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Re: Episode 9 Spoilerrific review/discussion

Posted: Tue Jan 07, 2020 1:38 pm
by RK_Striker_JK_5
Graham Kennedy wrote:
RK_Striker_JK_5 wrote:Okay, finally saw it this afternoon. First off, fuck trailers. i don't mean specifically for this movie. I mean in general. Movie was supposed to start at 12:45 PM. That is when the trailers started up and ran for nearly a half-hour! Ugh... :bangwall:

Anyway... I'm not sure if I had super-low expectations due to the Last Jedi, or what, but I really liked it.
It's a hard film to judge in terms of whether people like it, because on the one hand, it's a pretty bad film. But on the other hand, it's an entertaining one.
Yeah. I had fun with it. And that's a big thing for me. I didn't leave the theater angry, like with Last Jedi.

Re: Episode 9 Spoilerrific review/discussion

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2020 3:06 am
by McAvoy
I go into movies to enjoy them. So for the most part I can see a movie and enjoy it without thinking too much into it. It's not until after the movie when I do think about it that I will start to dissect it.

My problem with the praise of the past two movies were not the stories but visuals.

With the The Last Jedi there was praise of subverting our expectations. That's fine if you have a good story to go with it. Plenty of movies out there like that. Some have one or more. But the good ones always had good stories attached to it. Just because it subverted expectations doesn't make it a great movie. Especially if handicaps the next PLANNED movie in a TRILOGY.

Rise of Skywalker is hampered by that and to me it shows and has to make excuses or fixes. For me though once I stepped out of the theater I started to think about the movie the more I see issues with it. IMO I think it has more than the last one.

As a mechanic I did cringe when Rey piloted a X-Wing that pretty much was underwater for at least decade without any issues.

Destroying the Super Lasers on the Star Destroyers when they had no shields sounded exactly like destroying the Super Lasers on the City Destroyers when they had no shields in Independence Day.

I know from leaked info there was more scenes that were cut, but in the movie there was no explanation how Palpatine survived the Death Star let along being thrown down the Pit of Doom.

Also I felt Leia dying to basically distract Ren was cheapened by Rey healing him. I felt this could have been done a bit better to suggest Mommy dying and him nearly killed by Rey he had a change of heart. Or why Leia died.

Actually this scene would have worked better if Leia died in the last movie when one of his wingmen blew up the bridge. Ren Force chokes his wingman afterwards. Snoke then confronts him about it later and uses Rey as his saving 'grace' to stay on the Dark Side.

Re: Episode 9 Spoilerrific review/discussion

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2020 1:56 am
by Coalition
Palpy never survived being thrown in the pit. He died, and was brought back by Sith alchemy

For the fleet at the end, I wonder how many of them showed up because it was "Fight the Final Order or Die", vs how many showed up because they lost too many hands of sabacc vs Lando

Re: Episode 9 Spoilerrific review/discussion

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2020 3:30 am
by McAvoy
Coalition wrote:Palpy never survived being thrown in the pit. He died, and was brought back by Sith alchemy

For the fleet at the end, I wonder how many of them showed up because it was "Fight the Final Order or Die", vs how many showed up because they lost too many hands of sabacc vs Lando
The rumors (which predicted the whole movie) said the Palpatine that was on the Death Star was a clone because the real one knew Vader would betray him. That was cut due to the many problems something like that would bring up.

Re: Episode 9 Spoilerrific review/discussion

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2020 1:28 pm
by Graham Kennedy
McAvoy wrote:
Coalition wrote:Palpy never survived being thrown in the pit. He died, and was brought back by Sith alchemy

For the fleet at the end, I wonder how many of them showed up because it was "Fight the Final Order or Die", vs how many showed up because they lost too many hands of sabacc vs Lando
The rumors (which predicted the whole movie) said the Palpatine that was on the Death Star was a clone because the real one knew Vader would betray him. That was cut due to the many problems something like that would bring up.
It's so nice to know that Vader's redemption and the Rebel victory at the end of Return of the Jedi is now completely meaningless.

Re: Episode 9 Spoilerrific review/discussion

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2020 1:43 pm
by Graham Kennedy
Another fun moment from the film. When Rey holds the sith dagger she's all like, "oh, this has done terrible things."

At that moment she's literally holding a lightsaber that murdered a room full of children.

Re: Episode 9 Spoilerrific review/discussion

Posted: Tue Jan 14, 2020 8:15 pm
by Nutso
Graham Kennedy wrote:Another fun moment from the film. When Rey holds the sith dagger she's all like, "oh, this has done terrible things."

At that moment she's literally holding a lightsaber that murdered a room full of children.

Re: Episode 9 Spoilerrific review/discussion

Posted: Fri Jan 17, 2020 11:18 pm
by Nutso

Re: Episode 9 Spoilerrific review/discussion

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2020 5:42 am
by Nutso