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Re: Avatar [SPOILERS]

Post by IanKennedy »

Tyyr wrote:
IanKennedy wrote:That's perhaps because you approach it like you seem to do most things. You decide what you think and then survey the evidence. You have been saying for weeks on here that this was not a good film. So when you finally saw it of cause you could not get into the mood to take it for what it was, rather than what you expected it to be. I certainly thought as Nick did that it ended with both sides being "right" and "wrong".

If you didn't like it I'm fine with that, everyone is different. I just wish you had seen it before you actually decided that.
Mmm, well I'm glad we've got psychics like you here who can tell me my thought process. Yeah, based off what I heard going in I didn't have high hopes for the movie. Guess what though, it was a James Cameron movie who's done two of my favorite movies of all time Aliens and the Abyss and I was going with family and friends who in general love this kind of movie so I did my best to get into it. I tried. I still didn't enjoy anything but the visuals and the 3D. If it makes you feel better to assume I didn't give it a fair shake, hey whatever makes you feel better.
I don't need to be psychic, just observant. You've been talking about it for weeks without even seeing it. No matter what people said to you you simply dismissed it. You had made up your mind before you saw it. I'm not suggesting that you should change your opinion, just that you should not have had an opinion before you saw the thing.
I've never seen Pocahontas so I was probably a lot better off than you. I don't tend to go for traditional Disney films, the more modern CGI ones are better.
No arguement but Pocahontas is an example and as I've said before this general story was old before Disney ever touched it.
As for cliche, it's been suggested that there are only actually 7 main plots to choose from, that goes for books as well as film. In other words everything is a cliche, you have to distinguish your self in other ways. This did that with the Avatars, the plant/planet biology and such. I don't see it as much of a problem that things are '... in space', after all the whole of trek is basically 'something... in space'.
The "in space" statement refers to taking an old story, changing the setting a bit, and putting it out there as something new when its just something old with window dressing. Yeah, sometimes Trek does it but sometimes they do something new with it. The plant/planet biology thing was nice, but it was just the old, "deep spiritual connection to nature," thing given a semi-scientific explanation in the form of entangled nervous systems and a planet wide neural network acting as a psuedo-brain. The Avatars, I'll grant you that one they were something you really haven't seen before but all it did was physically let Jake carry out the usual training montage where the outsider learns about the native's culture. In other words it took something that could have been different, the invader stays the small relatively weak creature while the natives are towering aliens. It wiped that out and brought Jake up to the Na'vi's physical standards so he could play out the trope as usual rather than bring something new to the story by letting there be a far more obvious impediment to Jake getting in good with the natives rather than him just not getting it.
You had to have him involved in the learning so that a) you can see how different the place is, b) it would be absurd of him to simply change his mind quickly without the learning and c) he had to get the data for the humans to make their work simple. A brand new world that you know nothing of, not having trained for it etc, is a good reason to not get it. In fact I can't think of a better one. It's far far better than simple cultural differences (which I presume is the Pocahontas issue). This place truly was alien, there really was a 'god'. The beliefs of the natives, for once, really did in a measurable way turn out to be real, not just a matter of personal preference or viewpoint.
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Re: Avatar [SPOILERS]

Post by Tyyr »

IanKennedy wrote:I don't need to be psychic, just observant. You've been talking about it for weeks without even seeing it. No matter what people said to you you simply dismissed it. You had made up your mind before you saw it. I'm not suggesting that you should change your opinion, just that you should not have had an opinion before you saw the thing.
The only time I've expressed an opinion as to Avatar's plot was once in this thread back when the general description of it was what I'd heard. Based off that, yeah it sounded weak. I made a few comments in the early going when the very vague general plot was all that was available but as I heard a little more I dropped it. I'll happily admit that I was wrong about a likely anti-technology bias.

And regardless of what I might have said earlier you still would have to be psychic to know in what mindset I was in when I went to see this movie. You're just flat out wrong. I've had a bug in my wife's ear for three weeks about how I really want to go see the movie in theaters and not wait for the DVD. I went with a group of family and friends who was excited to go and see it. I sat down fully intent on just watching the movie and giving it a fair shake and I did.

Finally, if I was so dead set that this movie was going to suck please explain to me why I went and blew twenty bucks to go see it.

You wanna debate some of the points I made that's great I'm happy to, but don't presume to try and tell me what I was thinking.
You had to have him involved in the learning
That's not the issue. You obviously have to have some kind learning experience to move him from marine to Na'vi warrioir. That's not the issue. It's the method. They honestly spent $300 million dollars on this movie and did a training montage complete with him attempting a "simple" task and failing so his main competition with the natives could laugh at him. It's that it was done in such a cliche manner.
so that a) you can see how different the place is, b) it would be absurd of him to simply change his mind quickly without the learning and c) he had to get the data for the humans to make their work simple. A brand new world that you know nothing of, not having trained for it etc, is a good reason to not get it. In fact I can't think of a better one. It's far far better than simple cultural differences.
That's just it, it's not that different. The Na'vi are Hollywood indians. They ride horses. They have a coming of age ritual where a to become a warrior the young trainee must caputer and tame a steed. They live as one with nature. They revere nature. They believe that life is sacred. You have predators that resemble and act like dogs (the small black creatures that attacked Jake on the first night) or big cats. You've got your monkies, your elephant/rhino. The only animals in the forest that were anything unusual were the tree of life's seeds and the Banshees which were still pretty close to just being pteradons/dragons. There's nothing that utterly alien about Pandora except that most creatures have six legs and four eyes. It's fucking gorgeous, but its not that alien.
This place truly was alien, there really was a 'god'. The beliefs of the natives, for once, really did in a measurable way turn out to be real, not just a matter of personal preference or viewpoint.
That's part of my problem. They dumbed it down. Typically in these kind of stories there's an element of faith. The natives believe in something not immediately quantifiable and as part of their learning the protagonist and the audience come around to the point where maybe they don't agree, but they can respect it and see the native's viewpoint well enough to not piss all over it. In Avatar they remove the element of faith and make the native's god and belief in nature quantifiable facts. So it's no longer the antagonists not accepting what is essentially a belief system, they are now going against scientific fact. You no longer have two groups coming to different conclusions about a belief system you have one group that's right and one that's wrong and you can prove it with science. You've removed any gray area that could exist in this choice and replaced with black and white, right and wrong and you've dumbed it down. I don't object to the concept of being able to quantify these things but in the context of this already cliche ridden story you've taken an element and made it different... but you've moved it in the wrong way. Instead of innovating with it you dumbed it down even farther and required even less thought out of the audience.
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Re: Avatar [SPOILERS]

Post by Deepcrush »

Finally saw this movie, or most of it, and to be honest I just wasn't impressed. Its a fine kid/preteen movie but there really wasn't anything special about it.

I'd give it a 6/10, maybe a 7/10. I wouldn't pay for it but I'd watch it if it were on tv.
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Re: Avatar [SPOILERS]

Post by Sionnach Glic »

That's more or less my reading on it. Yeah, it looked spectacular. But aside from that it was just....meh.
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Re: Avatar [SPOILERS]

Post by Captain Seafort »

What have I been saying for the past six months, without even having to see the thing? It's Pocahontas in space.
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Re: Avatar [SPOILERS]

Post by Sionnach Glic »

I'd actually advise renting the DVD when it comes out. While the plot is far from spectacular and relies a bit too much on characters being idiotic at points, I'd still say it's worth giving it a watch. The last half hour or so of the movie is basically a pretty entertaining battle, and it's got the best CGI I've ever seen.
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Re: Avatar [SPOILERS]

Post by Tyyr »

It's well worth a rent just to enjoy the visuals and the catgirl aliens.

Captain Seafort wrote:What have I been saying for the past six months, without even having to see the thing? It's Pocahontas in space.
So very very true.
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