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Re: Would the Federation expand?

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2013 11:04 pm
by Teaos
I'm not saying they wouldnt want to. I'm saying the Federation wouldnt take them.

The Federation is weak politically as we see in latter trek, to much corruption and tension and movement away from their core beliefs. After the aplit of the Marques and the division that caused, along with the abandonment of the DMZ I think the politicans wouldnt risk letting the cardassians in.

Re: Would the Federation expand?

Posted: Fri Mar 01, 2013 11:18 pm
by McAvoy

Not at least until the Cardassians get their shit straight or the UFP does as well.

Re: Would the Federation expand?

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 3:08 am
by Deepcrush
If it came down to risking the CU's shift back to an aggressive resource starved population or bringing them into the UFP, then I don't see anything that would stop the Federation Council from doing so. Even when they were actively killing for no reason the UFP was pushing peace for future terms.

Re: Would the Federation expand?

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 3:18 am
by Tholian_Avenger
The Cardassians may be over as an interstellar species. Their homeworld's ecology could be ruined beyond repair. Who knows what kind of environmental damage would be sustained in the aftermath of that battle. All easily accessible resources could already be drained.

Re: Would the Federation expand?

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 4:42 am
by Deepcrush
On their homeworld maybe, but as we saw with the KE there is nothing to stop a race from rebuilding even at the loss of their homeworld.

Re: Would the Federation expand?

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 8:59 am
by Teaos
I think the klingons are more resiliant than the Cardassians.

Re: Would the Federation expand?

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 2:22 pm
by Deepcrush
Maybe, but they also are facing a far smaller problem then the Klingons did.

Re: Would the Federation expand?

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 2:35 pm
by Captain Seafort
Deepcrush wrote:Maybe, but they also are facing a far smaller problem then the Klingons did.
Hardly. The Klingons suffered the loss of their main energy production facility and ecological damage to their homeworld that would render it lifeless over a span of decades. The Cardassians suffered colossal loss of life, both during the war and during the attempted genocide of them as a species, with their major cities bombarded from orbit. It's like comparing a more severe version of the sort of damage Earth is suffering now to a nuclear war.

Re: Would the Federation expand?

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 2:44 pm
by Deepcrush
The loss of life maybe be hard, but is correctable and in fact makes feeding the surviving population easier. The loss of a habitable planet isn't the same as having your major city blasted. Either way you are supplying a planet but in one case your are just rebuilding cities while in the other you have to create a livable (but artificial) world on an already dying world that will never recover.

Re: Would the Federation expand?

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 3:51 pm
by Captain Seafort
Deepcrush wrote:The loss of a habitable planet isn't the same as having your major city blasted. Either way you are supplying a planet but in one case your are just rebuilding cities while in the other you have to create a livable (but artificial) world on an already dying world that will never recover.
In the case of Kronos, they weren't talking about producing an artificial environment - they were planning the complete evacuation of the planet over half a century. That sort of timescale would have allowed them to take the planet's heavy industry with them, and the minimal loss of life (apart from Praxis itself) means that they would have had the manpower to rebuild. The Cardassians would not only have suffered colossal damage to their industry, but the loss of life would have caused serious problems with rebuilding.

Re: Would the Federation expand?

Posted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 8:28 pm
by Deepcrush
Still only requires a basic rebuild of the populated (or formerly such) areas which remains a far more simplistic concern then having to save a whole planet.

Re: Would the Federation expand?

Posted: Sun Mar 03, 2013 9:03 pm
by McAvoy
Well if Qronos has a population the size of Earth of let's say 7 billion then that is an impressive feat.

7 billion mouths to feed and its not like you can pack up a factory and then unpack if. Unless it is a replicator....

Re: Would the Federation expand?

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2013 9:22 am
by DarkMoineau
McAvoy wrote:Well if Qronos has a population the size of Earth of let's say 7 billion then that is an impressive feat.

7 billion mouths to feed and its not like you can pack up a factory and then unpack if. Unless it is a replicator....
And i don't remember replicators in 2291.

And yes I come after the battle ;)

Re: Would the Federation expand?

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2013 2:54 am
by McAvoy
2291? I don't remember seeing anything that remotely looks like a replicator in STVI.

I honestly think the replicator came in the 24th century and anything we see in TOS is an advanced form of 3D printing.

Re: Would the Federation expand?

Posted: Mon Sep 30, 2013 8:03 pm
by Coalition
The Klingon Empire would have the necessary space infrastructure to transport people and resources. It is a capital planet, so I expect a lot of Houses have fleets nearby, and that it is a trade/tribute hub. I also expect Qo'Nos to be a military hub as well, so there would be troopships, warships, and all sorts of similar vessels that could be used to move people. Explain "The Emperor Commands", and you can cram in more warriors onto each ship. As they won't be hopping as far, short-term crowding won't be as much of an issue.

The first wave to evacuate is the younger and pregnant women. Your goal is to make sure all future babies born are born off-planet. This way you don't get population growth on the ex-Homeworld. While this is going on, you are dismantling the outlier factories. Your goal should be to move the infrastructure towards central points on the planet, to make it easier to pick up. At the same time, you are moving people to those central locations, so you don't have to worry about crazies in the wilderness staying (but if they really want to stay, let them). This uses the existing infrastructure, and as the outlying areas are evacuated, they no longer need maintenance cutting part of the budget.

There would be planet-watch satellites maintained, as you don't want surprise earthquakes, storms, or tidal waves causing problems with the evacuation. You have a timetable set up, you have a schedule for infrastructure and people, and you have the necessary space capability to move everyone. The fun part would be the first panickers who try to leave, or the nobles who decide to have their property evacuated instead of industrial equipment. The panickers will go to a planet, and have no way to support themselves, while the nobles will likely find the Emperor telling them that half their ships will be allocated to moving infrastructure, and any ships that attempt to leave orbit will be scanned to make sure their ships are full (scanning teams will be composed of rival houses, to make sure the scans are done thoroughly). Smart Houses will be offering people rides out, in exchange for oaths of loyalty to make the individual Houses stronger.

It also plays to the mindset, where each person has a purpose in their life, either in service to the Emperor, or to a House Lord (who is 'loyal' to the Emperor). The ones who panicked abandoned their oaths to the Emperor, and have to live with the result.

You would even be using some of that infrastructure on-planet to construct transports, both for cargo and people, to help move the population off-world. Since they are being moved to already-colonized planets, you can skip a step in the colonization checklist. One step might even be constructing basic space stations, so the last few people can be evacuated to orbit, rather than needing to transport them to another planet. The space stations will steadily need to be evacuated as well, but it will serve as a basic shelter as the planet gets worse. Cargo storage in space will be easy, just make a giant net and store stuff inside. Excess buildings will be melted down for scrap, to build the ships/stations/nets. Figure anything that could be used for raw materials will be, as it has already been mined and refined.

Fifty years would be fairly doable, the key issue would be finding planets to move everyone to. The last five years I expect to see the planet polluted, as nobody is going to live there anyway so there is no point in saving the planet.

Another bit of fun is the Emperor owing favors to the Houses that agree to take people in. This will cause political issues in the future, but if being Emperor was easy, anyone could do it.