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Re: Fantasy RPG: The Unholy Mission

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 11:00 am
by Tyyr
Asaa rolled her eyes, rising up and walking past them. "Have fun," she said in a mocking sin-song voice as she walked down the gangplank and into the city.

Re: Fantasy RPG: The Unholy Mission

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 3:14 pm
by Mikey
"We are here to enter as a team, so enough with your feminine theatrics and see about scheduling our bout," growled Melroch to the red gargoyle. "I do not know what your 'Goblin Express' means, but you are perhaps too used to having contestants wear skirts into the arena. Stop speaking and start working."

Re: Fantasy RPG: The Unholy Mission

Posted: Mon Aug 10, 2009 8:39 pm
by Monroe
The Gargoyle growled at Melroch, "Gladly." he said in a deep voice and walked away.

A team of ten Goblins entered the far side of the room and began to equip their weapons. They wore multicolored flags that said 'Goblin Express'. But judging from the way they behaved someone else had wrote it for them. They eyed the large group of different creatures carefully. The largest of the Goblins bonked one of the ones looking at the party over the head, "Pay attention Scrub!" It yelled at pulled out a large two handed battle axe from the rack.

The Gargoyle organized returned to the group. "You have ten minutes before the battle begins."

Re: Fantasy RPG: The Unholy Mission

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 9:24 pm
by Monroe
The ten Goblins of Goblin Express strode out into the Arena looking hungrily towards Arundil, Gorath, and Ebon Hand as they stepped into the arena.

"Last call!" The Gargoyle organizer yelled down the stairway leading up into the arena to the others in the party. "If you want to help your buddies out get your ass up there."

Goblin Skirmisher 1
AC 14
Willpower 6
Fine Iron Bow 7.2 22 9
Damage +11

Goblin Skirmisher 2
AC 14
Willpower 6
Fine Iron Bow 7.2 22 9
Damage +11

Goblin Skirmisher 3
AC 14
Willpower 6
Fine Iron Bow 7.2 22 9
Damage +11

Goblin Runt 4
AC 20
Willpower 3
Rusty Iron War Axe 12.0 4 5
Damage +6

Goblin Runt 5
AC 20
Willpower 3
Rusty Iron War Axe 12.0 4 5
Damage +6

Goblin Runt 6
AC 20
Willpower 3
Rusty Iron War Axe 12.0 4 5
Damage +6

Goblin Runt 7
AC 20
Willpower 3
Rusty Iron War Axe 12.0 4 5
Damage +6

Goblin Foot Soldier 8
AC 21
Willpower 4
Iron Claymore 22.0 40 12
Damage +14

Goblin Foot Soldier 9
AC 21
Willpower 4
Iron Claymore 22.0 40 12
Damage +14

Goblin Mage 10
AC 5
Willpower 12
Level 1 Special Abilities:
-Lightning Strike - Zaps enemy for +5 damage. x10 if enemy is in water.
-Flare - Strikes Enemy for +1 Fire damage Damage or Illuminates Room
-Ice Shield - Adds 10 Temporary HP for one minute.

The Gargoyle organizer grinned at Goblin Express then back down at the rest of the party not on the field. "I would help your friends if I were you."

The Arena Shouter began to introduce each member of the Goblin Express team after he was through the loud mouth demon borne said, "And now, for a chance at one hundred gold plus an additional bonus for style a team of outsiders has arrived on the battle field. Do they stand a chance against the Goblin Express? Contestants remember to wait until the battle has begun before opening fire or all gold will be lost. Once the Gargoyle has given us the signal that the new team has fully arrived we can begin.

Re: Fantasy RPG: The Unholy Mission

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 4:27 am
by Tsukiyumi
A number of the crowd uttered catcalls and laughs at The Ebon Hand's slender features as he plodded out into the arena. His axe was in his hands, but he waited for a signal to begin the Dark Lord's work.

Re: Fantasy RPG: The Unholy Mission

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 4:59 am
by Lt. Staplic
Gorath stepped into the arena, wings pulled tight around his torso. The cheers from the crown began to climb in anticipation of the match. Unfurling his wings, Gorath pulled his bow out and plucked the string, sure that it was ready.

Re: Fantasy RPG: The Unholy Mission

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 5:11 am
by Monroe
"The contestants Melroch, Arundil, Gorath, and Ebon Hand face off against the ten of the Goblin Express. Beginning in 3...



"Begin!" The announcer yelled.

The Goblins cried out and moved into position.

(*waiting an hour before posting their moves for any quick initiative players who can post within an hour's time*)

Re: Fantasy RPG: The Unholy Mission

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 5:23 am
by Lt. Staplic
The commissioner announced the beginning of the battle, and Gorath acted quickly, drawing an arrow, and aiming at the first Goblin Skirmisher.Drawing it back he laced the arrow with the poison touch spell. And released.

The arrow flies true striking the goblin in it's chest, severely weakening the creature,but not killing it. However the creature was infected with the poison spell. He wouldn't last much longer.

Re: Fantasy RPG: The Unholy Mission

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 6:19 am
by Tsukiyumi
The withered old Goblin Mage raised his arms to summon lightning down at Gorath. His hands began to crackle loudly with energy, growing in intensity. It was so loud, he didn't hear the low, clacking clockwork sound of The Ebon Hand's approach until a thin shadow fell on him from behind.

"Waaaah!" the Goblin shouted, just before the massive battle axe cleaved him in two; a thin spray of greenish blood splattered The Ebon Hand's face. The crowd cheered, and the being once known as Lord Naius of Dox turned to seek another foe.

Re: Fantasy RPG: The Unholy Mission

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 6:45 am
by Monroe
Goblin Skirmisher 1 took a few steps after the arrow had struck before finally he collapsed. The other Goblins weren't deterred though. In the harsh economic times for the Goblins a hundred gold was worth the death of two of their friends.

Goblin Foot Soldier 8 and 9 charged towards the Ebon Hand.

Goblin Foot Soldier 8 rolled for a total of 13. Ebon Hand has no armor. Strike hits for +14 damage.

Goblin 8 swung his Claymore against the strange creature in front of him. The strike makes contact against the undead flesh letting out a potent stench of decay as the flesh split.

Goblin 9 takes the opportunity to move around behind the Ebon Hand hoping to finish the job.

Goblin Skirmisher 2 and 3 load their bows that they stupidly had not prepared before the word for the battle was given. Their intended target was Arundil ahead of them since she looked like the caster type. "Kill the wood elf!" Goblin Skirmisher 3 yelled.

Goblin Runt 4 and Goblin Runt 5 swept along the outside of the arena towards Gorath but looked decidedly scared. Goblin Runt 6 though kept forward towards the great Gargoyle and swung.

Goblin Runt 6 swings against Gorath. Rolls a 12. Gorath's AC is 1. Contact hits for 6 Damage

Goblin Runt 6 yells in triumph as his blow cuts into the great creature.

Goblin Runt 7 looks as if he's trying to decide who to target. He was a replacement for a loss the team had fought previously and he's trying to make up his mind.

Goblin Skirmisher 2
AC 14
Willpower 6
Fine Iron Bow 7.2 22 9
Damage +11

Goblin Skirmisher 3
AC 14
Willpower 6
Fine Iron Bow 7.2 22 9
Damage +11

Goblin Runt 4
AC 20
Willpower 3
Rusty Iron War Axe 12.0 4 5
Damage +6

Goblin Runt 5
AC 20
Willpower 3
Rusty Iron War Axe 12.0 4 5
Damage +6

Goblin Runt 6
AC 20
Willpower 3
Rusty Iron War Axe 12.0 4 5
Damage +6

Goblin Runt 7
AC 20
Willpower 3
Rusty Iron War Axe 12.0 4 5
Damage +6

Goblin Foot Soldier 8
AC 21
Willpower 4
Iron Claymore 22.0 40 12
Damage +14

Goblin Foot Soldier 9
AC 21
Willpower 4
Iron Claymore 22.0 40 12
Damage +14

Re: Fantasy RPG: The Unholy Mission

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 7:08 am
by Lt. Staplic
The Goblin runts rushed at Gorath, one of them finally plucking up the courage to strike at him, making contact, but unfortunately for him, failing to kill. In a series of motions that demonstrated his skill Gorath drew three arrows one at a time, aimed and let fly, all three within a minute.

The first arrow flew toward the 4th Goblin, and first runt, hitting him square between the eyes, the force of the impact forced him to fall over backwards.

The second arrow was aimed toward the other goblin still terrified of him. The arrow flew with dead accuracy hitting him square in the chest, lifting him off the ground, and killing him.

The last arrow was aimed at the unfortunate goblin who had failed to kill him. The arrow flew straight threw the little Goblin's throat, extending the creatures pain as it slowly died of suffocation.

Re: Fantasy RPG: The Unholy Mission

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 7:56 am
by Tsukiyumi
The Ebon Hand staggered backward at the vicious attack, thick ichor spilling from the wound. A series of rapid clicks issued from his arms as he counter-attacked, cleaving through the Goblin Foot Soldier's arm, and partway into it's ribcage. The creature shrieked as it's arm, and the shield it held were sent spinning away into the dirt by the force of the blow. He planted his foot on it's hip, and yanked the axe loose in a thick fan of blood.

Re: Fantasy RPG: The Unholy Mission

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 8:51 am
by Reliant121
"I hate skirmishers," Arundel whispered as the two skirmishers lumbered toward her. She chose the clostest to strike, skirmisher #2. She lifts her hand quickly, and lets the lightning magick course through her arm. She feels pain at it, but ignores it. The streak of lightning explodes from the tips of her fingers, slamming into the creatures chest, knocking it off its feet. The lightning did little to penetrate the armoured carapace around his chest, but did stop him all the same.

The other continued to lumber forward.

Re: Fantasy RPG: The Unholy Mission

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 10:03 am
by Monroe
Goblin Skirmisher 2 takes a small step back as he shakes his vision to clear the cob webs from the lightning attack.
Failed on roll to recover (Personal touch not part of the rules)

Goblin Skirmisher 3 aims toward the mage and lets loose an arrow. The arrow finds its mark striking the wood elf Arundil in the shoulder barely missing some important arteries.
Skirmisher 3 rolls a 15. Arundil has no armor. Strike hits for +11 damage. Arundil has 8/19 health now.

Goblin Runt 7 gasped in horror at Gorath's quick slaughter of his team mates. The scared little green skin raised his ancient axe and charged forth.
Goblin Runt 7 attack rolls a 13. Gorath's AC is 1. Currently at 14 out of 20 life. Attack hits for 6 damage. Gorath is down to 8.
The axe swings against the Gargoyle's thigh catching the party member deeply with a severe wound.

Goblin Foot Soldier 8 staggers backwards for a bit shrieking in pain.

Failed to recover a roll I did for him. My personal roll not in the rulebook..yet

Goblin Foot Soldier 9 swings his sword over his shoulder towards the lumbering macabre reanimated creature.
Rolls 16. Ebon Hand has no AC. Strike hits for 14 damage. Plus 14 damage from before = 2/30 health for Ebon Hand
The sword cuts cleanly into the creature nearly killing him once again. The crowd cheers at the near kill by the Goblin Foot Soldier.

Next Attack Roll for Goblins will be in 14 hours

Goblin Skirmisher 2
AC 14
Willpower 6
Fine Iron Bow 7.2 22 9
Damage +11

Goblin Skirmisher 3
AC 14
Willpower 6
Fine Iron Bow 7.2 22 9
Damage +11

Goblin Runt 7
AC 20
Willpower 3
Rusty Iron War Axe 12.0 4 5
Damage +6

Goblin Foot Soldier 8
AC 21
Willpower 4
Iron Claymore 22.0 40 12
Damage +14

Goblin Foot Soldier 9
AC 21
Willpower 4
Iron Claymore 22.0 40 12
Damage +14

Re: Fantasy RPG: The Unholy Mission

Posted: Fri Aug 14, 2009 10:46 am
by Tsukiyumi
The other Foot Soldier's blade drove home, slicing through The Ebon Hand's torso at the waist, nearly cutting him in half. He fell soundlessly to the dirt floor of the arena in a pool of fluids as the crowd cheered wildly.

Must... serve, the creature thought, reaching to it's belt and pulling out a small blue vial. As The Ebon Hand drank, the wound mended, quickly reattaching the two halves. He staggered back to his feet, and rounded on the Foot Soldier, ready to resume the fight.

(current HP: 12/30)