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Re: Mikey is looking for someone to try 40K with

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 12:39 am
by sunnyside
Ok. Hopefully you meant for me to keep the Rhino out of the woods.

Mikey is up. None of the units have LOS on anything so just moves.

Re: Mikey is looking for someone to try 40K with

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 1:02 am
by Mikey
OK... I was kind of hoping he'd be going into that little northern end of the woods, but oh well.

Let's move the vets to H3; squad #1 to B7; missile launchers to D8; squad #2 to I7; and the command squad to H7.

Re: Mikey is looking for someone to try 40K with

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 1:27 am
by sunnyside
Alright difficult terrain tests

squad 1

squad 2


and moved everyone as best I can.


Alright stitch your up. Remember you have to say if you want to use the smoke it isn't reactive, and using it means the Rhino can't take its two 24" shots. Though it can move a full 12" and deploy and stuff.

Re: Mikey is looking for someone to try 40K with

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 1:35 am
by Mikey
The Rhino is armed with one forward-mounted storm bolter, right?

Re: Mikey is looking for someone to try 40K with

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 1:44 am
by stitch626
Ok, I'm going to take a big risk. :worried:
I want the Rhino to
1) deploy the marines
2) activate the one use smoke screen
3) move as close to the G on the map as it can

I don't care if it gets stuck, I'm desparate!
However, that is why I deployed my men.

Also, if possible, I would like my marines to distance themselves from the Rhino. Say in the B2 direction.

Re: Mikey is looking for someone to try 40K with

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 1:58 am
by sunnyside

At least I think the not being afraid of getting stuck when the situation calls for it is a good idea.


Mikey is up.

Re: Mikey is looking for someone to try 40K with

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 2:28 am
by Mikey
OK - veterans to G4, and two shots from each plasma gun at the Rhino. I know it used the smoke launchers, but I can't target the tac Marines at all. While we're at it, we'll fire both heavy bolters and all three missile launchers at the Rhino, too. Even with the smoke, maybe we'll combine to do something.

Re: Mikey is looking for someone to try 40K with

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 2:50 am
by sunnyside
Ok. FIring the plasma guns last as that squad is crossing their fingers that explosions come out of the smoke after the missiles go in.

heavy bolter #1
1,4,5 2 hits
2,2 neith gets through the armor (need 6's the roll +strength 5 of the bolt needs to equal the strength 11 of the side armor)

Heavy bolter #2

Missile launchers
5,4 Ok those Krak missiles are strength 8 so they need 3s for glancing hits and 4s for penetrating hits. That would be two penetrating hits, but the smoke degrades them.
1,1 Ok that's bad luck. The vehicle is only shaken (can't shoot next turn).

Plasma fires away!
3,2,3,2,6,4 4 hits 2 possible meltdowns (2s melt on double taps)
3,2,4,5 that would be 1 glancing and 1 penetrating hit for the s7 plasma but downgraded to 2 glancings

Ok that would be two weapon destroyed results. Since there isn't a second weapon however the other becomes a vehicle imobilized result. So the Rhino is pretty much a hunk of metal just sitting there. It does have a special rule(the only vehicle with it I think) that it can try to repair itself on subsequent turns and move again. It needs to not be shaken to do that (and it is shaken this turn from the missile hits).

Now vets roll to see if they survive overheating plasma weapons.
1,6 one isn't wounded
5 and the other makes their armor save. Well, not the best of luck on the vehicle damage tables but I'd say that balances it out.

The smoke moves away from the Rhino so on the next turn penetrating hits would be penetrating hits so long as the shooters have a clear shot at the Rhino.


Stitch you're up. I'm curious what your plan for those marines is.

Re: Mikey is looking for someone to try 40K with

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2008 9:04 pm
by stitch626
A partial success. It did not get stuck, but it got badly damaged. :( Would have been fine if it wasn't for those stupid plasma thingies. :x

Did you say I could repair it? If at all possible, I would like to. Probly not going to help, though.
Now for my marines. Can they just make our lives easier and commit suicide?
I can't remember what I was going to do, so I will move my marines into the D1 area. Then they break down and cry.

Re: Mikey is looking for someone to try 40K with

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2008 9:07 pm
by Reliant121
would you call this Stereotypical depressed emo marines?

Re: Mikey is looking for someone to try 40K with

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2008 9:16 pm
by Mikey
The Emperor's Adeptus Astartes do NOT cry - if the are in a completely hopeless position, they simply kill enough others to make people fear the Emperor's wrath.

I think I'll wait a bit to see if you'd rather actually do something else. And yes, the Rhino can attempt to repair itself next turn - it would be this turn, but it's "shaken."

Re: Mikey is looking for someone to try 40K with

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2008 9:19 pm
by stitch626
Right now I feel like I'm playing a game of chess with only the King and Queen left while you have everyone.
I don't know what to do. :cry:

And sunny, my move is a couple posts up, if you haven't seen it.

Re: Mikey is looking for someone to try 40K with

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2008 9:24 pm
by Mikey
I'm certainly no expert, but I think I've had the advantage of "background" knowledge of the WH40k universe - which includes the fact that Space Marines are best served standing toe-to-toe with their enemies and slaughtering them in close combat. I don't know in game terms, but with their higher stats and power armor, I don't think it would be a stretch to say that one Space Marine in hand-to-hand combat is easily worth three or more Imperial Guardsmen, and would still come out grinning. The flipside is that I also had the idea that Imperial Guardsmen are best served shooting in massed formations from as far away as possible.

Re: Mikey is looking for someone to try 40K with

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2008 9:41 pm
by sunnyside
Actually I think I may call this one. There are only 2 turns left and only moving 6" neither of your troops should contact the others. The only way they'd see combat is if Mikey did some weird moves straight up with his veterans so they could get shot up on the last turn or if stitch stepped into the woods to get shot up.

What would happen is a couple turns of Mikey shooting at the Rhino before it can repair for lack of other targets.

Here I'll roll for the shots Mikey would fire in his next action with the heavy bolter and missiles

3,2,5 1 hit
5 penetrating hit
3 chance to downgrade to a glance due to intervening low cover from bushes(don't block LOS but makes shooting a bit less effective at half concealed vehicles by downgrading penetrating hits to glancing on a 4,5 or 6 it doesn't
3 stunned EDIT: Actually that's vehicle immobilized again. Which would be turned into weapon destroyed but there isn't a weapon left to destroy so the Rhino just blows up.

So the Rhino is dead.

Re: Mikey is looking for someone to try 40K with

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2008 9:46 pm
by stitch626
Yeah, and I am not going into the woods. Wow I botched this game. I think I should read up a little before taking anyone else on.