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Re: Our Ship - Torpedo Configuration

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 4:31 am
by Mikey
Not too familiar with that, but the Starfighter was nicknamed "the Widowmaker" by its own pilots.

Re: Our Ship - Torpedo Configuration

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 4:32 am
by Aaron
Mikey wrote:Not too familiar with that, but the Starfighter was nicknamed "the Widowmaker" by its own pilots.
I know, yet the CF pliots managed to operate it for decades without the ridiculous losses that the Europeans sustained, even after it was converted to CAS.

Edit: A little something on the CF-100

Re: Our Ship - Torpedo Configuration

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 4:50 am
by Deepcrush
Chakat has given a list of eps but only one pic of evidence that is more likely a error on part of the FX team then anything else.

Re: Our Ship - Torpedo Configuration

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 4:51 am
by Aaron
Deepcrush wrote:Chakat has given a list of eps but only one pic of evidence that is more likely a error on part of the FX team then anything else.
I can think of a few more but it's his case to prove, not ours.

Re: Our Ship - Torpedo Configuration

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 4:54 am
by Deepcrush
True, but he has his right to theory. Chakat has shown why the theory is there, now just needs to apply cannon.

Re: Our Ship - Torpedo Configuration

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 4:57 am
by Blackstar the Chakat
Cpl Kendall wrote:
Deepcrush wrote:We may have seen matters that look like a ship firing phasers at warp but as phasers move at the speed of light we should write it off as the same as the 60 meter defiant.
*shrug* I'm more than willing to do so, I would like Chakat to produce an actual list of episodes though.
huh...did the forums eat my posts or are do you need your prescription updated?
Blackstar the Chakat wrote:
Deepcrush wrote:Only when firing on a target that is not at warp. Phasers move at the speed of light. That is a bad thing when you are going faster then the speed of light. warheads are far better for combat when at warp speeds.
Actually we've seen phasers used at warp in multiple episodes. Voyager's Basics, Part 1 and again Message in a Bottle when the Prometheus wipes the floor with a Nebula-class ship. The Jem'Hadar use phasers at warp in "Valient". And this is just off the top of my head.
Blackstar the Chakat wrote:Image

Here's a picture of a runabout using phasers at warp in "Treachery, Faith, and the Great River"
Blackstar the Chakat wrote:
Deepcrush wrote:Message in a Bottle, didn't the prommie come out of warp to engage the Neb?

Never even saw any combat other then the attack on the Dominion Battleship in Valient, and that wasn't at warp.

TOS, carry with a grain of salt as the same effects were used for torps as phasers.

Still only one.
You forgot Basics pt 1. No the Prometheus did not drop out of warp. It switched to Multi-vector assault mode, manuvored to attack position and fired phasers.

In Valient Nog's runabout was attacked by a Jem'Hadar ship firing phasers.
So since I seem to be repeating myself lately lets do it one more time

Star Trek Voyager "Basics pt. 1"
Star Trek Voyager "Message in a bottle"
Star Trek DS9 "Trechery, Faith, and the Great River"
Star Trek DS9 "Valient"
Enterprise "Shockwave"
Enterprise "Future Tense"
TOS: "The Ultimate Computer"
TOS: "Elaan of Troyius"

so that's at least eight episodes.

Re: Our Ship - Torpedo Configuration

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 5:00 am
by Aaron
Blackstar the Chakat wrote:
huh...did the forums eat my posts or are do you need your prescription updated?
Unfortunately there's no prescription for internet ignorance.
Blackstar the Chakat wrote:
So since I seem to be repeating myself lately lets do it one more time

Star Trek Voyager "Basics pt. 1"
Star Trek Voyager "Message in a bottle"
Star Trek DS9 "Trechery, Faith, and the Great River"
Star Trek DS9 "Valient"
Enterprise "Shockwave"
Enterprise "Future Tense"
TOS: "The Ultimate Computer"
TOS: "Elaan of Troyius"

so that's at least eight episodes.
Congrats, now you've figured out how to work MA. Lets see some screenshots and a comparison of how many warp phaser engaements there are compared to sublight engagements.

Re: Our Ship - Torpedo Configuration

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 5:01 am
by Deepcrush
No one is questioning your statements but you have to provide evidence. You've shown only one piece of said evidence. One photo can still be an error in FX. You have to show why we should treat it as cannon.

Re: Our Ship - Torpedo Configuration

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 5:57 am
by Tsukiyumi
Blackstar is right; there are a number of times phasers and other beam weapons are used at warp, and phase cannons on ENT as well. It was one of the myriad things that pissed me off to see.

I don't have any Trek DVDs, so I can't provide screenshots.

Re: Our Ship - Torpedo Configuration

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 6:15 am
by Blackstar the Chakat
Deepcrush wrote:No one is questioning your statements but you have to provide evidence. You've shown only one piece of said evidence. One photo can still be an error in FX. You have to show why we should treat it as cannon.

From basics part 1. This also seems to prove that Voyager can maintain warp with her nacelles down


And from Message in a Bottle.

Oh, but I was mistaken about Valient. We never saw what weapons the Jem'Hadar were using.

So is this enough evidence to make you concede your point Deepcrush?

Re: Our Ship - Torpedo Configuration

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 2:44 pm
by Captain Seafort
There's also a host of examples from TOS of warp-speed phaser firing.

The Corbomite Manoeuvre:
KIRK: Helm, give us warp speed.
SULU: Warp one, sir.
SPOCK: Radiation at the tolerance level.
SULU: Warp two, sir. Speed is now warp three.
SPOCK: Radiation passing the tolerance level, entering lethal zone.
BAILEY: Range fifty one metres and still closing, sir.
KIRK: Phaser Crew stand ready.
BAILEY: Phaser Crew reports ready, sir.
SPOCK: Growing. We can take only a few more seconds of this.
KIRK: Lock phasers on target. Mister Bailey, lock phasers.
BAILEY: Phasers locked on target, sir. At point-blank range and closing.
KIRK: Fire main phasers.

Captain's Log, star date 1514.0. The cube has been destroyed. Ship's damage minor but my next decision, major. Probe on ahead or turn back.

SCOTT: Captain, we can't maintain warp eight speed much longer. Pressures are approaching the critical point.
KIRK: Range, Mister Chekov?
CHEKOV [OC]: Point zero four light years ahead. Our phasers won't reach it, sir.
Not a direct use, but no suggestion that phasers are inoperable.

The Ultimate Computer:
SULU: Speed increasing to warp three. Turning now to one one two mark five. Phasers locking on target, sir.
CHEKOV: Enemy vessel closing with us.
SULU: Main phasers firing. A hit, sir. Two more.
CHEKOV: Changing course to two eight mark four two.
(Pavel feels as fed up and useless as Kirk as the machine does his job for him.)
SULU: Phasers firing again.
CHEKOV: Turning to one one three mark five. Warp four speed.
SULU: Firing again.

Re: Our Ship - Torpedo Configuration

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 3:01 pm
by Tsukiyumi
Well, there we go. As was suggested, there are plenty of references, and visuals to prove that phasers can be used at warp.

Re: Our Ship - Torpedo Configuration

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 3:06 pm
by Blackstar the Chakat
Yep, I spent all night trying to figure out how to get those screencaps. Turns out that if you're using Windows Media Player all you need to do is use ctrl + i and it'll take a screencap for you.

Re: Our Ship - Torpedo Configuration

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 3:12 pm
by Captain Seafort
Tsukiyumi wrote:Well, there we go. As was suggested, there are plenty of references, and visuals to prove that phasers can be used at warp.
The real limitation doesn't appear to be the speed of the firing ship, but that of the target. I can't recall an instance of "warp strafing" - in all the cases we've been discussing both the firing ship and the target were travelling at warp, suggesting that relative speed has to be very low for phasers to be effective.

Re: Our Ship - Torpedo Configuration

Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2008 3:15 pm
by Aaron
Captain Seafort wrote:
The real limitation doesn't appear to be the speed of the firing ship, but that of the target. I can't recall an instance of "warp strafing" - in all the cases we've been discussing both the firing ship and the target were travelling at warp, suggesting that relative speed has to be very low for phasers to be effective.
That's what I was trying to get at before, otherwise the Fed's could have gunned down Jemmie ships left and right.