAAAAA!" Cyrus roared as he squeezed his heavy bolter's trigger. A stream of armor piercing shells flew out of the weapon, down range and into the offending Ork. The first round found the Ork's skull which burst like a ripe fruit. Before the Ork could fall to the ground, Cyrus tracked his bolts to the corpse. Round after round after round ripped and tore, leaving a chummed lump of green flesh and dark blood on the ground.

Re: Adeptus Astartes: Deathwatch

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 2:11 am
by Mikey

Zirk simnply nodded at the Ultramarine, and watched as the heavy bolter fire ripped its target into a green pulpy mess. He then raised his eyes, and the team felt - rather than heard - the dull subsonic thrum of the Raven Guard's jump pack powering. With a low shriek, the jets took Zirk to about 20 meters up, heading straight over the river toward the remaining orks. While in flight, his bolt pistol coughed once. A split-second later, the rearmost ork howled as the bolt tore a large piece of meat from its left arm.

Re: Adeptus Astartes: Deathwatch

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 2:20 am
by Tyyr

Antonias sighted down her pistol, annoyed at missing her first shot. She lined up the lead ork who was just starting to reach the bridge and fired, the bolt of white hot plasma clawing away the flesh on it's arm. A heartbeat later Mithras opened up, his bolter barking three times, the first blowing open the chest of Antonias' target, the second shot taking the arm off the closest ork to it and the third kicking up sand behind the group.

Re: Adeptus Astartes: Deathwatch

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 3:32 pm
by Sionnach Glic

Hati sighted down the scope of his rifle on the last greenskin, stumbling about randomly. With a quick pull of the rifle's trigger, the Ork's left shoulder and portions of its chest exploded violently, the Ork itself collapsing limply to the ground.

Re: Adeptus Astartes: Deathwatch

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 3:56 pm
by Mikey

Zirk watched the last swinekin collapse under Hati's shot, then opened up the jets on his jump pack. The dull shriek turned into a howl as he rapidly crossed over the river and landed on the eastern bank, just south of a copse of trees. He holstered his right-hand pistol in its shoulder rig and drew one of his chainswords, starting its motor as he looked around the area.

Re: Adeptus Astartes: Deathwatch

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 4:08 pm
by Tyyr
Antonias kept her pistol out and jogged towards the bridge. She picked her way carefully across the span and joined Zirk.

Mithras followed closely after her and waited until she was across before starting on the bridge. The rickety structure groaned under his bulk and a few stray pieces cracked and fell into the river. "Most likely a random patrol, maybe a foraging party," Mithras said.

Re: Adeptus Astartes: Deathwatch

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2009 10:17 pm
by Deepcrush
Cyrus looked down range and laughed. "They're still so packed together that it almost looks like the fell upon each other rather then having been ambushed."

Re: Adeptus Astartes: Deathwatch

Posted: Sun Nov 22, 2009 11:21 am
by Tyyr

Antonia nodded. "Regardless, we should move quickly, before this group is missed." She paused for a moment, considering her HUD. "This way," she said, pointing to the west and slightly north. "We're about two kilometers from the fortress."

Re: Adeptus Astartes: Deathwatch

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 8:27 am
by Lighthawk

"If that is all, then this group was likely freshly dispatched for their patrol," Khan said. "We will be upon them long before they would notice this group missing."

Re: Adeptus Astartes: Deathwatch

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 4:42 pm
by Tyyr
1932 Mithras

"Could be a foraging party," Mithras added. "They were moving along pretty dumb and loudly, even for orks."

1932 Antonia

"Regardless of why they were out here we should move, gentleman," she said with a flourish along the path the orks had taken from their fortress.

Re: Adeptus Astartes: Deathwatch

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 6:10 pm
by Lighthawk

"Gentle men..." Khan repeated, a bit of a smile in his tone as he broke the word apart. "I don't see any such people here." He carefully crossed the bridge, not trusting something built by orks and whatever standards of construction they might possess. As he did, he sent his mind questing out again.

Re: Adeptus Astartes: Deathwatch

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2009 12:08 am
by Tyyr

"I'll take point," Mithras said, heading into the brush along side the trail, starting to follow it but staying about thirty meters into the woods as he did. Antonia followed quickly.