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Re: Crossover: The Reality Bomb

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 11:39 pm
by Monroe
When the story concluded Zanitav broke the silence, "This Terran would not be fit to lead a probe to a mineral patch. On my ship she wouldn't be permitted to be a Zealot to the Khala. What a disgrace."

Xan nodded in agreement, "Frag her. Frag those who oppose our rule."

Re: Crossover: The Reality Bomb

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 11:43 pm
by Sionnach Glic
"Throne! Who put this fool in charge?" Cain asked, shocked. Shaking his head in bemusement, he turned to Ashok, judging his next words carefully.

"Make no mistake, Librarian, I'd happily see these people freed and their enslavers put to death. The question, however, is whether that's actualy an achievable goal as of now. While we are undoubtedly superior to anything these heretics could send against us, their numbers may yet swing the battle in their favour if we were to engage them in a prolonged fight. Were my old regiment with me, I'd happily cleanse this filth from the surface of this world. I'm merely concerned doing so would put our greater mission in jeopardy. And should we fail, then the consequences will be far worse than the enslavement of just one world."

"Then again..." Cain mused thoughtfully. "We could always grant them the Emperor's Mercy. This ship supposedly has an impressive armament. Perhaps committing these poor souls into the Emperor's hands once we've aquired what we've come here for would be the best course of action. Far better to let them die, than to leave them enslaved by heretics."

Re: Crossover: The Reality Bomb

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 11:47 pm
by Aaron
Phebes let out a long, exasperated sigh. Reaching up he disengaged the magna-lock on his helmet and lifted it off, revealing a skull free of hair and a short Gray beard, his face was heavily lined and his eyes spoke of things best left unsaid. Clipping his helm to his belt, he rubbed his eyes with his gauntleted hand. "This woman cannot be allowed to stay in command of the ship, remove her how you will but this cannot continue."

Dietrich stepped forward and raised her voice, "if we can't save the slaves then after the extraction we should just nuke the site from orbit, only way to be sure."

Re: Crossover: The Reality Bomb

Posted: Tue May 12, 2009 11:55 pm
by Lt. Staplic
After watching the video, Iceman turned back to the conversation.

Great, from saving one universe to all of them...just what I need.

As the man, Caine, outlined his three-part plan Iceman began to think about it. As the objections to Janeway's leadership began Iceman listened but remained silent...he didn't know the woman well enough to tell.

Finally stepping forward Iceman added, "I would also like to go down to the planet, both for reconnasaince and in the third strike force. I can change my appearence to be human." Iceman then proved his point by reverting back into Bobby Drake.

Re: Crossover: The Reality Bomb

Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 12:12 am
by RK_Striker_JK_5
A crew member walked up to the group. She motioned to the ceiling. "I've disabled the internal sensors," she said. "I've been listening and... we all agree with you about Janeway. Yes, the entire thousand-being crew agrees with you. She is an incompetent bungler, and I'm frankly scared under her command." She glanced to the deck plating. "You won't get... any resistance from us about her."

Near Heron, Rhinox finished hooking up the last of the power cables and screwing in several bolts. He checked the connections three times before flipping the proverbial switch on the power core. The indicator lights blinked several times, going through diagnostics before... "Come on... come on... yes!" he shouted as they all went green. "Huron's power core is stable and at full power," he said.

Re: Crossover: The Reality Bomb

Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 12:20 am
by Aaron
Phebes turned from the discussion at Rhinox's statement and returned to Huron-Fel's side. Laying a hand on what he assumed was Rhinox's shoulder he congratulated him on a job well done, "thank you my friend, that was excellent work. Now we just need to fix his armour." Reaching into the service panel of the ancient machine, he located the nutrient intake and injected a mild sedative. "That should help lessen the shock of what the Brother Librarian put in his mind."

"A shame we lack a Tech-Marine to properly consecrate the power core and his new armour, hopefully this will do." At that statement, the Apothecary removed a copper banded flask from his hip and anointed the new core with the water of sacred Ithaka and intoned the Rite of Sharing Water.

Re: Crossover: The Reality Bomb

Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 12:30 am
by Mikey
"On the matter of this... admiral," Ashok said quietly yet sternly from his position somewhat away from the others, "she is a disgrace. I have been through this ship," he continued, eliciting some surprise from the rest of the company, "and her estimation is correct. This vessel has homer-less teleporters - like those of the Eldar Warp Spiders - wide-ranging lance arrays, and some sort of energy-discharge torpedoes. She freely admits that she could withstand the opposition, yet she acts from a position of weakness rather than strength.

"As to the opposition - forgive me, Commissar Cain. I am used to the drives of the Astartes. Odds do not matter to us, nor does the chance of survival. However, in this matter I will cede that we need to remain in order to complete the greater mission.

To the matter at hand of how to accomplish our insertion to this facility... I don't rely on weapons of the flesh. I do not fear these 'Kull,' nor do I think they will withstand my force staff or Brother Huron-Fel's power claws. And we have among us a fearsomely stealthy infiltrator," the librarian said, glancing at the catwalk pointedly, "if he can be convinced to act in a right-minded manner." Ashok closed his eyes and pulled his hood farther over his face. Will you help, Eldar? he addressed Arawden silently. For the good of Iyanden, if nothing else?

Iyanden may prosper when your mon-keigh empire begins to crumble, came the response.

And when the reality of our galaxy begins to crumble, and Slaanesh is freed to the Materium, what then? replied Ashok mockingly. The waystones of Iyanden will not protect your souls, nor those of the other Craftworlds, nor those of the Exodites.

"Very well," Arawden said aloud, somehow having silently made his way down to the lower level and past three or four people. "Until Ynnead comes to elevate the Eldar, we will have to make our way in the multiverse such as it is - erstwhile allies included." He swung his long rifle around onto his shoulder, replaced his tall, elegant helmet, and said, "You have The ranger Arghenfilir at your service."

Re: Crossover: The Reality Bomb

Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 12:37 am
by Monroe
"Then let us make way to the Admiral's quarters and relieve her of command." The Protoss said and walked towards the doorway. He Immediately found he had to stoop in the smaller human designed hallways. "This Federation has many species in it yes? Why can't they have higher hallways!"

Re: Crossover: The Reality Bomb

Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 12:38 am
by Deepcrush
Huron-Fel felt power return to his machine body. Activated, the Dreadnought came to life. Flexing joints and moving limbs.

"Power restored, systems coming online."

{-Current power supply unstable. Ineffective safety protocals in place.-}
**Bypass safety protocals and restore from hard disk.**
{-Confirmed. Power supply is at 100%. 78% Efficiency. 17% Below standards.-}
**Direct power supply through Power Reserves.**

"Thank you brothers of battle."

Huron-Fel uploaded his status report to Phebes with a simple This will do comment.

"I have been offline. Please inform me of any matters to which I should concern."

Re: Crossover: The Reality Bomb

Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 12:50 am
by Deepcrush
A flash of light and a dagger shaped ship appeared in the bay. Several of the shuttles were displaced to make room. Dothude steppd out of his ship and eyed everyone around. Most of the little ones were unimpressive. Some were of fair size and form. They would be helpful in the hunt this Q had offered him. That is until he saw two massive humans in even more massive armor.

"Great Death Bringer! What are you?" Dothude asked while looking at the Astartes.

Re: Crossover: The Reality Bomb

Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 12:53 am
by Aaron
Phebes transmitted a recording made with his suit auspex directly to Huron-Fel and addressed him via vox. "This should fill in the gaps Brother, welcome back."

Re: Crossover: The Reality Bomb

Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 12:59 am
by Aaron
Monroe wrote:"Then let us make way to the Admiral's quarters and relieve her of command." The Protoss said and walked towards the doorway. He Immediately found he had to stoop in the smaller human designed hallways. "This Federation has many species in it yes? Why can't they have higher hallways!"
"So far, I haven't seen much to indicate a whole lot of competence", Dietrich commented. At the Protoss's obviously surprised posture she shot back, "someone had to go with you in case their was an accident". At this she hefted her incinerator and ignited the pilot light. "She might require medical attention", she added, with a shit-eating grin.

Re: Crossover: The Reality Bomb

Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 1:06 am
by RK_Striker_JK_5
Primal walked to the group. "Beast mode," he said. Synthetic flesh folded around his armored plating, changing into a silverback gorilla. He padded forward. "It's in the details," he said to Dietrich. "Their supply officers were able to get Rhinox everything he needed within five minutes of the request. Their ships' logs were orderly, and the hangar deck personnel went about their business quickly and efficiently."

he stopped as a security group approached. the head guard took one look at Primal and the rest before stepping back, shouldering his phaser rifle.

Re: Crossover: The Reality Bomb

Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 1:09 am
by Aaron
"So it's a ship of bad-asses commanded by a fool? I know that feeling", Dietrich replied, smirking at the reaction of the pyjama clad soldiers to the robot. "Maybe we can get Janeway to step down peacefully then."

Re: Crossover: The Reality Bomb

Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 1:29 am
by Deepcrush
Dothude walked past the Dreadnought. Stopped, and walked backwards. Looking up at the still machine.

"Aren't you supposed to be alive?" asked Dothude.

Huron-Fel moved, shocking quickly, with one of his arms reaching over to Dothude and stopping only inches from contact.

"Alive is a minor over statement to my service." said Huron-Fel is his rumbling voice.

Dothude jumped back, his wrist blades jutting out and his plasma caster charging. Dothude couldn't help but be suprised at the speed of the giant machine.

The starfleet crew dived for cover yet again at the sight of the death machine moving.