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Re: 'Solo' 4 day open of $104 million disappointing?

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2019 12:27 am
by Startrekanmore
I figure the reason "Solo" was such a disappointment was not because it was a bad movie. au contraire, it was for me an enjoyable watch. No that fact of the matter is that of the last four SW films to be released, two were good and two were utter pieces of crap. And unfortunately, "Solo" bore the brunt of fan backlash against "TFA" and TLJ" which were flat out bad movies. Let's face it, while not blatant, TFA was a ripoff of ANH. I guess jar jar abrams was berift of original ideas anr reverted back to the strafing run on a planet sized weapon that the baddies had devloped/were developing. Isolated? now way, jar jar did the same thing in ST V2 Into Darkness ripping off "TWOK " AND a concept from one of of the Star Trek Books (Dreadnaught by Diane Carey) and plot idea from another (The Final Reflection by John M. Ford).

Given enough money for one movie later this year and the choice is SW IX and a hypothetical stand slone SW movie (about Obi Wan, Boba Fett, whomever or whatever), my money goes to see the stand alone movie every time

Re: 'Solo' 4 day open of $104 million disappointing?

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2019 1:29 am
by McAvoy
There is be no more stand alone movies at this time. They all have been shelved in the wake of Solo. They are just focusing on IX.

With that being said, TFA has a host of issues by itself. Slow moving bombers, the way the opening scene was presented. The out of place humor or jokes that if you really think about it, was never in the other six.

The whole casino thing was pointless. Purple lady ramming the fleet at lightspeed made all other movies obsolete. Think about that, if you can do that to a fleet, then you don't need to send fighters to do a trench run on the two Death Stars. You get a big enough ship to do exactly that and you could severely cripple the Death Stars. You can have whole fleets of small ships piloted by droids aiming at the big ships.

Leia doing a Mary Poppin thing was just weird.

Purple Lady not sharing any info and even risking a mutiny just to stay silent on her plans.

That and the outcry of the fans was met with hostility from Disney even calling them sexist.

Re: 'Solo' 4 day open of $104 million disappointing?

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2019 4:52 pm
by Coalition
McAvoy wrote: Purple Lady not sharing any info and even risking a mutiny just to stay silent on her plans.
Would have been seen as a sign of strength if a guy had told pilot Po to shut up and get back to his post?

Another idea is that Admiral Holdo should have just told Po that she suspected a spy or spies on board, which is the reason she wasn't sharing her plans

Re: 'Solo' 4 day open of $104 million disappointing?

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2019 9:13 pm
by Graham Kennedy
Coalition wrote:
McAvoy wrote: Purple Lady not sharing any info and even risking a mutiny just to stay silent on her plans.
Would have been seen as a sign of strength if a guy had told pilot Po to shut up and get back to his post?

Another idea is that Admiral Holdo should have just told Po that she suspected a spy or spies on board, which is the reason she wasn't sharing her plans
Do that, and then instead of the ridiculous trip to the casino, have a subplot of Po trying to find the traitor.

Re: 'Solo' 4 day open of $104 million disappointing?

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2019 12:48 am
by Bryan Moore
Graham Kennedy wrote:
Coalition wrote:
McAvoy wrote: Purple Lady not sharing any info and even risking a mutiny just to stay silent on her plans.
Would have been seen as a sign of strength if a guy had told pilot Po to shut up and get back to his post?

Another idea is that Admiral Holdo should have just told Po that she suspected a spy or spies on board, which is the reason she wasn't sharing her plans
Do that, and then instead of the ridiculous trip to the casino, have a subplot of Po trying to find the traitor.
That would have been far more interesting and logical. That casino bit was utterly progressive drivel thrown in for the fun of pointing out that the galaxy is an oppressive place and giving our minority heroes something to do. Fuck that whole film.

Re: 'Solo' 4 day open of $104 million disappointing?

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2019 2:02 am
by Graham Kennedy
I do a bit of writing now and again, and one side effect of that is that you start to pick apart plotlines in stuff you read and watch, thinking about what you'd do instead.

Honestly, I think what I would have done?

Admiral Purple won't tell anyone her plan. There's no mention of a hyperspace detection system, rather the First Order are following them because there's a tracker onboard - just as was done to the Falcon in the first movie. Poe gets the job of finding the traitor, and after twists and turns...

...the traitor turns out to be Finn. He either changed his mind after defecting, or he was a double agent all along who defected to find the resistance. That's a bold move, given that Finn was quite popular, but I think it works.

Then end the film one of two ways. One, they come up with a way of stealthing the transports. Everyone goes into them and the big ships jump away, leading the First Order on a wild goose chase. The end.

But that's a bit anticlimactic, maybe, so two, they send out the call for help, and at the last moment ships start jumping in. A motely group of cruisers from a hundred different species, dozens and dozens of them. A big battle drives the First Order off and they retreat. We end on the hopeful note of "they thought they were on the verge of wiping us out... but they have made us more powerful than ever. And now we take the fight to them."

Throughout all this, Luke is training Rey. Properly training her, with time given to it! In fact I'd probably say the reason he was on that island is that he was gathering students to a new Jedi academy he was founding there, training Jedi for the upcoming fight. In fact he could take his new Jedi force and arrive as part of the fleet that saves the day. Maybe that's what drives Snoke off, knowing that he doesn't just face a huge fleet, but Luke Skywalker coming for him in person.

Anyway, I'd do something like that if it were me. Oddly, they forgot to ask me though.

Re: 'Solo' 4 day open of $104 million disappointing?

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2019 3:01 am
by McAvoy
One thing that bothered me alot the most is how Mary Sue Rey is. Between the movies is a matter of days. The TLJ is a matter of days as well. We went from Rey knowing nothing about Jedi or the Force to basically doing what Luke could not do in the Empire Strikes Back. Lifting many tons of rock easily.

She beat him in combat, something he should be a master at, even rusty at this point. Her whole journey is basically given to her. She never earned it, never lost or sacrificed anything. Just given to her when she needed it.

She beat Snokes elite gaurds and did a better job at it then Ren.

She could have followed a similar route to Luke in learning on the fly how to use the Force but still struggle.

Ren isn't credible as a villain. Aside from his looks which isnt intimidating at all (should have kept the mask on longer until a great reveal), he acts like a brat. A child throwing a temper tantrum.

The General that I suppose is the leader of the military is a joke. He also acts like a over the top evil military man.