YOU are hired to create ENT

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Re: YOU are hired to create ENT

Post by Teaos »

I thought the temporal cold war was a rather interesting idea, and probably the most ballsy one of the series.
It was a pointless arc since timetravel is pointless. Either you are destroyed or everything ends up like it always was. Since we know its the latter option the story becomes pointless. Also the fact B&B said they had no plan for it.
As for the so-called "advanced weapons" that's perfectly ligit retconning, since "The Cage" was the only episode to use "Lasers".
They were mentioned to have used lasers elsewhere and it wouldnt have hurt the show to use them. But they just said "fuck it we'll do what we like" its not a big deal but it just shows the lack of respect and a desire to try anything new. Why go through the effort of using lasers when we can just do the same stuff again?
And what's the problem with the Xindi and the attack on earth?
It was to big of a plot point. Hell it was probably one of the biggest 5 events in human history and nothing was heard of it at all in the future? Also the idea of the Xindi as a species annoyed me, the unlikelyhood of that happening and the sphere builders stupid plot to destory earth. Why not do it 100 years eariler when humans had no chance at all to fight back? Why send a warning shot in the form of the probe? And the idea of a death star was utterly stupid.
What evil Vulcans?
Well "evil" is a hyperbole. But they are portrayed a lot more nastily than we are lead to believe they were and are. Again a massive plot point that you would think is mentioned in the future.
transporters are not advanced
Those transporters can do almost anything TNG ones could do. They should just be for cargo if at all and only from pad to pad not point to point.
The ship could only go Warp 5 on the original scale
And yet it gets to the Klingon home world in a few days. Funny I didnt know the Klingon home world was closer than the nearest star...
And the design isn't that bad.
The design is great. Thats the problem.
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Re: YOU are hired to create ENT

Post by Sionnach Glic »

Funny I didnt know the Klingon home world was closer than the nearest star...
According to the writers it is. Aparently, it's only 4 light years away. :roll:
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Re: YOU are hired to create ENT

Post by Blackstar the Chakat »

It was to big of a plot point. Hell it was probably one of the biggest 5 events in human history and nothing was heard of it at all in the future?
It's not like it would come up in conversation. When was the last time you talked about the dropping of the atomic bombs in a normal conversation?
But they are portrayed a lot more nastily than we are lead to believe they were and are. Again a massive plot point that you would think is mentioned in the future.
Ya, because we all talk about how mean people were 100-200 years ago in everyday conversation. We barely had anything on Vulcan politics prior to Ent.
Those transporters can do almost anything TNG ones could do. They should just be for cargo if at all and only from pad to pad not point to point.
You mean move from point a to point b?
And yet it gets to the Klingon home world in a few days. Funny I didnt know the Klingon home world was closer than the nearest star...
They saved time by using the carpool lane :P
The design is great. Thats the problem
You're upset that it's a 'great' design?
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Re: YOU are hired to create ENT

Post by Mikey »

You're upset that it's a 'great' design?
The problem is that it is too good, and definitely too modern (akin to late 24th-century designs) - and too unrelated to previously established 22nd century designs - to fit in to the timeframe in which ENT was set.
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Re: YOU are hired to create ENT

Post by Teaos »

It's not like it would come up in conversation. When was the last time you talked about the dropping of the atomic bombs in a normal conversation?
Couple of days ago.
Ya, because we all talk about how mean people were 100-200 years ago in everyday conversation. We barely had anything on Vulcan politics prior to Ent.
A Vulcan civil war and them hindering the advancement of humanity is something you would expect to be mentioned at some point.
You mean move from point a to point b?
I mean limit their ability, cargo only and only go from one transport pad to another pad. I imagin the development of transported that didnt need pads were a big step.
They saved time by using the carpool lane
It shows how they were un willing to follow the rules a prequel series so desperatly needs. It wouldnt have mattered at all if they said it had taken them a few weeks to get their.
You're upset that it's a 'great' design?
It fits into a TNG fleet not a pre TOS fleet. It should look like the Granddad of the Consitution.
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Re: YOU are hired to create ENT

Post by Blackstar the Chakat »

A Vulcan civil war and them hindering the advancement of humanity is something you would expect to be mentioned at some point.
Well, that war lasted only a few days didn't it? And the 'hindering' stuff isn't that interesting and arguably what was best for humanity anyway, as humans learned the hard and eventually led to the creation of the Prime Directive. And we didn't see them talk about history or any subject where those matters would be appropriate to mention.
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Re: YOU are hired to create ENT

Post by Mikey »

ChakatBlackstar wrote:
A Vulcan civil war and them hindering the advancement of humanity is something you would expect to be mentioned at some point.
Well, that war lasted only a few days didn't it? And the 'hindering' stuff isn't that interesting and arguably what was best for humanity anyway, as humans learned the hard and eventually led to the creation of the Prime Directive. And we didn't see them talk about history or any subject where those matters would be appropriate to mention.
Actually, the "bad guy" Vulcans is one of ENT's points which I don't really have a problem with. It was counter to many assumptions that were already set, but didn't actually directly contradict anything that had already been established. There were enough other parts of ENT that did make such a contradiction that the Vulcan issue paled in comparison.
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Re: YOU are hired to create ENT

Post by Blackstar the Chakat »

Mikey wrote:
ChakatBlackstar wrote:
A Vulcan civil war and them hindering the advancement of humanity is something you would expect to be mentioned at some point.
Well, that war lasted only a few days didn't it? And the 'hindering' stuff isn't that interesting and arguably what was best for humanity anyway, as humans learned the hard and eventually led to the creation of the Prime Directive. And we didn't see them talk about history or any subject where those matters would be appropriate to mention.
Actually, the "bad guy" Vulcans is one of ENT's points which I don't really have a problem with. It was counter to many assumptions that were already set, but didn't actually directly contradict anything that had already been established. There were enough other parts of ENT that did make such a contradiction that the Vulcan issue paled in comparison.
Thank you. I think you've brought out the biggest issue with people not liking ENT. Okay, it did make a few contradictions, like the Romulan cloak. But there are a lot of things that didn't actually contradict anything that had already been established. We know that phasers weren't around in the 22nd century, but just because Phase pistols act in a manner similar to phasers doesn't mean they're phasers. We know the Earth-Romulan war was fought with primitive atomic weapons and "lasers" but that doesn't mean some ships, like the NX-class weren't equipped with more powerful then easily available weapons(like how most air battles in WWII were fought by propeller drivin aircraft but there were Jet and Rocket propelled planes that were sent out by the Germans) . As for the Transporter, there was nothing ever said about the technology's development. As for the Xindi attack on earth, well, that was devastating, but so was the Holocaust and this is the first time I've talked about it outside of a classroom.

The problem some people have with the series is that it contridicted a lot of assumptions. There were a few actual contradictions, but I think all Star Trek series have done that at some point. Wesley saying the Klingons were part of the federation, Trills changing in just about everyway, and Voyager's...actually I think we complain enough about Voyager, but you get the picture.
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Re: YOU are hired to create ENT

Post by Mikey »

I think this is different than an in-series contradiction because it basically goes against what previous franchises have established. I know Blackstar has mentioned the question of why those series should carry more weight than ENT, but the simple answer is: they were there first. It is the responsibility of a prequel series to respect that.

The problem I have with saying, "phase pistols aren't necessarily phasers," etc., is that in the show the impression was of a clumsily covered attempt to have phasers, etc. The way these things were presented meant that I would have had to actively and critically reason that they weren't actually phasers, but the show shouldn't FORCE me to have to do that.
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Re: YOU are hired to create ENT

Post by KuvahMagh »

As was mentioned the Tech was way to advanced, they should have had Coil Guns for personal weapons, I wouldn't have even given them Hand Lasers. The ship should have been armed in a similar manner with mention that they were in the process of testing Ship based Lasers and that the design was made to accommodate them when they became available. Spatial Torpedoes or w/e they were called could theoretically been Nuclear Devices but they didn't really seem like it to me, though I will admit I am not a Nuclear Phyciscist specializing in the detonation of Nuclear Weapons in Space so I would concede that point.

The Transporter was way to advanced, to use it you should have had to be within 1000km (give or take a few) and beaming inanimate objects from one pad to another. All Sentient/Living (That includes animals and plants) transport should have required the Shuttlepods. They shouldn't have had real time visual communication over distances portrayed, this should have been limited to a few thousand km at best, real time radio beyond that up to a certain point and then restricted to time delayed radio.

Pretty much everything observed about the Romulans was wrong, from cloaks to drone ships that can repair themselves. An interesting ark could have come out of having a "Vulcan" observer on board for an episode or two, then later revealing (to the audience) that it was really a Romulan collecting intel.
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Re: YOU are hired to create ENT

Post by Aaron »

Honestly? I develop the TV equivilant of Duke Nukem Forever, I spend the budget on booze, strippers, whores and speed. After I drag it out as long as I can I bugger off to a non-extradtion country and leave a studio filled with pizza boxes.

The TV series that gets made about that will be a thousand times better than what ENT was or could have been.
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Re: YOU are hired to create ENT

Post by Blackstar the Chakat »

I think I would actually would change the shuttlebay. The verticle launch/recovery system and only two shuttlepods is stupid.
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Re: YOU are hired to create ENT

Post by RK_Striker_JK_5 »

I didn't have too much of a problem with ENT, but then again, most of you know that.

Phase-pistols? Less powerful than the lasers on 'The Cage' and a hell of a lot les versatile than phasers. The NX is a saucer with nacelles bolted on-no real secondary hull at all. The most primitive design that could be and it still being Starfleetish.

Vulcans always had an air of arrogance about them, even Spock. 'Evil Vulcans'? No, they're acting pretty much like most of the Vulcans in canon.

Distances to and fro has always been a bit of a problem, so I don't have a beef with the travel time to Q'onos.
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Re: YOU are hired to create ENT

Post by Aaron »

ChakatBlackstar wrote:I think I would actually would change the shuttlebay. The verticle launch/recovery system and only two shuttlepods is stupid.
Agreed, that was a horrible design decision. Inexcusable for the fact that we have by that point, two centuries or so of powered flight and aircraft carriers. They should be able to design something more efficent than that. I'd hate to be in a shuttle and have to be recovered while under fire with that system.
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Re: YOU are hired to create ENT

Post by Blackstar the Chakat »

Cpl Kendall wrote:
ChakatBlackstar wrote:I think I would actually would change the shuttlebay. The verticle launch/recovery system and only two shuttlepods is stupid.
Agreed, that was a horrible design decision. Inexcusable for the fact that we have by that point, two centuries or so of powered flight and aircraft carriers. They should be able to design something more efficent than that. I'd hate to be in a shuttle and have to be recovered while under fire with that system.
Even more inexcusable since they were supposed to be more reliant on shuttlepods. Although from an out-of-universe point of view, a large shuttlebay, even a small but reasonably sized one would be an expensive set. Or at least a very big greenscreen. In fact I don't think we saw much in terms of an actual regular shuttlebay set until Enterprise.

TOS' was a miniature. TNG's main shuttlebay was only seen once, as a miniature(the time loop episode with the Bozeman) although they did have the smaller aux shuttlebay on occasion. DS9 had those runabout...gaurages which we only saw inside of on rare occasions, during launch or when the Ferengi shuttle or the Romulan shuttle was there. Voyager's few internal shots of the shuttlebay were all CGI I think.
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