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Re: Find the Founders VII-restart

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 7:42 pm
by Lt. Staplic
well, from my perspective, your the guy tring to get us to kill eachother off, save the founders a little trouble.

My bet is also on Rochey, but before we jump to any conclusions, I think we should make a plan to keep eachother safe...tonight we all sleep in the same room, The Founder will have a harder time taking us out when we're all together watching eachothers backs.

Re: Find the Founders VII-restart

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 8:15 pm
by stitch626
I guess I'm fine with that.

And I know you weren't suggesting randomly shooting people. It just seems you are very eager to start the shooting. Even semi-thought out shooting is dangerous.

Re: Find the Founders VII-restart

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 10:08 pm
by Sionnach Glic
I'm eager to start shooting Founders. Preferably before I get killed by one of them.

As for sleeping in the same room tonight, that'll do damn all good. These things can mimic anything, even the very ground. We sleep, we're fucked. That's the whole thing in a nutshell.

Re: Find the Founders VII-restart

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 10:28 pm
by stitch626
We don't sleep, we're just as dead!
If we don't sleep we will begin to shoot people at random, because we will lose control of our reasoning abilities!
It seems to me that he is just trying to prepare for what must come to give us the best chance of surviving!

:: sighs ::

And yelling won't accomplish anything.

Re: Find the Founders VII-restart

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 10:29 pm
by Sionnach Glic
Aye. We need to sleep. But if we do, and there's Founders around, then we're fucked. Or one of us, at least. Therein lies our problem.

And yeah, yelling isn't helping. Let's all keep calm.

Re: Find the Founders VII-restart

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 10:35 pm
by stitch626
As I was trying to be since the beginning.

Hey, Lazar you've been quiet. What do you think?

Re: Find the Founders VII-restart

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 10:43 pm
by Lazar
Rochey's suggestion is pretty disturbing, but that might just be because he's desperate to survive. I think the Founder might end up being someone surprising, who's not acting suspicious at all.

Re: Find the Founders VII-restart

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2009 11:06 pm
by stitch626
Interesting theory. It makes sense that a Founder would do their best to avoid suspicion. So I guess the question is, who do we suspect the least?

Re: Find the Founders VII-restart

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 12:01 am
by Sionnach Glic
Lazar makes a good point. I'm unlikely to be a Founder, or else I'd hardly be drawing so much attention to myself. The real Founder is probably lying low somewhere. Who's been avoiding the conversation?

Re: Find the Founders VII-restart

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 12:03 am
by stitch626
:: looks over at Bob, who has apparently passed out again ::
Well, he hasn't been talking much. Though he has an excuse.

Re: Find the Founders VII-restart

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 12:51 am
by Tsukiyumi
Man that kid passes out more than I did after keggers in college.

Rochey, your idea is feasible, but we still don't have enough to go on. Unfortunately, I don't have any other plan, unless the medkit shows back up.

Re: Find the Founders VII-restart

Posted: Sun Apr 12, 2009 2:14 am
by Mark

Re: Find the Founders VII-restart

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 9:04 am
by Mark
With a big yawn, Lt. Staplic announced "We're getting absolutely nowhere with this tonight."

Master Chief Tsuki looked at the young officer and asked "What do you propose that we do, sir?"

Looking over at the unconscious Bob, Staplic replied "He seems to have the right idea."

Chief Petty Officer Rochey looked at Staplic in surprise, "Are you sure that's wise, sir? After all, the Commander is dead and one or more of us are Founders. I'm not sure how much rest we are going to get."

"Be that as it may Chief," Staplic said "My decision stands. You have your orders."

"Uh, Staplic." Lazar interjected, "What gives you the authority to assume command here?"

"Well" Staplic replied "I'm a Lieutenant AND a Bridge Officer."

"As am I" Lazar responded.

"I'm also a command officer, in case you missed the red uniform," Staplic responded arrogantly, "And last time I checked, gold was for operations. Rock beats scissors, paper beats rock, red beats gold."

"Lieutenant," Lazar responded seemingly tired of Staplic's attitude, "I'm also an assistant department head. During my shift, I managed Operations of the Hermes. Your a relief helmsman."

"Are you challenging me for command, mister?" Staplic raised his voice slightly, in obvious imitation of Captain Kennedy.

"I'm a bit concerned that you would automatically try and assume command," Lazar insisted "without any seeming regard for protocol."

"Stand down, Lazar." Staplic ordered "Or I'll have Tsuki place you under arrest."

"Like hell you will, SIR." Tsuki replied. "I don't know what your problem is, but Lieutenant Lazar is right. Your overstepping your authority. In other words, your getting to big for your britches."

"Why you son of a bitch" Staplic spat, and swung with a right cross at Tsuki.

With his years of experience, the Master Chief easily sidestepped the blow. Ensign Nickswitz however, wasn't so lucky. Staplic's wild punch caught Nick on the cheek and knocked him to the floor. Instantly, Stitch pounced on Staplic with both of them landing on Bob's unconscious form. Rochey, Lazar, and Tsuki all jumped into the fray to break it up. During the ruckus, nobody heard or noticed the telltale hiss of a hypo drawing a sample from it's intended target.

"THAT'S ENOUGH!!!" Tsuki bellowed, with Rochey holding Staplic and Lazar holding Stitch. "What the fuck is the matter with all of you? Your Starfleet officers and your acting like a group of Klingons! My greenest Crewman wouldn't DARE to behave the way you all are. Suck it the fuck up and deal with it, gentlemen. Staplic, if you EVER raise a hand to another person here, I will PERSONALLY stomp your ass from the cargo bay to the cockpit, BEFORE I lock you in the head. Understood?"

"Who do you think......." Staplic began to slutter

"UNDERSTOOD!?" the Master Chief bellowed.

"Understood" Staplic replied, somewhat dumbfounded.

Tsuki turned his attention to Lazar "You mister picked a hell of a time for a pissing contest. I don't care HOW you and Staplic work out the command thing, but you WILL work it out as would REAL officers. Understood?"

Looking sheepish, Lazar responded "Understood Master Chief."

Tsuki then glared at Stitch, "And YOU Ensign, had better learn to reign in your temper. Staplic was out of line, but he wasn't aiming for your brother. And I'm sure that once he calms down, he's gonna be sorry as hell. When Lazar lets you go, you WILL NOT raise another hand. Got it?"

With a sullen expression Stitch acknowledged, "Got it, Master Chief."

Looking down at Nick, Tsuki concluded his rant "And Ensign..........learn how to duck."

Stepping back, Tsuki announced, "I'd like to thank my three volunteers here; Lazar, Stitch, and Staplic. You gentlemen will carry the watch tonight. Goodnight."

With that, Tsuki spun on his heel and made his way to the crew quarters.

One solitary individual pressed the vial taken from his subject up against the tricorders sensor panel. His eyes grew thoughtful when the results came up on the screen.


In another cabin, one person had secreted himself in the rafters of his room, with his tiny palm phaser set at maximum and trained on the door to his cabin. Nobody would take him tonight, of that he was making sure.


Staplic was tired. He had to keep walking to stay awake, and he'd be damned if he'd fall asleep on duty. I knew he'd overreacted earlier and felt bad about it. He WAS being arrogant and assumptive of command, but he'd never BEEN in any kind of real command before, and circumstances aside, he jumped on the chance. Now he wasn't so sure. After all, men would live and die by his decisions, and he wasn't sure he was ready for that. Staplic was so lost in his own thoughts that he never noticed that there suddenly seemed to be and additional overhead light. As Staplic walked underneath it, it suddenly shimmered and extended, looping itself around his throat and lifting him off his feet. Dropping the phaser in surprise, he clawed and tugged at the tentacle strangling him. Eyes bulging, and turning color, Staplic's struggles slowly ceased, and then finally stopped altogether. The Founder let him hang a few minutes more to be sure, and then let his limp form fall to the deck, to be found be whatever early riser there was.

Re: Find the Founders VII-restart

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 1:33 pm
by stitch626
:: yawning ::
Alright Luetenant, I'll relieve you so you can...
HOLY ****!

Everyone, up!

Re: Find the Founders VII-restart

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 2:02 pm
by Lazar
::runs in, rubbing eyes::

What is it, Stitch?

::sees body::

Aw hell naw!