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Re: Stargate Andromeda game comments

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 9:51 pm
by Deepcrush

Re: Stargate Andromeda game comments

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 9:53 pm
by Mark
I know it would be sterotypical already, but it may serve us in the future to have her undermine the Col with the XO. That could lead to something down the road.....

Re: Stargate Andromeda game comments

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 10:06 pm
by Deepcrush
Yup, me killing her.

Re: Stargate Andromeda game comments

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 10:08 pm
by Aaron
If she's found with buckshot in the back, wasn't me. :whistle:

Re: Stargate Andromeda game comments

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 10:11 pm
by Deepcrush
If she has the force of will to piss of a senior Marine. My guy may end up killing (no joke). Still, I'd love to see my character and her for their first meeting.

Wonder if she's to ill informed to know better then to piss on a Force Recon?

Re: Stargate Andromeda game comments

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 10:12 pm
by Reliant121
Probably. The whole idea of this character is that she has never had to bow to any authority, ever. Which is why she goes in guns a blazing.

Re: Stargate Andromeda game comments

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 10:13 pm
by Deepcrush
You do understand that if she does that to my character, its going to go badly. She's a thinker, my guy just kills, alot...

Re: Stargate Andromeda game comments

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 10:14 pm
by Reliant121
Understood, and intended.

Every prize stallion has to be broken first. Im kinda hoping this happens to her. Although. slightly less stallion.

Re: Stargate Andromeda game comments

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 10:20 pm
by Deepcrush
Well, if you want broken rather then dead. I'm fine with that and I'll see to it personally.

Re: Stargate Andromeda game comments

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 10:43 pm
by Monroe
Mark does my character get the okay?

Re: Stargate Andromeda game comments

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 12:20 am
by Mark
I'm confused about a couple of things. First, Airborn and Air Assault PLUS Airborne Ranger seems redundant. Second, this is an op run by the USAF, supported by the USMC. I inserted a formar SEAL who later became a CIA secret agent, with some back story. Some backstory how a US Army Ranger got assigned to the Airforce run SG program would be cool. Not saying you can't just that a resonable backstory would be nice.

And finally, what "role" do you have in mind? We've got our "leader", some "fighters", our "scientist", and our "rogue".

Actually, I'd appriciate it if everybody could please clarify your actual team position and job a bit more, now that I think about it.

Re: Stargate Andromeda game comments

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 12:29 am
by Aaron
"Blow shit up", is that a role?

Re: Stargate Andromeda game comments

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 1:16 am
by Monroe
Mark wrote:I'm confused about a couple of things. First, Airborn and Air Assault PLUS Airborne Ranger seems redundant. Second, this is an op run by the USAF, supported by the USMC. I inserted a formar SEAL who later became a CIA secret agent, with some back story. Some backstory how a US Army Ranger got assigned to the Airforce run SG program would be cool. Not saying you can't just that a resonable backstory would be nice.

And finally, what "role" do you have in mind? We've got our "leader", some "fighters", our "scientist", and our "rogue".

Actually, I'd appriciate it if everybody could please clarify your actual team position and job a bit more, now that I think about it.
Actually most Army Rangers have Air Assault or Airborne qualifications and a few have both. I listed them thinking as medals on his BDUs not as belonging to groups. Like he has the little Air Assault symbol next to the elite infantry symbol. All three are relatively common place and I've met people with all of them. Its a qualification not a separate group. If he was 82 or 101 then it would be a separate group.

As far as being army, I picked it cause that's what I'm familiar with. There's nothing in SG that says Army cannot be in the SGC and I think I've shown a good familiarity with the show. The missions that SG takes on makes more sense for there to be army there and not air force. In the show they refer to many as Private and while there are Marines in the program a normal Marine lacks the training that a Ranger has or special force personnel has. So there's nothing that says that army shouldn't be involved. Delta, our nation's strongest special forces team, draws heavily from Green Berets (Army) and SEALS (Navy). Saying that either branch should not be involved doesn't make much sense.

As a Second Lieutenant he wouldn't be the leader. Just the other gunner position in the standard team of 4. Usually there's one expert on ancient texts and what not, one scientist, and two military (wo)men one of which happens to be the leader. On SGC Teal'c fills the role. In our RP with a larger team than four he wouldn't be the leader but I suppose above that of the NCOs-- though since I'm going to make his leadership skills actually a little sub par that might be a bad idea :P

Re: Stargate Andromeda game comments

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 1:23 am
by Aaron
Well I figure that Howell being a Lance Corporal for 16 years means that he's done a little bit of everything. His specialty might be demo but if you need something built ad hoc or something fixed, he might be the guy to go too, as well as blowing up or clearing things.

Re: Stargate Andromeda game comments

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2010 2:45 am
by Lt. Staplic
Monroe wrote:
Mark wrote:I'm confused about a couple of things. First, Airborn and Air Assault PLUS Airborne Ranger seems redundant. Second, this is an op run by the USAF, supported by the USMC. I inserted a formar SEAL who later became a CIA secret agent, with some back story. Some backstory how a US Army Ranger got assigned to the Airforce run SG program would be cool. Not saying you can't just that a resonable backstory would be nice.

And finally, what "role" do you have in mind? We've got our "leader", some "fighters", our "scientist", and our "rogue".

Actually, I'd appriciate it if everybody could please clarify your actual team position and job a bit more, now that I think about it.
Actually most Army Rangers have Air Assault or Airborne qualifications and a few have both. I listed them thinking as medals on his BDUs not as belonging to groups. Like he has the little Air Assault symbol next to the elite infantry symbol. All three are relatively common place and I've met people with all of them. Its a qualification not a separate group. If he was 82 or 101 then it would be a separate group.

As far as being army, I picked it cause that's what I'm familiar with. There's nothing in SG that says Army cannot be in the SGC and I think I've shown a good familiarity with the show. The missions that SG takes on makes more sense for there to be army there and not air force. In the show they refer to many as Private and while there are Marines in the program a normal Marine lacks the training that a Ranger has or special force personnel has. So there's nothing that says that army shouldn't be involved. Delta, our nation's strongest special forces team, draws heavily from Green Berets (Army) and SEALS (Navy). Saying that either branch should not be involved doesn't make much sense.

As a Second Lieutenant he wouldn't be the leader. Just the other gunner position in the standard team of 4. Usually there's one expert on ancient texts and what not, one scientist, and two military (wo)men one of which happens to be the leader. On SGC Teal'c fills the role. In our RP with a larger team than four he wouldn't be the leader but I suppose above that of the NCOs-- though since I'm going to make his leadership skills actually a little sub par that might be a bad idea :P
The stargate program is run by the USAF that's why there are Air Force people there, and we have canon evidence for Marines being involved for heavier assaults, however Army has never been used in the show. So if you want to use and army character, and do feel free to, you need to have some kind of a backstory as to why he was assigned.

Mark made a SEAL (navy) but he was assigned to the SGC because one- he's CIA now not Navy, and two he needed to get off world and could provide valuable assets to the team.