Gamma Mission

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Re: Gamma Mission

Post by Reliant121 »

"Centurion Mi'serna, you are being given the field promotion to sub-commander. You will operate as my first in command for this mission. And...I think its time for further breaking down of the barriers. When you find Grr'lek tell him to come and talk to me. He will be designated a Mission specialist, meaning he has a preceding rank should he wish to use it," D'Tyra said softly to the centurion. There wasn't really any point in saying it quietly, the bridge crew were all listening. A few of them were a tad taken aback by her plan to give him commanding authority, but they knew better than to argue with her will. Unless they wanted a disruptor through their shoulder blades.

"Of course, Commander. And what of the Si'aehfva (a colloquial word for traitor, southern provinces of Romulus)?" he asked, looking at his officer gravely. He couldn't help but look her up and down. She was rather attractive, he had to admit. It had been some 50 years since anyone had particularly sparked his innate sexuality, but she managed it. Her hair was just in regulation length. stretching down behind her head to the tip of her shoulder, in its typical stark black colour. Her face was long and slender, elegant and without fault, save for a small blemish that struck the left cheek below her eyes. Taking a quick glance down the length of her body, she was incredibly slender. Not thin, per se, but sleek and streamlined. She carried a good rounded weight around her chest, and a small yet pronounced backside, if which he couldn't help but take a second glance.

"I'll talk to her. I'm her commanding officer, i'll deal with it. Meanwhile, tell the senior officers to assemble for final briefing in....1 hour, briefing room 1," She said, turning away. As she walked toward the turbolift, she called back to her new second in command. "Oh and...sub-commander...Don't spend too much time taking in eye-candy, lest it tint your spectacles red." Mi'serna let out a hearty laugh as she walked away, smiling to herself.


"So N' that it? that is your only reason for BETRAYING your empire? Because we are working too closely with ann ally for your liking?" N'yatra's face appeared to be almost on the verge of boiling, but she remained on the seat. D'Tyra had purposely left N'yatra unbidden to try and lure the traitor into revealing her position.

"It is my only motivation," N'yatra hissed softly, looking away. D'tyra caught her glances trailing toward the Romulan eagle on the wall. The ornate, symbolic bird with its wings unfurled, grasping Romulus and Remus in its secure talons. D'tyra's mind raced for a moment, trying to fit together the pieces of the puzzle. And then it came to her.

"Of course....You're part of the unification movement. The followers of Spock....but that doesn't explain the attack's, Surak's teachings were always of peace," All the while, N'yatra's face grew more and more flushed with anger. D'tyra had always wondered what the strange black book that N'yatra always carried was, but it only hit her now that it was in ancient Vulcan, not Rihannsu. It all began sliding into place, the strange artwork and statuettes in N'yatra's quarters, the candles that were literally everywhere throughout the room. It fit perfectly.

"Oh no no no! You and Spock had a disagreement. Because this alliance has been instituted by the government under Praetor Tal'Aura, and Proconsul Tomalak, you see it as against your cause. But he disagrees, any alliance between the Federation and the Romulan empire is better for the unification....Oh, it becomes clear, like old glass dusted down after years of neglect. You have taken matters into your own hands. You Betrayed him as well!" D'tyra finished, leaning toward her captive. It sent N'yatra over the edge.

N'yatra's fist streaked upward toward D'tyra, aimed squarely for the commander's nose. She anticipated just such a move, and made a rather unnecessary backwards cartwheel out of the way, kicking N'yatra squarely in the jaw as her foot sailed upward. N'yatra grew more angry by the second, and finally leaped at the withdrawn commander, right fist outstretched.

D'tyra twisted out of the way, grasping her captives wrist, and twisting it to breaking point. The snap was audible throughout the room, followed by N'yatra's wail of pain. In response, She swung her foot to deliver a spinning kick to D'tyra's stomach. D'Tyra took the kick, barely flinching. She slid underneath the leg, and used her own to trip N'yatra to the floor.

N'yatra lay there, staring at her former commander. She whispered something barely audible.

"We will be one, once again."

her hand streaked up toward her neck, and she gave out a sharp intake of breath as the hand reached it. she fell limp almost immedately, her skin tinted blue. The hand fell away, revealing a long syringe imbedded in her glove. A blue liquid was draining out across the floor. N'yatra's pulse diminished, and her eyes grew cold and distance; glassy as all eyes go when the life in them drifts away. D'tyra picked up the limp body, and exited the room.
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Re: Gamma Mission

Post by Mark »

USS Ravage - Main Briefing Room (Directly after briefing)

"Captain," McDuff began, as the rest of the officers filed out "I have a couple of ideas that might help us out."

Sitting back down, Captain Lewis nodded to Commander Sinclair to stay as well, then asked "Like what, Master Chief?"

"Well sir," the old engineer replied also taking a seat, "I believe that I can boost our phasers and shields for a time by at least 50%, as well as give us, for lack of a better term a turbo-boost to our impulse drive."

Commander Sinclair sat back down as well with a look of heavy skepticism on his face. "Master Chief, I don't mean to doubt you, but I know this ship's specs and her systems as only an engineer can. I don't mean to doubt you, but knowing this ship the way I do, I just don't see how that's possible."

With a grin McDuff replied, "When you've been around as long as I have, Commander, you pick up a few tricks that you'll never see in any kind of a manual."

"Just how do you propose to do this, Master Chief?" Sinclair asked. Captain Lewis leaned forward, seemingly also interested.

"We can boost power to the phasers and shields by routing power from the warp engines DIRECTTY to the tactical systems." McDuff explained, "The main advantage is like I said a 50% power boost, minimum. The drawback, however, is pretty significant. Since I'll have re-routed the power distribution flow to bypass the actual warp drive, while the modification is in place, we'll be completely unable to go to warp. It'll only take about 10 minutes to activate or de-activate, but if we need to run, 10 minutes can be an eternity."

Lewis looked at Sinclair and asked "What do you think? Would it work?"

Sinclair nodded thoughtfully, "I think so. It's damned unorthodox, I've never heard of it being done before, but it should, theoretically, be possible."

Lewis looked back at McDuff and asked, "And about this turbo-boost?"

"Well, sir, that's trickier" the Chief replied, "See, impulse engines are specifically and intentionally dialed down in order to minimize the time dilation effects. Our magnetic constrictor regulates the amount of fuel that is fed into the impulse reactor, and thus the amount of power it generates. Since impulse engines are designed specifically NOT to go past a certain point the actual reaction chamber tolerances are never really tested or pushed. For a brief period, if we open up the constrictor, we can achieve a significant boost in our speed, likely around 35 to 40%. Sort of like an old Earth style afterburner. The downside is that the reaction chamber's temperature will climb pretty quickly while it's engaged, and will take time to cool off. If we push it TOO hard, it could blow the entire impulse manifold and a decent part of the ship with it. But for short bursts, it should be ok."

Sinclair spoke up immediately, without waiting for the forthcoming question from the Captain. "That's ingenious Master Chief! The enemy ships would NEVER expect a sudden burst of speed like that." Looking back at the Captain he said "He's right, Matt. The impulse engines will need some work after this mission, but if we're smart about it, the danger should be minimal."

Nodding, Captain Lewis asked, "And where did you ever learn these tricks, Master Chief?"

Smiling, McDuff thought back many decades.

USS Excelsior - Main Engineering - Year 2325

Main Engineering was in shambles. The Tholians had hounded Excelsior mercilessly for day after day. They were the last surviving ship in the task force sent to rescue the USS James T. Kirk, and her crew. The two Constellation class heavy cruisers that had been sent to escort them were gone. The Constellation herself had to turn back after they had broken into Tholian space, after having one of her nacelles blown off, and the USS Nighthawk had been destroyed two days ago, after Excelsior and Nighthawk had been ambushed next to an asteroid field. Excelsior, mainly due to her massive upgrades had been able to drive the Tholians off, and rescue SOME of Nighthawk's crew, before her core breached and vaporized the ship. With two of Starfleet's new ships of the line gone, the situation wasn't looking very well.

With a hiss the turbolift doors opened and an attractive Asian woman with some grey in her hair stepped out. She looked around for Commander Dunstil and approached him. A newly promoted Chief Petty Officer Donnie McDuff noticed the new arrival by announcing in a loud voice, "Captain on deck!"

"As you were, Chief." Captain Demora Sulu ordered. She approached Commander Dunstil and asked, "Did you take a look at the ideas I laid out?"

"Yes, ma'am. I did." Dunstil replied, "I think it's completely crazy. Running the warp engines directly into Tactical is a disaster waiting to happen. And don't get me started on that bit with the impulse drive. But I can't come up with a better idea. I'll have it ready by the time we hit the Lingle system."

"Good" Captain Sulu responded, "We're by ourselves now, and we've GOT to save that ship and crew. The James T. Kirk is Starfleet's only attempt at refitting the Federation class as a battleship, and if we DON'T get her back, the Federation will never approve our request for a class of battleships."
The engineer nodded and asked "I only have one question, Captain. From whom did you learn anything about engineering? We're they completely insane, or were they a genius?"

Thinking of her father's unique friends, and one particular engineer she had known since she was a child, with a Scottish brogue so thick sometimes he was hard to understand, she replied, "He was both, and a miracle worker to boot."

USS Ravage - Main Briefing Room - Present Day

With a fond smile, McDuff replied, "I served with some gifted officers."
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Re: Gamma Mission

Post by Teaos »

The alliance station was abuzz with activity. Every ship in the fleet bar two ships on patrol were currently at base in preparation for the up coming assault.

Running through the crowded passageways crewmen Phillips dodged around various crewmen from both the station and the docked ships. Hugging the wall as a platoon of marines marched by Phillips made his way over to the loading bay of the Paladin.

Commander Teaos stood off to the side checking the incoming supplies and conferring with a few other ranking officers. The last of the supplies would be loaded with in the hour and all would be ready for combat.

As Phillips approached the Commander cut off his conversation with one of the tactical officers "Make sure to keep the tri-cobalt-" Teaos stopped short as the crewmen handed him the PADD.

"The latest stock take of the stations supplies sir" Phillips said as the snapped off a quick salute and quickly made his way back into the heart of the station.

Phillips could feel the nervous energy buzzing through the station. Everyone had felt the loss of the Pegasus and now they were getting revenge. Not only that but the Paladin was going to battle for the first time. Even those crewmen not apart of the strike group were on edge. Although they had done scouting and recon they could never be sure what they were going to find.


As the allied station didn't have any windows the assembled crew wer gathered around the many view screens positioned around the station.

Phillips found himself pressed up against the back wall of the junior crewmen's rec-room. The small utilitarian room designed to hold maybe a dozen crew at any one time now held closer to fifty, even some officers were to be found huddled into the small room.

The view screen showed the alliance fleet, against the backdrop of the local star field the strike group was forming up. The four main ships headed by the Paladin along with the two reserve ships were just waiting for the final signal from the Commodore before heading out.

All of sudden the Paladin banked slowly yet gracefully away from the station closely followed by the remainder of the strike group. As soon as it had cleared the no-fly zone the strike group disappeared in a flash of multiple warp drives flashing into power.

The buzz of chatter that had been permeating the station died down as all the crew sent their thoughts out to the crews of those ships
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Re: Gamma Mission

Post by Mikey »

"Come in," Mikey answered the door chime.

"All personnel have returned from the Lacron, and we're underway... sir," Hewer announced, his tone diminishing as he noticed the dim lighting of the captain's quarters and the despondent posture of Mikey's antennae. "Is everything alright, sir?"

Mikey held up an object he'd been studying at his desk. It was an antique pistol of the type used by pre-Federation Andoria. "Do you know what this is, Jon?"

"I think you've shown me before - a family heirloom?"

"It's a weapon. A thing. It has value only because of its association with the sacrifices members of my family made for a cause. Sacrifices of sweat, of tears, and sometimes of blood." Mikey paused and delicately set down the pistol, then looked up at Hewer and asked, "Have the fighter pilots been briefed?"

"Well, the flight commanders are up to speed and the fighters are being coded with the shield frequency. I'm scheduled to address the pilots at 0800 tomorrow."

"I'll do it," Mikey said grimly.

Jon laughed, trying to lighten the mood. "I think you're still confused about the whole 'captain' thing. See, you're the guy who doesn't have to do anyone else's work."

Mikey narrowed his gaze. "You're still close with some of the pilots, right? There are issues that won't be easy to talk about with friends. Each of those fighters will carry the means to penetrate our shields. They must NOT be captured or compromised in any way, no matter the alternative." He paused and peered at his first officer ominously. "No one of us is worth the safety of the whole crew, or the other crews depending on us. Do you follow me?"

Jon looked down and said, "I understand, sir." Then he looked back up at Mikey, gave a lopsided grin, and said, "I'll just have to remind them to get out cleanly, I guess."

"I'm not joking, Jon."

"I know."

"Good." Mikey grinned back, relieved at having closed the topic. "I don't mean to be negative - in fact, I think your plan is outstanding. I just have to think of every eventuality." He bent to light one of the candles on the desk and finished absently, "Thank you."

Hewer rose and began to leave, then turned back in the doorway. "If I may, sir..."

Mikey looked up, puzzled. "Of course."

Jon gave a wry look, hesitated for beat, and said, "When we're done with this business, you really should ask her to dinner. A drink, at least."

"Come again?"

"Commander D'tyra. It's a little odd to see the mighty W'trisk, vaunted warrior and commander, dancing around the issue," smiled Hewer.

Mikey made an ironic grimace. "Is this the general consensus?"

Jon laughed. "Well, we didn't poll the astrometrics gamma shift, but..." He dodged out of the room just before the thrown candle igniter struck the door behind him.


"I'm honored, commander," said Grr'lek, approaching D'tyra in the conference room before the other officers arrived.

"I didn't do it to honor you," D'tyra said matter-of-factly. "I gave you your position because I expect you to contribute to our success; nothing less."

"Just like serving under W'trisk," Grr'lek mused.

"Ah, the intriguing Andorian captain. A formidable commander, yet with a better sense of humor than most Federation officers. What can you tell me about him?"

"Captain W'trisk? Well, he's a fearless warrior; a stone-cold killer when necessary; an uncompromising enemy; stubborn as a Tellarian pack lizard; willing to sacrifice himself or anyone else if his cause demands it; and driven by demons about which it isn't wise to ask. And for all that, a really decent guy."

D'tyra arched an eyebrow. "Right."
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Re: Gamma Mission

Post by Sonic Glitch »

On the Ravage:

"Alright Chief, I'll compromise with you. I like the ideas, but I don't think right before a battle is the proper time to be tinkering with the weapons and engines. And besides, we should save some surprises for the main event. BUT, I like the hyper-impulse idea. I want you to get on that right away."
"Yes Sir, thank you sir.'
"Anytime" Lewis replied with a smile, "Now don't you have work to do?" McDuff grumbled good naturedly as he left. Lewis turned to Sinclair and told him, "You have the bridge for the moment, I'm going to talk to our guest." and as he left he turned and added, "and I heard about what happened yesterday. Seriously, you scratch the paint your fired." He chuckled slightly as he entered the turbolift leaving Sinclair to look on in a bemused manner.

"Cargo Bay 6" he told the turbolift.

-Cargo Bay 6-

"You know about what's going on tomorrow?"
"I am aware of the coming confrontation." responded Taran'atar.
"I was wondering if you could help us with our tactics. Do Dominion ships have any weak spots you can tell us?"
"Where the shields for the nacelles overlap below the ventral hull is a week spot. They are furthest away from any of the gravtion emmiters so the density of the field is less. Also, aft weapons coverage on what you refer to as the "bug" is virtually nonexistant. But it is a problem that has never been corrected."
"Thats all it takes? Just ask? I'm curious as to how willing you are to fight and possibly kill your own brethern?"
Taran'atar sighed, or came as close to sighing as a Jem'Hadar ever got. "The Founders bring order, the Jem'Hadar serve to maintain the order. These Jem'Hadar have opposed the Founders will, those who oppose the Founders bring disorder, as a loyal Jem'Hadar it is my duty to oppose them."
"I can understand that...I guess, but is that the way you want it to be? Should one species be able to so totally control the other?" At this point Taran'Atar began looking dissatisfied and slightly confused, "It is the order of things." And finally Lewis was able to see the individual under the mass produced features. Taran'Atar was accomplishing what Odo had sent him to learn, and was forming his own opinions and thoughts. Lewis looked on thoughtfully and commented, "Sometimes the established 'order' needs to change..." With that he left the cargo bay leaving a very confused and introspectice Jem'Hadar.
"All this has happened before --"
"But it doesn't have to happen again. Not if we make up our minds to change. Take a different path. Right here, right now."
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Re: Gamma Mission

Post by Mark »

USS Paladin - Main Bridge

Mark finished his third diagnostic on the defensive systems. The ship had performed well in trials, but this could be the first time that Paladin had used her might in anger. He could still feel the twinge in his shoulder as his hands danced across the consoles. His shoulder had indeed been quite dislocated, with a small fracture at the joint as well. After treating it the doctor warned him that there would be a bit of tenderness, but shouldn't affect his ability to use the limb.

"Captain, all defensive systems read ready." Mark reported "There was a small glitch in the power relay systems with the lance, but it has been corrected."

"That's good to know, Lieutenant." Fletcher replied from his command chair "But remember, we're going to try diplomacy first. We don't want any unnecessary loss of life on either side."

"Of course not sir." Mark replied. "Not only would going in with our proverbial guns blazing be illogical, but could provoke an otherwise avoidable conflict."

Fletcher nodded to himself, thinking that maybe he saw a glimmer of command potential in the Lieutenant, but decided it was too early to tell for sure.

A beep on the tactical console alerted Mark to the incoming transmissions. "Sir," Mark announced, "All ships report that they are in position."

As Fletcher prepared his next set of orders, Mark felt a little flutter something in his stomach. He'd been in combat situations before, but never anything quite like this.
Last edited by Mark on Thu Dec 18, 2008 12:06 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Gamma Mission

Post by Tsukiyumi »

As the Ravage swung into position near the nebula arm, Uzume leaned in close to Devi's ear.

" If we don't survive this mission, I just wanted you to know that I've enjoyed knowing you. In all meanings of the word." she whispered softly.

Devi blushed, " I love you too, Leia." she whispered back, as Uzume continued to her station. To her right, Lorcan coughed slightly as he brought the ship to a dead stop, half in, half out of the violet-colored cloud. He was the only person close enough to hear them, and he spared her a glance as he finished the maneuver. She raised an eyebrow at him, and he waved his hand, shaking his head. They'd been down the jealousy route after their seperation.

She grimaced at him, and reported, " We're in position, sir. We can still scan outside the nebula, but any reinforcements would have a tough time spotting us, even if they were looking. The Valkyrie is in position alongside us."

" Very good, Commander. Now we wait." Lewis tented his fingers, casually swinging a leg over the other.

" Yeah, that part is always fun." Lorcan quipped, rolling his eyes. Devi shot him a wry smile as she resumed her scans.
There is only one way of avoiding the war – that is the overthrow of this society. However, as we are too weak for this task, the war is inevitable. -L. Trotsky, 1939
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Re: Gamma Mission

Post by Lt. Staplic »

--Valkyrie Briefing Room--

Seth looked around at the assembled officers, it was the second meeting in two days and anxiaties were running high.

"Sir, we're in position outside of the nebulae with the Ravage." Lieutentant Zionex reported.

"Good. How are the marines?" Captains Tusk asked.

"They've all passed the medical exam." Lt. Commandeer Ardghail reported.

"We've got the majority of the replicable gear done, and we've checked about two dozen wepons for malfunctons with only one so far." Seth stated. "We've also checked and loaded up the drop ships."

"I've talked with the the Infintry commandeers, they know their objectives should any hostilities arise." Commandeer Monroe added finishing off their report.

"Good." Captain Tusk repeted. "There's no garentee we'll be needed, I for one have every confidence in the Commodores negotiation ability, but if we are needed, I want this ship to be ready to fly. Understood."

"Understood," The officeres repeated.

"I've got a new intellegence report from the Paladin," The captain explained "they found that there were several sensor echo's on the previous intell and we no longer believe there to be a Battle Ship here, however we have at least two Battle cruisers and multiple bugs to deal with. I want every one at the ready if the time comes."

A look of relief washed over many of the officers when they heard that. It was going to be a tough fight for them without a Battle Ship to deal with.

"Dismissed." The captain said sure his orders were going to be followed, then he turned to look at Seth, "Lieutenant a word."

"Yes, sir?" Seth asked sitting back down in his chair.

"Have the marines been sent over to the Ravage?" The Captain asked.

"Yes sir, we gave them the few dozen rifles that were cleared and transported them over before we got into range of the nebula. We though't it'd be to risky to do it here where a patroling ship could detect the transporter signature." Seth answered.

"Good thinking." The captain continued. "Now, I want your secuity teams ready for the action as well. If we run into a Battle Cruiser we won't be able to hold her off for long and they'll probably try and board us to get our fleet information. I want your forces, as well as any and all remaining marines ready to fight at a moments notice."

"Aye sir, I'll see to it." Cix replied.

"Dismissed." The captain said.
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Re: Gamma Mission

Post by Mikey »

"Many of you have entered battle next to me on the bridge of this ship before," Mikey addressed the senior staff. "For those of you that haven't, let me say this: this old boat has a long history of getting its job done and getting its crew home again, and I intend today to be no different." He turned and called up a tactical display on the conference room's monitor. "In order to screen the Paladin and provide fire support, we're going to have to remain within 100 kilometers of her. This will limit our tactical maneuverability, but MUST be maintained at all costs, without exception. Moncano - you'll have to be prepared for contacts at all quarters. Ge'haan - flight deck crews have to be ready to prep incoming fighters to scramble in under one and a half minutes. Jon - the fighter sorties need to be staggered by two minutes. Questions?"

Moncano hesitantly spoke up. "If the fighters have a pass-through code for our shields..."

Mikey glanced at Jon, who nodded somberly. "That's been addressed," Mikey answered tersely as his antennae picked up the familiar vibrations of the warp coils suddenly braking. "Stations!" he announced. The room quickly emptied and the bridge staff easily settled into their places. Looking around, Mikey noticed the figure seated at one of the auxiliary consoles. "Doctor?" he asked with mild surprise. "I'd think you'd want to be in sickbay."

"I'm not needed there yet," Holmes said wryly. "I thought I'd see a little of how you guys keep me busy."

Mikey spun his chair to face the doctor. "I'd say it's a little late in the game to decide that you had a problem with our duties, Dr. Holmes. If your sensibilities won't let you perform your job, we'll find someone who can. You can remain in your quarters - confined there, as it were."

"I was just-" Holmes spluttered, but Mikey had already turned his back. "Aye, sir!" the doctor finished, loudly enough for Mikey to hear his ironic tone.

"Check in with the Paladin, and get me a plot of the fleet disposition," Mikey called to Darel. The viewscreen showed a gridded representation of the local area including the near half of the nebula. Symbols winked on indicating the Paladin to the fore, followed from above and behind by the Daystrom and flanked by the Lacron and the Karam. The Ravage and the Valkyrie hung back and apart, settling in the fringe of the nebula. As the first group entered the cloud of dust and gas, the Klingon and Romulan ships engaged their cloaks. Mikey said, "Watch for those cloaked ships, Moncano. I'd like to avoid any *ahem* blue-on-blue incidents."

General laughter erupted at the obvious reference to Mikey's skin color. Good, he thought, I don't need them wound up tight. Finally the fleet came to a halt and Mikey stood. The screen symbols indicating the Karam and the Lacron dropped slightly behind and below the Paladin, forming a triangle with the Daystrom. "Tie us in to the audio feed from the Paladin," Mikey told Darel.

"Attempting to patch in," Darel answered.

"Fighters at standby. Let's wait to commit the Tigerfish," Mikey said to Jon.

As the commander relayed the orders to the flight deck, Ge'haan called, "I have the audio from the Paladin."

An inhumanly even voice broke from the speakers. "-our misguided brethren may be satisfied with peaceful coexistence, but we are not. That is all." White noise filled the bridge until Ge'haan cut the channel.

Silence reigned for a moment as Mikey sank back into his chair. "I guess that means," he said thoughtfully, "it's showtime."
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Re: Gamma Mission

Post by Reliant121 »

"Drop from warp, remain in formation with the federation ships," D''Tyra said from her command chair, drawing an air of apprehension about the ship. The lighting dimmed as Mi'serna brought the Lacron to battle-stations. The commander lifted herself from the chair and stood over the helm console before her, rubbing her hand gently against the green metal edging the screen. Deliver our calling, Lacron. Deliver us home she thought to herself, staring at the murky shapes of the federation ships, obscured by the thick violet nebula gases. Only the ghostly blue glows of the nacelles could be seen, shining in the haze.

A Sharp synthetic sound cut off her thoughts, drawing her attention to the tactical screen.

"Contact, unknown identification. Clearing sensor image now....I have two battlecuisers and 6 bugs on sensors, incoming on an intercept course. I cannot determine due to sensor interference, but i believe their weapons systems are charged," Tac Officer T'Ranan reported cooly.

[/i]And so it begins[/i] D'Tyra thought.

"Target the starboard battlecruiser, all disruptors. Tactical pattern Yihda Saaran, standby to fire on my mark. Once that is complete, full impulse around the back of the ship, fire torpedoes at the 3 escorting bugs."

The crew responded as the phantom purple craft drifted into view onto the viewscreen. Suddenly the klingon cruiser decloaked, and targeted the port cruiser, firing her disruptors across the dorsal shields before diving past them. The cruiser broke away in pursuit, firing her impressive array of weaponry at the Karam.

"Wait for it..." D'tyra said, holding her hand out. The cruiser drew into weapons range of the Daystrome and managed to get two shots off with the bow cannon, slamming into the Daystrome's shield bubble. "Now!"

The Romulan cruiser dropped its cloak, shimmering into view right on top of the Jem'hadar vessel. A cataclysmic barrage of bright green disruptor bolts cascaded out of the wings, spearing into the dorsal shield array of the battlecruiser. The Lacron shot forward, firing off torpedoes at the bugs, lancing into their shields. The bugs all survived, even if their shields were rather depleted by the fire. The cruiser retargeted the Romulan vessel, backing away from the two Federation ships. The Daystrome's dorsal phaser lit up, slicing at the shields of the cruiser.
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Re: Gamma Mission

Post by Sonic Glitch »

~just prior to the battle being joined (Reliants post)~

On a whim, Lewis decided to try something new. "Devi, rig for silent running."
"We're going to go silent and make like a hole in the nebula. It would be a shame to be detected and give away the surprise party."
"Aye sir" she replied. She had served with the captain a number of years but he still managed to surprise her.
"Lorcan, whatever maneuvers you need, use thrusters at minimal power. Just enough to maintain steerage."
"Aye sir" he replied with a justifiable amount of confusion in his voice. Lewis activated the comm to engineering, "Chief, we're going to silent running, but we'll need full power as soon as possible from my say so."
The Chief grumbled back, "You're not going to ask me to draft any new laws of physics are you?"
"Perish the thought Chief." Replied Matt with a smile in his voice.
"Uh-huh." Replied MacDuff with skepticism in his voice, "Don't worry Bridge, you'll have power to spare when the time comes. Engineering out."
"Thank you chief," said Lewis to the now closed comm circuit. "Devi, advise the Paladin and Valkyrie of our intentions via tightbeam. We're going to observe submarine style. The Valkyrie can continue doing her thing though."
"Aye sir."
Finally deciding to address the general confusion Lewis told the bridge crew, "One of the things I've learned studying old tactical scenarios is that nebula warfare is a lot like old Earth submarine warfare and a lot of those old tricks are new now. So we're going to go silent and see if we stumble over anything or anything stumbles over us. Verstehen?"
There were a couple of comprehending nods all around and a couple people muttered "Oh, now it makes sense." But Lewis was sure more than a few were going "Our captain is nuts." He settled back in his chair to wait it out.
"All this has happened before --"
"But it doesn't have to happen again. Not if we make up our minds to change. Take a different path. Right here, right now."
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Re: Gamma Mission

Post by Mark »

"-our misguided brethren may be satisfied with peaceful coexistence, but we are not. That is all." The Vorta who had been onscreen suddenly vanished, to be replaced by view of the nebula.

Taking a deep breath, Captain Fletcher ordered "Red Alert."

Mark's hands flew over his tactical console as the ships Operations Officer sounded the alert. The klaxon sounded softly, and the bridge lighting dimmed, as power was re-routed towards his tactical systems.

"Shields are up, sir." Mark reported. "All weapons are on standby, and the lance is charging."

"Sir," Commander Teaos announced "we have incoming hostiles bearing 301.045. I'm reading one battle cruiser, and six bugs."

"On screen" Rochey ordered.

The viewscreen shifted to show all seven ships approaching in an "H" formation, with the battle cruiser in the center.

"Obviously we were able to maintain some security during the design and production of this ship. They TRULY have no idea of what they're up against." Fletcher observed to Rochey, loud enough for Mark to hear. Then, raising his voice he ordered "Let's see if we can scatter them with a big enough show of force. Mark, target the incoming battle cruiser with the lance. Prepare to fire on my mark."

Mark lined up the targeting crosshairs of the lance on the enemy ship, and locked them in the computer, then announced, "Target locked, Captain."

"Let them get in just a bit closer," Fletcher said.

Mark picked up energy discharges on his sensors indicating incoming enemy weapons fire, and announced "They're firing." Half a second before purple energy beams lanced out at Paladin, causing the ship to shudder slightly.

Checking the ships shield status, Mark advised "Shields holding at 96%, sir."

Holding the arms of his chair, Fletcher again said, "Just a bit closer"

The Jem'Hadar continued to close, getting off two more weapons salvos, and still not even seriously damaging Paladin's shields when Fletcher took a deep breath and ordered "Fire."

Mark pressed the fire button, and everything on the bridge went quiet for a half second before a sudden lurch sent everyone not sitting down tumbling to the deck, and causing one of the unused secondary environmental engineering consoles to overload and short out.

"Report!" Fletcher ordered.

Quickly springing back to his feet Mark checked his console and called up his diagnostic display.

"The phaser lance malfunctioned sir." Mark announced. "It seems the secondary capacitor overloaded, damaging the primary as well. Nobody was hurt, but the lance is off line."

"Damn." Fletcher said. "Go to conventional weapons, Lieutenant. Target enemies at your discretion, but try and restrict our fire to their engines and weapons if possible."

"Aye sir" Mark replied, with his fingers once again flying over his panal.
They say that in the Army,
the women are mighty fine.
They look like Phyllis Diller,
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Re: Gamma Mission

Post by Mikey »

"What in the icy hells are they doing?" Mikey asked aloud, to nobody in particular. The Lacron had momentarily drawn off the cruiser which had fired on the Daystrom, but the Paladin had just sat still and took fire from the second cruiser. Even after the Karam had attacked the second cruiser, the Paladin hadn't fired for a few tense moments. "Any updates from the commodore's staff?"

"Negative," answered Ge'haan, just as puzzled as Mikey. "Jemmie bugs inbound toward the Paladin, by the way."

"They must be having a problem," Mikey mused. "Jon - scramble the fighters. Darel - send a tightbeam, short-burst message to the Karam: 'We'll stay with the Paladin; please join the Lacron, assist with second battlecruiser.'"

Darel worked his console for a moment and said, "Karam acknowledges." As if in confirmation, the image of the Klingon ship on the viewscreen banked and shimmered into invisibility.

"Good," Mikey muttered. "Moncano, pod tubes 1-4, 5-7, 1-4, two-second delay between. Acquire that cruiser and fire at will. Also, give me a phaser spread to clear some room for the fighters to close."

"Aye, sir." Three beams stuttered out from the Daystrom's arrays, forcing two approaching bug ships to dodge out of the way. Sixteen torpedoes streaked from the Daystrom's pod - eleven of which impacted the Jem'hadar battlecruiser - followed by twelve more. The Jem'hadar cruiser shuddered and bucked under the force of the explosions as the first of the Daystrom's flights launched their torpedoes at the bugs before ducking back into the Daystrom's shield bubble.

"Incoming message from the Lacron," Ge'haan called.

"Let's hear it," Mikey answered.

"Daystrom," came Grr'lek's gravelly voice, "please confirm uncertain sensor contact at 280.112. Thank you and have a nice day."

"Acknowledged," responded Mikey, smiling at the Caitian's cool, relaxed attitude. "Sternstrom?"

After a brief pause, Amy said, "Definitely warp core signatures, but I can't make out details through this soup. Judging by gas and dust displacement, one capital ship and a number of smaller vessels."

"Darel," Mikey called, "contact the Ravage and the Valkyrie, but try and make the signal look like it's going somewhere else."


"I have complete confidence in your skill at subterfuge, lieutenant commander," Mikey replied, grinning at the Cardassian. "Send them the bearing of those contacts, and tell them that it's time to wake up." Suddenly, the ship rocked slightly from impacts on the port side. "Port view onscreen!" Mikey barked.

The view on the screen changed in time to show four torpedoes from one of the port tubes burst against a Jem'hadar bug, dislocating a nacelle and caving in the nose of the ship. Mikey's antennae pointed as he spun to face Moncano. "You did tell me to be ready," Leo remarked.

Mikey's look of surprise dissolved into a broad smile. "Indeed I did, lieutenant."
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Re: Gamma Mission

Post by Monroe »

Moncano smiled as he followed up with two quick burst of phaser fire that sliced through the now unshielded innards of the bug spraying materials and enemy crew into the cold vaccuum of space. His first kill.

His heart pounding he tracked another bug performing an attack run on the Daystrom. Two torpedoes lit up the nebula around the ship as they arched upwards from below the saucer section and slammed into the aft of the bug causing it to bank hard to port and away.

Elsewhere Commander Munro walked into the armory. The marines stationed there stood to attention, "As you were." He said cutting them off, "Battle's begun, listen to the Xindi. Disobey him, myself, or the captain and I'll shove you into the nearest tube and fire you at the enemy. Hand me an assault rifle." He said holding out his hands.

One of the marines picked up the standard issue rifle and handed it to him, "It true you shot Forester?" He asked refering to the incident ten years earlier which Munro had been asked often ever since but always refused to answer one way or another. Over the years crewmen had asked him again and again at one point or another. Munro only had always left it to their imagination.

Munro paused as he scanned over the soldiers. "Yes," He finally confirmed, "I had to lose the weakest link of the mission. Don't be the weakest link." The Breen said coldy then slapped the energy cell into the rifle charging it. Seth and a few other marines entered the room. "All yours Seth." Munro told the Xindi then stepped out. Looking back into the armory of soldiers half equiped Munro slowly raised his finger to where his lips would be then the door sealed on the now unsettled marines leaving them to Seth.
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None. They always surrender right before they finish the job and never tell you why.

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Re: Gamma Mission

Post by Reliant121 »

A harsh klaxon tore through the bridge, barely audible over the ear-grinding sound of yet another impact. The Lacron was holding her own, a testiment to her captain and design considering there were 4 bugs on her tail, accompanied by the artillery-like fire of the battlecruiser sitting off the stern. Romulan starship's shields were notoriously weak, and Grr'lek was somewhat surprised how well the Norexan class' deflector array was holding up.

"Impulse engine, port reverse full! Bring us around 180, centurion! Tactical, target the bugs! I want those little scarab things ripped to shreds!" D'Tyra said, hissing slightly as she reached "scarab". Grr'lek smiled softly, recognizing the earth creature reference. The Lacron tore brutally at her hull as the daring maneuver swung her about, placing her vicious forward weapons array in perfect position to open fire on the bugs.

"Fire at will!" She shouted, pounding her fist against the command chair. The wing mounted disruptors lit up, streaking the bright green bolts into space. A torrent of them met the dominion fighters, tearing into the hull of one, and blasting the nacelle open of another. A shimmering light appeared behind them, and the Karam appeared out of the abyss, slicing into the third, and causing the other to evasively roll over the top her hull.

"Right! Let the klingon's deal with the last fighter, come about bearing 335.61. Lock on all weapons on that battlecruiser!"

A bright blue blast of energy slipped out of the battlecruisers nose, and tore into the port side wing. The hull shook as if an earthquake had struck it, violently launching crewmen across the deck. The helm console shorted, spewing red hot sparks into the helmsmans face. He fall back from his seat, shaking in pain. D'Tyra leaped over the seat, and sat down, drawing on the little power she had left in the port engines to set an evasive course. "Somebody get me a medic!" Grr'lek cried over the intercom, frantically playing over the console.

"Target locked?" D'tyra said, glancing back at the tactical officer. He nodded. "Then by all means....Fire all weapons!"

Once more the 10 forward disruptor batteries sparked into life, releasing a firestorm of bolts toward the sluggish and heavy cruiser. The forward torpedo launchers also opened up, pouring projectiles into the battered shields. The Lacron swung past at half impulse, the most her already taxed starboard engine could be coaxed to produce. Drifting clear, D'Tyra maneuvered her through a dense particle cloud to try and shake the scanners of the enemy ship. Luckily, Romulan scanners were designed precisely to operate in conditions like these, and she could still the battlecruiser clearly.

"Time to play with shadows, my scaley friends," She hissed with a delightfully sinister grin on her face.