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Re: NX-07 Buran Alpha Mission thread

Posted: Tue Aug 26, 2008 11:42 pm
by Mikey
"What the hell is going on here?" Harvey yelled. "I go do something for an hour, and the place falls apart!"

Darwin flushed and straightened. "The core seems to be holding, but the metric equipment can't handle the feedback at this power level."

"Then take the damn things offline! We've got the injector and manifold monitors, and we can measure the core function by the output."

"Aye, sir. That's what I thought-"

"Then that's what you should've done, pup," Harvey said, his tone mellowing. "You're a decent engineer, son, but you'll never do anything if you won't do anything. Put this place back together and tie in the output sensors. Myself, I spent too much time bending this old back over torpedo casings." Harvey stretched and pressed his hand to the small of his back and continued, "Finish up here and knock off. We're gonna be in the thick of it soon enough."

"What does that mean?" asked Darwin suspiciously.

"It means that we are chasing down whoever blew an Andorian cruiser into tiny little chunks. Now I'm going to take a break." Suddenly a klaxon sounded, followed in a few moments by the shock of an impact. "Never mind," Harvey sighed. "Sparky - find out what just broke and go fix it."

Re: NX-07 Buran Alpha Mission thread

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 1:19 am
by Sonic Glitch
" at will," Chinatsu said camly.

"Aye, mam." Federov had been waiting for this chance. Unfortunately, the plasma cannons chose that moment to go down. "Captain, cannons are down!"

"What!? How/Why?!"

"Well Fulton was poking around in them earlier. I told him those cannons had tight tolerances, the safety lock was triggered by the over-energized plasma! We'll need to reset them."

"Well hurry. We have torpedoes don't we?!" The bridge rocked with a torpedoe impact.

"Where did that come from?!" wondered Federov aloud. Before anyone could answer he commed the weapons bays, "Crewman Styles, start resetting the safeties to recognize the new levels. We need those cannons?"

At that moment Subcommander T'varaan reported a Tellerite freightor had joined the fray and was evidently the source of the the torpedoe. Which now appeared to have hit them by accident. Wonderful thought Federov, How would they like it if I "accidently" took a pot shot at them? "Styles, how long on those safeties?"
"'Bout 5 minutes boss" Judging by the look on Chinatsu's face she heard that and wasn't too happy about it.
"Don't worry Captian the torpedoes work fine." With that Federov unleased a barrage of 3 torpedoes. One of which was programmed to buzz the freighter before continuing on ward to the battle cruisers.

Re: NX-07 Buran Alpha Mission thread

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 9:47 am
by Reliant121
"Dammit, we need plasma cannons! how long until the restart sequence is finished?" The captain hollered as another blast rocked the ship, spewing sparks from a console behind her. One of the Romulan cruisers broke off its attack to follow the sluggish freighter, which was dodging, if only just, the disrupter bolts the green menace let loose.

"2 minutes and counting," T'Varaan answered before either Styles or Federov could having set up a chronometer at her console. "The Tellerite freighter is keeping one of the ships occupied for the moment.

"Wheres the other one?" Chinatsu asked, scanning the monitor.

"Bearing 345.2." A console exploded, launching a crewmen into the tactical display table behind them.

"Helm set course 345.5, Full Impulse. Federov, as soon as we are in a good firing position, give the bastards hell," She said gravely. Federov smiled, nodding in reponse.

The ship swung about, catching the regrouping ship off guard. The forward tubes let loose an armada of weapons fire, slamming into the Romulan ships hull. Ceremoniously, The Baal Solock swung past, firing a pair of particle blasts at the drifting vessels nacelle, blasting it open.

Re: NX-07 Buran Alpha Mission thread

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 11:49 am
by Teaos
"Captain I've opened a line to the freighter but all we're getting is a lot of cursing and some banging" Maddox reported as he fought to to keep the lines of communications open, the energy saturation during battle always scrambled communications somewhat and their equipment was not designed to filter out the interference from Romulan weapons.

"Tell them to hold off one of the vessels while we engage the other, we can't let them group up" The captain ordered.

Maddox tried to hold open the lines of communications and not think about the Romulan ship closing in on their position.

He felt his stomach move up into his chest for a second as the ship dived low to come up from under the enemy ships position temporarily over powering the artificial gravity.

"Brace for weapons impact" The tactical officer called.

Re: NX-07 Buran Alpha Mission thread

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 11:58 am
by Tsukiyumi
" Sonofa- just go out already!" Max had almost exhausted the fire suppression unit; other damage control personnel rushed past him as the fire blazed in the corridor outside of his kitchen.

" Anyone have another one of these?" he asked, futilely; everyone passed by without a second glance. The fire flared up again as the canister went dry, flicking out from behind the wall panel. " Anybody?"

" Hey, great! Don't blame me when the ship's food stocks get incinerated!" he stormed back into the kitchen as another blast shook the ship. Max grabbed hold of a nearby counter, grunting as his feet slid out from under him. A tray of perfectly prepared sushi and a bowl of his special Plomeek/artichoke soup hit the ceiling as the ship lurched downward, and then promptly splattered back to the floor.

" First the soufflé falls, and now you ruin my soup? You Romulan bast-" the flaming conduit exploded, blasting Max fifteen feet across the kitchen; he rapidly slid a few feet before crashing into the dishwashing unit in a heap.

" I should've opened my restaurant on Earth. Hell, even Mars would be better than this." He winced as he tried to stand; a small ribbon of metal had impaled his upper thigh, and his chef's whites had bloomed a small crimson flower near his belly button. He began to feel rather dizzy

" It'd be nice if I could just push some button on my uniform to summon help, here." He mumbled, crawling toward the comm. near the door. A few more people ran past in the corridor; finally, one of them stopped to extinguish the residual fire from the explosion.

" Hey, crewman! A little help here?" Max yelled; he felt like he was due to pass out any moment.

The young crewman jumped at his voice, " Holy hell, sir! You don't look well I'd better get you to sickbay."

" That would be just fine I'll make you something good when I wake up " Max slumped unconscious as the young man stooped to lift him.

Re: NX-07 Buran Alpha Mission thread

Posted: Wed Aug 27, 2008 12:03 pm
by Aaron
Trellek let fly with a Tellerite oath as the Romulan they hit turned into them.

"Helm! Get us right down their throats! And shut off that damn noise!" He screamed turning slightly to the signals crewman.

The Romulan took another particle blast and a set of torpedos to a nacelle, sending it flying off the ship into open space.

"Bought time Mork, where'd you learn to shoot?" Trellek let fly with another curse as he swigged from a greenish bottle next to his chair.

The Tellerite Captain started opening a channel to the Earth vessel, there was a lot of jamming but he thought he might get through for a few seconds. "Hey humans! We'll get this one, that Romulans head will be a drinking cup before too long!"

Re: NX-07 Buran Alpha Mission thread

Posted: Thu Aug 28, 2008 2:02 pm
by Mikey
Harvey noticed the attempted reprogramming of the plasma cannons and rushed out of Engineering, pausing only to bark, "Shravak - take over down here!" into an intercom panel.

"What the hell are you doing with those cannons, boy?" he blustered, storming onto the bridge. "I gave you all the upgrade specs. If you still can't figure out how to work them, ask - don't screw around with them."

"We are in a firefight, Mr. Fulton," answered Federov coldly, "and don't really have time right now to study a whole new weapons spec."

"Fine," grumbled Harvey, "but the new impedance'll even out the over-charge." He sat at a console at the rear of the bridge and began entering information. "Ready. I'll monitor and ready the weapons from here - you just shoot 'em, okay?"

"Yes, that's how they're supposed to work."


Re: NX-07 Buran Alpha Mission thread

Posted: Wed Sep 10, 2008 8:27 pm
by Reliant121
"Plasma cannons back up!" Federov shouted over the persistent screams of the automated klaxon, straining for his voice to be heard above the noise. Chinatsu turned to him and attempted to reply, but her order was swallowed in the shattering clatter of another hull impact. She ordered it again, but still it couldn't drive over the impenetrable sound. Growing tired of it, she lifted herself from the seat, lunged for the tactical console. After checking that the lock was on the Romulan craft, she stabbed her index finger at the large button that dominated the panel.

A catastrophic barrage of fire erupted from the forward cannons, catapulting the yellow bolts of energy out into the abyss. The Tellerite craft wheeled to port, barely evading the pulses. The first wave of shots struck the Green craft, knocking through her defensive systems and slamming into the hull. Typical of Romulan design, the hull was rather frail, and took little time to succumb to the power of the Buran's weaponry.

"All crew to damage control stations," Chinatsu said, slumping unceremoniously in her chair. "Casualty report."

"5 dead. 2 crewmen, 2 MACO's....and....Bastet, M'am," The doctor replied over the intermittent comm. Chinatsu's eyes closed.

"Understood, Doctor."

Re: NX-07 Buran Alpha Mission thread

Posted: Tue Sep 16, 2008 4:38 am
by Mark

Newly commissioned 2nd Lieutenant Everett E. Nelson, disembarked the shuttlepod and made his way toward MACO Divisional HQ. Looking around, he shook his head at all the young officers trying to play soldier. Damn kids were to young to be remember some of the long forgotten scrapes he and his old unit got into, and they all had that look of soldiers trained for combat, who've never seen it. Eager. They all were at first. Hell, so was he. If they survive their first few skirmishes, that look would be long gone.

"Sir?", "Sir?", "Excuse me, Sir. Can I help you?" the Sergeant at the admin desk respectfully asked.

Chiding himself mentally Nelson thought "Pay attention MACO! Your not a damn Gunny anymore, your an officer. Remember that!"

To the sergeant he apologised, "Sorry Sergeant, my mind was wandering there for a second. I'm here to see Major Conklin. I'm Lieutenant Nelson"

"Not a problem, Sir." the sergeant replied "The Majors expecting you. Do you know where his office is?"

"That I do. I've been there a time or two. Thanks much." Nelson replied, and made his way down the corridor. Jim Conklin had been Nelson's first CO, and one of the few officers he'd ever had any use for. Nelson always thought it was a damn shame that Conklin would be riding a desk for the rest of his career, all because he lost a leg in action.

Nelson touched the door buzzer, and the door opened to admit him into the medium sized office. Two MACOs were waiting for him there, Major Conkin and another old friend, First Sergeant Gallendez. Nelson strode to the desk and snapped to attention sharply announcing "Lieutenant Nelson, reporting as ordered, Sir."

"At ease Lieutenant" the Major ordered with a smile on his face "So, how do you like being an officer?"

"Truth be told, I feel just a bit silly sometimes, sir." Nelson replied "The snapping to attention for one. I'm used to DOING it, not having it done for me. And last week some poor Corporal called me Sir, and I barked at him that I work for a living, before remembering that I AM an officer now. That was one confused kid."

Gallendez leaned back in his chair with a grin, "Well, SIR. The Major and I have found a duty assignment where you'd actually be somewhat useful with your background. They need an experienced combat officer. Don't worry, it's everything you'd ever want. You'll be getting back in the action."

Giving Gallendez a sour smile, "Sounds great, Top. But I've known you and that damn grin of yours for too many years. What's the catch?"

Major Conklin answered with a grin of his own, "Your gonna get to explore strange new worlds. Seek out new life, and new civilizations. Boldly go where..........."

Closing his eyes in resignation, Nelson interupted "Why me? Your putting me on a ship, aren't you? Your attaching me to STARFLEET?"

Gallendez joking whispered to Conklin "You see how quick he is? He was BORN to be an officer."

Conklin smiled and then his face grew serious, "At 0800 hours tomorrow your shipping out on a Vulcan transport, who have agreed to ferry you to your new assignment. You will assume command of the MACO detachment on board the NX-07. She's called the USS Buran."

Nelson asked, seriously this time, "Why me? You've got these fresh faced kids chomping at the bit for this kind of assignment. Would look good for their career. I never plan on being a General, and the only time I've been on ships before was to be ferried to hot zones before."

Conklin replied "You've just answered your own question, Ev. They need an experienced combat veteran, of which we're in short supply. They need someone who can lead his people into danger, and get them back out again. They need someone who will NEVER put their career ahead of his duty. Will that be all?"

Snapping to attention again, Nelson replied "Yes sir. If you don't mind my asking though, what happened to their last CO?"

Gravely, Gallendez answered this one, "She was just killed in action with the Romulans, just a few days ago. I served with her once before, several years ago. She was.....interesting."

Nodding to each of his old friends, Nelson executed a text book about face and left the office, heading for the officers barracks, and from their it seemed, deep space.

Re: NX-07 Buran Alpha Mission thread

Posted: Sat Sep 20, 2008 3:33 am
by stitch626
Darwin was walking through the ship. Even though the battle was over, his work was far from done. For the past six hours, he and Sparky-along with a few crewman-had been repairing the nacelles and fusion reactors. Now, he was heading back down to engineering. Even though his official shift was over, there was too much to do.

As Darwin entered engineering, Shravak rolled out from under the warp core.
"Make sure the intermix is stable, and don't let the core's temperature fluctuate... we don't want a bigger mess down here than we already have." he shouted to an engineer.
"Darwin! Fulton needs you at the forward plasma cannons. Something about idiots on the bridge. We have everything under control here."
Darwin acknowledged and headed back out the door.

Re: NX-07 Buran Alpha Mission thread

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 4:35 am
by Mikey
At Fulton's summons, T'Varaan and Federov entered the cargo bay/lounge and found Harvey sitting at the bar with a nearly-empty rocks glass sitting in front of him. "I fail to see why this setting is more conducive to a technical discussion than engineering," commented T'Varaan.

"It isn't," answered Harvey. "It's just where I happen to be. Bourbon?" he offered. At the Vulcan's disdainful look, he added, "Don't worry - it doesn't have any meat in it." He downed the remaining contents of his glass and continued, "Anyway, I've asked you here to see about putting all the available people you have onto refitting the rest of our torpedoes."

"I don't see how that's an engineering concern," Federov said bluntly.

"Indeed, that seems to be a rather militant attitude for a UESPA officer," T'Varaan added.

"My whole staff is busy putting this ship back together - except Darwin, who's fine-tuning the plasma cannons to smooth out the charge-up," Fulton said with a pointed look at the lieutenant. "Continuing to just patch up the ship after every encounter is going to be a losing proposition. We have to avoid taking the kind of damage we did, and the only way I know of is to blow up the bad guys before they can kick our a**es too bad."

"Considering how effective the Romulan battery was against our defenses, that would seem logical - if crudely phrased," said T'Varaan.

"Thanks," said Harvey ironically. "Lieutenant?"

Federov sighed and said, "Give me the readouts and instructions."

"I'll have them up at your bridge station." Finding his glass refilled - sour mash bourbon, two ice cubes - Harvey raised it, smiled at Federov, and toasted, "Na zdorovya!"

"That's Ukrainian - I'm Russian."


Re: NX-07 Buran Alpha Mission thread

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 11:36 pm
by Nickswitz
On the Vulcan ship on it's way to rendevouz with the Buran.

Crewman Westman looked over at Lieutenant Nelson.
"Isn't it weird that Vulcans don't eat meat. Once I get to my ship I hope to have a nice big hunking piece of steak."
Nelson replied, slightly cockeyed at the crewman.
"Um.. I guess I can't wait either. Some of this food doesn't really look edible. Where are you going to be stationed?"
"On the NX-07 Buran, what about you?"
"Same ship, what do you do?"
"I'm working with science, but really the reason I'm coming along is because of my advanced knowledge of computers and technology and stuff. So Starfleet figured I'd be useful here I guess."
"That's cool I guess. I'm a MACO." Nelson said as he took the last bit of his salad off his plate.
"We we're never formally introduced, I'm Lieutenant Everett E. Nelson, you are?"
"John Westman, crewman, It was nice getting to speak with someone of your own species, Vulcans speak with such arogance that you feel like a lower life form."
"I guess. See you again tomorrow when we rendevouz with Buran. Enjoy the rest of your meal."
Nelson walks out of the dining area and Westman sits at the table just staring at the numerous Vulcans sitting eating. Then begins eating again, and mumbles to himself, "God, I hate this stuff!"

Re: NX-07 Buran Alpha Mission thread

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 1:08 am
by Mark
The docking port airlock cycled open with a whoosh. An officer in operations red with lieutenants pips on his chest stood by the inner hatch checking in the replacement crew members disembarking from the Vulcan transport. Nelson allowed Crewman Westman to procede him, check in, and be off to report to his department head.

Nelson paused just inside the hatch and snapped to attention, "Permission to come aboard, Sir." he requested.

With a slightly bemused yet approving expression on his face the security officer replied "Granted, and welcome aboard. You must be the new MACO CO." Extending his hand he introduced himself, "I'm Lieutenant Federov, Ships Armory Officer."

Ev grasped the outstreched in a firm handshake, and replied "Gunn.....excuse me. Lieutenant Nelson. It's a pleasure, sir. If it's not to much trouble, could you tell me where to find the Captain? I've never been on an NX class before.

"She should be on the bridge, and I'm heading that way myself." Federov replied "Let's swing by your new quarters and stow your gear, and I'll introduce you."

"Sounds like a plan to me, sir." Nelson responded.

"Lieutenant Nelson reporting for duty Captain" snapped off the ramrod straight MACO officer. He couldn't help but notice a tiny smile of bemusement on Captain Chinatsu's face.

"At ease before you sprain something Lieutenant." Capatin Chinatsu replied "We're glad to have you with us. You've been briefed on our mission and your part of it?"

"Yes Captain. I have." Nelson replied, assuming a position of parade rest.

"I must confess, Lieutenant, that my previous MACO commander, may she rest in peace didn't impress me very much." the Captain expressed delicately. "Some of her attitudes and techniques were, shall we say, unorthodox. I like to know something about my officers. She surprised me, and I don't really like surprises like that. So tell me a bit about yourself, Lieutenant. You seem a bit old for a junior officer."

Shrugging, Nelson replied, "There's not really very much to tell, Captain. I've been a MACO for 22 years. The bars are new, though. I started off as a ground pounder then went to sniper school. I've fought in over two dozen combat actions, and was a MACO Drill Instructer for quite a while. I was told you needed an experienced combat officer commanding these cowboys, so here I am."

Raising an eyebrow the Captain asked, "What made you decide to become an officer after all these years?"

With an uncomfortable cough Nelson replied, "The details aren't very important Captain."

With a hint of steel entering her voice, Capatin Chinatsu replied "I think it is."

With a sigh, Nelson responded, "Yes ma'am. I was a Gunnery Sergeant assigned to a training unit. Several of the MACOs in training had some airs because after I was done with them they were off to OCS and made no bones about looking forward to the day when I'd be calling them sir and ma'am. After having seen what I've seen, I don't generally have to much use for junior officers, no offense. Several of us went drinking one night, and my friend, First Sergeant Gallendez suggested maybe I should apply to OCS to increase the quality of the breed as he put it. I'd had a bit to much to drink that night, and submitted my application then and there. The next thing I knew, I'd been accepted. I tried to withdraw my name, but Major Conklin wouldn't allow me to do so. Next thing I know, I'm being handed orders to your ship."

Stifling a laugh, the Captain said, "I suggest you find a use for my officers Lieutenant, because I do not tolarate any disrespect. But between you and I, I think you'll do quite well. Dismissed."

Snapping to attention, Nelson executed an about face and went off in search of his new First Sergeant, a fellow named Monroe, as well as the rest of his troops.

Everett thought to himself, "Now if I can just find my way around this damned tin can, I'm on."

Nelson looked around. His MACO detachment looked up tight, nervous, disspirited, and all together unready for combat. They couldn't even seem to hold the proper position of attention.

Nelson shook his head. "What kind of CO did these kids have before? It's a wonder only two of them are dead." he thought.

In a parade voice Nelson sounded off, "My name in 2nd Lieutenant Everett Ernest Nelson! I am your new commanding officer. Some of you may be feeling nervous at having a new CO. Some of you may be feeling resentful. Some of you even may be feeling a bit uncertain of my ability and yours as well. Losing a commanding officer can be tragic they tell me. I'll tell you the same thing I tell them."

Taking a deep breath, he then roared, "BULLSHIT!!!"

Pacing like a lion up and down the row of dispirited men and women he continued, "You listen to me and listen to me good, boys and girls. We are MACOs. We are the finest fighting force that Earth has ever seen! We do not flinch because one of us falls! We fight and we win! If we must die, then so be it, but I'll be damned if I'm going quietly or alone. I WILL take my enemy with me. I WILL complete my mission objectives. I WILL NOT YIELD!"

Something that looked a bit like pride crept back into the eyes of the MACOs.

Nelson continued, "I expect excellence from both myself and my troops. Expect no quarter from me, because I will give none! If I tell you to jump, don't even bother to ask me how high, because if you don't know, Top over there will kick your can all the way from here to kingdom come!" he said, pointing to First Sergeant Monroe.

Resuming his speach, Lt. Nelson went on, "I cannot promise you that I will bring you home all in one piece. Hell, in this day and age I can't even promise you I can get you home! But I will make you three promises and three promises only. My first promise to you is that I will never order a man or woman under my command to do something that I wouldn't do myself. My second promise to you is this. I will always be the first man into action, and the last man to leave. And finally, my last promise. If you die, I may not be able to risk the mission to retrieve your body, BUT, if there is ANY chance that you are alive, I will ALWAYS come back for you! YOU ALL READING ME CLEAR???"

"Clear, SIR!!!" the MACOs sounded off in chorus.

Without another word, Nelson strode out the door.

Re: NX-07 Buran Alpha Mission thread

Posted: Fri Oct 03, 2008 3:52 pm
by Mikey
"Westman, is it? New computer guy, right?" Fulton was as brusque as usual.

"Yes, sir," answered Westman, a bit taken aback by Fulton's blustery manner. He had barely dropped off his bags and checked in at engineering when Harvey pounced on him. "It's a pleasure-"

"Good, good. I want you to check out the monitoring and feedback heuristic on the warp injectors and manifolds. Darwin will help you with the technicalities of the engine. Then see if there's anything we can do to further automate the pre-launch sequence for the torpedoes - here's the details." Fulton punched up a database on a nearby console. "Make sure you check in with Lt. Federov."

"Actually, sir, I should report to the captain first. I'm technically not attached to engineering."

"I'm not worried about that," Harvey said dismissively. "Do what you have to - I can give you 'til morning. By then, I expect to not have to worry about the core input, and to be able to get those torpedoes away pretty damn quick." Harvey turned and walked off, leaving Westman to simply stand and stare for a moment, his orders still clutched in his hand.

Re: NX-07 Buran Alpha Mission thread

Posted: Sat Oct 04, 2008 12:38 pm
by Nickswitz
Looking cock-eyed at Fulton, "I really should report to the captain first. I'll check out all your computer issues after that."

Fulton stood at the doorway, " Umm... work on this stuff, I'll tell captain your here. Oh, and just as a rule of thumb, don't ever talk back to an officer!"

Westman slowly walked away from his bags and went over to a console. "Could I get some help over here, I've never been on a ship this big before" he mumbled quietly to himself, slightly hoping someone would hear, mostly hoping they wouldn't.

"Where's the engineering staff here?! Does nobody do anything they're asked by their CO." He just looked around as everyone looked at him, then he slowly turned around and got back to work on the console.