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Re: Continued ship of the week. MC90

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 4:17 am
by Deepcrush
Captain Seafort wrote:*sighs* :roll:

I've made my case. I've made it repeatedly and repetitively. Since you're apparently too blind, thick or dishonest to comprehend the argument, I won't make it again.
Wow, you really are as pathetic as a whore off the corner. You've lost this debate not once but twice and you still don't have to balls to own up to it. Tell me then, how many times did you have to suck off the brothers in order to get the mod job... was it a job for a job deal or what???

The cute sigh and roll. Denial and all... so lovely. Nice that you couldn't even come back with anything... you just ran away. Yea for you! You live up to everything it takes to be a mod. Worthless and well....... ok thats about it but whatever you still got it. :laughroll:

Re: Continued ship of the week. MC90

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 4:19 am
by Deepcrush
Mikey wrote:Good. I'm getting tired of watching you two whip that carcass to absolutely no end save that of flirting with a warning.
Who gives a shit about a warning. No one has the balls to deal with a mod because that would be too much like doing their jobs and we all know I'll never back down from someones bullshit so... its whatever.

Re: Continued ship of the week. MC90

Posted: Wed Apr 01, 2009 4:24 am
by Tsukiyumi
Well, that's about enough for me.

*thread locked*