Star Wars Sign-In

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Re: Star Wars Sign-In

Post by Reliant121 »

Hang this naming the Star destroyer. beause i thought the names were one word kinda evil names.

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Re: Star Wars Sign-In

Post by Monroe »

Reliant121 wrote:Hang this naming the Star destroyer. beause i thought the names were one word kinda evil names.

Fearless, Tireless, Accuser, Inquisator.
Can you think of 25,000 one word kinda evil names?
How many Minbari does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
None. They always surrender right before they finish the job and never tell you why.

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Re: Star Wars Sign-In

Post by Tsukiyumi »

Yeah, eventually, you'll have to come around to Pleasant, Indifferent, Sunshine, Rainbow, Friendship, etc. :P
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Re: Star Wars Sign-In

Post by Mikey »

"The Super Star Destroyer Cuddly-bear is signalling ready, sir!"
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Re: Star Wars Sign-In

Post by Reliant121 »

Deep god. I've heard some strange things AKA USS Crazy Horse but thats a tad weird.
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Re: Star Wars Sign-In

Post by Reliant121 »

I had no idea what to do with names so i just went random.

Lieutenant Commander Ulysse Vaile
Age: 46
Home Planet: Torize
Position: Weapons officer

Ulysse was exposed to Imperial doctrine very early, and believed in it fanatically. He joined the Imperial navy from a young age and took a while to work up the ranks. He had never been promoted further than this rank as he had never wished for it. he was comfortable as he was.
Ulysse was often posted on ships that had recieved a new and relatively untested captain. He was here to assist any one who needed help. With many years under his belt, Vaile was often seen as an old warhorse. but it got him in good stead. A capable tactician and an excellant shot, he was quite reputed for his skill with a blaster rifle.
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Re: Star Wars Sign-In

Post by Mikey »

Name: Kir Elan
ID number: AT-25-3
5' 11" (1.8m); 182 lbs. (82.7kg)
Black hair, green eyes, pale skin

Kir worked in his family freight/courier business before enrolling in the Academy, during which time his encounters with piracy encouraged him to join the forces of law and order in the form of the Imperial Starfighter Corps. His early flight and some technical experience served him well, though he still retains some of the unorthodox anti-pirate tactics and tricks he learned in his youth, as well as his habit of wearing a sidearm - he currently uses the Navy's standard DH-17.

His ability - learned young - to adapt easily to different types of craft made him a natural for rating on new or experimental models. In addition to the standard TIE, Kir is rated on both the TIE/in Interceptor and the TIE/sa bomber. His current rank and position is Flight Lieutenant of the third flight of the Interceptor squadron. Speculation has it that Elan would be closer to becoming a Squadron Leader except for his unorthodox style and time spent learning more than one model.
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Re: Star Wars Sign-In

Post by Aniera »

Mikey wrote:"The Super Star Destroyer Cuddly-bear is signalling ready, sir!"
I was thinking snuggle muffins myself
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Re: Star Wars Sign-In

Post by Deepcrush »

Not sure how much I will get to play but I thought I should put someone up here just in case.

Name - Ardus Dannick
Rank - None given though often called "Boss" by the squad under his command.
Position - CNCO Special Services Department.
Assignment - Support of Political Offices and Department of Loyalty.

Age - Looks mid 30's but has as many years known in the service.
Build - Height of 6'2, weight of 240 lbs
Apperance - Hair is bright white and far longer then standard cut for the Imperial Navy. Facial hair thick and also white. Eyes are solid bright blue. No pupils visable.

Bio - Combat Veteran. Lost both legs to a landmine. Left arm lost when heavy blaster fire removed his left shoulder. Same heavy blaster fire blinded him. Both eyes replaced with servo-opitics. Right hand and forearm lost to a faulty grenade. Right arm and shoulder later removed and fully replace to match his left arm. 6 ribs replaced due to combat damage. 11 Skull injuries including 2 plates.

Equipment - Mark V Katarn body armour. DC-17r HWS. S-9 Heavy blaster pistol. Other equipment varies by mission needs.

Dress - When not in combat dress he wears slacked pants and a long sleeve pullover shirt tucked at the waist under his belt and holster. He is never without his pistol and when not wearing helmet armour he is wearing a black beret with the dark blue Imperial Seal on the front. Black boots with a daily shinning and pressed clothing. All of his clothing is black.

History - known to have entered the sevice before most of the crew had even been born he is a hard faced soldier. Rules and Orders are to be followed. To serve is an honor and praise is as needed as another war wound. His service record confirms 28 military actions along with more then one hundred combat missions. Due to his long time in the service he tends to look down upon younger officers. Most are smart enough not to respond. He remembers little of his past before the service to the Empire. In truth he doesn't care much too anyways. His time in the army has been a long and drawn affair. He has 3 children but has no knowlodge of who or where they are. His secret wish and pain has always been to retire and start a family but has kept this mostly to himself. Due to his life he does not often smile, unless joking with his squadmates. Recently he has asked for and been given a lower profile assignment and plans to slow down. Of the 200 men that made up his class, fewer then thirty still live.

Recent actions
Though there are jackets he could wear, he has stopped. He freely admits to his squad that he enjoys the looks of fear that many of the crew show as he walks past. A matter of pride and a tool against those who would think to cross him. The lack of a jacket causes plus his beret cause him to stand out from the rest of the crew.

He and his squad supported putting down a mutiny aboard the Imperial Star Destroyer Furious Dawn. The crew of the Victoy Class Furious Dawn became divided as nearly half of them fell to rage and mutiny. Ardus lead the assult to reclaim the main reactors then attempted to retake the bridge. Though this effort did fail there was some success to be had. In which he and his squad rescued the ships captain and terminated eleven hostile crewmen. Once the captain was safe Ardus vented the bridge into space using a bunker charge to blow out one of the bridge windows. This action killed all remaining on the bridge, traitor and hostage alike. He escorted the ships captain to the safety of the secondary bridge and then aided in purging the ship of futher hostiles.
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Re: Star Wars Sign-In

Post by Reliant121 »

Dont hold back on detail, eh deep?
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Re: Star Wars Sign-In

Post by Deepcrush »

I had more but I didn't want to go to far into it. I had made up a short story long ago and I just reused it for here.
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Re: Star Wars Sign-In

Post by Sionnach Glic »

Did you just steal my rank of Political Officer? :P
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Re: Star Wars Sign-In

Post by Deepcrush »

Nope, I'm your bodyguard! :happydevil:

Tell me you don't fell safer already!?
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Re: Star Wars Sign-In

Post by Monroe »

Nice bio Deepcrush.

now we still need a Captain.
How many Minbari does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
None. They always surrender right before they finish the job and never tell you why.

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Re: Star Wars Sign-In

Post by Sionnach Glic »

Nope, I'm your bodyguard! :happydevil:

Tell me you don't fell safer already!?
Definitely. :)
"You've all been selected for this mission because you each have a special skill. Professor Hawking, John Leslie, Phil Neville, the Wu-Tang Clan, Usher, the Sugar Puffs Monster and Daniel Day-Lewis! Welcome to Operation MindFuck!"
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